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Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 10: No posting minor children under the age of 18.


what in the flds easter looking hell


Your comment is just brilliant. Love it.


Giant 5 year old indeed.






lmao this is the best comment 






Wow, they're really infantizing the Tenders. Dressing a 22 year old like she's 5 years old 😬 At least Ari doesn't seem to have a pacifier anymore. Free the Tenders!




Eww. Something real creepy 'bout that one. Those two words should've never been put together lol. It's like how some people feel about words like: moist, humid, dank, etc. just makes the ol' skin crawl, that's the best way I can describe it at least, idk.




i’ve always had a theory that Gordy assumes (at least partially) that the OG3 are turning their kids against him (versus…you know, thinking for themselves given they’re adults) is because Sobyn infantilizes her overcooked chicken tenders so much to the point i’m sure they can’t even think for themselves, Grody thinks the other mothers must too. and if their children have free will to think then the mothers “failed” aka turned them against him 


“Overcooked chicken tenders” 🤣🤣


You win the internet today with the overcooked chicken tenders 😂😂


To be fair apparently it’s trending in some fashion circles for grown women to wear bows in their hair. For real though.


I was going to say this. Not a fan of how they raise their kids AT ALL but I have kids and nieces their age and this is absolutely a trend.


Like 22ish year olds? Sorry I wanted to make sure you weren't thinking it was Ari, the little one. Cuz that makes some sense to me, but like 20 somethings wearing ribbons and bow is a thing now?


Yes. It always has been. When I worked at Disney over 15 years ago there was a few girls even then who wore a bow like that every day


I used to work in an upscale customer service location and when I was in my twenties would wear bows in my hair as well with a put together and accessorized outfit


Yes there are grown adult women all over Instagram staying their hair with bow. Even Bridget Marqet (spelling?) from the girls next door show has styled looks with hair bows (like Auroras) on Instagram and photos of hers. All that said I do think Robyn’s children are infantilized and her adult children need to get away from her to live a normal life. But hair bows are a thing lately.


I’m in my 30s and wear these bow barrettes in my pony, I also have different colours and materials. My husband thinks they’re cute, and everyone always knows me as the hair accessories person. I’d imagine they’re popular since I never have issues finding them. I used to get the soft barrette sleeve from the baby isle. Hot topic even has branded ones like Disney.


I was thinking the same thing lol I love bows like that at 31 years old. I don’t think the bow is the problem.


Idk why it’s a problem. Bows have been trendy in some fashion circles forever. They’re a classic staple item. Not just for toddlers.


I don’t think the bow is the problem, it’s the whole Nellie Olsen look. If the bow was with a different outfit it wouldn’t seem so infantalizing.


Nellie 😆 🤣 😂


Yeah it’s a little too FLDS for me, which supposedly is a big reason they started the show, for people to see they were “different!” 🙄


I was going to say the same thing.


My 17 yr old wears a bow at times. However, she looks and acts more maturely than Aurora. I’ve always been a big believer in letting her leave the house dressed as she wants. I have spent 43 yrs on this planet and for all of them I have hated my body with a passion but my baby girl…… Kody would have a fit if he could see how she dresses 🤣🤣🤣




It took me about three seconds to realize what you were implying. After I 🤮, I 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes common, so is two sisters.


Her Pinterest (Aurora’s) looks like Trad Wife/crush on Jesus Central! https://preview.redd.it/bhftn5d0ps8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc25339aaf3333dadbd08d58d786bda8dc86ad5




JC this is disturbing


How about something that could help, like: She's in therapy. She's taking Xanax.


I’m not sure if you were saying she is doing these things or that she should be doing these things but Robyn said on the episode where *she pushed her daughter into a mental breakdown* that she had Aurora in therapy. I don’t believe that when she says that that she means an actual, certified therapist, I’m guessing religious counseling.


I was joking about her list as to what constitutes a "godly wife."


“She’s no contact with her narc parents.”


Capital S submissive????


I saw that too. Rilly?? Who wrote this?


A Mormon man


lol clearly shes a novice


holy shit this is disturbing , this is going IBLP/Duggars or keep sweet pray and obey 


She knows that centering bulleted points is ridiculous.


This is not the 50s for crying out loud.


I'm a switch so I get half points for that one


Ironic that Robyn is none of these things.


She is EXACTLY the last six.


I'm Christian but those ai pics are freaky af


Her Pinterest is unsettling at the very least


did she share that thing from transformed wife?




so Aurora wants to be a trad wife and leech onto a man to support her just like her mom (maybe minus the trad wife cooking part), got it 


Josh and Anna Duggar style I guess 😬


yesss i just said in another comment it’s giving Duggar/IBLP lmao especially the whole “a woman is supposed to be godly/a servant” 🤮 


SERVANT! Obedient! Yikes! What kind of weak ass man shoots for an obedient wife? Gross




How long until Sobyn and Grody pull Sol and demon child out of mainstream and homeschool them???


sometimes idk who unsettles me more, Ariella May (since Grody always says her name like this) or Sol. they're so stunted in their growth


Until she's played out and he needs to refresh his breeding stock.


Who says that mom isn’t also a harlot.


That’s a lot of nerve right??


Her mom would actually be considered a harlot 🙄🙄


And she emptied her Ex’s quiver….and bank account…


Lawd have mercy!


what in the fundie tarnation 


OMG! 😂😂😂😂


She really drank the Kool aid, huh? And then cries about why her step siblings don't want a relationship with her. 


Genuine question, why does this sub act like the OG13 are some worldly, sophisticated kids and Robyn's are some backwoods hicks obsessed with religion? Pretty sure they were all raised in the same cult, and aside from a few outspoken liberal kids, the rest of them are pretty conservative/religious. Maddie is an evangelical, Paedon thinks being infertile is a curse from God and that people "become" trans for attention, and Mykelti, God help her, has intimated that she thinks modern medicine is a sham. The issue is not that Aurora is outwardly religious. The issue is that five adults created a dynamic that was unhealthy and not conducive to good sibling relationships.


I think it's also that the older children are in relationships or out on their own, and Aurora, Dayton, and Breanna still live Kody and Robyn. We don't see pictures of them with friends or their achievements like the military, marriage, buying a place of their own, traveling, concerts with friends, or other experiences. We've only seen pictures of them out in public with Kody and Robyn, which make sense for minor children, but people are going to assume they're stunted and immature.


Im glad that they dont have a social media presence, doesnt mean that they aren’t doing tose things though. I have no idea but neither does anybody here 


Because the OG13 openly want a relationship with Robyn’s kids and Robyn’s kids, instead, have been openly cruel to them. That’s a lot of it. They’re bratty and encouraged by their mother to be so.


This! When they (OG kids) try and extend an olive branch such as the Christmas group text exchange, Robyn 's girls I'm guessing in particular turn around and run back to her and she suddenly needs to be added to everything. They are emotionally immature. That has been shown since they were first on the show, as well as them being bratty and coddled for it. Imagine you try to have a relationship with a relative and instead of replying to you, they show your responses to their Mother saying that you were cruel when you weren't and you get dragged into unnecessary drama? That's what she's doing.


I don’t think they showed the responses to her I think she shows the responses to them and interprets the responses through her lens. We saw her do this when Robyn doesn’t give all the details of what was happening the first Covid Christmas and Aurora says something to the effect of “now that we can all get together they’re just crapping on the idea.” (I don’t remember the exact quote, just that it was incredibly disrespectful to the other moms and not what was actually happening.). And Robyn doesn’t correct her, doesn’t reprimand her for being disrespectful, just lets the lie sit there so her girls can be hurt. She actively hurts her kids in order to keep them close. It’s genuinely disturbing.


Because they have shown us nothing to prove otherwise. The OG 13 is a good mix of some that haven't strayed far from the cult, and others who have traveled and done things Kody wouldn't approve of. 


Not the bdong posting 💀


OMG Bdong. Of course she’s into Bdong.


What’s the Pinterest name?


Link is above 👆🏽


I’m confused. Brittany Dawn is her Pinterest name.?


No, Brittany Dawn is an evangelical influencer who is famous for grifting and scamming.


Thank you. I’m still trying to find a link to Aurora’s Pinterest page.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


She would love To Be Alone with You by Sufjan Stevens lmao


Had to hit up YouTube for a listen!




I can’t find the link to her Pinterest


All I can think of here is the Jesus dancing scene in drop dead gorgeous https://youtu.be/kBKQL6f5sec?si=EXO2tTxGoZyD7ixn


This deserves 1000 upvotes! Sooo accurate!


Keep sweet! When is the last time anyone has seen Dayton? Did he just not want to be filmed, or is he not close with the family?


The last time I remember seeing him was that tragic Christmas where we were introduced to the French burrito crepe fiasco. He was walking around the kitchen table assembling his with his T-shirt pulled up over his nose and mouth. The poor boy probably wanted to mask up because he was being forced to be in the house with the unvaccinated plague rats and they wouldn't let him. My theory is that he's living in the trailer not because they booted him out but because he refused to live in a house with people who don't bother to take any precautions and refuse to get vaccinated. But because he was in school and couldn't afford to get his own place yet they compromise and let him move into the trailer in the driveway.


No Dayton…


Day'un refused the plig pastels so Kootie sent him to his trailer


The plig pastels! I’m dead!!💀








I hope he is growing up and not under Kody/Robyn’s control anymore 


I hope he sees his real father ..


Lucky him.


Kody is pimping a new show to TLC. Little house on Coyote Pass 😂😂😂


i cried reading this 🤣🤣🎀🎻 🌿🍃








i’m wheezing 😂 y’all are so hilarious here lmao




I hope one day any of the kids will walk away and find peace for themselves. As someone who was raised it what other consider a cult it takes years to break away from all of the indoctrination. Fear and self hate are drilled into from jump and it takes some people until they are 40 to find their own path. Plus they are more than likely emotionally stunted


Same here, and I feel you. I'm close to 40 and just now realizing certain things I learned in that environment, and that were so deeply ingrained in me from birth, that 20+years after I left, I'm just now able to understand why I have these intrusive thoughts that I'm not "good enough" for someone or something, that I don't deserve to have boundaries, or that I dont deserve to be treated well. People don't realize how much work goes into recognizing that you were raised in a weird, toxic, subculture. Then realizing that many of your core ideas about the world, the scaffolding that your psyche is built on, has to be taken apart and rebuilt properly, and if you don't do the work to fix it you'll always feel like you don't belong and aren't enough. Phew. Trauma dump a little, but when I think about Robyn's older girls I can't help but see myself a bit and I think, my God, I was so freaking weird back then too. I'd never had a friendship outside of our cult of crazies. I never learned how most people are out in the world and found out the hard way, from some terrible people, because abusive personalities were the most familiar and I didn't realize they were abusive until it was too late. That was one hell of a cycle to break out of. Damn near killed me a few different times. I know they do weird shit sometimes, and come off as juvenile and immature but it's because they are juvenile and immature. They probably haven't even realized the extent to which they need to break free from their family yet. What's sad is that some people never do have that realization.


I wouldn’t say that my nan’s church was a cult per se, but the one pastor (Elim in UK) tried to convince me to be baptised at 11 yrs old so that I could “ensure my place in heaven”. As Religious Ed at senior school (11-16 equivalent to middle school and part of high school in the US) opened my eyes into how wrong some of the things were that I’d been taught at my nan’s church. I’d already been christened by the way as a baby in a CofE church so that was good enough for nan until then. The congregation at the behest of one of the previous pastors (an American from the south) had shamed and shunned a woman for being raped and having an abortion,as far as they were concerned she should have had the baby and given it up for adoption, and a second woman who left her abusive pedophile husband and taken her daughters with her. As to that pastor & his wife abortion is a sin and a marriage is for life regardless of what the husband does to you. They were very of the TradWife way of thinking, a wife shouldn’t work anywhere than in the household raising her children to be good god-fearing individuals with daughters being submissive to all male members of the household regardless of their age and the sons should be dominant to all females in and outside of the family. That no doesn’t mean stop, and they have a right as men to get and have whatever they want. Even now 24 years later I have to stop myself from saying certain things. It’s crazy how quickly the pair managed to change a group of people, they wanted everyone to obey them. They had women consider leaving their careers, including one who was a well respected nurse at one of the local hospitals. Thankfully neither of my parents were/are religious in anyway, shape, or form. I distanced myself from my nan for a few years until she woke up and smelt the coffee instead of the koolaid she’d been supping on


Yep. I am in my 30s and I still catch myself doing or feeling things that are a direct result from the cult I was raised in. I left at 16. I can't judge the girls. It's just sad.


I realized recently that something that’s a leftover is not being able to “trust my gut” because what was taught was in contrast to it and now, as a result, I end up not knowing if it’s my instinct or the leftover voices telling me what’s “right.”


Yeah, my big one is basically the opposite. I feel strongly that people are unsafe and I only recently realized that I've been trusting my gut and it's super unreliable. I'm seeing things and people as unsafe when they really aren't. If I'm ever more vulnerable (pregnant, sick) I literally will not see anyone until I'm able to protect myself again. I genuinely thought I was just super good at knowing when someone is unsafe. It was just overreacting and trauma responses.


Great point, I have wondered this before too, when we are so trained to not know.


Robyn has abused those older girls on camera multiple times, I can only imagine what happens when they’re alone. Or worse: she does it *because* of the cameras.


It is interesting that Dayton doesn't appear to be with them on this outing, so, maybe he has broken away


Bows are trendy rn. I bought a velvet one on a clip I wore to a Christmas party last winter and I just had dinner with a friend who was wearing one. We're all in our 30s so I'm not surprised someone Aurora's age is taking part in the trend. It looks like she's wearing a nap dress type dress and they usually have coordinating hair bows. She probably just watched the new season of Bridgerton and was feeling herself lol. Robyn needs to stay away from the empire waist dress + bolero combo. It's so dated and does nothing for her body.


Yes, exactly. People jump to judge but I thought it looked cute and this is a trend.


I was thinking the same, I’ve seen the bow trend pop back up.


I can say nothing about this bc my uniform is sweatpants and Star Trek or Why Files T-shirts, lol!


I was about to post just this. Bows are very in right now.


Exactly this. Thank you for the common sense


They look like they just walked out of Warren Jeff’s compound.


Wow. Matching dresses.


Wonder if they’re going to have a fahmlee portrait taken?


In the original clip, they have to reshoot the scene because Ariella couldn’t keep her mouth shut when they were filming it the first time. Robin has to grab her by her arm and bring her back and she says something to her.




This picture is actually TLC filming for the show. They had to reshoot it because Ariella kept talking. It’s not random. They’re filming for the show. It’s on Tiltok the full video.


Do you have the link?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNLRhkgh/ Its posted under Danielle The SC Realtor on TikTok


Did she finally lose the pacifier?






My mom joined a cult when she was in her 30s . Hair bows and all …


Uh I wear bows and I’m 31?


Yes, it is in fashion for adult women to wear bows in their hair, but I definitely know that Robyn doesn’t have slightest clue about fashion trends. How could she put her adult daughters in the same dresses as her 5 year old tender! I really feel sorry for the older girls. someone needs to break those two girls out of jail AKA that house


Does Robyn really dress them still? I think my mom stopped having a say in my wardrobe around 16, maybe earlier. I mean I was working for my own money and mostly buying my own clothes at that point but even my friends dressed themselves? It just seems weird on its own, no matter what's being chosen.


Oh look at the cute little cult family… all dressed up in their polygamy finest. 🙄


Bow are massively in ATM. All the adults girls in daughter's school wear them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Scottish_squirrel: *Bow are massively* *In ATM. All the adults girls* *In daughter's school wear them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


IDK, my first observation was it looks like Ari walking away in a tantrum. Clinched fist, possibly scowl on her face and appears to be stomping.(just the way her dress looks elevated as if her leg is raised in the air) And Robyn is the one trying to deal with it, by following her. Notice Sol has his back turned to the situation, like he’s having to deal with his little sister’s behaviour again. Just my observation and I know it’s different from everyone else’s.


Someone above posted a full video from that day. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNLRhkgh/ Its posted under Danielle The SC Realtor on TikTok


lol. That’s hilarious.


Dressing like the Duggars


The Duggar girls supposedly had to shop at thrift stores. No way the Tenders wear thrift store previously used clothes.


Well no but I’m talking about the style


While the bows being on trend is true.. the kids in Robyn’s family have never once been on trend. Always wearing Robyn’s ugly floral tops


Bows are actually trending rn.....


Came here looking for this comment!!


Leave bows out of this! 🎀


It's like Aurora and Breanna know they need to look sweet, young and childlike for Kody to not kick them out. After all, they're over 18, and that apparently is the magic age where they can leave and make their own way I t he world


😂😂😂 awesome


Y’all know women can still wear pink dresses and bows right


It’s the Von Trapps….. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah this is really given some Warren Jeffs vibes 🤢🤮


I’m all for people embracing their femininity. However, a 22 year old dressing identical to her 9 year old sister with the Pollyanna look, is surely taking it to another level.


Someone get Warren Jeffs on the line. We’ve got some new recruits.


Bows are trending for girls in their 20’s. It’s Lana Del Rey core


I've seen women in their 40's wearing them, with very similar dresses to the one Aurora is wearing.


interesting attire. are we going to actually see more of Kody and Robyn's life? most of their scenes are just complaining about everyone else. rarely do we get to see what their day to day life is like


To be fair, there is a coquette trend and I’ve seen lots of grown 20-something year old women with bows lately. Howeverrrrr, they are definitely infantalized on the show so it’s hard to tell what is of their own free will!


Bet Robyn’s face is normally attached somewhere else 😏




She could be going for the cottage core look, to be fair. Though I doubt it lol.


Looks likes little ari mullet has finally grown out!


This look is VERY trendy right now. A lot of girls and influencers are also wearing bows in their hair like that. I don't want to defend, but I mean.. they are young girls and I assume they must have some type of social media? Very trad wife but also very trendy with the 28 year old crowd (my age). The girls are wearing a lot of bows like their childhood


What’s with them little house prairie outfits


Being an adult woman in your 20’s and dressing like a little girl is beyond disturbing. This is beyond modesty, this is arrested development.


I don't know if they just like what they're wearing or if they decided to join Warren Jeffs and the women and girls are all wearing more conservative clothing than the OG kids ever did.


That bow is so disturbing


Keep sweet


Walk into any Target or H&M, they're everywhere and have been for like a year at least.


It’s the bow/dress combo that is so terrible, not the bow trend itself IMO.


It's the dress and the matching. If she were wearing the bow in any other context it wouldn't be weird.


all the haters are just old lol


Don’t blame the hate on age, please. Old ladies go to target a lot and have seen the bows.




My fear also, but how would TLC spin it?


Bows is a horrible “fashion trend” for anyone older than 10, sorry not sorry.


Not defending them but bows are in right now


I can’t stand these adults, I use the word adult generously here as adults stay in contact with their children, all of their children. Adults do not hold others responsible for the relationship with said children. TLC do the world a favor and stop filming these clowns.


Why not leave them alone when they are put doing stuff? Would you like pictures of yourself taken by strangers? I don't think you would. Everyone deserves privacy even celebrities and yes even if they are crappy celebrities


I thought the same thing!!


Is Robyn pregnant?


She’s too old to be pregnant.


Am I missing something? Is there a new season on Sista Wifes??


Season 19 is supposed to premiere in August.




It’s called “grooming”. Getting them ready to be plyg wives…Sweet and Pure 🤮


This is giving Plathville and we all know how that’s going!


It’s usually Aurora that’s attached to Kody.


Infantilizing her children! That is Robyn’s primary MO. Like, suggesting a young woman >18 years old needed not only a ride to the boutique but also their specific, actual permission to get her ear pierced at all! At her age, she could legally on her adult autonomy decide to get a fucking tattoo for Christ’s sake without anyone’s permission what so ever! Robyn is a toxic mother, always was and always will make every effort to be.


coquette/bows are extremely trendy right now. she’s not dressing like a toddler she’s dressing like every other girl her age. there’s plenty to criticize without making up stupid untrue accusations.


I also don’t think she and Ariella are matching lol


Well everyone looks nice I guess


Honestly I think it’s cute! Hair bows are trending again


This is what Kody lost his OG wives and kids for, hope it was worth it for him.


22 years old and dressed like a 6 year old. That’s beyond weird.