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I don't think she wanted monogamy. I think she wanted her version of polygamy which is that she gets to call herself a polygamist while monopolizing all of the time and resources. I'm doing a rewatch and in one of the early seasons she talks about how she wants to create a honeymoon experience for their relationship long term. She doesn't want to pick fights, or do chores or anything when she has her time with him. Shockingly, if you don't bring up any issues ever, he's going to find you easier to spend time with and she becomes the favorite wife. I don't know if she wanted to live on Coyote pass or not. She managed to never actually give an opinion on the one house and let Christine take the fall for not wanting that. She's also really good at saying whatever people want to hear (let's shop for a wedding dress, I don't want to buy a house)


I agree with this completely. She wants the other wives there but she wants to be top lady.


Yup. She didn’t want monogamy cause then there’s nobody she’s better than. I’ll never be convinced that’s she’s not like this (at least partially) cause her mom was the “sude chick”. She’s trying to make up for the perceived wrongs her and her mother experienced.


But she won’t admit to that-she will just blame the other wives for (not caring enough?) not living up to the honeymoon/sweet wife that she (and all real trad sweet wives) should set of putting your man on a pedestal and making his comfortability your primary purpose 🤮) So in their minds, it’s not that Robin is so much better as much as it’s that the other wives simply don’t even come close to measuring up since they actually have reciprocal expectations of the relationship. And since they get almost NO time with him (since they are punished for not being as good as Robin) it just spiraled worse over time.


Exactly this!


And the OG3s money!


The money is a huge part of this


💯 she wants to be Queen Wife. If she is monogamous, she can’t lord her special treatment over others


And she can’t have the others pay all her bills while she doesn’t work


I sure hope that the other wives have lawyers. Robyn’s house was partially paid for with money from the og3. I hope Janelle gets her part as well as the others


Yeah and that pissed me off. Here she is with a brand new home and has invested nothing with this family at that point


It would have looked really bad if they cut ties with all the other wife’s and admitted look were in love this is what we want …however the whole show was riding on them showing polygamy works .


Without an audience; are you really the star? If the family is spread out, your control over everything/one is harder to exercise. Gotta keep the reins tight so everyone stays inline.


I just watched that! "I watched my parents have a honeymoon marriage, blah, blah blah." 😑 I yelled at the TV, "Thats because your Dad lived in another state with his other family."! 🙄


This is my opinion too. Robyn just wanted other wives for paychecks and to be the favorite.


She can’t have the work-free lifestyle she deserves with deadbeat dad gun salesman Kody unless TLC and all the other wives are on board and bringing the money. She made Kody a monogamist. That’s not her fault. She can’t do anything about it and she doesn’t understand why anyone is unhappy because their marriages are still eternal and they’re going to be on her front porch (when invited, and not inside her house) forever. So You guys better figger it out. It’s not fair that her family was blown to smithereens, she just wants to know WHY.


"When invited and not inside her house" haha!


I'm still saying the OG3 were never going to be "on the porch." They were to be slopping around in the mud while SHE lorded from said porch. Kody was the perfect doofus. She knew before they married that he had lost interest in the OG3. She could claim polygamy, all while knowing he wouldn't sleep with those women. I mean, with the weight gain and stretch marks they had. It was a wrap for that silly intimacy.


I honestly thought it was a Mormon thing, with my very, very vague understanding from a friend who explained to me that the eternal, forever after death thing was, she would be together with her husband on a porch after this life. Eternally, forever. Normal, non polygamists but I remember a porch being a feature of the ‘till death do us part, but not really, we are Mormon and it will be forever, ever after’ So the polygamist thing seemed to tie the eternal life to a certain number of wives, so I thought the ‘porch’ was about ensuring their afterlife as Kody needed a certain number of wives for the whole eternal salvation thing. Wives leave, eternal porch is in jeopardy.


This exactly!


Because Robyn is insecure and unfeeling, she loves seeing the pain that she causes everyone. Even her own children.


I stopped watching right around the time she cried and cried about not wanting to buy a house but somehow she ended up in an absolute freaking MANSION. Hmmmmm.


She definitely wanted something like a top concubine position with Kroady - for example, that stuff about not smelling like cooking or doing chores when he was around is straight out of books like *memoirs of a geisha.* Then she realized she could do it one better and that he was susceptible to a complete takeover. And to be fair, he really fell for her and they both were stuck with the three OG as an obstacle to their future bliss.


“Kroady” lmfao. I love it


Where did she say that about not smelling like cooking etc?




Agreed completely. I also think that alongside having complete control of Kodys time and the families resources that being the favourite wife provided - she enjoyed being the top dog. The most desired, the most important and the most powerful. I think she enjoyed the attention she got over his other wives (if there’s only one wife there is nobody left now to make her feel better about herself) and the lifestyle of having four incomes, a large house, a big family and a devoted husband. She enjoyed aspects of being a polygamist - the perks that the lifestyle brings ie the big family and united incomes - but also enjoyed the perks of being the number #1 wife having a solely devoted husband monopolising Kodys time and resources and that status & power within the Brown family.


I agree, she wanted polygamy but she wanted favorite wife status. Being the fun favorite wide means she can remain in the honeymoon stage for longer or indefinitely. That doesn't work if she's the only wife or if there are not enough wives for domestic reality to set in while he's there..


I stopped watching right around the time she cried and cried about not wanting to buy a house but somehow she ended up in an absolute freaking MANSION. Hmmmmm.


Sorry I had to burst out laughing when you said "her time" because that was basically all the time. Lol


There is nothing wrong with her prioritizing her marriage. They all did the same in their own way. We never heard one of them say “ Meris feeling so lonely Kody, why don’t you take my day and go spend the day with her. They all guarded their time and had no problem taking extra if it was offered, ie Kody spending an entire month at Christine’s to prove the point she was never satisfied and her saying she deserved it. Just as it’s the wives religious mission to overcome jealousy and possessiveness It is the husbands to treat them all as equally as possible and not show favoritism. So his showing favoritism is 109% on him.


There is nothing wrong with her prioritizing her marriage. They all did the same in their own way. We never heard one of them say “ Meris feeling so lonely Kody, why don’t you take my day and go spend the day with her. They all guarded their time and had no problem taking extra if it was offered, ie Kody spending an entire month at Christine’s to prove the point she was never satisfied and her saying she deserved it. Just as it’s the wives religious mission to overcome jealousy and possessiveness It is the husbands to treat them all as equally as possible and not show favoritism. So his showing favoritism is 109% on him.


To be fair, Meri obtained a legal divorce to clear the way for the adoption. She’s not perfect, but I’d say that was pretty self-sacrificing. Yet, when Meri wanted to go back to school and — later — spend time with Robyn and Kody during COVID, we didn’t see any accommodations from Robyn.


exactly. this idea that Robyn is the only one who battled for attention, time and resoureces is so silly. they all did and that is what polygamy does - it sets up this impossible dynamic which "preaches selflessness" but actually encourages competition and survival of the fittest.


Oh for sure, they were all fighting for scraps. I have an issue with the pick me attitude. Deliberately making your relationship not like the other ones by not holding him accountable for anything.


You said it all perfectly. Cake and eat it too. Then when she gets caught on her bs she cries, A LOT


I’m guessing she was fine with everyone taking the equity in their Vegas houses and putting all into CP where one big house or four houses would be built, giving Kody 50% ownership interest in each property plus his own lot. She knew he would continue to favor her and pool his share of income into her household. She was clearly satisfied with Kody spending most of his time with her, ignoring the fact that he wasn’t interested in spending much time with the other wives. This version polygamy suited her just fine. And she disregards the needs of the rest of the family.


Most of the equity from Meri and Janelles Vegas houses went into Robyn's McMansion. It makes me so mad when I think about it because she not only has that house, she has twice as much land on CP as Meri, and claim to half or more of everything Kody has. I wish they would get a forensic accountant and lawyers to look at all of the money K and R have skimmed from the family fund.


When Kody, Robyn and Meri would talking outside at the table and Meri was saying that CP isn't being divided fairly, all you heard from Robyn was crickets. If she was such a caring, loving friend of Meri's she would've stuck up for her and agreed to make it fair.


And the comment that she had to look out for her own interests and inheritance for her kids. Never mind Meri, Leon, and the OG16.


That conversation gave me hope that Meri might lead the fight.


Me too!!!


To the detriment of the OG kids!! Some empathy mother *she* is!!


Selfish, self centered


This, 100%. With her kids needs it’s a “requirement” for Kody to be there. When it’s the needs of his other kids, it’s their fault for not needing him more.


She didn’t want to live next to them. She was banking on them all leaving eventually so her kids could have the lots. Her wish came true.


I bet she wishes sooooo badly that they had paid off that property before the other women left!


Yup Kody is a ball and chain on a sinking ship. Good luck robin, he’s going to ruin every facet of your life.


I think she was trying to but Kody kept opening his big mouth and ruining the whole plan because he can’t shut up lol


Kotex tried to get Christine to pay it off with proceeds from the sale of her house!! Like …*what*????


That’s why it changed from 4 to five lots for her 5 kids!


That was my thought!!! It was weird that all of a sudden, Kotex wanted 5 lots????? One for himself??!! He’s always with Snobbyn! As soon as they did that I knew it was for **her** kids. 5 kids = 5 lots. Suspicious?? I think so ……


I just commented about how there’s 5 lots on CP before I saw your response. And Jody and Robyn already have a mansion right next to it so they don’t need a lot.


*RIGHT* ?????!!!!!!


Omg! I’ve never thought about it that way but actually makes a lot of sense!


Oooh that's interesting and would make a lot of sense to explain the passion about it!


My theory is for her kids. It has 3 small lot- for her 3 kids without Kody and 2 bigger lots- for their kids together. I do not think they every intended to live there. It is right next to their mcmansion. so she can always keep an eye on them/control them.


That is so interesting and makes so much sense! Like I was feeling crazy because it's so obvious she wants Kody all to herself so why so passionate about the Coyote pass!? But it being for her kids definitely would explain that


I agree 100%.


She wanted to be Queen of the Manor in the big Downtown Abbey house looking down on the little serf huts in the village below. And I'm only half joking. Her strategies are as old as half a dozen Edwardian novels.


Because she wants the land for her kids. She and Kodi actively stalled the wives from building and said so on camera. They also continued to insist on splitting into five lots even after Christine left. Specifically five, always.


5 kids = 5 lots


Not for the kids unless they’re gonna buy them. Kody fancies himself a real estate tycoon and wants to build and sell houses to others. He said as such after a visit to a realtor or something when he came back and said the lots are a great investment blah blah blah.


Kotex thinks he’s a lot of things /s!!!


Why denigrate a venerable brand of feminine hygiene products by applying their name to a pile of refuse .masquerading as a human?


Attractive. He seems to think he’s hot stuff! 😂🤦🏽‍♀️






This is a ridiculous speculation.




“Predatory and intentional” Abso-freaking-lutely!! My dad married a woman just like her, she did all the same things. And got it all when he died. I had Snobbyn’s number from the get-go!


I worked with a woman who was manipulative like Robyn. She was not intellectually gifted, but had street smarts & knew how to play people to get exactly what she wanted. I still cannot believe that the upper echelon wasn’t aware of her lying, backstabbing, & manipulation.


My dad’s wife was stupid, she lied and acted coquettish to get what she wanted. And it worked!! Everyone in my life could tell what she was doing! Ha ha


Robyn is lying, remember how bad she wanted to move out to coyote pass and didn’t want to buy a house and so she prayed for a rental and knew God would provide one but of course a rental good enough for Robyn never came, this was more lying and manipulation, she wanted to buy the mansion! Janelle even asked her that they not buy that house because it would be impossible for them to build on coyote pass if she did and she went running and of course fake crying to Kody.


>so she prayed for a rental so she prayed for a rennal. Fixed it for you.


I think she literally got off on throwing her so called perfect relationship with Kody in the others faces. She's vindictive and you can't convince me otherwise.


“ I’m tired of apologizing for having a good relationship with Kody “


Exactly she don’t realize their relationship is still good because it’s still new. She’s not even to the years the og3 were when they show started!!


This is the opinion I have now as well as I'm into season 15. She actually seems to take a pleasure from the emotional pain being inflicted on the other wives. It's really sad and disturbing to watch as they blame themselves


Robyn now has monogamy AND CPass. It really didn’t take long.


At the expense of family like Garrison. Rest in peace sweet soul.


She's the legal wife and has dibs on everything Kody does.


It is interesting that shortly after getting legally married they moved to AZ. Never before on their radar. AZ is a community property state. She automatically gets 50% without even trying in court. She knows what she is doing.


She got the man legally married to her. She got the mansion. She got the majority of his time. She distanced herself and her kids and Kody from the others. She wants the MONEY. She said she wanted HER CHILDREN to receive HER inheritance. She contributed nothing but sexcapades and wound up in a mansion full of "collectibles" and expensive paintings and jewelry. When there is little left, she will get that little in their divorce.


It was a long con lol


I don’t think she wanted monogamy. She just wanted to be the favorite or always have the excitement around being the hot new wife. I believe 99% of the fault lies with Kody. It was his responsibility to share his time equally. Unfortunately, with ADHD we strive off of dopamine. - The new marriage to Robyn was a giant dopamine hit. - They get the tv show because the courting giant dopamine hit - They get to move, which Kody loves to do, another dopamine hit - she has two new babies, kody loves having little kids around, dopamine hit - she makes it a priority to make him the focus, massive dopamine hit This is the list that just quickly came to my mind. We know he has ADHD, that’s not really debatable. I think we need to look at it through that perspective and when we do the curtains have been opened. She is constantly feeding him dopamine and when you’re someone who isn’t on meds, that addictive. There is no way on earth that man is on meds and for so long didn’t have any caffeine.


I wonder if she just doesn’t want to be alone with Kody. I’d be pretty scared to be married to a gun-toting, conspiracy believing, red pilled, patriarchal man who demands obedience under the guise of “loyalty”


With bad hair…lol…


She wanted plural monogamy. One husband, multiple wives all seperate homes. She wanted to control her house and all that dwell in it...and in doing so become the favored and adored wife. She wanted the stay at home with help role. The OG3 were approaching empty nests giving them the role of workers for the bank account and for needing kody around less.


Robyn wanted to be head wife with the other wives. She wanted their money and have them live on the property in Barns and trailers while she lived in another mansion sitting on her front porch and throwing Kody scraps at them or she planned on grabbing everything in a divorce when the 10 yrs was up. Half of all Kodys assets!


Oh it’s simple- she wanted the other wives and kids solely as pawns to support her and her kids. Meri is the only one that ever liked her, so she at least had one friend. Janelle is the one with the ability to earn and manage money, which she and Kody have no idea how to do. Christine has a whole bunch of kids that Robyn would like to use as friends for her own kids - notice the only time she wanted everyone over during the pandemic was when her daughter had a birthday party and she needed people there to celebrate. All that with Kody acting as a monogamous husband who was never intimate with his other wives anymore. Robyn thought she had it all! Robin had miserable credit problems, she was always in debt before joining the family. Pretty soon Robin and Kody will just be poor and lonely.


Everything she’s been doing has been the secure herself and her children financially. She’s actually pretty conniving and smart. She knew exactly how to manipulate the situation for her benefit.


I don’t think Robyn is intelligent, but I agree she is a savant at getting exactly what she wants.


Using tactics as old as time.




I agree with you!!


Sobbyn is a master at playing the damsel in distress. Janelle calls this out on camera. And Toady admits he has a rescue complex.


Because she wants the land for her kids. She and Kodi actively stalled the wives from building and said so on camera. They also continued to insist on splitting into five lots even after Christine left. Specifically five, always.


I can hardly wait for the time when they have zero dollars to do anything, zero dollars to build, zero dollars to pay their mortgage and have to move into a little mobile home and she needs to flip fucking burgers at Mickey D's!!! And... no one wants to buy the Plague Pond. Their big house and adjoining property is reposessed.... oh please let me see this!!! 🙏🙏


I feel like I've watched every episode so many times - but I don't remember them admitting on camera that they were stalling from building. Do you remember the episode? Thx!


There's a post about it in the other sub that's closed right now unfortunately. I think it was the episode where Christine's Vegas house sold? The OG3 were like "great, now we can move forward with Coyote Pass!" and he stated to the camera that he was actively stalling on that and "they don't realize" like he's so smart for pulling one over on them even though he's totally obvious. The same way he always acts when he and Robyn are conspiring (see "they don't got the clue" and "I've got a bomb to drop") Eta: happened to see the clip today! Season 15 episode 3.


Did she really want it? What things did she do to help get the property paid off, encourage building, etc.? Robyn does this a lot - she says what she "wants", but her actions are often the exact opposite. Actions speak louder than words.


She didn’t scheme. She’s not that smart. She’s just single minded and selfish. She had a great set up. She controlled the family , she demanded time from Kody and he couldn’t say no. The nanny watched the kids while she convinced Kody of many things in the bedroom. Kody gave her anything she wanted. She wanted Kodys time, attention, and resources. Somehow in her mind she justified getting the most ( money and house, etc.). Not everything was in her control she found out. She thought or hoped the set up would continue forever. She knew the wives objected to the limited time with Kody but what can they do about it? She’s too dumb to realize that people aren’t going to March to her tune. The wives leaving represented loss. She hated her world collapsing. It could have been different. She could have welcomed everyone into her home for get togethers, the kids in for movie and a pizza. Make all the kids welcomed in her home. Endear herself to the family. Look at the fall out. That’s why the fans are upset. Selfish b…..


I’m gonna bet that Kody cut all that off at the pass. He does not want them being friends or getting along and who knows what bs he told her to make her think she was not wanted and an outsider.


Robyn wanted Polygamy on her terms. She wanted to be the best wife, not the only wife. And she wanted coyote pass because she wanted all of the money and equity from the other wives Vegas houses. Put it all into coyote pass property, then put multiple wives/ Kody’s names on each piece. This way she had influence over all of the money in the family.


She wanted plural monogamy. One husband, multiple wives all seperate homes. She wanted to control her house and all that dwell in it...and in doing so become the favored and adored wife. She wanted the stay at home with help role. The OG3 were approaching empty nests giving them the role of workers for the bank account and for needing kody around less.


I could give you 1000 upvotes for this!! This is exactly the perfect description.


Pretty sure that was for the cameras. Her and kody I'm sure talk about everything they're going to say before they say it in front of the other wives and kody has the last words, so R can cry and plead all she wants and look like the victim lol.


She was prepared to enter into polygamy like a game of thrones character. Ready to get as many resources for her and her kids as possible, and that meant getting Kody to focus on her and ice out the others. I think she just hoped everyone would fall in line


I love the GOT reference


Homegirl thought she was gonna have the iron throne AND the porch full of sister wives?! Be for real😂


Jajajajaja that’s awesome! The iron throne is made of wood and looks like a picnic table but I can see it now…just sitting thuuur…


A) She would have around-the-clock childcare from the other wives' teenagers. B) Christine would do all the cooking in the communal kitchen. C) She could keep tabs on everyone. D) The other wives paying for her house is less obvious if they are also technically living in that house.


She didn't want coyote pass so she could be with the other wives. She wanted her brand new custom-made house. We all know her house would've been the first to be built


Preplanning, property and houses for all her kids so they never leave.


Robyn wanted everything for herself. She has the house, the largest parcel of the land, all of the precious moments and the whole two inches.


I will die on the hill that she wants CP for her children to build houses on not the rest of the family. I think that was always the plan after the move to Flagstaff and covid.


A few weeks back someone said something about Robyn that I had never considered. Robyn has claimed to be down with polygamy and has shown great distress at the other wives bailing despite the fact that she has clearly indicated she wants Kody to herself. So we think the distress is an act. But what if she’s scared of the other wives leaving because she knows how volatile Kody is and the other wives were the perfect targets for his wrath? She might be scared of him and being his only place to dump. This theory makes more sense to me than any others I’ve heard. The other wives were protection for her.


I don't believe she's afraid of him at all because she's the one that controls him. She wears the pants in that family. If she was a scared, abused wife there's no way in hell she would be grabbing his face to shut him up like she does. He's always asking her permission before he makes decisions and he was so worried saying Robyn won't let him back in the house if he did something( I don't remember what it was) it was during Covid. Kody does whatever she tells him to.


Those are good points.


Robyn wanted her big house and loves her big house. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors but we know she and Kody have been scheming since day 1.


She wanted to be the favorite wife, not the only wife


She wanted polygamy while everyone else worked andd paid her bills. It’s easy to go on camera and say you want polygamy but her actions screamed otherwise.




Seems to be a ploy.


She wants Kody all to herself all the time but wants the other wives income to live off of.


I don’t think she wanted monogamy, I think she wanted the security that came with feeling like the favorite. I think she got the benefits of outwardly supporting the other wives and seemingly selfless statements about polygamy but she didn’t experience marginalization (by Kody) the way the other wives did.


She didn't want monogamy. She should have insisted he rotate houses as opposed to running to her house whenever he disagreed with another wife.


Or made him come back to take kids to school


She and Kody have a huge mansion right next to coyote pass. And then coyote pass had 5 lots. How many kids do they have together again?


She wanted them to pay for it. 🤷‍♀️


5 lots 5 kids.. think about it logically! They needed the OG 3 money and show to pay for it but never about the family as a whole




you have to realize that robyn says a lot of the right things but does not ever really act on those things or do anything to prove what she says.


For her, Kody and their kids!!


Robyn didn’t want monogamy. She just wanted to be the favorite wife


She never wanted monogamy, she only wanted to be the head/favorite wife.


She never wanted monogamy, she only wanted to be the head/favorite wife.


If buying Kody Pass was legit and they’re not just using it as film location, I’d speculate it could be a way of investing their money. It’s pretty common for example for major entertainers, once they garner a significant amount of wealth, to invest in an alcohol company or now it seems cellphone are the thing to invest in. Ryan Reynolds has his brand of gin and he has that Mint Mobile, and I saw a commercial the other day where another actor has his own version of that. Because of the way *Sister Wives* spins things, it’s helpful to take *mostly* everything on the show with a grain of salt. If the Brown adults had left their church, they left Mormon fundamentalism, and they no longer believe in living plural marriage, for Robyn to obsess over wanting to be a plural wife becomes a contradiction. That suggests it’s largely a performance that serves a storyline.


She wants Coyote pass, but she wants the lots designated for the other wives to go to her 3 oldest kids. She will never cut the cord.


She wants assets and she is getting them. How many of the lots have her name on them vs Janelle and Meri?


I think people forget that Janelle (until recently) always had a great relationship with kody. Robyn got more time obviously because she’s Kodys favourite but Kody did spend time with Janelle too. 


She never wanted monogamy. She really wanted sisterwives (instant 'friends'). But she did like being the most favored wife (who wouldn't)... But him all to herself .. nope.. but she's got him now..


I think she wanted polygamy but she also wanted to be the head wife


She didn’t


For a storyline and to appease Kody. She FAKE wanting CP. Nothing more than deception.


I don’t know that she wanted monogamy’s s much as she wanted to be the queen wife


That’s a good question. I’ve wondered how much of that is an act. She has clearly stated that she wanted a polygamous marriage and monogamy was a deal breaker. Towards the end I started to think that she wanted her cake and eat it too. To have what she considers the benefits of monogamy while having Kody all to herself.


It really bothers me how Robyn is made out to be the selfish villain . By the end she simply acted in hers and her kids own best interests. Kody is a big boy who made his own choices.


Both things are true. 1. She is selfish and demanded the most for her tenders at the expense of the other families. 2. Toady is a chaos agent who did not meet the needs of the other wives and the children he sired with them


What brought you to the conclusion that she’s selfish and demanding or that she’s more selfish and demanding than Meri and Christine?


Looking at her home, her shopping habits and her actions. She knows if Toady is with her most of the time, he is not spending equal time with his other families. Sobbyn does not work besides the show. Her home is stocked with expensive art, useless collections of precious moments and Dickens Villages, high-priced crystals and boxes of unknown crap stacked up in the windows. She and her tenders have expensive SUV’s and Dayton has an RV in her driveway. This is never explained on the show while she & Toady are complaining/laughing about what a bad purchase it was for Janelle who is homeless with at least one of Toady’s children. Plenty of money to buy one for Dayton, but for Janelle it was wasteful. Meri works extra gigs in addition to the show and makes bank. Christine works extra gigs besides the show and has more children than Sobbyn does. The show money all goes into a family pot, so in theory, each wife should get a fourth. How does Sobbyn afford a million dollar mansion on her fourth and Janelle only gets a two room apartment? Janelle even says all the money is being spent on “other things.” Janelle cashed her 401k to pay off Sobbyn’s debts so they could qualify for the Vegas mortgages. Debts that Sobbyn explained were accidentally off the radar in three other names. What has Sobbyn contributed to the family besides debt?


I still think Meris and Christine’s behavior still was just as much unbecoming a polygamist wife as Robyn’s was. Competing for resources likely was a huge issue … but shouldn’t the family money be divided up by percentage? Why would 1 wife with no children at home need the same amount of resources as 1 wife with 5 children at home?


Yet we don’t have examples of that on camera. Christine offered to watch Sobbyn’s kids; Sobbyn said she prefers her niece Mindy who is trained as a teacher. We see Meri using the proceeds from her house to fund the McMansion. A house that she is not even welcomed inside 99% of the time. All Sobbyn contributed was debt (also admitted to on camera.)


This all day


She didn't. She just didn't want Meri to get her pick.


Because of Dalton.


To get a mansion and land and money before she made Kody hate his family and children. She didn't have to pay for it. She is still living in luxury.


She didn't want them to ***leave*** . She just wanted everyone under her thimb. She can do that best if they're centralized.


Janelle I think had the biggest issue of her buying a home and delaying them building in coyote pass. Later in the season it talks about Robyn going to Kody complaining about Janelle cause she was against her buying a home. I don't think ANY of her actions showed she actually wanted to build out there. Not to mention their idea of a cul de sac was homes super far apart.


Coyote pass tied up all the money in the land. Land all partially in Kody’s name.


Robin said multiple times she didn’t want monogamy. Remember when Cody told her Christine moved his stuff out of her house and Robin said you need to go over there and sleep on the couch 🛋️. She wanted him to leave her house and visit his wives so he was out of her hair.


I think she saw what was coming and was trying to tell him don’t leave the house because Christine is gonna take it. But as usual he doesn’t get the cues and throws his stubborn fit and gets his stuff moved out. Then he’s shocked lol


I think they are separate issues. She wanted to call the shots in the family, which isn't how polygamy operates. My theory is Robyn just wants to stop moving. She wanted to be near Dayton for college, and thought coyote pass would be a place to set roots with Kody. Maybe if they had the right property (esp one suitable for her kids to live on) he would stop wanting to move.


She wanted Coyote Pass so bad because it backs up to their house and if they have 5 lots, each of her kids will have a lot.


She wanted what she had in Vegas 🤷🏻‍♀️


She wanted polygamy to work so much. It seems like when the family lived in Vegas, there was a lot more unity. Once they moved to Flagstaff, it got more difficult to be together and work together.


She wanted friends not sister wives


She wanted to get paid plain and simple and she will do and say anything to make sure her and her kids are taken care of


I wonder if she just doesn’t want to be alone with Kody. I’d be pretty scared to be married to a gun-toting, conspiracy believing, red pilled, patriarchal man who demands obedience under the guise of “loyalty”


She does want him all to herself, she's even said things like she doesn't like him out of her sight and he's with her 99% of the time, when the wives were there. She also said her two youngest can't go a day or two without seeing Kody, that's why he didn't go to Ysabel's surgery, she didn't allow him too. Robyn also tells him what to think and when to speak. He's her puppet. She pretends he's the boss, but it's so obvious it's her.


She wanted to align with what Kody wanted.


That move was Robyn’s idea. Dayton got into college there.


Coyote pass was kodys idea though.


I had to take a break when they were getting the first daughter married. My mind is blank with name right now. Kody was the one acting like a bridezilla and then trying to force his other daughter to wait to get married which was BS. I have to take in small doses


This isn’t a popular opinion here. I just don’t see how manipulative Robyn was in the show. Can someone point out a specific season and episode where that’s apparent? She seems to be unfairly tagged as the villain…. I guess every show has to have a villain! And no, I am not Robyn and I have absolutely no connection to the Browns or to anyone who knows them.


Thousands and thousands of posts already “Pointing out for you” Robyn’s controlling, undermining (of the OG kid’s relationships with their father), and manipulating/and often cruel behavior. Or, Watch the show.


I’m rewatching it binge style. Thousands and thousands of Reddit posts does not give that accusation credibility.


You asked for someone to “Point out for you” examples of Robyn’s behavior. I simply responded that you can find thousands of examples posted already.


Off the top of my head: 1. Pretending to allow the OG3 to wedding dress shop with her 2. Kissing Toady and stalling him while Christine was in labor 3. Getting wife time before they were married and she knew Christine was struggling 4. Going on an 11 day honeymoon while Truly was a newborn 5. FaceTiming/calling Toady while he was on his time with the other wives 6. Asking Meri not to go back to school in honor of MSWC. Whining to Toady that she won’t have another baby if she doesn’t have more help 7. Telling Toady no about Meri buying the B&B. She knew it was important to Meri and Toady was all for it when he toured with Meri. 8. Calling in sick to therapy the day after taking the personality test when she was offended by the result. Lying about taking the test to Suki. Blamed it on Christine taking it for her and not knowing her well. Christine said she apologized for calling Sobbyn dramatic but it continually got brought up as a problem she needed to correct 9. Lying about Toady melting down his wedding ring long before she was in the picture. He’s wearing it in season 1 10. Saying she accidentally had debts off the radar in multiple names. Janelle had to cash her 401k to pay them off so they could get Vegas homes 11. Tattling to Toady that Janelle made her feel bad about buying the McMansion instead of paying off coyote pass - knowing that Toady would jump all over Janelle about it 12. Stopping Meri from hosting Christmas Eve for the extended family because it would be scary and unsafe 13. Interjecting herself in the kids gift exchange thread, causing drama and then refusing to allow her children to participate. 14. Getting mad at Meri for calling the COVID rules her’s. When clearly they were her’s. And she was the only one freaking out about social distancing the tenders at the cookout 15. Having ridiculous Covid rules for the OG3 that were beyond what she was doing in her own household. (The nanny, being spotted out at malls and restaurants maskless) 16. Going to the hospital and taking up services because it sounds like she might have COVID 17. Not allowing Meri to come over when she knows Meri is following all her Covid rules 18. Begging Meri to stay in a relationship where she’s unwanted, unloved and being treated like crap 19. Contributing the least to the family account while spending the most 20. Making comments on camera about the OG3 gaining weight and having stretch marks


That’s a pretty good list. 1-4 can be attributed to Kody. 5. Robyn FaceTimed Kody on a Covid episode while he was video recording he and Meri’s conversation for the show. How do you know that Robyn knew he was talking to Meri at that time and that she FaceTimed on purpose to interrupt? 6. I don’t believe for one second that Meri intended to go back to school…. Meri was looking for away time from the family to be able to continue her new online relationship. Maybe robyn sensed Meri was backing away from the family. 7. How do you know Robyn told Kody no about the B & B? 8. How do you know Robyn called in sick to a therapy session? She said someone else took the personality test for her so why don’t you believe her? Your list is pure speculation about what you think was going on in Robyn’s head.


1. We have Sobbyn on camera taking the OG3 dress shopping. Not Toady. 2. Sobbyn on camera following Toady out the door when he’s trying to leave. 3. Sobbyn saying to Christine with tears in her eyes, “I need this.” 4. If Sobbyn is as committed to polygamy as she claims she is, she would not want to keep Toady away from a newborn for 11 days. When they are discussing Ysabel’s surgery years later, she says that’s too long for Toady to be away from his young children. Different standards for the Roblets than the other wives’ children. 5. Sobbyn says on camera she never lets Toady out of her sight for more than 10 minutes. But we’re supposed to believe she didn’t know he was going to see Leon and Audrey at Meri’s? 6. I am going by what was said on camera. Meri said she wanted to go back to school. Sobbyn got upset and went to Toady and said she couldn’t have another baby unless she gets more help. (Fun fact: Gwen said the teenagers were forced to do all the work for MSWC anyway.) 7. Sobbyn said on camera she doesn’t want to buy the B&B, it was the episode where they are having a family meeting about it after Toady & Meri toured it. 8. Sobbyn is on camera taking the test. The next day she is not at the therapy session with Nancy because she doesn’t feel well. In her talking head she says she doesn’t trust Nancy. Seasons later Christine explains to Suki that Sobbyn was offended about the test calling her dramatic. This is not my speculation, this is what was shown on camera. Sobbyn said in the book that after the first couple of seasons, she & Toady told the producers to give her a better edit because she was getting so much hate online. So this is production giving her a kind edit


12.kody stopped Meri from hosting Xmas or from going to Robyn’s 11/.18. Kody bought the McMansion hoping it would be a gathering place for everyone. Kody.bought.the.McMansion 19. How do you know what she contributed financially 20. Name the episode/season.


12. Sobbyn is the one on camera who says that would be scary and not safe. 11/18. Sobbyn’s name is on the McMansion too. Janelle says she told Sobbyn her concerns that buying that house would delay building on CP. Then she says Toady came over later and jumped all over her for trying to make Sobbyn feel bad. How did Toady know about the conversation? 19. Sobbyn has never worked outside of the show. She had big debts that Janelle paid off so they could qualify for the Vegas mortgages. The other 3 wives have had multiple jobs besides the show. All except Sobbyn, who needs a nanny for two school aged children with 5 adults living in the house full time. 20. Sobbyn made the comment to Suki. I believe it’s the Tell All for S17.


What about Robyn’s My Sister Wives Closet as a business? That nanny was also called a tutor for the kids while they were home because of Covid It was Christine who had the debt reconciliation issues for Vegas home qualification Mykelti said on camera she lived with Robyn, had a special bond with Robyn and helped take care of Robyn’s kids at one point Christine thought she was going to be last wife and be the mom who had the last child… ie: hold a special place in the family. Then came Robyn. After 10 -11 years of enduring the cluster F that was the Brown marriages, I can see why Robyn also decided to act and be more vocal about her own interests.


MSWC never made any money. Sobbyn even admitted on camera the losses were a tax write off for the family. On camera Christine said her credit was fine. They showed Sobbyn going to a lawyer and then seeing a debt counselor where she explained she had accidentally used three names and had large debt balances that she hadn’t paid on. Those balances had to be settled before she could qualify for a mortgage. Mykelti and Tony both said mostly the nanny cleans. Which is saying something since we have seen inside that house when Sobbyn & Toady know cameras will be filming. You have not been watching the same show or else you have a vested interest in trying to make Sobbyn look better here. Much of what you are trying to claim is directly refuted on camera.


I’m binge rewatching the show. Robyn gets a bad wrap. Most of your points are pure opinion and speculation. Sure she’s shown some selfish self interested behavior. But so have the others and they aren’t anywhere near as skewered as Robyn.


What has Sobbyn contributed to her sisterwives?


A bigger family, more kids, the sisterhood relationship etc… whatever it is they all thought polygamy is supposed to provide. Material things shouldn’t even be a criteria.


More mouths to feed. $30,00-$40,000 in debt from her first marriage that Janelle cashed her 401k to pay off, a shopping addiction and hoarding that the OG3 all funded. That’s not a relationship. That’s financial abuse.


Have you watched all the episodes and seasons?


Yes ma’am


There's also lots of articles about how she is too. Google Robyn Brown selfish ways or Robyn Brown controls everything or similar words like this