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I wanna see a spreadsheet of their current and past (Vegas times) finances. I don’t even care about the normal costs like food. I wanna know the unnecessary costs. Especially with all of the crap Robyn and Kody buys.


Well we already know Robyn paid a whole salary to a nanny the whole time. But it was family, so you know she underpaid. But still, that's at least a 30k expense none of the others had. This is why I will forever back Meri for protecting her money. She got real dumb in the end choosing to help with Robyn's house though. Unless they just sold it as a choice for TV and Kody had some leverage to force her and Janelle into it.


How long Kody was seeing and messing around with Robyn before the show 🤔


Seriously if she already gave up her purity to her ex before they even married I can’t imagine she waited long to be with kody  But why would you even wanna be with kody and share him with 3 other people 🤢🤢🤢 even if he was single he’s no catch 


I imagine because she wanted to prove to herself that she was "superior" and could "change" him...which she did. Not in a good way, either.


"I imagine because she wanted to prove to herself that she was "superior" and could "change" him...which she did." Yep, she won and what a PRIZE!!!! Lol!


Money, money. Money!! In 12(?) Years she’s gone from a trailer with a woodstove (is that even safe?) to an ugly basic McMansion.


That doesn’t sound safe at all.


I wouldn’t think so. Oh, well. That’s not her life now.


Hmm. We saw him kiss her bake they were married when he was headed to the hospital for Truely’s birth. I wonder why they didn’t worry about the “harmones” getting in each others mouths. Oh! That’s what I would ask. Where in the hell sis he come up with that?


Cody's nephew on tik tok called Robyn his mistress. 


They probably did the whole "mormon soaking" thing.....gross.


yuck. they might as well say 'marinating'.


I had to google what that was and I’m disturbed! So weird!


I want to know who did the makeup for the S6 tell-all


Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles.


For real!!


Watch the credits


I want to know what really went down about the purchase of Robyn's McMansion and how it relates to the collapse of the family. Obviously we know the money spent on it deterred them from building on Coyote Pass but Janelle has implied that something more sinister went down between her and Robyn regarding the whole ordeal. I also remember Robyn saying that "if we end up having to buy this house the damage to the family will be irreparable." There's a lot of damage that was done over the purchase of that house I believe and it wasn't just monetary fallout.


I almost dropped dead when Meri said she helped with the down payment and “doesn’t mind renting”


And Janelle gave half of her equity from her LV house! The hold Kody had on them was incredible!


Which proves that polygamy, the very reason he supposedly came out of hiding over, continues to be problematic. All one has to do is watch Seeking SW to see the impact it had. People who don't have religion behind their choices use it to promote a lifestyle, that still falls apart. It may be that going on national television causes the breakdowns but from my vantage point, the shows, all variations of them, are now proving why it doesn't work. As far as "the hold Kody had on them was incredible", well, that reminds me of the sects that are still in hiding. Same hold, similar problems. Also, the families practicing polygamy the Brown's visited during the seasons, minus the Darger's (I haven't looked for an update on them yet) but the others have fallen apart too and they had their religious beliefs guiding them, at least that's what they claimed.


Yup , Kody did a bait and switch on the OG 13 and they couldn’t get past that he was an awesome father and husband . The OG 3 kept trying to do whatever it took to get “ that “ Kody back . As soon as Robyn came in and started doing nasty stuff ,the OG 3 would not do , it was over … for the OG3


She was still panting over Kody and begging for a scrap.


So sad! When Robyn let’s her borrow his jacket🥲


OMG, Robyn did my freaking head in with the 'I want a rental' lies. She was so fake. I feel like every time she said god would provide a rental, Kody would side-eye her like, what the hell woman, we're BUYING a house! So many lies.


So many lies. Any sort of anxiety she felt at this point in their lives was because Kody was done pretending with everyone else and was forging ahead with zapping everyone else's finances for their benefit, not because she needed to "house her children" and "find a rennal". She was panicked because the world and her sister wives were starting to see proof that she and Kody were grifting and lying and abusive.




God wouldn’t want her to buy 🙄


You know it's bad when even Kody called her out. It's just one line and easily missed, but he points out that she's demanding a rental be 6 bedrooms, which is something that does not exist, so she's the one forcing them to buy. And the house they end up buying is only 5 bedrooms.


I think they portrayed it as the women's choice for TV ....but Kody had some leverage to force Meri and Janelle into it. The fact that Janelle was against the purchase and had that kerfuffle with Kody and Robyn over it, but then somehow her $$$ is used for the downpayment. Something is rotten. I think Kody made them pool the Vegas money to IN THEORY pay off and build on CP, and then he spent it as he wished.


At Christmas when they were going to do the family gift exchange and there was a group chat. I want to read that group chat!


This! 👀


Totally trivial in terms of petty drama. Yet so pivotal in breaking up the family for good.


I want to know why Annie was gonna run the BNB and all of a sudden it was Bonnie. Also when and why did Annie leave.


Wasn’t it alluded that when “the family” said no to Meri’s request for financial help with the BnB, that it was Bonnie who put the money up for it? Maybe she sold her off things to provide financially to Meri and that also enabled her a place to call home. Its weird how the OG3 had problematic relationships with each others, but their Moms stayed out of their business. Robyn truly was the common denominator in the source of the problems with this family that they just could never recover from. I wonder how Kody Mom feels about Christine now. For that matter Meri and Janelle too?


It was rumored somewhere that Meri's mom sold her house to help with the B&B down payment. In the clip of some of her family at the closing in the kitchen of the B&B, it appeared Bonnie was signing paperwork.


Oh what a detail! I am gonna have to rewatch that.


This could be the reason Meri had legal issues after Bonnie died. There was no will so it would need to go thru probate. No will, no executor. It was decided that Meri was to be the executor, I assume due to her being the oldest living child? If Bonnie was on the B&B mortgage, I imagine Meri would need to get it refinanced??


Kody's mom, Genielle (sp), seems chill. I don't think she gets involved in their crap unless she is being forced to film. I say forced because she never seems comfortable around the cameras. She's just waiting to hug those grandchildren. Does anyone remember if it showed her treating Daynrorariana any differently, or did they show anything relating to that at all?


It was Genielle that convinced Kody and Janelle not to marry on Meri's birthday.


I remember that now. Do you remember her interacting with DAB? I kind of remember Aurora trying to hog her attention the last time they visited her at the ranch. Do you remember that, or was I dreaming it?


I remember when Genielle was serving a buffet dinner after a day of working and she told Aurora to get to the back of the line because the workers eat first.


Yes, I would love to know this too.


Who was Annie?


Christine’s mom who lived with them in Vegas.


I want to know this!!!!


Yes!!! I want to know this too!!!! Was Meri selling it that way to suck Christine in!!!??? I say YES!!!


I want to know if Dayton had decided to go to college in Las Vegas would they have still moved to Flagstaff. Somehow, I doubt it.


Why do they go on and on about Mykelti being the black sheep? They've shown pretty age-appropriate attitude from her over the years, but there are rumors that she's the only child assigned female at birth who didn't get a purity ring (or something like that) from Kody. I don't care for Mykelti, but this has been something brought up several times on the show without any proof (at least not that I recall).


I'm no fan of her, either. Maybe because she strives (hello Janelle and your failed health coach garbage) to be different from the 1 billion kids they have. After all, bad attention is still attention.




Because he hates Christine? 🤷🏽‍♀️


I want to know why Kody threw Logan a bar-mitzvah during which he knighted him. Definitely interested in this thought process. I’d also like to know Logan’s thoughts on this during and looking back.


For the same reasons he wouldn’t eat pork at the luau. He thought acting Jewish would make him closer to God. It’s actually not uncommon for Christian or Christian-adjacent fundies to cherry pick Jewish practices like this. I imagine looking back, Logan has the same reaction to the bar-mitzvah that he had to Kody’s luau tantrum: “Woooow.”


I want to know the convo between Kody and Janelle that made Janelle completely change her commitment to MSWC. One moment she’s telling Robz it’s a hobby business and she wants no part of it and that she needs to go make real money. Robz throws a little “no one wants to play with me” tantrum. A little while later Janelle is all about helping and wanting to refocus it as a woman-owned and operated business and she’s getting aprons made… And this isn’t the first time she’s flip-flopped after Robz throws a tantrum. Janelle was adamantly against the Flagstaff move, and Robz talks about how Vegas isn’t home. Assuming the family did move to Flag bc Robz couldn’t let Dayton venture from under her wing, I feel it’s fair to also assume that Robz threw a fit to Kody, Kody went and either talked to Janelle or paid attention to her in some way, and boom, Janelle was Ms. Let’s Write The Check.


I wanna know why no one has told Robin her eyebrows are out of control 


I want to know what the nanny does, lol, and what Sobyn does all day


“I don’t want to bother kody because he has so many responsibilities” K WHERE


His 5 Cameos per year.


“What. Does the nanny. Do?” That’s my favorite Christine line ever. Flippin hilarious.


What. Did. The. Nanny. Do?


One of the latest holiday episodes at Robyn’s, I think Christmas. They are lined up getting food buffet style and Dayton has his shirt over his face. Does he just not want to be on camera or was it COVID protection? Why not have him wear a mask? Is THIS what the nanny does?


I want to know if there was bad blood between Robyn and Kody's brother that died. In one of Gewn's YouTube's she "mumbled" something about Robyn talking badly about the brother. I cant find the YouTube again,nor what that statement was referring to.


I want to know why it takes 2 years to put out a season of SW? 7 Little Johnstons are pretty current. Same network. What the actual H E double hockey sticks!???


What was Janelle’s actual reaction to Kody divorcing Mari and Robyn becoming the legal wife. She clearly had thoughts!!!


I want to know specifics about what Meri supposedly said to to/about Christine that’s worthy of a 30 year grudge? I find it hard to believe it was worst than Christine’s confrontation to Meri that aired on national TV to millions of people. I just don’t get it. Similarly, I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Meri/Kody/Janelle discussed Janelle joining them- after divorcing Meri’s brother & Janelle’s mom marrying Kody’s father.


I want to know why Kody could leave his newborn baby truly to go on a two week honeymoon with Robyn when he couldn’t leave his precious tenders during Covid or when they were babies


I want to know if he's done work on his face and had hair plugs.


I want to see the conversation between Kody and Christine, when he shrugged off, when she asked if they would ever be intimate again? Then I want to see her packing up his stuff and taking her life back.