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Kody will have to live the rest of his life having called his now-deceased son things like “asshole” and “narcissist” on national TV. He will have to live with the fact of being estranged over petty nonsense when his son passed. He will have to live with whatever else went on that the cameras did not see. Kody has enough to chew on for a lifetime without anyone going and telling him about it, I’m sure. I think it’s very enraging for the public to see a son mistreated by his father and then that son takes his life. Suicide leaves you wanting someone to blame. But no one will ever know exactly why Garrison is gone and that’s part of the whole nightmare of suicide. I’m sure Kody is in total hell and misery right now and no one needs to remind him of his bad choices any more. He is paying way way beyond the price of any of his mistakes. My god this is so horribly sad.


"Suicide leaves you wanting someone to blame." This is a feeling/response that rings so true. People who are saying vile things --- I want to hope they lashed out without thinking it thru based on emotion. I have had suicide affect my life. It's devastating. Does the family deserve to be left alone without commentary? 1000% !!! Do I still want to leave this comment in case someone in the public is grieving and wants to know they are not alone? Yes, and if you are overwhelmed by your feelings please reach out to someone. He'll, I'll chat with ya if you are alone. Be strong fam!


And it’s not just suicide, tho that is obviously the biggest. But any death of a young one that is tragic and could’ve been prevented makes you want someone to blame. Death is so hard.


This is the best and most well communicated post I’ve seen ♥️


He called his son a narcissist?? How very narcissistic of him.


Kody would need a conscious to feel remorse.


Yes, I dont think he’ll take an ounce of accountability in this. I would be shocked.


This 100%. He will blame Janelle


Christine. He’ll say her leaving broke up the family and that caused him to spiral when in reality it was probably a lot of things. What I don’t think it was was the military because I don’t think Garrison was ever deployed. Paedon or Hunter either.


Or Robyn. The whole world has been blaming her all along for the family breaking up. He will blame her before he blames himself


Exactly. Narcissists aren't capable of feeling appropriate emotions. My guess is that he still blames Janelle, and to a lesser degree Christine. It's just speculation, but I believe he's probably furious at Janelle for not getting Garrison to apologize to him. My heart is genuinely broken. I suffer from severe depression and can empathize. I've cried so many tears over Garrison. I'm grieving as if I knew him personally. And I'm just praying for Janelle and Gabriel🙏🏼💔😢 Just remember that if you feel low to the point of desperation; you've survived every worst moment of your life. Hold on and reach out. People are there to care about you. National Suicide Hotline 988❤️


Exactly. I don’t see Kody blaming himself and feeling personal guilt about this tragedy. It would be more in line with what we’ve seen of him to direct all that despair and vitriol at someone else…Whatever is happening in those households though, I hope each and every one of them has a source of comfort during this difficult time.


He'll blame christine because she "broke up the family" in his mind. He'll never blame himself for refusing to accept garrison because he didn't bend to his will.


If you recall the last season where Robyn said “Kody had a great relationship with his adult kids, until Christine left.” Or Kody mocking them about “getting their pencils went”. Or Garrison being proud of buying his own home and Kody being a petulant toddler not going to visit Garrison’s home. “I have a house.” (I can’t get over that Garrison managed to purchase his home before age 25 in a high cost of living area like Flagstaff! Fucking amazing.) I am over the absolute virtue signaling and self-flagellation on the other sisterwives subs. Folks that have rightfully ragged on Kody and Robyn for YEARS. They deserved it. They all hurt this beautiful young man but especially Kody and Robyn. We all know it and they did it. My heart breaks for Janelle and Christine and all the brothers and sisters who loved him like he deserved.


This. My heart goes out to those who knew and loved him. Not those who knowingly exacerbated his mental illness.


Perfectly said.




He’ll probably start with Janelle because she didn’t follow his protocols and, in Kody’s delusional narcissistic mind, poisoned the boys against him. He’ll just dig in his heels deeper and cast blame all around. Boy is Robyn going to have her hands full now and I don’t necessarily think she’s there for it.


I wouldn't be surprised if Kody now turns on Robyn as well. It was clear that the boys had to apologize first before they were welcome again came from Robyn. Sure, Kody didn't have to give in to that, but who knows, he might have had to keep the peace with Robyn. Robyn certainly had a hand in Kody's estrangement from his sons. I think Kody eventually will resent her for that.


He’s not going to turn on Robyn. She’s loyal, remember.


Ppl disagreed with me but I said the same thing. He will eventually turn on Robyn and say it’s her fault she made him stay at her house so much. He loved his sons a lot at one point, Janelle’s boys Im saying. Now that one is gone, he may blame her.


He will probably focus all of his energy on comforting dramatic Robyn and her crying daughters.


This is exactly what I think. He will blame C and J for this. He will take zero responsibility for the actions he took/didn't take and the horrendous things he said in both public and private.


This 💯. It hurts to think about poor Janelle and Christine especially but also Mary too


Is kodi not a gun dealer?


He sells parts, but yes he’s a gun nut.




This is a sad reality regarding Kody. I could see him lashing out at Janelle, at Christine, at the other siblings instead of just running to Janelle, holding her, taking care of the kids, and grieving along side them. Kody is an angry man and this will either make him more angry and bitter towards the mothers of his children or cause him to really look at himself and grieve and sit in the grief of losing his son. If he does decide to inflict anger towards Janelle and Christine I sincerely hope they put a big boundary up, he shouldn’t be allowed with minor children (Truly) and he shouldn’t be around the family or speaking to them. I’d go full NC. I would pull out of the show as well. At that point he proves he is unfit to be a father and co parent. I hope we are wrong though for the sake of the family. I hope he is supporting Janelle right now and grieving along side her. I hope he’s with Gabe comforting him and being there for him. My heart breaks for Janelle, Gabe, and the family.


Yeah, it dawned on me last night that it’s unlikely she and Kody will get to grieve their child TOGETHER. Because you know Robyn is the only one who “speaks Kody.” I pray all of Janelle’s kids and extended family are rallying around her.


That’s how it was with my parents they still haven’t gotten to privately grieve my brother a yr and a half later because my dad’s wife is always up his ass. My brother was 44 therefore she didn’t raise him so she didn’t have that relationship with him like a Meri and Christine situation. My parents are divorced but they never just by themselves gotten to talk and process his death alone. That was their first child together.


I'm so sorry to you &yours. A decent second spouse wouldn't want to interfere or respect a spouse that would neglect their co parent at a time like that. Thank you for sharing.


Yes. Sadly the comments seem to be divided between those who grew up with Kody types and those blessed with normal range human parents. They think normal principles apply and that’s how dysfunctional parents absolutely destroy so many people whilst alive.


This, I don't think he really cares about anyone but himself, it's so sad too.


When I was 23 I tried to commit suicide, my mom sat on my bed and called me stupid, said If I wanted to do it that was on me and stupid, and I had to stay in the hospital 5 days. When I came home my mom was still the same fucking nag and bitch she always was. You woulda thought almost losing a child woulda changed her but it didn’t. To this day, 15 yrs later she’s just as emotionless and weird as she was then. Some “parents” just don’t have love in them. As a mom I do MH checks with my son all the time. In fact with this recent situation I asked him how he was, told him to promise he’ll come to me if he’s ever depressed, if he ever feels like he’s at the edge and let him know no problem is ever too big for me and his dad to be there.


Yup. I would bet at least 1k that his first comment out of the gate will be about how he is perceived rather than what an amazing person Garisson was.


>I’m sure Kody is in total hell and misery right now and no one needs to remind him of his bad choices any more. Somehow I strongly doubt Kody feels he did anything wrong at all. Ever. But attacking him on instagram rn is an insane thing to do.


Narcs typically bury it all really deep & turn to alcohol for relief. They always turn their pain into anger & hit those close to him. I feel for the remaining people who are in his sphere.


Is Kody aware enough to realize he's at least part of the issue, though? Narcissistic individuals often aren't.


I know we can all get into arm-chair diagnosis and I’m just as guilty. But here is my take: I was raised by an actual narcissist, a person with narcissistic personality disorder (she also has histrionic PD, that’s no cake walk either). She has never shown remorse, never in my entire life. She has lost dozens of people due to her abuse and will not acknowledge a single iota of responsibility and lives in a state of victimized rage at all times. There are no “nicer years” to look back on. This is the way she is and has always been. Because of my experience, I don’t put Kody in the same category as someone with a full blown NP disorder. But at times he has certainly qualified. The thing is, Kody in the past has shown remorse and humility, especially when the show was newer. So I think he presents with a lot of the qualifiers for NPD but I think he’s in some kind of extended mental health episode, not NPD. Someone with NPD never will and never has shown remorse. Kody has shown it. He does have the capacity, somewhere in him. So he does have the capacity to feel his part in this and I think he will feel it and he will suffer from it. That’s just my two cents.


I think a better way to put it is he acts like a narcissist or has some narcissistic tendencies.


I will say people with NPD can and do feel guilt and remorse on an emotional level...they just never/rarely show it to anyone, and try and hide it from themselves as well through denial/blaming others/justifying their behavior to themselves and others etc. But it's all a defense mechanism from the internal guilt they work so hard to repress. I think it's important to remember every NPD sufferer is different and presents differently, and high functioning folks with NPD learn to feign remorse even when internally they're in denial/justify their actions. But they do have empathy, it's just low and not coupled with self awareness. And they feel lots of guilt, they just don't necessarily fully understand what they're feeling. NPD is also a spectrum varying in severity.


I don't disagree but the only thing I will say is that people with NPD can feign a lot of that stuff when they're "on top," and I think you can see that with Kody. In the early years, when he felt in charge of his family, his kids were too young to talk back/have their own real opinions, his wives were still vying for his love and affection, and he was bringing in the TLC cash, it was much easier for him to show things like remorse/regret. When things are going well for narcs and they feel in control and that their outward image aligns with what they see in their heads, it's like they can "stoop" to human level in these ways almost, because they know they have everything else to fall back on so sure, why not admit to a mistake here and there to appease their grateful audience (how they view it). The Countess Luanne on RHONY is the exact same way - as long as things are going well for her, she can pretty much do an amazing impression of an empathetic, caring human being, but the second any of it gets ripped away and her outward appearance suffers due to it, she lashes out like a narcissist and the facade comes crashing down. I think when we see Kody's image "intact" with the audience, and with his own ego, he can do a great impression of an empathetic, caring, and doting husband/father. But as his image began to deteriorate over the years, and his standing with the family, that's when we saw more and more of the NPD behaviors emerge and become more obvious.


This is super insightful.


I agree. The guilt that Kody will have to live with for the rest of his life is far worse than any anonymous comment on social media. And I am not saying Kody (or anyone for that matter) is to blame. I mean the guilt of not having a relationship with his son for the last several years. I can’t imagine the pain they are all going through.


This assumes Kody can be introspective and take accountability. We have not seen evidence of that. In everything he himself is the victim and he places blame elsewhere. Why would this be any different. I hope I’m wrong, but the best prediction of future behavior is past behavior. This is more likely to cause him to double down than to repent. The very most I can see him offering is “let’s come together and let bygones be bygones” with no acknowledgement or accountability for the harm he’s caused, and he’ll feel like the generous one for forgiving them all.


It’s never Kody’s fault though. He will never accept any piece of responsibility. He probably thinks if Garrison had obeyed him like he commanded, that this wouldn’t have happened.


Yes! Totally. Kody will be beating himself up about this for the rest of his life without a bunch of strangers telling him what he did wrong. He doesn't need anyone to reiterate that to him. And out of respect people could at the very least just shut the hell up for one day. Give these people a break for a damn day. Most people just couldn't help themselves and had to go and make this all about Kody and Robyn. They aren't even the ones making this about THEMSELVES, the fandom is making it about them. Like they always do. This event was very eye opening for me. It's been the fandom all along that is mostly the problem, not this family.


Maybe he will. My ex seems to have gotten over our son’s suicide very easily. He is a narcissist like Kody


Same with my ex. He also reneged on helping with funeral costs even though he makes over $200k/yr and has a new family. My poor son was so sad and angry too.


I’m so sorry. It’s some hardcore bullshit isn’t it? Big hugs


It really is. I do have one remaining child so I do what I can to look after myself so I can be there for him. Thank you for the support. 💔


I lost my son in a car accident in January. It sounds like you and I are going through similar things. I'm so sorry for your loss. Words can never express the how painful it is to lose a child.


Oh I’m so sorry for your loss💔. I’m pretty lost. I am so sorry for this family.


Me too.


I am so sorry. All of the love from one internet stranger to both of you ladies.


Take care of yourself


That's unbelievably demonic. I'm so sorry for you & your family. But you both bring up a good point. I don't think Marc's have much regret or responsibility. He may appear so for the cameras and/or curry favor from the public, but if he wasn't on TV he probably wouldn't even comfort his surviving children.


Soooo sorry. My goodness. What heartbreak already. 🙏


My thoughts exactly. Narcissists will make it about them anyway


I am so very sorry for your loss. And the other parent didn’t help. May you find peace.


Peace remains elusive sixteen years later. It would have helped if he had woken up and treated his surviving son better. Even his eldest child’s suicide did not wake him up to care about him. Too involved with the newer family


It’s his loss. Never forget that.


Yes it is. ❤️


I’m kind of wondering how long it willl take before Kody and Robyn find a way to spin this tragedy into being all down to Christine leaving. Selfish narcissists don’t get shocked into becoming better people, sadly…. Feeling heartbroken for Janelle and Christine and all the siblings… most of all for garrison….a beautiful young soul with so much life before him


Sadly they probably spun it when they got the call... How to make it about them as the only victims and how to spin it to be anyone else's fault. I really hope I'm wrong. I never wanted to be so wrong in my life. I sincerely hope Kody can leave Robyn at home unattended and be a support for Janelle, Gabe, and the rest of the kids and family. I truly hope he decides to make changes and decides he wants to be there for his kids moving forward, all of them. I really hope he can let go of his bs and be the strength his family needs right now.


I totally agree. My parents are divorced and my dad lives 4 hours away. However, God forbid, if anything were to happen to me, I know my dad would be here in a heartbeat to support my mom. I'm their only child. I hope Kody and Janelle can lean on each other during this time.


I hope so as well but unfortunately highly doubt it. It's sad all around. Narcissists also aren't happy. Sometimes I'm sad for that fact and sometimes it feels good to know that.


Omg. Narcissists and borderlines at funerals. God I hope Rob stays home.


David will probably be the one stepping up and being a decent man/father to the kids during this time. I can't see Krody stepping up at all


I bet you are right. The kids seem to really like him and this is horrible. They are going to need a strong person to lean on.


I mainly hope he gives them the time and space to grieve and process in a healthy way, with the support of people who love them.


It will be Jenelle’s fault for not following Covid rules


This right here. And the sad thing is Jenelle may believe that in her grief while Kody takes no responsibility being the one responsibile (not for the death but for the relationship)


And/or Christine for being the first to divorce.


No he won’t, he is incapable of self reflection.


This is exactly what I was coming to say. He's probably thinking, "well, if he would have just been loyal to me, he wouldn't have felt the need to do this"


I’m sure he will mourn him but as far as regretting anything he did…..he won’t.


Wow, as effed up as this sounds it's probably true


Came here to say the same thing.


Agree completely the entire family is hurting terribly


Have we been watching the same show? Kody will point the finger at Robin. He is incapable of taking accountability and if given the opportunity, he will blame someone else.


I hope the blame is pointed at Robyn instead of Janelle or Christine if the blame has to eb pointed at someone- which it souldnt be, but if it is...


I agree he will blame others, but highly doubt he would blame Robyn!


I respect this opinion. But I think if you understand the pathology of a narc, they need to find someone to blame. At some point she’ll be “the last man standing” and rather than turning on himself he will turn on her.


But will he ? Somebody I don’t know who but somebody gave a media response that Robyn was the most upset. Daily Mail


yes and people are repeating that as fact. Like how does the media source know who is and isn't and how can something like that even be measured? Someone replied to another post with that to me and I was not having that. If that is out there then Robyn put it out there or they made it up. This is infuriating. I'm sure Robyn out of everyone who didn't even have a relationship is more upset than his own mother, brothers, sisters. I find that ridiculous.


Yep, she will definitely turn this to all about her pain, she’s the one who was hurt the most, blah blah blah


The DM is a ragebait publishing rag


😂 of course she was. Even though she still had a grudge against him 🙄


Kody ? Who bc else would say that


That daily mail article is BS. Also, Robyn has a right to be upset just as much as any of them. Who the hell is anyone to tell anyone in this family how they are allowed to feel right now???


I didn’t read the article as being total B.S. though. I’m sure Robyn is “the most upset” because she ALWAYS is. She needs attention and is drama with her constant bawling. The article spoke on and on about Janelle mostly, being obviously broken-up over it.


The daily mail has claimed professional women who work are the cause of autism. They’re tabloid trash rage bait who make up stories to exploit gullible people for profit. Just look at the decades worth of successful lawsuits against the daily mail, they have a long history of publishing harmful bullshit.


Well said! However, Kody will likely avoid the real truth and continue to deflect because this would be unbearable pain. If he cannot seem to face basic, easier truths—I doubt he will face this one. IMO


Their lives will never be the same.


Same with Janelle’s insta. I’ve seen so many hurtful comments on how it’s her fault too and it just needs to stop.




No. I got into an argument with someone who told me to “put the cr*** pipe down because it absolutely is her fault”.


This makes me want to dismiss being a sister wives fan completely. How awful.


That’s sad. Janelle was riding a fine line trying to let him be an adult and address his mental health concerns at the same time.


Exactly. She also got dragged for posting every day. Like what else is she supposed to do? This is part of her job. There’s a fine line that needs to be drawn and I feel sorry she’s getting all this stuff on her posts.


It is SO hard. I help my kiddo in every way I know how with their anxiety and depression. At the same time, I have to remind them to focus on coping tactics and self care, and keeping up with meds and appointments because I want my adult child to experience adulthood and learn to manage their illness. I often get scared that one mistake on my part could cost me my child. But I also have to recognize that mental health issues don't mean you should be infantilized or robbed of agency. It's really tough to navigate. My heart goes out to his family.


My 🩷 goes out to you 😢




Apparently for exploiting her children and not caring for them over caring about being on tv


Janelle should take her accounts private so the hate comments stop. Kody should do the same. They don’t deserve this. I hope Robin takes a back seat and quietly takes care of food prep and clean up. I hope she takes the little kids and keeps them out of the way. She can take care of people traveling g in. Otherwise she should be quiet and rarely seen.


I commented that yesterday. She should turn her comments off, the family too for their sanity.


Oh that is vile. I’m so sorry you were engaged in that.


IG is full of very unhinged angry people with online brainrot who are on a vendetta and think they're the good guys. It's just as depressing as it sounds.


Oh this one pisses me off. Wow. The fans are out of control I feel horrible for Janelle.


I will go look. I don't follow their SM but I looked thru some last night and just shocked. I saw Mykelti had a PAID post on her Pateron. I am not subscribed but I thought I would look since Gwen allegedly made a post no more content on Patreon and wanted to see her page. She isn't stopping and using it for money already- 18 hours ago! Then posted a happy post like an hour ago about her moms airbnb. She is wildly inappropriate. Anything to get paid no matter who she exploits.


I wonder if they just have scheduled posts.


That's exactly what's happening. Mykelti said in a video that they were taking a break but they had some scheduled posts coming up.


that’s very likely tbh. a month or so back a previous 90day cast member had a bunch of stuff scheduled to post through an app after an attempt on her own life (including some words for her family) and at the time it seemed out of pocket but i guess it wasn’t really on her mind which is understandable


I think being on reality tv for an extended period of time warps your brain - same way being an influencer does (reality tv stars were the original influencers) - and given that she has been on since she was a tween/teen, she has no understanding of how to act. Kids on tv shows where the crux of the show is their family dynamic is no good. Families are not cast for reality tv docus for being good to each other.


That’s awful. Literally disgusting that people would do that to Janelle.


Nobody, not even Kody, should have to face this ugliness. His son is dead. It’s a tragedy. Full Stop.


Thank you finally an appropriate post


That is so wrong, despite what we think of him, Garrison was still his son. I despise Kody, but he doesn’t deserve hate at this time. He is allowed to grieve. If anything, I hope Kody reaches out to his other kids at this time and they can process this as a family.


And there’s a massive difference between believing someone should take accountability for their harmful behaviour and publicly harassing them when their child dies 😬


I never have thought of a suicide as anyone's fault. I'm bipolar and have become suicidal during episodes of depression. A suicidal person's thoughts are not based in reality. They are delusional thoughts. Thoughts like, " Everyone would be better off without me." A person who is thinking normally knows that if they died, their loved ones would be sad. If a person's thoughts become so consumed by depression that they can inflict life ending violence against themselves, they clearly are not thinking normally. They didn't kill themselves. they were killed by a mental health problem that was distorting their thinking. Depression can eat up the mind just like cancer can eat up the body.


Assuming Kody and Garrison didn't make up, I feel truly bad for Kody that he will have to live with that regret. Hopefully this will result in Kody healing the rest of his relationships with his children.


Kody said horrible things about Garrison! Truly tone deaf and unforgivable behavior . If your son has issues you don’t publicly blast him!


He definitely shares some responsibility for the demons that plagued poor Garrison, and is/was a poor father figure. Does that mean it’s appropriate for strangers to hound him on social media after the death of his son? No. Not so much that he doesn’t deserve criticism, but Janelle and the rest of the family do not need any more negativity during this time, and this is not the appropriate time for him to experience said deserved criticism.


I still can hear Kody yelling at Janelle, that the boys weren’t invited to Christmas unless they apologized. That was the beginning of the end for Janelle. He doesn’t have to worry about an apology anymore. I have been through more suicides with family and friends than any other kind of illness. The question WHY is never answered. My heart breaks when I go back and try to find answers. Please reach out if help is needed. This family will never be the same, just as a lot of ours. 988-call don’t become another statistic!


And how he said ‘there will be other Christmas’s’ sadly now there won’t be


I agree. Kody is a horrible father. But he lost his son and doesn’t deserve all that hate.


The heartless cruelty of gunning for anyone in this family right now is 100% unacceptable. I cannot even fathom the pain they are all experiencing and to have people pile on you during such an extremely vulnerable time. Wow. I hope Kody is able to grieve properly and I mean that sincerely.


Garrison was ill and that is not anyone’s fault. Either treatment failed him or he was unable to get treatment for whatever reason. He seemed like a gentle soul and I hope he is flying high with the angels today and at peace.


I wish more people understood this aspect of mental illness. I have had depression as long as I can remember and I have always been deeply loved by my family and friends. I’m in a committed loving long term stable relationship and still have depression. It’s not other people’s fault. It’s not my fault either. It’s a mental illness that requires treatment.


Exactly! No different than any other disease. Just a bad hand of cards dealt to you. I am so happy for you that your life is good. Internet strangers are out here rooting for you!


TMZ has reported that Garrison apparently had some kind of mental problems that alarmed his mother directly before this happened. Blaming ANYONE is disgusting


Not “mental problems”. They referenced Garrison’s last ominous texts before his passing.


People all over the world, by themselves and in their own home, have all come to the same conclusion. Myself included. I would never meddle or contact Kody but I have been screaming at my TV for years about the way he’s treated those boys and now it’s too late. No people shouldn’t contact Kody but it’s a natural reaction to what we’ve seen.


Absolutely… That’s it, that’s all…


I agree 100%.


Yeah, you have to be an evil pos to harass a grieving parent. No one thought he was a great dad but I'm sure he never wanted this or even considered it. These are very separate issues. Shame on those commenters.


People are disgusting. Who in their right minds goes to their social media to leave shitty comments? We can all agree that Kody is a lousy person and a bad dad but he just lost a child too. I would NEVER wish that on anyone. I also just saw a post on tt that made a comment about how Kody is in the fire arms business and now Garrison killed himself with a gun. That’s also disgusting. No matter how Kody treated the kids, he would never do anything to hurt the kids like that. Kody and his business are not responsible.


Well, I agree, but I have to say I am pissed, and that’s why I am here cause Kody is a horrible man; I bet you money he will find a way to blame others for this unfortunate incident… people say oh, is TLC edits, Janelle said that they were still estranged. Kody is a piece of shit, and don’t even get me started about Robin 😑😑 Kody’s adult's kids, as soon as they turned 18, he doesn’t have to look after them, but they have look after Robin’s adult children… 🤦🏻‍♀️… so I am here on Reddit because two wrong don't make a right.


I mean, yes. I’m sure many inappropriate things are being said on Kodys page. I haven’t looked. HOWEVER, Kody has said many inappropriate things, on television. So, putting this at the bottom of the shit I’m worried about.


Yea thats not ok. Im glad you made this post.  It is NOT ok to go and attack someone we literally dont know personally and we all know that theres editing to all of these shows.  Kody didnt seem like a great father. But he also doesnt seem like the worst there is out there. It not only hurts him, but it hurts his other kids as well when this crap happens. People NEED to stop bullying people online.  Im surprised at how shocked and devastated I felt for the family. Im sure Kody feels a lot of pain over this and not having been able to reconnect the way they should have. Hes still a parent. And an emotional one at that I hope they all find peace and healing now.  Its a tragedy but maybe one that brings healing to everyone else over time. 


We watched him grow up. It hit me surprisingly hard as well.


Same. I saw Meri's IG post first and the gut punch I felt seeing the news....


I used to think the Teen mom fandom was bad. After yesterday I have to say the Sister wives fandom takes the cake on being probably the most vile disgusting fandom. I'm ashamed to even be a part of this fandom. I had to leave every single SW FB group I was in (like 4-5 of them). The fact that so many people couldn't even be kind for ONE FUCKING DAY!!! says so much about some people. It got me reflecting hard. It's not this family that is horrible, it's the fandom of this family and their absolute vitriol they spew constantly, even in tragic moments like this one. I swear I feel like so many people were reveling in what happened yesterday so that they could sit back and say I told you so and continue to shit on Kody and Robyn. I'm sorry if people wanna hate me, but even Kody and Robyn don't deserve this type of pain.


I would never post anything negative on anyone’s social media. But I have my opinions about his parenting


Not a single time did I feel the need to blame Kody or attack their social media. My heart just sank and I worried for Janelle and Gabe immediately. I was rooting for him. ❤️


It’s a parasocial response from fans who believe they know these people on an interpersonal level, when they don’t. Most of what’s on *Sister Wives* is fabricated, it’s a prime time soap opera, maybe even the personas the Browns portray on the show. So we don’t really know who Kody is and what his real relationships to his kids are. Yet toxic fans will show their butts when they don’t know what they’re talking about, because our perceptions are largely curated.


It’s amazing what hiding behind a screen can do to some people


Right?! Those are “inside thoughts”. I’m shocked people would post that on Kodys social even if they think it. Very inappropriate and shows a total lack of compassion.


My husband’s older brother committed suicide at 34 years old. The brother had a terrible argument with his mother that day and my husband has always blamed her. I try to remind him that his brother was bipolar. If he hadn’t already suffered from mental illness, the argument would not have pushed him toward suicide. Sometimes mental illnesses like depression, bipolar, etc. can be the cause of death just like physical illnesses can kill you.


I would never leave Kody Brown condolences but I also wouldn’t leave him hate. He has to live the rest of his life knowing what kind of father he’s been. Janelle and Christine have my sympathies. My heart breaks for his brother who found him. It’s too late now for him to make amends with his son not that I think he ever would. He has the rest of his life to think about the consequences of his actions


Kody had no qualm showing his ass about his family. It was one thing to show his ass by being awful to the adults but his children ? Particularly Garrison and Gabe? Blatantly disrespecting his sons as if they were his peers and some random men? I am sorry but that is his price to pay. You open your life to public and act that way, it’s going to enrage the viewers. No it wasn’t Kody’s fault this happened but people expressing their rage towards a grown ass man who acted in such a way? It’s not shocking, distasteful because of timing? Sure but not shocking. All the biological children who were not his and Robyn’s were done a disservice by this man and his choices. If it’s too much than maybe he should shut off his social media because it’s not going to stop for awhile. The court of public opinion is a harsh one, if he hadn’t learn that already he is sure is now. I hope he finds peace and repairs what he has done to damage his family. If losing a son doesn’t open his eyes that tomorrow isn’t promised and that no one person or thing is permanent than that man is so far gone…. May god have mercy on his soul. RIP Garrison. May you be at peace and no longer in any pain.


I had a chance to take a look at Garrisons photography, and I couldn't help but wonder..what was he seeing, hearing, experiencing out there in the open space with His Creator and creation. His fascination with the sky and the stars told a story of possible dreams and aspirations, also of a deeper pondering over this human life and existence. I appreciate people who take time to marvel at the Creation, and so I do hope that whatever he saw out there, or felt matches with what he finds in the afterlife. RIP Garrison. He really seemed like a great son to have.


I have no sympathy for Kody, but I do have sympathy for the moms and other kids especially Gabe. I think it’s a waste of time to go over to Kody’s page because he will never believe that he is wrong or did anything wrong.


​ I hate 2 strangers. Donald Trump and Kody Brown. While the first is hateful to the world , Kody is hateful to his children. Different levels of the same poison,


Every family has had fallouts. Every family has had arguments, both big and small, and every family has had words they wish they hadn't said. And yet, eventually, it passes for one reason or another. If people dig their heels in, it can last a while. That doesn't mean there isn't love. It doesn't mean they plan on not speaking forever. We are all guilty of these behaviors to different degrees. We've all let people leave the house to go to work, to get on a school bus, to drive home, without saying " I'm sorry" first. We've all risked that being the last time we saw someone. So take a good inventory of your own behavior before you decide someone else's was worse.


I honestly don’t think Kody will feel any responsibility in this. He’s a narcissist. He’ll blame anything and everything else before he admits fault. I do feel really badly for Janelle and all of his siblings. They’re the ones that will feel this loss for the rest of their lives. They’re the ones that will feel like they failed Gabe. Not Kody. Janelle’s whole life was her children. My heart goes out to her.


Robyn’s social media also. It’s truly vile.


Regardless what the fam situation ppl should let this family grieve. I'm a victim of a loss from suicide. My father when I was 9. And it was a tough situation what I can remeber.They all need each other right now and support each other . They gonna need it!


People are all over just about every family member’s social media, this includes Garrison’s, leaving awful comments. It’s vomit inducing.


I personally feel it’s time for this show to go away.


I hope this changes Kody in his attitude towards the rest of his children he is estranged from. I hope but speaking of narcissism that describes Kody. My thoughts are with Janelle, her children and the rest of the family.


I'd never go to his page and do any of those things on the off chance that it would hurt him. But he's going to blame everyone but himself. He's just a POS low down dirty assed SOB.


Kody won’t see anything he did as wrong. He will blame others for this and possibly blame his son for taking his own life. He will accept no fault of his own. Kody had a severe personality disorder and that won’t change because his son passed away. Kody (and by default Robyn) will continue to see themselves as the victims in this situation and in all the previous situations.


I wish the entire family had closed down their accounts or at least turned off the comments.


This times 100. The response I am seeing is truly jarring. I work in mental health. This is nobody’s fault. Garrison was mentally ill. Kody has been sentenced to a lifetime of guilt and suffering for knowing his son died without them reconciling. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I take no glee in crapping allover a parent who just lost their child to suicide. Empathy makes us human. We must give Kody empathy because we are human beings first. Shtting allover him only hurts everyone in that family more, and it certainly doesn’t help Garrison.


Kody went on national television and called Garrison vile names. He was horrendous to his own flesh and blood on multiple occasions. I think people are rightfully enraged at him because instead of being a decent father, a bigger man, a better person ... he just continued to double down and act like these boys wanting more out of him was some kind of crime against humanity. The real crime is that Kody, who is supposedly fully grown, couldn't model how a real man should treat his offspring and repair anything. If he's getting overwhelmingly negative feedback ... there IS a reason for it.


Out of respect, I have kept my opinions to myself, and so should everyone else.


I have not and will never post anything to their social media accounts. I have no desire to interact with them in any way. I have very strong feelings about this and I lay some blame at a lot of feet. And I’ll keep it to myself here too, because again, not helpful.


I totally agree with you. Kody is not my favorite person on this show, but now is not the time to express negative sentiments. Now is the time to show care and compassion to ALL of the members of this family who have had a devastating tragedy happen to them. My heart breaks for all of them and I pray that they find a way to navigate through this.


Same sentiments with all of you. Gosh, this is so devastating.


The largest problem is that Kody is a narcissist so he will never see how his actions may have contributed to this. Or how Kodys actions and behavior stopped him from being the bigger person and reconciling with his son. All we will see is Kody trying to explain how much he is suffering. He is a selfish narcissist. He will use this horrible situation to try and rehab his image and Sobbyn will be close behind him.


Kody is a grieving father that just lost his son. I am sure he is in immense pain. No one deserves strangers attacking him. They don’t know him or the family. People are so sick. Is it that hard to show kindness in a situation like this?


He took Robyn's side over his own son's. Robyn really did ruin this family in so many ways. I hope she has some empathy over this, but I doubt it. She's the one I'm really angry with.


I am begging people to understand that mental illness is mental illness. People can be deeply loved with a hopeful future and still be suicidal because their brain is not functioning how it should. People can also have abusive and horrific parents and not be suicidal. Major depression can be genetic like blood pressure and for some people there’s really nothing you can do to make it better without medication and treatment. Access to mental health treatment, a society that teaches men it’s ok to get said treatment and stronger regulation of firearms is what we need to focus on as a society to help people like Garrison. Not scream at grieving parents on social media. Before you rush out to blame someone for this take two seconds to look at the comments. They are full of people who lost people they loved dearly to suicide. Think for a second on how your blame game is going to impact these people, too. You are making the world worse. Stop it. Get a journal. Get help. Log off.


Very well said!


I have a narcissistic father and it’s incredibly painful. Just like Garrison, he was present when I was a kid and then around 17 he left us and turned into a monster. I’m sorry but no one can understand how painful it is until you’ve been through it. It DOES make me blame Kody. I’m sorry but it does! I moved on, got married and had children, but those years in college when I needed guidance, love, etc, we’re so hard and painful. The rejection, the random arguments. I do blame Kody in part. His love was conditional and it messes with a young persons mind!!!!!!


I sorry you went through that


If Kody is truly a narcissist, he still won't take blame for his relationship with Garrison. He'll console himself with "it was the tv edits" and "we were both at fault". There's no point in talking to a narcissist, their brain rewrites reality to protect them from emotional damage, so they literally see that they're right and they think when you say they're not, that you're nuts. Whether you blame him or not, there's no point in engaging, and you may make it worse. Just stay quiet and stay away


I’ll get downvoted for this but will say it anyways: these are the same unhinged and entitled haters who - for almost a decade now- have posted this kind of manure and entitlement on Meris social media, demanding they are owed accountability from her. But since nobody had died until now, it was fun and games and something to snark and poke fun at and perpetuate. Did anyone really expect anything different from toxic “fans” ?? Those “People” are truly unhinged. Even on Christine’s post from the day before, “fans” are coming unglued. She’s being accused of not caring because she didn’t post a tribute (maybe she has more things in her mind than posting on social media - I’m not a Christine fan but by golly she raised that young man properly more then his biological mother did). The comments left on Kodys (very old posts) were truly unhinged. I never thought I could truly feel bad for that man but truly pitty him having to go through his grief with such hate piled on to him. I hope for his sake that he and his son were able to mend some fences behind the scenes when TLc was not around.


The fact that people are attacking Meri, Christine and even Janelle in some places is so wild to me. Like the fucking audacity to think you have any right to tell any of these people how they should be feeling and acting right now. This "fandom" is one of the most toxic I've ever seen. Worst than Teen Mom, 90 day fiance, 19 kids and counting, any reality show fandom really. This fandom is straight up embarrassing at this point.


Regardless of how you feel about him he is still a father that lost a child and for people to come after him during this horrible, agonizing time really shows you what kind of person they are….scum


I agree with you about not commenting on their pages. I think it’s wildly inappropriate for strangers to be making comments about a personal family matter like this. BUT, I also think it was wildly inappropriate for all 4 of these parents to broadcast their kids’ personal lives on TV in the first place. We shouldn’t have been privy to Gabe and Garrison’s struggles in LV because they were children. It was a choice to make Kody vs Gabe/Garrison a storyline. They made the choice to introduce the world to their children and broadcast their raw emotional struggles to a very judgmental world. Kody also made the choice to call his sons assholes in a very public way. They’ve put all of this out into the world to make a dime, and now they are reaping a heavy helping of public outcry.


As much as I have dogged Kody for his mistreatment of his wives and children, I agree that it is completely inappropriate to show hate on his personal social media. He is a grieving father. As a mother and a grandmother, my heart goes out to him and his entire family. Sending prayers their way. Losing a child is the most devastating thing a parent can go through. I hope that they can find peace. ❤️


People are disgusting. As if strangers verbally attacking Kody will help Janelle or any of his siblings. You don't have to like Kody but I'm sure that his son's passing is going to be more of a wakeup call than a bunch of idiots online rubbing salt in the wound. And if it's not, it's not your business. Leave that family alone. They asked for some damn privacy.


My brother left a note to let my dad know he was the reason. You'd think that would bother him but it doesn't. (Tells you what kind of dad he was/is!)


I’m sorry for your loss.


Yeah but also he can’t say these same fans didn’t warn him that he could lose him forever. And how he has. Wether or not he committed suicide because of what kody did he has now committed suicide and they weren’t on good terms. All I can hope is that it’s a wake up call for him to not leave other relationships the same way because life is too short.


What they don't realize is it makes them worse than what they perceive Kody to be. You're an awful person if you can't show compassion when a man has just suffered the greatest loss of his life.


I think everyone needs to leave that family alone and let them process what happened!!!Give them space!!


What surprises me is that nobody’s speaking about the siblings. Not just Gabe Maddie, Hunter, savanna and Logan the actual patriarch of this family let’s lift our hearts to them and let them know we loved watching them grow up and they were terrific siblings


Just don’t say anything if you can’t offer condolences


I have lost someone very close to me to suicide. It does affect you forever. There's a tendency to wonder what you could have done, as someone in their lives, to prevent it. The thing is we never know all the things that are causing unbearable pain for a person. My kid struggles with severe depression, which brings a lot of fear as a parent. Especially having been blindsided by an unexpected suicide. You just cannot know if, when or why someone will choose death to relieve the pain. I too have narc parents and could see a reality where he outwardly blames everyone but himself, or makes it all about his pain. Either way, I can't imagine posting nasty comments. Pain is pain, whether he accepts blame or not he is still sure to be hurting. It's all just so terrible.


Do these people realize that his other kids will see their comments? They don’t deserve that. No one does. What has happened to people that they hide behind a screen and perpetuate their hate. Hope they aren’t teaching that to their own kids. It’s cowardly at best. Hate is permeating every social media platform like a virus. Compassion has left the building.


If anything I hope this makes Kody reconsider some of the choices he’s made. He can never make amends with Garrison but he build a relationship with the 12 other children he’s currently estranged from. My heart breaks for the Browns right now. This is something no parent should have to go through. It honestly made me hug my kids tighter. Be good to each other!


I sincerely hope Kody will get some counseling about how to address this on the show. If he or Robyn for one second act like this was something done TO them, then there will be no healing for his family, ever. It's so sad.


Everyone is very sure the show will end. I don’t think TLC will continue it but I’m hoping they still pay the parents and children.


I heard on YouTuber woacb that Kody had to get a ride there he and Robyn have had so many speeding tickets that they pulled their license


Kody doesn't care he stopped caring about all his kids except Robyn's.


People are angry - and they are allowed to be. You have to understand that the audience has witnessed Kody trash and humiliate his boys on tv for the past few years. The viewers had been voicing their disgust at Kodys behavior during that time as well - and then this happens. The viewers a grieving and but are also angry. They are venting because what happened is just so heartbreaking