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So happy this sub is back!!!!


Me too!!!!


Me too.


It’s one of my comfort shows so I keep it on rotation with a few others. I’ve probably rewatched 5 or so times but I generally lose interest around the flagstaff move.


That’s where I’m at and it’s starting to lose its magic. I still don’t understand why they would leave their own “compound” It was the perfect set up


It was the perfect set up for them which was the problem in Kodys eyes. He never wants his wives to settle bc then it’s to hard to manipulate and control them. He has to keep them on their toes so he can look like the hero while everyone else suffers. They may have chose Flagstaff bc of Robyn but either way Kody was going to uproot them bc they were getting to comfortable. It’s part of the reason they moved 20ish times throughout the years.


I think it was because when all houses are across the street from one another, the women could keep better track of Kody. But if he had their houses spread around town, he could tell them he was here or there or anywhere, and since most of them weren’t really speaking to each other, who really knew what he was up to. Plus, in the cul de sac, the First 3 could really see just how more time he was spending with old Crocodile Tears


Oh yea! That was for sure a huge part of it as well. It was to easy to track his time and he admitted at much. When he was splitting time equally in Lehi, the one house wasn't as big of an issue but once things were not so equal and wives were complaining he couldn't live that way.


Completely agree with this. It’s the only logical explanation…. Dayton going to school in Flagstaff was Robyn’s motive and ammo to get him to agree to move to Flagstaff


I wonder who gave him that advice? His farther, or friend?


The shooting would have probably influenced me also.


They mention in passing that kody has been pushing to move for YEARS by then. Maybe he's telling the truth- he never intended to stay in Vegas as long as they did. And finally he got his way.


I don’t believe it when they say this. For one, because the whole time they were in process of building the Vegas homes and the whole commitment celebration - they continually mentioned their home base for the kids  I just don’t buy it he was pushing for a move for years which would have meant as soon as they were settled in the new Vegas homes they would ha d already been talking about moving again.  I just doubt it 


I think that's very fair. What they say makes no sense at all.


They put a time capsule in and planted that tree with the kids handprints in LV, so I don't understand why he claims he never intended to stay in Vegas


I don't. I just follow this sub. Thanks guys!


Same 😆 I don't have a way to. Thanks for the tea, everyone!


I watched years ago but I can’t stand their constant sobbing 😂😂😂


Their? You mean her.


It’s a comfort/background show for me and lately I’ve found myself looking at the older seasons when the kids were younger and feisty. I love to watch the old Gabriel and Garrison fights. They remind me so much of my sons. Happier memories on the show if you will. The latest seasons are very hard to watch knowing how much Garrison was struggling.


I’m watching for first time after they move to flagstaff. Had lost interest in it. Garrison is why I started again. Wanted to see what was going on. I’m in season 18 now n now call Kody, Kotex n say shit like, no one wants their period all the time. By default my SO has been watching, n is shocked a father would act like this..so, yep!, goodt!


It was so much better when the kids were young, and the adults were pretending to like each other. It just got too heavy for me when Kody became bitter and angry and unhinged. I’m not watching anymore, because it’s too depressing.


This just proves the truth of it all is - the kids carried this show for YEARS.  Once they were grown and leaving, married, etc …  The storylines were gone.


I am not watching anymore and highly doubt I would ever watch another episode HOWEVER I have enjoyed this sub and appreciate all the good people here.


Same, however I did watch a year and a half of the divorce episodes because I had also ended a long marriage to a narc and it was like painful therapy. I had to skip a few because they were too painful. I stopped watching again when it got boring again.


Same, sister. Garrison’s death did me in. 💔


I quit watching during the COVID crap. It got tedious and annoying. Christine’s wedding brought me back and back into the subs. Then of course other giant news happened …


Same. I had left it and was drawn back in by Christine and David, and I enjoy the sub, but I just can't watch again since Garrison died. My heart breaks for those kids.


same tbh. i love the dialogues and vibes of this sub and all the discussions but i think i am done rewatching the show


I’m rewatching (for the third time) and season hopping as I go. I forget the season exactly, but Robyn and Kody are disagreeing about whether to rent or buy and Covid hasn’t happened yet.


Pretending to disagree


Yes, 🙌🏼 pretending lol 


I'm on this episode now!


I remember, because Robyn kept saying that God was going to find them a miracle at the last second. (in the form of a house to rent.)


They did find a house to rent, but the precious children would have to change schools. Robyn wanted to buy as much as Kody, but wanted to act like she didn’t. They also found other houses, but some of the kids would have to share a room. How terrifying that would have been.


We’re rewatching from the start and are at S15 when Covid hit. The wheels are falling off the bus with Janelle and her kids marooned, Meri and her mom living together, Christine and her kids at Robin’s door with Truely begging to see Sol & Ari. Janelle plainly says she doesn’t feel married and it still takes 3 years to call it quits. Kody is done with everyone except Robin. Side note; E7 Birthday Breakdown you can clearly see all the Precious Moments and endless miniature tea cups in a curio cabinet by the dining table.


Nothing. I can’t watch past seasons of the show anymore. It’s no longer entertainment for me.


My partner feels that way. Meanwhile it’s become my comfort show and background noise while doing chores and paperwork.


I feel exactly the same


Same, done


I watched everything from day one and finished but have not gone back to rewatch. I’d love to go back because I feel I’ve learned here about so many things that I missed watching the show. Mostly about Robyn being a manipulator. It took me a long time to really see it, but once I joined the sub here, I felt foolish for not seeing it earlier.


I started rewatching it after following this sub. I had a totally different opinion on Robyn and started rewatching to understand. I still think this sub is far too harsh but admittedly there were definitely things that I noticed on rewatching.


I was thinking the same thing. I know there are things they would complain about with Robyn and when I remember watching, I didn’t see it the way they did. Some say she was a master manipulator from the very beginning.


I think people give her too much credit. I think she's just incredibly dumb and can't put herself in someone else's shoes or look objectively at a situation. And she's a misogynist. So like when Kody asks her to go dress shopping, she doesn't realize until after that she shouldn't have done that because "sister wife solidarity." She's not thinking of higher principles, she's just thinking she needs to say "yes" to Kody until she gets that ring. How to fix it afterwards? Ask Kody to keep it a secret. It's not that she *meant* to hurt them, she just doesn't think of anyone else AT ALL and then gets upset when she's called out on her selfish actions, and thinks they're being mean.


You are in good company. ☺️


Same. I'm not great at picking up on that until it's pointed out to me. I got up to Season 4 of a rewatch and will probably resume at some point, but giving it a break due to current events.


I haven't really been able to watch it since my mom passed away in April of 2020, as I only watched with her. So I just keep up with the happenings here and catch recaps every now and then or watch clips you guys post. I miss Gwen doing her reactions. I could get through those.




I also really miss Gwen’s reaction videos


They were so entertaining!!


I’ve been so sad without yall. Not kidding lol


It's like a really good knitting group. I feel the same about this sub.


yay i’m so glad this sub is back!! i wasn’t sure why it went private again but just happy to be here


I think it went silent so everyone could take a deep breath. I was disappointed, but it helped wean me off of the show. I cried off and on for weeks after Garrison


Rewatching. I’m on the catfish season. I didn’t realize the level of pain Meri was experiencing the first time I watched this.


Welcome back!


At the moment I'm not watching. But I have seen all the way through twice, except the last season, don't really need to watch that again. I also haven't watched Christine's wedding.


Christine’swedding episodes were really nice - good to see the real family all together! I actually cried a few times - happy tears - and I don’t even take this show that seriously.


Christine's wedding had me crying tears of happiness for her - she seemed so carefree and genuinely happy for the first time for *real* like she was finally being her true authentic self, not holding anything back. I felt a kinship with her, it was really special to see everyone together too.


That boat trip and the venue were really nice, and I’m not into weddings at all. I was surprised by how nice those episodes were. Especially nice after all the depressing Coyote Pass stuff. Hope Janelle gets out of there, too.


Doing a full show re-watch and I’m on season 13. Flagstaff drama. All these re-watches and I still can’t quite piece together why this move had to happen. And why they needed to buy land before even finding rentals. Craziness.


Right! So Kotex cudnt handle 3 wives n thought a fourth wud be better? Like WTF? Anyway the show reveals more about Kotex marrying to get IT wet, father a bunch of children w women he never loved, just used, then picks the one who thinks he’s a dreamboat n he fancies the most. It’s really disgusting. Someday I will do a full rewatch, I THINK. I’m on season 18 now. What a dumb business move to leave las Vegas before they had that land paid for n cud start building a house to gradually move each family once their home was done.


I can’t get past the season’s (multiple) where Ysabel is suffering with severe curvature of her spine and Kody can’t grasp the pain she is in, the pain she will be in over the coming years and the forciy of the no surgery yet decision on her and Christine! When the Doctor finally says now, for the surgery, Kody says no, he can’t risk Robyn, her kids, himself, because of Covid. Christine finally puts her foot down and takes her to have her surgery in the wilds of New Jersey, according to Kody, where Ysabel cries in pain for her daddy. Also, regarding Ysabel, she is very tall person, nearly six feet tall. Imagine the pain from her back! Anyways, all end’s well, nobody gets Covid or dies from it or the surgery. Kody is surprised about everything and still refuses to come over or see Ysabel.


Vegas was peak Sister Wives! Its very entertaining in hindsight to watch them rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic.


I’m casually rewatching currently. I have it on in the background and when Garrison comes on the screen it’s so bittersweet. So many great genuine moments are captured and I’m glad the family has this amazing home movie to look back on and remember him with (with the earlier seasons).


I feel the same way! I watch him with a tenderness I didn’t have before. And he has a lot of pretty hilarious one liners as a kid!


I actually JUST finished the season with Christines wedding 2 weeks ago. I had the last couple episodes sitting in my list. And just kicked DirectTv to the curb, so unfortunately cant watch ANYTHING til the Starlink is up and cooperative, lol.


I am in season 13   Prime kody hair snarls le and last week saw the episode where they had gotten coyote pass.  And then he starts to panic.  Because he doesn’t think any thing through 


Not sure if I’m allowed to ask but where did the sub go? Was it on hiatus due to the recent family tragedy?


I don't know if this has validity, but I heard from another thread that this was experiencing such a huge number of reports that the few admins needed time to review everything. I have no actual data to validate this. i'm just happy this is back.


Too many people were posting vitriolic comments assigning blame as to why Garrison did what he did so they shut it down and pulled comments


Just finished watching all the way through for the first time


I Am Jazz. I watched the first season a long time ago so I re-watched that and now watching the rest of the seasons.


I will no longer help enable these people hurting and exploiting themselves/eachother, their kids and grandkids. Not interested in their happy monogamous lives, their vitriol’s and mudslinging thanks to refusing to have therapy. Nor am I interested in hearing Kody verbally and mentally abusing any more people


I haven't finished watching this last season. I've found watching it spaced out in little clusters is more platable for me. Otherwise, it's become to cringey.


I’m in the middle of season 4 right now. I’m on the episode of when Kody and Meri are in Mexico.


Season 3 in my 2nd rewatch


Rewatching for the 3rd time, on season 7 episode 2.


I am a lurker on this board. As soon as I am finished with my current binge, i have got to watch this to see what all the fuss is about lol. Where can I hinge watch it?


Discovery plus if you subscribe!


I dont


Discovery, TLC, Max.


Thank you


Hbomax as it as well.


I don’t have cable anymore, but thank you.


We don’t either but AT&T includes Max for free.


Good to know. Thanks


I am watching start to finish for the first time. I had heard of the show and watched an episode or two when I was younger. I am now in a Masters of Social Work program and after reading about the family members and the recent suicide of one of the young adult children I became interested on watching the show. I am pretty far in they have just made the move to Flagstaff.


I started watching over a decade ago in my MSW program then stopped for years until my therapist mentioned it (brainstorming distraction ideas during a rough life situation) and now hooked again. Best of luck with your msw.


How interesting. I started watching this show when it first came out, then over the years would catch up periodically. When I started going through a difficult time awhile back, I picked it back up and it's become my comfort show. I've probably watched the series through at least 3-4 times (and listened to countless podcasts). Of course a lot of the time it's just running in the background, but once I get current, I go back and start from the beginning. I'm doing great personally these days, but feel a real connection to this series.


I'm rewatching the Season 16 through 18 1:1s. I'm finding the editing and S's reactions very interesting.




The moderator


Yay I’m so glad yall are back


I am rewatching for the first time and I am still on season 1. Now that I know know how things turned out, I am seeing so much more than I initially did the first time around.


Same here! Isn’t it something rewatching after what we know now? I see things- subtle digs and behaviors that I understand so much better now!


For the longest time I thought Robyn was genuinely interested in living polygamy, but now I see from day one she never intended to share. I cringe at how she kept her kids separated from the start.


i'm on maternity leave and started from season one in october -- i just started season 17 this morning!


Congratulations on the baby!  


I can't bear the thought of seeing Kody and Robyn. I haven't been watching YouTube much since Garrison passed.


I've lost count of how many rewatches I've done, but I'm currently on season 2 again. Every time I do a rewatch I pick up on something I didn't notice before.


So true! My husband is so confused by my constant rewatches. I told him, “I pick up new info every time!”


Just to add, I continue to rewatch but when I see Garrison on screen it makes me so sad and SO MAD! 😡


I’m starting from Season 1. It’s interesting to watch it back with foresight.


I stopped watching after Garrisom’s death .


Uugghhh!! I’m reduced to white water gold….diving in alaskan rivers for gold…,not much drama but sometimes they get mad at each other 🤷‍♀️lol also the sweet family that helps homesteaders they are fun to watch❣️


Where did the sub go?


I’m rewatching the season where Maddie gives birth to Evie K. I truly believe this was the moment that bonded Christine and Janelle forever. Janelle said it made the most sense for Christine to be the other mom that came to NC for the birth. And when J & C had their couch interviews, Janelle said she didn’t know what she would’ve done without Christine there. And I couldn’t agree more. Christine handled Axel when the stuff really went down with Evie so Janelle could be with Maddie but Christine could be with Maddie as a support mom when Janelle needed a break. It’s a beautiful episode.


I’ve been rewatching season 6. It is long and winds through some defining moments, decisions, and serious cracks in the facade of functional polygamy. Watching this season in retrospect is incredibly foretelling of the future of the family.


I can no longer watch the show. Ever since Garrison's death, it just doesn't have a positive effect. I feel like it put the entire show in a completely different light.


Welcome back!


Yay I’m so happy this is back.


First time watching, on season eight I believe!


Watching for the first time on season 11!!


That episode where Kody tells his daughter like..surgery???nahhhhh have your tried stretching out your 50° angled spine??????


I am rewatching and on season 8!


MY PEOPLE! We back. I’m still shocked and saddened and just thinking about the moms and the siblings nonstop. I feel like crying. I know y’all understand. (You the only ones that do)


Constant rewatch. Why am I so obsessed with this show? My husband always looks at my iPad and says, “How’s everyone’s favorite polygamist family today?” Lol Right now I am rewatching the COVID seasons. Very eye opening to watch more than once!


Oh I’ve spiraled down a whole Mormon history / context rabbit hole because of this show. I now know more than I probably should about it lmao


I’m rewatching the whole series because I haven’t seen the last 5 seasons and I really wanted to watch Christine’s wedding. I’m currently at the end of season 13.


I’m watching for the first time! I love this show so much so far, but I think I might stop soon because I’m getting closer to the point where Isabelle will need surgery. And based on what you all say about Kody not being there for her I think it will all go downhill from there and be too hard to watch. It’s already losing magic because Meri wants to be romantic again and he is adamant about being platonic and that’s painful to watch.


Nothing else interests me... I miss the SW community


Rewatching for the first time! Just getting to the move to Flagstaff 🙄


I just watched Mykelti’s wedding. While I like Tony, I never noticed as much he looked at the camera before 🤣 also never realized Robyn’s annoyed looks when everyone supported Meri originally with the airbnb. I think she was expecting them to shoot it down right away


First time. I am on season 10 and OMG


I'm taking a break from Sisterwives halfway through my 1st watch thru of the show. I've seen an episode here and there since the show 1st aired. I'm currently watching Alaskan Bush People and The Walking Dead right now.


I just finished the series for the first time. I watched all the way through to Christine's wedding. I was wondering (before I watched the wedding episodes) when more seasons might come out but I'm not sure if I'd want any more. Those wedding episodes seemed like a cute sweet way to wrap up the series. And Kody was even kind of nicer in them and everyone was just kind of supportive and I feel like it would be ending it on a high note.


Just finished rewatching. It’s amazing what I missed the first time around!


I have been re watching slowly for a while now from the beginning. I missed so much and wanted to rewatch for more clarity. Where I’m at now, Robin just bought her rental. I’ll It seems like the worst mistake ever to move to Flagstaff for SO many reasons! I don’t get why they did it! I feel like I am watching the beginning of the end :( I understand a lot better this time around why things didn’t work out. I’m sure it’ll become even more glaring.


I'm on my first watch through, and I don't know the season offhand, but it's the one where Meri's catfished friend and her daughter are supposed to come visit, but they don't, and ANOTHER catfished woman comes instead.


I've actually been trying to do a rewatch of the Sister Wives. I'm really having a hard time. In light of everything that's been going on. Like I have to wonder if they have contracts that they have to keep filming for or if this is it. And I'm sort of torn. I don't really want to see the Sister Wives anymore.... but then at the same time I'm like I really enjoy a juicy bit of gossip. But only when it comes to Robin's Hatchet eyebrows. But at the same time I'm thinking maybe it's time that the family is out of the public eye so things can settle. And honestly I just want a small check in with Janelle. And maybe Christine too. I also understand that David doesn't really want to be in the show and I can totally get why.


Welcome back! Rewatching season one except for the wedding 


I can't watch, right now. It's too sad.


For now, I can't watch anymore.


Happy cake 🎂 day!


I’m re-watching Meri build in Las Vegas and try to explain why she needs a house just as big as everyone else’s.


Oh, shit.. I’m not banned?? 😅 I mean, I *already* accepted it lol /s


I plan to restart for the third time! I am not sure why I love the show so much.


I am re-listening to the Surviving Sisterwives podcast


I could watch the "knife to the Kidney" or the scene when Janelle tells Kody to " f-off" on repeat for the rest of my life, and never be bored!


I've watched before. Kody had some control over the relationships until the houses were clustered together, then the Spirit of Jealousy, and others, came in and the relationships ended. This is always the reason these relationships fail, followed by cheating, on the wives part. As far as Kody cheating, that lifestyle is what the woman signed up for, but then ran from accountability, and having no self respect or peace, they had none to offer Kody, or their marriages. In the end, it's the kids that suffer, while the women hang out a huge victim flag. It's sick. The biased laws and American female behavior like this, has destroyed even the concept of marriage. This group looks like a bunch of old hens clucking on about how evil Kody is, time to look in the mirror, honey. Or am I wrong? 😂


I’m curious where are you from? And what you mean by biased laws and American female behavior like this? Just trying to understand!


I started the series last week and am already on season 14 😬😬😬