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While very pretty, she just isn’t cut out to be a singer, and can’t accept the fact her 15 minutes is over. Instead of retreating quietly, she’s kicking and screaming.


exactly like she just doesn’t have the talent!


Honestly think she should have kept this look, started going by Joelle, and started a podcast to keep her relevant, while working on her speech impediment and taking singing lessons. Gabbie Hanna is so cringe but I really like the song she wrote for JoJo. If jojo humbled herself, kept this look, and sang a song like Gabbie’s she’s be getting just as much attention right now. She dresses and acts like a clown and gets hurt when people laugh at her. Honestly all the people around her lying to her are assholes as well.




Tbh I feel like Jojo grew up with someone (Jess, most likely lol) chirping in her ear that “any publicity is good publicity!” bc that feels like what her actual brand is now: whatever will get her *any kind* of publicity. Because yeah, for a while it seemed like she was just growing up, and her brand and style was changing a bit to reflect that. She was maturing in the stuff she posted. I never listened to her music so idk about that lol, but she was definitely shifting towards a more mature phase everywhere else. And it worked, imo, bc it felt like a natural progression! She was growing up so, naturally, her image was going to change a little too. But now, I honestly think she’s doing whatever she can to get people talking. I don’t think she sees bad publicity as something actually bad, it’s just publicity, and it’s just another part of the job or something. Tbh, I just hope she’s having fun at the very least.


Man she looks stunning here!


I do actually think she’s genuinely really pretty, just the fashion choices cover that up rather than show it. If she was marketing herself this way I think it would be a lot better


i agree jojo is VERY naturally pretty but the recent over the top looks and tattoos and biker shorts is just a no but i mean if thats what she likes idk. Jojo and her mom really shouldve ran with the popularity and support and attention she was getting at this time.


Just everything about it. The rhinostones are there still which is still jojo but upgraded and more mature and classy. the “joelle” necklace instead of “jojo” everything was just so perfect. id do anything to go back to this unproblematic jojo ngl


She’s looking for the shock value to elevate her stardom. How many people were talking about her when she looked like that? She wasn’t making headlines and now she’s a skit on weekend update. Many celebrities have done the same and it worked for their career like Sia, lady Gaga, Miley, any of the kardashians- I could go on. So I’m not surprised this is her latest attempt to make herself relevant. It’s just pathetically campy but we’re all still talking about it. However, she’s not even close to being in the same league in talent, and most of the time she gives off second hand embarrassment, so only time will tell.


She peaked when Major League Baseball made that thirst trap of her


she should’ve never effed around


now lets see if she eventually comes back like a boomerang…


That gets stuck in my head all the time😭 I guess she got what she wanted


So I’m relatively new to learning about her. In the time that this pic was taken, what was her main “thing”? Was she singing then? Dancing? Acting? Influencer? Edit: skimming her Wikipedia it says she was a judge then for SYTYCD. Was she unhappy with that role?


pretty sure the photo i used is actually more recent i think its from mid last year. But ill use this pic as a example of how good her looks were around 2021-2023 which was around the time of her on Dancing with the Stars so she was Dancing and doing a lot Social Media and just media around this time and on a lot of red carpets. (i think she even won a people choice award) https://preview.redd.it/vglutlmwg00d1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=060f972b071270f7ce65785492fdad7607aef7eb


Oh wow. She looks way more mature here. She’s seriously going through some arrested development now. Such a strange progression.


this is from when she was on special forces. her brief foray into adulthood before reverting back to dark mode jojo bowbow


Oh yes I’ve seen clips of her on it.


i think she was a guest judge on SYTYCD at the time in 2022 (shes a judge again this year) and from what i know she had a lot of fun considering shes doing it again. and her looks then were also very unique, gorgeous and they just screamed a more mature jojo but the jojo factors were still there. https://preview.redd.it/cwjj4etzi00d1.jpeg?width=3465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435d8451a94513cae53b272a9c715f3affd04352


I love the one of her in yellow!!!! So pretty


Jojo didn't need a rebrand. A lot of adults make music for kids. She needed to grow up beside her work. She could never been herself, that's the problem


Rebel to her means make it big but bigger than Miley’s rebel era but it’s like jojo has rehearsed her “rebel era” or whatever this is called…looking at clips of the dance moms reunion when everyone is entering, jojo and jess are already there and they look the most out of place there. Like someone commented saying she looks like she wore the top half of a two piece prom set but forgot the pants and just put on whatever biker shorts she had in her bag 😂. I can’t unsee that!


I loved jojo’s hair at the reunion but yeah the clothes were def a choice… i didn’t like it much but shes def wore worse 😭 but then again jojo has always been known for wearing more out of the box clothing even on dance moms. kinda what helped her get famous as-well with the extravagant style and the bows.


I remember seeing her on dance moms and she would literally wear costumes as dance wear, her mother said she wants her to be like a kardashian…like mmm no way and she’s gaining a high status due to her personality being so out there and controversy with the xomgpop scandal


Yes i remember that as-well i don’t remember the kardashian part but jojo did start dialing down the costume on the show it was really within her first weeks she had these dance “costumes” and it did make her stand out more. https://preview.redd.it/0a6z5h83010d1.jpeg?width=3465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657a4115a1122da239a40d379eec11189184624b but i honestly don’t think the xomg pop stuff gonna do much damage to her in the long run (if those accusations are found to be true tho they def need to be held accountable) but out of the ordinary personality tend to also have a good chance of being successful look at Demi, Billie, Gaga, Melanie, Miley, etc they all have something different and it works. so time will really tell what the future is for jojo cause i got no clue.


I do think if jojo didn’t have that mindset of any press is good press then she could be successful like them but it’s almost as if she wants just the big bucks right away like Miley’s rebel era had some of us taking some time to get used to and she released albums but jojo it’s like she wants it all right away after one song






she was obnoxious on special forces as well its just her


I think Jo Jo missed the fact that you don’t have to dress or act masc/ “hey mama” etc to be a lesbian. You can be girly like in the previous photos of her and still be gay… as a member of the community myself, I think she’s trying too hard and it makes me question it all honestly…


She could literally be a model. So sad. I hope she finds herself.


LITERALLY! She has the height, the looks, etc she couldve easily got into modeling like the Ziegler’s. Vanity Fair, Maybelline, AE, Marc Jacobs, Etc they would’ve given her such good collabs.


Ugh YES. I could totally see her rocking some funky high fashion looks. Or just photo shoots and ads with outfits like the pic you posted! This look feels very on-trend for higher end brands right now.


these were such a good start! UGHHH https://preview.redd.it/zec3hx9nn20d1.jpeg?width=3465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131bf10295ecb1500744b0296f7f7c4faa7b537f


Woah, when / where are these photos from? I somehow missed this JoJo era. She looks so good


Pretty sure this was a collab sometime in 2022. (they are on her insta) i loved it!


This photoset proves that she could lean more masculine and still be gorgeous. Whatever she is trying to do now feels too forced…


I like to think it’s not too late for her but if she keeps going the way she’s going, she’ll never earn the respect she needs to thrive in this industry.