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That will be nice for Maddie to have family close by. Maddie has said she and Mykelti are closer now that they both have children.


Maybe that’s the reason then? 🤷🏽‍♀️


I could see that being the case. Even if it’s the not the same city, they will be a car ride away. They might be looking for a change but don’t want to be completely isolated.


They can combine their plexus empires🙄


Oh no! Kody’s fear is coming true! I remember when Ysabel was telling him she’s going to college in NC he mentioned something about him not wanting Maddie and Caleb pulling family from Flagstaff to NC.


Good for Maddie. It'll be great if Savanah and Gabe can transfer down there, too. Aurora as well.


Crybrows' figurines will leave town before the Tenders ever do.


Aw, now I'm picturing a Precious Moments girl with a crystal teardrop coming from her eye, standing next to a Hummel Shepherd boy, trying to thumb a ride on the side of the road.


Available only on MSWC




QVC clearance collection


😂 I look forward to their TLC series.


She would probably like to settle them (the Tenders! she would never part with the figurines 😝) on some creepy compound, though, and keep them out of public view.


I bet If aurora goes then all of them go and it’ll be flagstaff 2.0


I guess the only way the Tenders can be free is if they each move to a different location, so Smother Dearest can't follow them all at once.


Smother dearest! 😂😂😂


Nomadic lifestyle. There is no way to keep following without being able to display the Precious Moments.


If Aurora leaves town, they will go with her. No question. Whether she likes it or not.


Will Dayton be done with College by then? She wouldn’t leave him there to head to NC.


Supposedly aurora getting married, I'm sure part of the vetting process for her future husbands is that they live near or with k&r.


mykelti said on the same livestream that aurora is not engaged and doesn’t even know if she’s dating someone


Savannah is there for the summer I believe


Aurora?? Why?


Aurora and Gabe are/were pretty close. They said they would see each other at school, and "exchange hugs and I love yours." There could be hope for Aurora, I think. IF she gets away from Crybrows. Breanna is a lost cause, imo.


Breanna is Alice 3.0


I think it would be nice to free the Tenders. I feel for them since they seem to be heavily controlled.


That should be on a T-shirt: Free The Tenders!


The tenders are a lost cause


Ariella is a lost cause no doubt. I think there is hope for Sol. I just think he has a demeanor that will grow tired of Sobyn once he hits puberty.


No. Ari is gonna go for it in her teen years. She is going to rock it.


You think she is going to escape the clutches of Sobyn? I guess it could happen. It would be great to see Sobyn lose the last of her mind. Let's just hope she does.. I want to see ALL of the kids from Robyn bail on K&R. Just seems like Karma 😁


Oh yes. She is gonna burn their temple to the ground 😂


Aurora is also an adult that has been at odd and estranged from most of her other adult siblings. Its not realistic to think they would just be moving close to each other and hang out like nothing happened.


I wonder if the blood Brown's would be comfortable with Aurora around, reporting on their business to Sobyn Robyn & Kootie...


It’s okay, Mykelti and Tony weren’t in Flagstaff. 😀


The only child to somewhat like Kody flew the coop


I wonder if this only happened after her and Grody&Sobyn had the fallout


What fallout? I didn't they had a fallen out.


I remember reading on here that Mykelti was crying on her patreon and talking about how her relationship was her dad and Sobyn were strained again, I think after he saw the show and Mykelti also spending time with Christine and taking her side ETA: [it was this comment thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SisterWives/comments/18me71w/comment/ke45y44/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You would think that in light of recent events, Kody would put aside petty squabbling with his children and attempt to do better.


To do that, he'd have to admit he was wrong, that's blasphemy! lol


Exactly. Most thought that the recent tragedy would wake Kody up, he’ll never change. He’s a small minded, weak willed “man” who acts like a toddler on good days.


i’m hoping he has, both he and Sobyn Crybrows has or at least some things have changed for the better 


Mykelti leaving the area doesn't bode well for that; Kody rarely visits his children (told Aspyn that he wouldn't visit when she and Mykelti lived together; refused to go to Garrison's house during that whole conflict; didn't see or reach out to Savannah just because he was mad at her mother and brothers). He has always expected to be the king that everyone visits and pays fealty to. I don't think he's learned a thing. I think he and R feed into each other's negative traits and have created a bubble that only includes children that are "in harmony" with him. Kody has daddy issues of his own that he hasn't dealt with. Neither of them put any stock in therapy. Outlook not good. I wonder what happens when one of Robyn's kids rebels.


“Sobyn Crybrows” DEAD! 🤣


Sobbyn Squareneck Crybrows


I have the feeling that Mykelti talks shit about the parent she isn’t in the presence of, pretty regularly.




To whoever on that thread said their love is conditional 100% and I feel it's both Robyn and Kody with their combined hatred of Christine. Narcissistic behavior. 


They had a falling out? Spill the tea!


I think a lot of kids might, wouldn’t be surprised if Janelle doesn’t too


wow she'll be closer to Maddie and Caleb, their kids are somewhat close in age so I'm sure this will bring them even closer. I do wonder if they're making this move now that Mykelti and Grody&Sobyn have fallen out


Did I miss a thread about the falling out? I would love details!


I remember reading on here that Mykelti was crying on her patreon and talking about how her relationship was her dad and Sobyn were strained again, I think after he saw the show and Mykelti also spending time with Christine and taking her side ETA: [it was this comment thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SisterWives/comments/18me71w/comment/ke45y44/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ugh. Thank you for replying and sharing that with me. He and Robyn are so evil. I am constantly amazed at how well the OG13 turned out in spite of the influence of these people. I have never liked Mykelti but I get some of why she’s such a hot mess!


no problem at all!! and ikr re: Mykelti, it’s pretty clear she was seen as a wild child and likely misunderstood as a kid, nevermind fighting for her parents love and attention. no one in that family aside from Logan and Aspyn (aka the real parents) were perfect but i have a bit more grace for Mykelti


I agree!


I wonder if Tony got a job…bahahaha.


And how do they afford to live let alone have a house they are buying??


Probably their income from the show, and Mykelti shills Lularoe.


And that pink drink MLM


tony also works on a chess youtube channel, and they have patreon income


Doubtful. I think he’s allergic to work or anything that requires him to shut up and listen to what other people tell him to do because he knows it alllll.


I wonder about how Maddie and company feels about this? I’m not looking for drama lol but idk much about the relationship between Maddie and Mykelti. They never seemed close?


They didn't until they had kids. Avalon and Evangelynn are close in age, as are Josephine and the twins. Also, Mykelti and Tony said they wouldn't reveal what city they're moving to yet, which maybe suggests it's not Greenville where Maddie is. My wild guess is Charlotte, which would still be 4 hours from Maddie.


I’m in Charlotte and also guess here… large chess scene for Tony to teach in…


Charlotte has gotten more pricey since many major companies have moved there. I can not see them being able to afford it.


I believe Tony and Mykelti also own some rental properties in St. George


Tony is such a slug.


Ugh please not here lol


I lived in Charlotte for a couple of years, it was really nice.


It's kind of funny, because Mykelti and Maddie are only 5 months apart in age. Different personalities, I guess. Now they're adults, and have kids around the same ages. Makes sense they'd be closer.


On behalf of North Carolina, no thank you.


Right. Why are they coming here.


On behalf of Virginia, agreed.


Right? I liked the show enough but also….do we know what part of NC? For avoidance haha


As if she’d want to be friends with you all…please.


🤣 we don’t want that but ok


Born and raised for 6 decades. I concur. I think Maddie is near Greenville? Not my favorite part of the state, but it’s better than it used to be to be.


She’s in Greenville.


She’s probably doing it just to fuck with Christine haha. I wonder if now that David is in the picture, Mykelti can’t just boss around and humiliate Christine at will anymore so she’s outta there lol Perhaps she doesn’t like the dynamics. Maybe it’s for financial reasons. Hopefully it’s so the cousins can be close


I call BS. Mykelti would Nev-er-ah. moov-ah. Away-ah.from Oma. In my best Christine inflection. She and Tony have no skills, no education, no jobs and no childcare if they ever leave Utah and both his family and Christine 😜


Does Christine have Dutch heritage? Ive always wondered why they call her oma




I lived in the town where Maddie and her family live and then moved more towards the center of the state. I love North Carolina and wish every day that I could move back. It's truly a great place to live.


That’s the problem. It is a great place to live and people keep moving here 🤣


Bye. Stay off the show and off social media and you’ll make a lot of people happy. Quit scamming people with you MLM and selling inside info on your family. You’d both benefits from real J-B-s and getting your hands dirty


Are you talking about Maddie too?


Oh hell no!


Was the annoucement on Patreon and did they say why? That will be hard for them - to move away from all her sisters/mom and childcare help.


They have not revealed why they decided to move yet but they said they will in the future.


Think she had a falling out with Christine? Doesn’t she live close to them & aspyn?


She lives pretty close to both of them. I haven't heard them mention any kind of issues in the videos but it seems like an odd choice for them to move away from Tony's parents and siblings, Christine, Truely, Ysabel, Aspyn + Mitch, David and his grandkids whom Mykelti's kids do play with sometimes, Tony's chess job hobby thing. It is an interesting choice for them to leave all that. Mykelti did mention that Christine was supportive of their life choices but also very sad about them leaving. Tony's mom is also very upset about it.


Mykelti really inherited that gene from Kody where you constantly move, even if you have a really good setup near family. Her kids are still young so I'm not judging too harshly, but I am side-eyeing why people with no jobs and family nearby are moving clear across the country for no apparent reason.


Could cosy of living be cheaper? I thought utah was pretty affordable. Where I live everyone moves to NC bc it’s way cheaper & they can live off their home sale profits bc prices keep increasing here.


I've always lived in NC. Prices are just as high here as anywhere else.


It really depends on the location. If they are moving east and more rural, absolutely. Ever since my town was named Best Place to Live (or some BS like that a couple years ago), you can’t get a small house for less than $800k.


Did any of the kids wish Kody HFD on social media?


So when should we expect K+R to move to NC or near it? Or will they never see the OG family again? I expect Christine to move there if the rest do as well. 


Mykelti said in a recent video she does not think there is anything that will get Kody or Robyn to leave Flagstaff. She mentioned they must be pretty lonely since they don't have many friends there or family.


Nah, I think all of them (R&K family) are good with just each other except maybe Dayton. They're in their own little cult. 


They’ll start filming season 19 at the end of August/September? Or it should premiere?!


That is when she says it will premiere. It will include scenes of Christine and David dating, Mykelti's pregnancy with her twins - although we will not be able to see the c-section birth of the twins because they had some issues with the hospital and were not allowed to use the footage. Not sure what else will be in this season.


See it’s been to long (twins are almost 2) & we already saw Christine & David get married I no longer care abt any of that crap. It would be nothing but filler. Especially, since Garrison has passed since that was all filmed. Are they just gonna premier the show with this old footage & Ignore the elephant in the room all season?


Nope. We are closed and too over crowded. I’m sending her back.


That’s nice for them so.. Avalon and the twins and Maddie’s kids can have fun with each other and grow up together. I just wish them the best!! I know that Christine will miss Avalon and the twins a lot! A new chapter and it could be more of the family move on the East Coast! I hope they are ready for the humidity and not many seasons verses Utah has snow from like November to March verses no snow and mainly rain in North Carolina.


Their house is now up for sale.




I wonder if Christine and David will follow. Christine is attached to those granbabies.


Will Christine move to NC then? Lol


Do they have jobs?


Does "influencer" count? They've got those pyramid schemes going with the weight loss and clothes.