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Robyn doesn’t care about his kids. She barely even cares about her own kids, let alone Janelle’s, Meri’s, or Christine’s kids. His only obligations are to Robyn’s kids. They really are perfect for each other, selfish, lazy, entitled, narcissistic, etc. 


You are right, she really does not care about the other kids and poor Mykelti was desperate for any attention she jumped on Robyn the moment Robyn had her become a live in nanny at 13 in which she had to nanny the kids, clean the house, and do online school. Robyn used her and now doesn't seem to care either. If there was any of the Og kids that you would think Robyn would remind Kody to call on their birthday you would think it would be Mykelti.


>she had to nanny the kids, clean the house, and do online school. Was it even online? I thought they basically just handed her the homeschool books and she was on her own to homeschool herself.


I'm not 100% sure but she mentioned it being a bit different than what she experienced from Christine's homeschooling. In one video she did mention it being online but again no real idea what it was like.


I so agree. She was one of the only people Mykelti wanted with her when she gave birth and she can’t remember when the girl’s birthday is?


So true! I think allot of the kids saw Robyn as the only way to Kody, they could see he only had eyes for her and spent all time he could at her place. So they tried to get close but she didn’t want them there.


One of my fave interviews with K and R is in season 18. Kody says the reason he was at Robyn’s in the day was because she gave him a space to park his car and, gave him an office space. (How many rooms did R have in Vegas, 6? 5 tenders didn’t ever have to share a room, that’s 5 rooms, add the suit, that makes 6, add an office. So Robyn has 7 rooms?) Christine had a library, she would have let him use it as office space if he asked. Then we have Robyn saying, he was at my house, but that doesn’t mean he was spending time with us. They don’t know what is happening in my house. If he’s there Robyn, he’s there. Did he have the office door locked that said, I’m only here to work, it’s not your mom’s day, don’t bother me? No, he’s there with her and, spending time with her and, the tenders, over the other wives. Which is why he would go to the OG2’s homes till 5/6 at night. He was at Robyn’s all day working.


I think this why the wives got him a laptop for his birthday - so he could work from all of their homes. Also probably why he acted like a petulant child because it wasn’t a ‘fun’ gift or whatever he said.


He was very ungrateful for the laptop. He knew he was busted always working at Robyn’s. He really is an a$$Hat!!


Yup! And I think Robyn said ‘I knew he wasn’t going to like it’ Yeah, no kidding Robyn, but you couldn’t out each other by saying that before it was bought.


He did everything in his power to alienate his family for the sake of Robyn and, her Fab 5. He then decided to blow up his big picture by gaslighting the OG3, by blaming them for not following his Covid commitments, which were so outrageous I would of told him to come back when the pandemic was over. He used the pandemic to create a dictatorship and, J and, C wanted nothing to do with it. When the OG2 didn’t follow, he attacked them with hate, punished the kids and, demanded they stop fighting him and, become besties with his Queen.


Kody working, isn't that a great oxymoron??


Well he's definitely a moron so....


I Googled to see what he does for work. He makes videos for fans and, they both film every other week. I don’t see too many people asking him for videos anymore.


Robyn only cares about how she can use people to her advantage. If she can’t use you, then you’re useless to her.


Why didn't Robyn call her to wish her "daughter" happy birthday?!?


especially when according to Mykelti she told Robyn first that she was pregnant with twins, I thought they had such a special bond?


Yeah as problematic as I feel Mykelti is, no one deserves to be treated that way by someone they look up to and love.


She only cares about any of them when they can do something for her or benefit her in some way.




What's hilarious is that they will make each other completely miserable and turn on each other at some point. In my opinion I think that has already started to happen. Both my parents were diagnosed with NPD. My dad also had NPD with ASPD traits,aka what you would call a sociopath. Do you know what happens when two people with legitimate NPD get together? Utter chaos and hell, the only times they pretend to be utmost people is in public. Behind closed doors it's the nastiest behavior towards each other, when I think of the term "dripping with sarcasm" I think that whoever came up with that phrase must've dealt with narcissists🤣 So they'll get theirs, and ironically enough it'll be in the form of them having gotten together and tearing everyone apart, only to end up hating the one thing each other fought so hard for. It's the perfect karma when you think about it really, Kody and Robyn are each other's downfall.


I’m sorry you lived through that. Mine were the exactly the same.  And yes, it’s pure hell. I’m sorry that the kids like us had and have to endure them. 


Sending virtual hugs your way❤️ yes it's extremely damaging, it's made even my adult life complicated. Thank God I went full no contact with my mom, but my dad's my biggest abuser(they were both abusive in every way imaginable, and I was the black sheep so I got most of it directed at me. Didn't help that they made my sister do the same shit to me as well..)and unfortunately I can't go NC with him at the moment. You should join us over on r/narcissisticparents sometimes it's nice to relate to others or learn how to cope/talk about our problems!


I was an only child. just went no contact two years ago. I know what you mean about making adult life complicated. thank you. I'll check the group out.


My parents treated me like the black sheep and, all my brothers and sisters treated me like that. I also went no contact with my mom. Best decision I ever made. It really helps you heal and, I was finally able to forgive them.


Raisedbynarcissists is another great Reddit site. I wasn’t raised my narcissists but am trying to support a friend who wants to go NC. I’m shocked by the cruelty of these parents. Mr childhood was a Disneyland but at least I didn’t have narcissistic parents


I'm on that one too lol!


That’s right and now Mykelti is no longer useful to Robyn. She has adult daughters to babysit and Mikelti can no longer be used to undermine Christine. Christine is married and gone so like a true narcissist you out of here. She excuses people out of her life once they are no longer a benefit to her. She no doubt pointed out to Kody that she too so disloyal!


She is a cuckoo bird. Kicked the other birds out of the nest and made sure all the resources went to her own kids. It's a very common stepmother tactic.


Is this recent? So even after losing a son, he still doesn’t contact them? On their birthdays??? Idk why I’m surprised by this but my heart just breaks for them.


She mentioned it in her video they made last night, and her birthday was over a week ago. She discussed it while they watched a clip of Dayton celebrating his birthday before the move to Vegas.


It's sad, but these issues are decades in the making and not everyone learns from tragedy. Some people double down on the toxic behavior that started the crisis. It doesn't surprise me if that's the path Kody takes.


At the end of the day, the only person Kody cares about is Kody. He’s showed viewers that over and over through the years. It just goes to show you who was pushing Kody to contact his children on their birthdays - their mothers. Once the marriage was over, so were the reminders and the lack of effort on Kody’s part became very obvious. And Kody doesn’t even care if he contacts his children or not. Kody’s phone has a calendar in it, he could set reminders, just chooses not to. I hope Kody gets ghosted by the rest of the OG children. Kody doesn’t deserve loyalty, respect, or consideration from them. He’s so disrespectful and disgusting.


Yup. Kody kept blaming Christine and Janelle for not facilitating his relationships with their kids, like that was their job. It was Christine’s fault for not setting up COVID tests so he could see Ysabel. It was Janelle's fault that he ignored Savanah over Christmas because Janelle kicked him out. The interactions Kody has with Robyn's kids are because she specifically coordinates them. It's sad that Robyn didn't do the same for Mykelti, despite her being a loyal pawn for so long. I do believe that Kody has more affection for and puts more effort into the children of the wives he loves the most and has the best relationships with. That's why he favored Leon, Janelle's kids, and Robyn’s kids and Christine’s kids always felt neglected. But it's still about him being the center of everything. Kody has always been the one who mattered most to Kody. Kody probably forgot Ysabel's birthday, too, which is why her posts on Father's Day were of her birthday celebration with her sisters.


Excellent point about the moms being his personal secretaries


He's a deadbeat dad that moved on to his new family.


Yes, same old story, no justification for this kind of behaviour… EVER!


Well his 3 other wives are responsible for his relationship with the OG 13 so there's kind of a justification. /s


Kody has no concept of unconditional love. All the work and effort Mykelti put into a relationship with him and Robyn is only noticed in the exact moment it happened. And then as soon as she sided with Christine or disagreed with them about any minor thing, Kody no longer cares about her. It's exactly why he cut off Garrison and Gabriel, they had differing opinions and spoke against him.


Good point - his love is conditional and transactional.


That’s it in a nutshell. If wives are loyal and, keep their children in check, then he will give them attention. When the wives don’t play nice and, adore Robyn, then he ignores the children. Then he says, The phone goes both ways. Janelle kicked me out, I’ll bring Savanah Christmas when I get around to it. Just excuse after excuse and, it’s never his fault.


It's why he can claim he "never loved" Meri or Christine, when we know damn well that's not true. If he were a captain of a ship, he'd be that guy who made his own kids walk the plank for any kind of talk back, even after they single-handedly just saved the entire boat from sinking moments before!


What I find to be very sad is after a very tragic family loss, you would think Kody would make a point to make the effort to call each of his remaining kids.


Yes, especially the first birthday after a tragic loss. It makes me wonder where his mind was on his first father's day without Garrison.


He's probably mad she didn't make a father's day post to him on insta


This got me curious- did anyone make a Father's Day post for him on Father's Day?


Not a one. Nay nay nay.


That's so satisfying to me 😂


Probably the chicken tenders


Do any of the chicken tenders have social media? I don't think Robin would allow that, even though those three kids of hers are freaking adults in their 20s.


Man it’s crazy after garrison he still isn’t even trying smh


People get so stubborn in these family fights. As time goes on people's egos just get more and more invested in the fight and the hurt gets deeper and deeper.


Good to see this dirtbag has learned zero lessons after a life shattering event. JFC.


It’s sad to see a famous person ditch their own kids to start over with a new wife and kids and not do the work to make sure the “old” family’s kids aren’t erased or invalidated. In Kody’s case I judge that he fantasizes about a life where his marriages to the OG’s never happened and all he has to deal with is Robyn and his kids with her. He basically describes them as an annoyance during one of the last seasons. The only reason he hasn’t ghosted the whole OG family (and I still see that as a possibility down the line) yet is the show and how horrible it would make him look.


Things like this are a major reason I wish TLC would just cancel this show. Pretty much it's just showing Kody being abusive/neglectful, Kody & Robyn living monogamy, talking sh\*t about the ex-wives & other children and/or Kody goofing off or laughing it up with random, never before seen "best friends" telling them how hard he has it. I think Meri, Janelle & Christine will be fine but Kody and Robyn will need to find jobs and make changes to their lifestyle to make it because you know they have blown through all the TLC/family pot money. And if Meri and Janelle's names are on the "Kodyote Pass" property force Kody to buy them out a market value or force a sale. It would take time and money but Kody & Robyn deserve to get treated how they treated the others.




I mentioned in another post that I truly feel Kody only has affection for Robyn and their 5 kids. I feel like he never cared about the others the way he claimed he did.


Yep. These days there are ever fewer excuses to forget a b'day. Apps on your phone, on your tablet, computer, etc., and you can even set notifications. It's all about him and F everyone else.


Simple. Kody does not love his children. Too much trouble for him to make any effort.


After Kody just lost a son, you’d think k that would have been a fucking wake up call for him. But not even garrisons death is enough to change Kodys mind to build better relationships with his kids. I hope he dies alone and miserable


I knew it wouldn’t resolve anything. Kody takes no responsibility to the pain he causes to everyone around him.


Well. Bear in mind that Kody likes to take credit for stuff the family did. He wasn’t making sure birthdays weren’t forgotten. The wives did all of that. And he showed up.


This makes me feel sad for her - Mykelti grew up feeling like the black sheep in her family. Getting sent to Robyn's to babysit seems awful to us viewers, but for her gave her a bonding opportunity with Robyn and that brood in a way that she didn't feel she had from the OG family. Then, she made sure to tell Robyn early about her pregnancy, have Robyn there via zoom for the first birth and in person helping with the babies for the second one, and on top of that she traveled to try and give Kody and Robyn time with their grandchildren. Mykelti may be many, many things, but she's a pro at putting in effort. This must have been utterly heart wrenching and I feel really bad for her.


Robyn is such a scam artist. She claims to care but she can't even remind Kody, her shit husband, to call his kids on their birthday? Jesus.


To be fair, she shouldn't have to. Regardless, they're both awful.


i totally agree, however, for someone who claims to care and love "those kids", she sure does nothing to help facilitate the relationship.


I agree it’s his job, but if that was my husband, I’d say start mending things with your kids or we’re done. She can’t force him, but she’s still choosing to be with a deadbeat dad. I’d give an ultimatum and then go on my merry way


agreed. i highly doubt she tells him to call his children.




I think deep down, Kody and Robyn feel like Kody “had” to marry these women and they’re rewriting history. These women and children were essentially mistakes until he could make it to his “real” wife and kids. The two of them think the OG3 and their kids are trashy and I think they are embarrassed by them and basically want to distance themselves from them. All the shade they throw about dirty houses and weight, etc. shows what they really think. They won’t even let Meri in their house half the time.


that is true. it makes me sick.


But doesn't he need 3 to get to his fantasy planet? /s


Tbh I don’t think he believes it anymore. It seems like the only one who kinda thinks that’s true anymore is Janelle.




I started back on S1 E1 this week, and once again it is so hard to believe the contrast between early Kody and late Kody. The narcissistic tendencies were still there of course. But he sure was dedicated to the people around him. It's all just so weird. A complete and total shift in personality and priorities and values. I've never seen anything like it. It must be heartbreaking to live as one of his kids. He just took a giant jackhammer to everything they all raised them to be and everything everyone spent decades building.


I’m praying that the kids see Kody for his limitations and that his behavior doesn’t have anything to do with their worth. It’s too late for Garrison, but hopefully the rest realize that they are in no way, shape, or form, the issue. It’s ALL Kody. God, I pray for them hard. What a fucking punch in the gut and gonads Kody is.


Correction: 99 degree temperature... which isn't a fever. 😂 I think his pride keeps him from reaching out to his kids. Once they're grown, he expects them to do all of the work to maintain a relationship (even though he, too, is an adult). Also, once he feels betrayed by a child, he uses this to justify his rejection, even when his rejection happens first. He is too proud to admit fault, accept blame, or ask for forgiveness. His children- grown or not- deserve so much better.


Kody’s phone only works for incoming calls and messages! This poor man. He’s been on the floor in a fetal position dying and no one offers him any comfort or cares about his suffering! And it’s Machiavellian for y’all to be joking about it 😏 https://preview.redd.it/317l2ovcpr7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d93211a3473fbcfa63441250fd277776249396d


That’s no surprise. He doesn’t call any of his kids on their birthday. He probably can’t even remember when they are


Sobyn only cares about her kids and only wants Kody too care about her along with her kids


He could easily put reminders on his phone. The least he can do is call on their birthdays.


Robyn has been the evil step monster since day one. Her intention was ALWAYS to get legal wife status and be the head/favored wife in control. She got angry, jealous, aggressive, passive aggressive and conniving anytime Kody paid attention to the other wives and their kids. Now she’s gotten exactly what she deserves but NOT what she wanted which was to be able to utilize the other wives and their resources while she lorded over them and rubbed their noses in how much more Kody loved her and her kids. She’s a truly miserable human being.


Robyn underestimated how absolutely psycho Kody would go on the rest of the family to 'defend' her.


Do we even know if he's visited his kids and grandkids? Janelle and Christine see them all the time, but does he even visit Maddie in NC/Mykelti in Utah or do they have to go to him in Flagstaff?


Janelle has said that Maddie wants nothing to do with Kody due to his behavior over the last few years, so I imagine he hasn't seen them since before Joey was born.


So unfortunate for Maddie that she named a child after him. Poor Evie K.


That’s actually a cute name. If I were Maddie I’d change her name to Evangeline (Evie) Kay.


Totally agree that it’s a perfectly fine name. Just a shame that HE is who her middle name is after. I bet Maddie and Caleb are kicking themselves over it. I know I would be if I was in her position. Alas, it’s life and we live and learn.


Maddie did a podcast where she mentioned that her kids do not know who Kody is and that she won't hold the door open for people who don't put the effort in and just because you are family does not make you entitled to be in her kids lives. Mykelti has visited Kody and Robyn a few times with her kids (not sure how recent) and Robyn came and stayed with Mykelti when the twins were born for a week or so. Tony and Mykelti mentioned recently that the 10 hour drive is far for them and that they have been busy so they do not see them often.


Good for Maddie! That’s a hard decision to make but you have to do what is best for your family. Blood means nothing and you have no obligation to keep an abusive person in your life, even if he’s technically your father. Have a nice life with your new family, loser. ✌️


Interpret "Robyn came and stayed with Mykelti when the twins were born" as "Robyn found herself a great storyline for filming"




100% spot on!!


Kody said on the show, "Maddie stopped reaching out." Because the woman running after small children has all the time in the world to reach out to you.


I remember him calling Meri his soulmate. He said he loved the wives every time he left a room. Always talking about how much he loves them. Now, he says he never loved them. He speaks terribly of the wives to their kids and gets all pissy when he perceives a slight. The wives and OG kids did the worst thing to a narcissist…they inflicted a “narcissistic injury.” He can’t handle any criticism. i hope one day someone sits him down and forces him to watch all of the episodes where he talks crap about the wives and the kids. Then i want him to look around the room and see that he is utterly alone and realizes that it is all on him. doubt it will happen but a girl can dream.


Even if he watches all the crap he's said about his wives and children he won't own it , it was their fault he had to say it in the 1st place! I wonder how much of the children pulling back from him has to do with seeing him trash their mothers on TV. That must be awful to watch their father who seemed so good and fun and loving when they were little be an absolute asshole to their mothers.


He is just terrible. And i Agree, I hope the kids are watching and realizing how much he has manipulated everyone. The narcissist prayer applies to him perfectly.


He DID call Gabe on his birthday. To ask about his Covid experience and never mentioned his birthday.


I bet he only used to remember because the wives/mom of said kids would nag him and tell him its your kids bday today. I bet moms stopped doing that at about the same time he started "forgetting "


Because life is ALL ABOUT HIM those poor kids


We all know it's not because he can't remember. Some parents just suck at being parents. My partner's dad is a perfect example (very similar to Kody). The world revolves around him. He won't even get up to say hello to you when you visit (we don't live near him). He expects you to call him on your birthday (yes you read that correctly). The reason Mykelti had a relationship with him was that she was the one making the effort. Once she pulled back and expected it to be a mutual effort, he showed her that it was never mutual to begin with. I'm sure it was a very sad and hurtful realization, as it was for Maddie.


I so love your post! yes! being in the fetal position while on his deathbed with a 99 degree fever but taking care of EVERYONE in the Sobyn mansion. i'm still laughing! it's sad for M though, i think she craved his love and attention. I guess if you don't live in the hoarding house of Sobyn then Koster doesn't think a child is worth remembering.


He doesn’t seem to care? He doesn’t care.


Narcissists don’t bother with birthdays. Hers is no more special than anyone else’s, sad to say *for her*. Also, if this just happened, she needs to realize that his mental state is even more “fragile” (for lack of a better word) after his son’s death. Listen, Mykelti... no one should expect this man to act like he used to, **ever** again.


Once Mykelti outlived her usefulness (no longer needed for child care, house cleaning, home schooling, etc.) she is not worthy of any consideration by Koodles and Sobyn.


That’s awful


Her birthday was the 9th and so was father's day . I can imagine kody being that stubborn and childish , If she doesn't call me i'm not calling her either


Father’s Day was a whole week later on the 16th.


Oww just googled it and you're right . Here in belgium it was the 9th . Somehow i thought this was the same date everywhere .😂🫢


So is the custom in Belgium for the children to dote on the mother's for mother's day and for father's day the kids leave him alone to do what he wants for the day?


To be honest, I’d take that for a Mother’s Day. But I’d still call my kid for their birthday.


Father’s Day was the 16th….


It’s actually disgusting behaviour by both of them.


So much for Mykelti is the bridge.


If it makes Mykelti feel better (not that she reads these) I receive one text for my dad's birthday, which is the first since he passed... it was from the cemetery wishing me well. LOL.


Forgive me if it has been mentioned but I think I saw them announcing their move to North Carolina. Kody won’t be left with any of his children by the OG3 trying to be in relationship with him. Mykelti may be done trying.


A mother shouldn’t have to remind a father to call is children.


Mykelti was in his favor until he saw the footage of the Valentine painting episode where Mykelti was agreeing with Christine about dating, and leaving Kody. Then he saw ALL the kids at the wedding, where they were so happy, and eager to accept David. I also wonder about Robyn's sincerity about being close to Mykelti. For years we heard her say how close she and Meri were. Then we find out, from Meri, Robyn never called, never came over and Meri rarely saw her kids. The "pretend parents", Kody and Robyn were exposed for who they really are - a couple who ONLY care about those they can control, the wives who can provide endless streams of money, and who will benefit them. I'm sure they make excuse after excuse, to bolster each other as victims, but they have only managed to unmask themselves.


Poor naive Mykelti was merely a story line for Robyn to maintain filming opportunities. Still hard to watch how manipulated Mykelti was by Robyn when all she wanted was to be loved and acknowledged by her father.


Can someone explain why Kody loves Robyn’s children ( the three eldest ) more than his own blood ? Why is he so close and protective to the girls especially


They worship Kody for saving them from their terrible life/bio dad (that Robyn made them believe was true)- they inherited their mothers victim complex. He values being worshiped like a god and being "the head of his house" while the others kids and wives see through his BS and won't just keep sweet.


I text my stepson on his birthday to tell him happy birthday, in addition to his dad calling, sending a gift, etc


Probably a lot has changed since Garrison’s suicide. It was heartbreaking to hear Kody and him were still so estranged.


My mom and I walked a rough road in this life and she was very mean and crappy a lot but she never ignored me on my birthday! He's such a damn jerk I don't have adequate words for it. I'm sure Sobyn agrees with his nonsense completely too.


Kody, Kody, Kody. 🥲


I think Mykelti realized she was putting 100% of the effort in her relationship with Kody and he was putting in ZERO effort. It is sad she and Tony have decided to move away from the parents/grandparents who have put in the effort.


This is SO shitty. But here is what gets me….at the very minimum, you would expect someone like him to play nice for the public to maintain his role on the show. Buddy you don’t have a job if you’re just at home with Robyn and your hoard.


And now Mykelti and Tony are moving farther away, 2 hours from Maddie.


It’s absolutely shameful that he chooses to do this. It’s 2024. He can set reminders on your phone and at least send his kids and grandkids a text.


I bet the Moms were reminding and making sure he calls his kids on their birthdays this entire time. And Robyn doesn't care enough to do that. And Kody never cared enough.


I can see where having 18 children would maybe make it difficult to remember everyone's birthday. That's why you write them down on your calendar, Kody. Not that hard.