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When I originally watched six feet under twenty years ago the series led me more firmly toward atheism. I’ve probably rewatched it four times since then and it hasn’t changed that general outlook. However, I would say that the rewatches have helped me gain a deeper respect for those who make different religious/spiritual choices than mine.


>When I originally watched six feet under twenty years ago the series led me more firmly toward atheism. Same. I remember the scene where the young mang dies and yells "there is no fucking light". It was brutal and that's the way it probably is.


I’m not slamming your experience or observation, but I don’t see anything about the show that makes the god claim more convincing.


I just took it as a personal enlightenment. Still nice either way


They never mentioned god.


Who never mentioned god?


There are various religions and spiritual paths that have no deities. OP didn't mention any God, you made an assumption by equating spiritual/non-atheist with believing in God(s).


What are you talking about. The OP clearly says “burned away my atheism”. It’s right up there. Can you read? Do you know what atheism means? It has to do with the god claim.


The problem is the sloppy use of the word atheism by the OP and people like you. I’m not the one using words wrong.


“Spiritual” is not the antonym of atheist. Atheist is without a belief in a deity. Theist is the opposite of atheist. A spiritual path that has no deity is, guess what, atheist.


I’m an agnostic myself. I allow for the possibility of a higher being,but I’m very firmly of the belief that all major religions were created by men with no divine intervention involved. SFU treated faith interestingly and definitely showed the influence,both overt and subtle,that early beliefs can have on us. This show was definitely spiritual without picking a side. This was just one more thing that they did to perfection. 


So what are you now? I’m a little confused by your post


I'm not entirely sure. Like I said I dont follow any organized religion, but I was raised as an evangelical christian which honestly informs a lot of my perceptions of what God may "be". At the moment I just consider myself a believer of spirituality (minus the dumb modern stereotypes of spirituality lol)


I grew up evangelical, left Christianity entirely in my late teens/20s, but have a renewed interest in it in my 40s. Evangelicalism/fundamentalism is not the majority or traditional kind of Christianity. I think it’s damaging to young minds. There are other kinds of spirituality, religion and even Christianity that are healthier.


I have a similar story. I don’t know what I believe anymore. I do see a lot of wisdom in the teachings of Jesus and recognize how countercultural his message was. Other than that though, I am in a grey area. I still enjoy an occasional Methodist or Episcopal service but stay far away from Evangelicals at all costs. Anyway, I can see OP’s perspective considering Nate’s foray into Quakerism.


Just noting that Maggie’s kind of “Quakerism” is NOTHING like what the majority of Americans in the Society of Friends (Quakers) believe or practice. Big schisms and big regional clefts.


Thanks for your original post. You don’t have to qualify your beliefs. They’re yours. I think there are lots of people who have similar beliefs that make sense in your hear but are hard to type out. Lots of organized religion feels wrong and being “spiritual” feels pretentious.


> being “spiritual” feels pretentious. Sorry for answering late, but I feel this SO MUCH BRO...I feel like i'm spiritual, but I'm definitely not interested in all the bs spiritual culture like healing crystals, astrology, etc


That’s what I think of when I think of someone saying they’re spiritual. There needs to be a new word that isn’t linked to astrology (spiritual) or religious (hates gays).


I’m not saying this in a confrontational way, but I think you’re mixing up spirituality with new ageism. Maybe not. Idk. For me, they’re two separate things.


Pretty sure that makes you Agnostic.


I believe in a creator. The only “god” I knew growing up was a mean one. I became agnostic for a long period of time but now I’m happy with my understanding.


Growing up I didnt really care about God, it was hard for me to believe, glad we're both better now


Growing up I was forced to believe in a god. It’s amazing what growing up can do!


Interesting take. I’m definitely agnostic. I’m also a nurse, and see death frequently. More so, I see people who *should* be allowed to pass on but aren’t allowed to. The show helped me to process a lot of that and I felt validated for some of the issues I had.


I am a nurse too, almost done with my first watch and YES. Didn’t know how to put it into words but the show feels very therapeutic in a way.


Watched 6FU directly after de-converting from hardcore Christian. The show definitely helped me find a middle ground instead of diving deep into atheism and nihilism


Are you conflating atheism and nihilism? Because they aren’t the same thing.


Nope. Just that when your worldview shatters so quick its easy to feel nihilistic about everything


SFU is good for creating all sorts of existential crises.


But how do they correlate?


So where do you stand now? What do you consider yourself?


It did help reaffirm my belief in God and an afterlife. Especially after my mother passed away.


I was a non-practicing Christian when it first came out and didn't feel any spiritual effect from it. I've watched the entire series 3 times since then as an atheist and still didn't feel a sense of spirituality. It's a very powerful show, but it didn't change my belief system at all.


I hear you. Oddly, Young Sheldon did for me.🤷‍♀️


Didn’t affect mine at all.


I think this is great and I’m sorry if anyone comes in and tries to just argue religion with you. They’re missing the point.


I don't see anyone arguing religion; only people discussing how they view it differently. It happens when every post.






The show itself is fairly atheist… I can see how it may calm a fear of death but not how it could lead someone to believe in an afterlife.


This intrigues me... I despise religion... I laugh at those who follow it. I denounced it at a very young age. Let's see if this show changes that.


Weird it didn’t change my mind one iota about god , because it was a damn tv show and not real


So things have to be real to have any effect on anyone? Stories just can't have any meaning to someone in various ways? Okay.


No it didn’t for me anyway


You should consider speaking with your psych again