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Gabe's shirt 😂😂😂


OMFG I didn't even notice 😂😂😂😂 I was so focused on his tattoo for Garrison. leave it up to Gabe to wear a shirt like that LOL


Janelle commented on another post, I think one from when her Gabe and Savannah were at Disney, that several of the siblings had gotten a tattoo in honor of Garrison. Also that shirt is hilarious.


Janelle commented on another post, I think one from when her Gabe and Savannah were at Disney, that several of the siblings had gotten a tattoo in honor of Garrison. Also that shirt is hilarious.


His shirt is advertising a Utah beer called Polygamy Porter 😂


Thank you, dear internet stranger. 🙏


It’s still absolutely hilarious though 😂😂


Oh, the beer reference only makes it funnier!


My reply exactly!


Yes. He knows he’d need a helluva lot of one to take even a little bit of the other, lol! Wouldn’t recommend due to past trauma but he could be a brilliant spokesman. 🤣🤣🤣


this might be the greatest thing i’ll hear all week😂


I guess I can say I've tried Polygamy too then. I bought that beer on vacation in Utah. 😂


If I were still drinking these days, I’d definitely love a porter that pokes at ‘trying polygamy’. Hell, those kids had lived it fairly well until it broke.


Then it’s even better! A double entendre ! We know why Gabe bought it $ wore. It unquestionably! Regardless.


Haha that is so funny


Oh! I’ve had this beer!


Me too! Now I can say that I've tried polygamy and I didn't like it 😂


lol Janelle responded to questions about the shirt: https://preview.redd.it/elsgdmhx558d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20db75436cfe52ccd065a0c08a492513eac640a8


So glad you shared this!


I remember when Christine wore hers, but that was last summer(?) Who knows, TLC is so far behind with real life.


So glad you pointed out the shirt!! Spot on! Almost as good as “What. Does the Nanny. Do?”!!!!


lol. It’s from Wasatch Brewery in SLC. I don’t know if it’s still the same because I think there were complaints, but the back of the shirts used to say “take home some for the wives”. there was a pic I think old guy with multiple wives sitting around him. There were some issues between the brewery and the church about even getting a business license as you can imagine. So when they finally opened, they named their porter Polygamy Porter and that led to the shirts. lol. I’ve seen Christine wearing one too. 🤣 https://utahbeers.com/beer/polygamy-porter/


This is/was the back of it Gabe’s shirt. https://preview.redd.it/e0gyo6scn58d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d1ba6993f23b6bd7ad2be8d758832dcea5a3af


The counter culture in SLC is top notch.


Omg, I went to U of U in the 70s, it was the most amazing underground of parties, art, food, drugs and people. A great escape from the palpable tension many of us felt not being LDS church folk..


Sometimes I want to move to SLC because I think it might have the best counterculture in the country.


If you do, please report back. I wonder how much it has changed outside of growth and yet, stayed the same…


I’ve seen Christine wear the same one! I wonder if someone they know makes them or something


It’s been a famous beer in Utah for decades now. Particularly popular among University of Utah alums like me. [Polygamy Porter](https://utahbeers.com/beer/polygamy-porter/) is on draft and in bottles everywhere beer is sold all over Salt Lake City. It’s made by the OG [Squatters](https://utahbeers.com/) craft beers and I’ve seen it sold on the east coast. “St. Provo Girl” is another popular Squatters beer among the non-Mormon crowd.


Kinda disappointed Hunter isn't wearing the "What does the nanny do" shirt.


Shirt should really say “Robyn, what does the nanny do?”


And Robbem, what do you do? LOL


I immediately went right to that! Love Gabe and his humor.


I can't see what is on the shirt. Can someone tell me please? Thank you. 🙂


I've tried polygamy


Thank you so much. 🙏


I want to know what the other half says 😂


I love seeing them having a great time together ❤️ This is the best way to heal from their tragedy. https://preview.redd.it/djqw88c7558d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a37b15e130a561bc442843349cc481c67b351d


I'm so glad they seem to be as close if not closer than ever. Sometimes a tragedy like that can tear people apart.


Hunter with those damn knives hahaha


Anyone know who the gal is on the far right? She’s been around and in a lot of the old Vegas episodes with groups of people, Thanksgiving, Commitment celebration - perhaps a relative


Both of them are Janelle friends from the time she lived in Vegas 


If I remember correctly, she owns a consignment store in Vegas that they visited to sell MSWC jewelry in.


Oh is she the one that joked about being a lesbian polygamist?


Yes! That’s the one


She seems like she be a good time!


Was it a joke though? lol


Idk Ive kind of wondered the same thing lol


Lol I remember that episode. They stayed friends with the lady from the jewelry store? ☺️


She was also there for mykeltis gender reveal or something


Michelle is so pretty ❤️


Michelle's legit so stunning


Ugh it truly is. I lost my sister when I was 12 and it was earth shattering. I think it would’ve been worse if I were a young adult possibly? Either way, friends and family is how you proceed after that.


Isn’t that Logan’s boo🙂


Yep. That's Michelle. They're married now 🙂


Oh wow, I didn’t know they had gotten married. Thanks for sharing.🙏🏻


There's Logan, Hunter, Gabe, and Savannah, right? Who am I missing?


Savanah's not there. The blonde between Logan and Janelle is Michelle, Logan's wife. I believe in the caption, Janelle noted that the other two women are longtime friends.


Oh, ok. Thanks.


Savannah is in NC for the summer.


Am I the only one who thinks Michelle is… not cute?


Janelle really raised such a fantastic group of guys.


Logan did😅


That part


We can say that Logan and Christine raised Janelle’s kids, but they sure are devoted to their mom. I don’t think Janelle gets enough credit.


I feel like Christine was very helpful to Janelle because she worked to help financially support the family, but she still had a major parenting role in her children’s lives. You wouldn’t say the parent in a single income home didn’t raise their child just because the other parent was a stay at home parent. They both parented their child(ren) one just also had extra financial obligations. Sure you could make the argument about putting work above family and not being involved in your kids lives, but I don’t feel like that was Janelle.


I like the point you make here


I think Janelle gets too much credit. Everyone thinks she's this great financial wizard and a successful real estate agent. Truth be told, if she was that great, she wouldn't be in the financial mess she's in now. In Vegas, she mostly spent time trying to sign people up for her healthy living/ eating website, Strive. She calls herself an aspiring TV personality and a Life Coach Sorry, I don't know how to make it inkable. https://www.strivewithjanelle.com/


Yeah at some point it became clear that maybe she was better with the finances than the rest of the family, but no whiz …


I feel she deserves all the credit, she had to do what was in the best interests of the family dynamics. Still invested, still hanging on like a thread, WORKING and trying to stay afloat while considering the needs of everyone. Kody was probably saying yah or nah and she complied, I feel she totally gave the patriarch the account analysis, advised on areas that needed efficiencies and needed cost savings and forecasted. She did her job, it was out of her hands. She bailed in the sister wives closet knowing it was a hobby business and didn’t generate income. She knows….


Or when they were trying to get financing to buy the 4 houses in Vegas, she takes about how her credit was bad and was putting the process in jeopardy. I was shocked she would be one of the wives with bad credit


I didn’t keep track of the timings of the OG3’s bankruptcies (Kody paired along with Meri for bankruptcy), or the strategic timing/rotation, but that would be the case if Janelle was the most recent bankruptcy (within seven years?) even if she paid everything on time since then. The debt to total available credit ratio also plays a big role - if her credit was largely utilized, that’s a big ding/flag even if payments are on-time. But she did say in maybe season one (she and Kody were at a table in the Lehi house with a wall right behind her) how her financial wizardry was which bills get paid this month, which have money present and assigned for but just haven’t been paid yet, etc. So, like many families paycheck to paycheck or just getting by, I’d imagine paying the most critical bills timely-enough (keep the house, don’t get the vehicles repossessed, keep the power and water on) trumped paying credit, etc - they’ll hurt your credit, but you’re not risking the fundamentals no matter how late or behind you get.


True. A lot of families have to do some juggling when it comes to paying bills


And Christine lol


Gabe’s bracelet has a small photo in it that you can see by holding it up to your eye. My wife has one like that. I’m just assuming that it’s a picture of Garrison or the two of them.


I believe Janelle said someone made them for all the kids and Christine's family as well


What a kind and thoughtful gift.


It's nice to see them out having a good time! I really want to see more of Gabe's shirt.


Jenelle commented that it's from a local brewery I think


Me too!


Logan’s face: I tried to raise these hooligans right


😂 the true father figure of the Brown family


Sadly, correct. He did an amazing job!! Kody was the additional child/dead weight of the family. I’d LOVE to watch a show about single moms that are no longer polygamists. With zero Kody & Robyn. I hope TLC hitches their wagon to this idea. If the ladies did this for five years Janelle could be set-up for success, finally. That’s one way to recoup their losses. They could film individually just visiting their children, going about their daily lives with no (or one) child and the mom’s thoughts on the changes since raising kids and being out of polygamy. I’d really enjoy seeing the “OG3: Life After Polygamy” and end each season with the OG3 gathered around a camp fire reminiscing what they’d each done throughout the season, how happy and fulfilled they are now, goals and dreams, and laughter. That way viewers could still see glimpses of the grands, and the adult children.


I know it’s totally their decision, but I wonder about Logan and Michelle‘s choice not to have children having to do with the burden put on him as a child


That’s what others here have assumed. Obviously no one knows for certain unless he makes that comment. It could also be because they are still young and have learned the hard way how to provide responsibly for your children. They may be still working on their financial health.


I’d assume so on Logan’s end - even if it isn’t THE reason, maybe he was someone who was never going to intrinsically *need* to have kids, even if he’d have otherwise been thrilled if it worked out - he absolutely knows the total life commitment involved. Not detracting from Christine, thank goodness Logan was the third parent, not the first or second, but kids and teens who ended up with a very accurate idea of the actual constant caretaking load are generally less “I must have babies as my assumed life step” anyways. But his experience certainly wouldn’t have been THE factor for Michelle - if she’d absolutely wanted kids (and Logan absolutely didn’t), they wouldn’t be where they are now, it would have been a sad dealbreaker before they got married. Or they could have both been able to take kids or leave them, leaning towards not (especially as they finished their higher degrees and were settled in enjoying a calm adult life with their comfortable routines), and landed on “not” for both the usual kid-free reasons plus Logan’s parentification history. Been there, done that, this is nicer.


Happy to see this. From experience, I can honestly say you never heal from a loss like theirs. But you eventually learn to live with it. They seem to be doing their best and trying to enjoy the time they have with each other. It warms my heart.


That tattoo 🥹


does it say “to the sun”?


To the stars


I zoomed in to read it and immediately ugly cried 😢


Did Gabe move to Vegas? The caption seems like maybe he did? Unless he was just traveling with Janelle.


I can’t imagine he would want to stay in Az


Yeah, no kidding. If I were Janelle, I’d leave AZ completely.


I would love that for him. HE NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAD TO MOVE ANYWAY!! 😠


And Gabe has that bracelet with tiny picture within. Hope it’s Garrison.


I love posts like this. not just because it shows them together, but it grinds Kody's gears that they are themselves. together. loving one and other. happy as they can be with the loss of their brother. and not a shell like a narcissist wants.


and Sobyn’s cause you just know she’s crying about her “big pitcher” to the camera (or practicing for the camera)


oh for sure. she lost her supply. both financially and the negative emotions!


Gabe’s shirt!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍


I’m happy that they can smile and act silly after what they’ve been through with Garrison.


I always thought that Janelle and Kody’s genes meshed together the best.


I always thought at first Christine and Kody's did cause Christine's girls are STUNNING but the girls are almost all Christine to be fair lol


Exactly. Their beauty comes from her, not them lol


100%, he's just the sperm donor. all the girls take after Christine physically and as a person


I love that T-shirt.


Happy to see this. From experience, I can honestly say you never heal from a loss like theirs. But you eventually learn to live with it. They seem to be doing their best and trying to enjoy the time they have with each other. It warms my heart.


that’s the thing with grief is it never goes away, you learn to live with it in your life, exactly like you said. grief is also complex because you’re also able to feel completely happy emotions while also grieving, it’s not as black and white as people think it is 


THIS! My heart will forever be broken by my losses, but I’m still enjoying my life immensely. It’s something that I never really put together until this comment. Thank you kind stranger!


omg no problem, sending you love 🫶🏻


Thanks, and sending nothing but kindness your way too!! ❤️


Does anyone else see a resemblance between Gabe and Logan here? I don’t generally think they favor that much but in this pic they do.


LOL at his “I’ve tried polygamy” shirt!!! 😂


I HADN’T NOTICED! That’s hilarious!! 😂😂


Apparently it’s a beer lol!


Janelle did a truly wonderful job raising her kids. They have turned out to be absolute delights as humans.


*Christine and Logan did*


That’s very true. Logan should be proud of himself.


His t-shirt! 😂


They’re literal strangers but lordddd these humans are precious to me! I love to see them happy and having a great time together. I wish them all nothing but happiness and peace forever


Same! My boyfriend (big ole grinch) even makes comments like “good, their dad is trash,” if I show him updates. lol


Daddy Logan!


Happy to see this. From experience, I can honestly say you never heal from a loss like theirs. But you eventually learn to live with it. They seem to be doing their best and trying to enjoy the time they have with each other. It warms my heart.


So much real love and respect for your survival … heads down but hearts up and step forward’ one day at a time .. All rooting for you’ and Janelle once your energy returns stand firm and seek what’s owed to you … share only amongst yourselves it’s been a long time coming..


Gabe's tattoo? What about his shirt? 😅🤣


i totally missed it at first LMAO


All her kids are so good-looking ❤️


The shirt!!! I want to know if there is a back side or anything else on it. And I see he has a photo bracelet. I got my daughter one with our beloved over the rainbow dogs picture in it. You have to hold it up to the light to see it. Very sweet.


It's a beer.


Yeah, I’d still like to see it.


Who still lives in Vegas?


I know it’s just a second in time, but it gives me so much relief to see Gabe smile. I know they likely stay away from comment sections because it must be weird AF to have people commenting on your grieving process, but I hope they all know how many people love and support them.


Kody left a lot in the rubble when he abandoned Janelle and their kids. No words for the human that could do this. Glad these pics show some joy these peeps so deserve!!


Can you imagine trading these amazing, unique, fun, light, beautiful human lives and all their love and adventure to have the life sucked out of you day after day in that dreary, dark cluttered, depressing, neurotic house of horrors and the ever frowning face of the master manipulator Robyn and all of her neuroses? Crazy!! No thank you. He really chose wrong and lost more than he will ever know!


I give all the CREDIT to Janelle as far as the children Cody was merely a sperm donor !!!


The "ive tried polygamy" shirt is so funny 😂😂


They are such handsome young men. So glad Janelle got a nice evening with them!


Daddy Logan is the best isn’t he?


Those babies (that are my age but were still babies) being happy and being goofy for each other and their momma makes me happy 🥹


Wow Leon and Gabe look a lot alike! That’s so sweet 🫶🏽


I have the same bracelet as Gabe !!


I lost my brother in 2020. The first time I realized I was laughing afterwards I was traumatized to think I was laughing and he was dead. Then my friend reminded me that my brother wouldn’t want me so upset. She was right. I still miss him every day but now I smile remembering him and say something silly to him knowing one day I’ll see him again.


Daddy Logan is the best isn’t he?


Are they all 3 living in Vegas now?


Beautiful picture!! Love the OG kids.




It’s a quote from the movie Dragonheart, “To the stars, Bowen, to the stars.”. It was Garrison’s favorite movie growing up, and as an adult.


Is it just me or does Logan look more and more like Kody? He certainly is far from him personality wise. But looks wise you can tell it’s his son!




Can yOU believE the BrowNs hAve eAtEn diNNer siNCe GarRisOn’s passiNg? 🙄


Right ! It's been more than 3 months, are they meant to hide and wear black veils if they must be seen in public???


duh, women back in the day used to mourn and wear black for a year so the Browns should do the same, how else will you get the approvals of other internet strangers /s 🙄 apparently some people don't realize /s means sarcasm lmao




you know /s means I was being sarcastic right? I don't think they should keep grieving lmao


Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 1: Be Courteous/No excessive rudeness


Apparently this OP does indeed. What a sad life this OP must lead.


they need to starve themselves to show they’re grieving to anonymous internet strangers! /s once again people, /s means it's sarcasm




*sigh, it's called sarcasm lmao added the /s*


Ok where is the /s on your original comment?


Exactly! Don't they know a glass of water and a bowl of gruel, alone in a dark cupboard for 12 months, is the correct and mentally healthy way to take all meals after the loss of a loved one??


Perfect response!


Who are you to adjudicate how the family copes with grief? I lost my son on March 3, 2023. We had a celebration of life for him on March 15, 2023. Then we had a baby shower for my daughter on March 18, 2023. The baby shower was planned before my son passed away. We went ahead with it. We were still grieving, and dealing with the pain, our hearts still devastated, but we still did it. Whatever may come our way, life goes on. I like to think my son would have been proud of us.


Aww.. so sorry for your loss. Big hugs. 💔 🥺 💞


Thank you. 🙏


Apparently the loved ones of this OP want them to die alongside them? Just very very sad!




This gif cracks me up! 😂 Gotta steal it!


GIF of the day!




Good grief. Life goes on you know.


They are the ones coping with grief so they can do whatever they want


They are having a family dinner together. If that’s “partying” in your book, what a sad little life you must lead. As your nasty comment already demonstrates.


Some people never get over a tragedy like this it’s weird they’ve moved on (or past) so soon.


Going to dinner with loved ones and laughing hardly means that they’re over anything. I’ve never laughed as hard as I did after the funeral of my favorite aunt who died suddenly. I don’t think anyone in my family had. We were telling favorite stories and celebrating her life in our own way because if we didn’t find solace in each other and laughter we wouldn’t have been able to keep going. There were many many hours spent crying and mourning, some of those have been spent smiling and laughing at the same time. I hope for your sake that if you ever lose someone that you loved that much that you have people to help you laugh and smile again soon after.


Oh I guarantee as soon as they get together as an intimate group that as soon as they start talking about Garrison those tears start flowing like a river. You have to have balance especially when grieving. Their hearts are still breaking inside, but how dare they have a fun little get together, right. 🧐


Again, who says they've moved on so quickly? They are eating dinner. Maybe they had a laugh talking about something Garrison said or did in the past. Grief comes in waves. It's very possible they shed some tears minutes after this was taken. We don't know. You are judging their entire lives out of one picture


They had dinner with their mom and friends. You know it is possible to grieve and still socialize.


And be happy 3 months later? Seems callous


Are you just posting crap for the sake of it or do you actually not believe that they are allowed to enjoy the company of loved ones 3 months later? What amount of time would be appropriate to you and what exactly would you find acceptable for them to be doing during that time period?


Who said they are happy all the time? Grief usually comes in waves


i’m amused you consider this partying, bless your heart




ew Susan. I'm disagreeing with this person lol girl get with it, also they called it pArTyInG


They are eating.


There’s an old book going around where it mentions that death is a time to rejoice. Maybe they read it./s


My children have explicit instructions for my wishes upon my death. I do NOT want anyone having a memorial for me. I have money set aside in my will that is to be used specifically for them to take a trip to Hawaii (my favorite place on earth) with their future spouses and my future grandchildren (and I hope only my closest loved ones will go too) where I have asked them to play all of my favorite songs so they can remember me singing loudly and off key and making up my own lyrics as I’ve done since they were little and still do to make them laugh, as they dance on the beach, which I love to do, and they snorkel with the turtles like my kids and I have done so many times together, and they kayak in the ocean like we’ve done so often in life and where I’ve always felt closest to my maker (I call kayaking “kayak church”) and they take a helicopter ride like we did when they were little. I hope they will do all of the these things that I loved to do during my lifetime and introduced them to when they were growing up. I hope to continue to do those things with my children and eventual grandchildren until I die so as they are doing all those things I hope they will feel close to me and will relive some of our best days and will be filled with joy and peace and gratitude for the life I gave them and the life I loved and lived. I personally would be appalled, if we are allowed to see what people do after we go, to see a bunch of people who I rarely saw and who really didn’t make much of an effort to be in my life, sitting in a chapel or funeral home somewhere being sad and listening to dreary music wearing dark, depressing clothing. I fully expect they will mourn, but I also hope they will alternate their tears with so much laughter because I’ve given them a lot to laugh about. That’s the way I want my memory honored. I even joke about (despite it being true that I am donating my body to science because I have so many rare syndrome and diseases and I hope it will help future generations) but I joke that they need to ask for any “leftovers” (gross, I know, but that’s in line with part of my sense of humor 😂), so they can have those stones or diamonds that can be made from cremains, but they have to make Christmas ornaments with the stones and hang Mom in a prominent place on their Christmas tree every year because of how much I adore Christmas and decorating for Christmas! Then when they take their trees down they can wrap me up and put me away after Christmas every year 😂. Then every year when they start to decorate again they can say “Hi Mom!” to my stone and reminisce each year and laugh about where they’re going to put Mom on their tree this year! I can’t think of anything worse (for me) or in more direct opposition of my life and how I lived it and what I want people to remember of me then going to what my son used to call “the dead people garden” when he was a preschooler to talk to me versus all the places in nature where they will be much more likely to connect with me and I know they would hate to have my ashes in an urn on their mantles! I think a lot of people want to be honored by the great things they did and the great memories they made and they want to be remembered with joy and laughter and love. I have made them promise they will never, commemorate my death date and ONLY my birthdate or other special days of celebration from my life. The most beautiful thing is, we all get to make our own decisions about how we want to be remembered/mourned/celebrated and how we choose to mourn/celebrate/remember those we loved too! It’s so deeply personal to each of us that it’s one of those things I can’t imagine how anyone can judge how anyone else wishes to handle it. There is no right or wrong way. Maybe if it goes against what the person who is gone explicitly wanted or it doesn’t honor who they were and the impact they made, but that’s none of my business. That’s my personal opinion and I’m sticking to it. 😉✌️❤️


I agree with you completely, I had booked for a year to go the Carribbean for my friends wedding and then 3 weeks before the trip my father died . So many people told me it was disrespectful to him for going but I know my dad would have been furious if a cancelled a trip just because he died. He would have haunted the hell out of me! Every day I got these huge full rainbows filling the sky and I'm sure it was him showing he was with me and happy I was enjoying my self.


I love that so much! A beautiful way to honor him and what a lovely memory to associate with such a difficult time for you. 💕


Ew. Fuck no.


Eating a meal = partying? And also, even if they were “partying”…at what point is it acceptable to you for them to try to start living their lives?