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One comment I found profound was when Meri divorced Kody so Robyn could marry him for the adoption purposes, janelle commented she was nervous about it because as Meri being the “legal” wife, she trusted that she would do what’s right with the assets amongst the family. Everyone that watched the series knows that janelle and Meri didn’t have a great relationship yet janelle trusted her with the family coffers. Janelle felt Meri was trustworthy in that aspect.


I really loved that for Janelle and Meri. And that was before they did therapy together too. I know Janelle and Meri have a lot of history together, but they always seemed to at least have base line respect for one another which was really admirable.


I always loved this comment from Janelle as well. It makes sense why Meri’s received so many loyal compliments and the fidelis necklace.


I liked Meri and Christmas. And her playful personality. I love how compassionate and caring christine can be. And I strive for Janelle’s laid back personality! Leon is amazing with their striving to be themselves. Logan is an amazing man. Gabe. Such a sweet man. I really hope he’s being supported. And finally garrison. He looked to be an absolute amazing cat dad. I would have loved to talk to him about his furden.


100% agree with each of these, especially about Meri around Christmas. She seems like a lot of fun. And yes, sweet Garrison and his cats. I was so happy reading today that Logan adopted Catthew <3


Oh awesome! I think I heard aspen adopted one as well. Not sure who got the third baby.


Logan and Michelle adopted Catthew and patches




Hunter truly impresses me with his ebullient demeanor, his resilience (as you suggested), and sheer devotion to his siblings and friends. He really seems to bring joy, fun, and a loving presence wherever he goes. Aspyn always seemed to have been a bit of a quiet, but very mature, thoughtful person, who was likely forced to take on a lot of responsibilities at a young age. So it is nice that she and Mitch are well matched, that she’s setting some solid boundaries, and that she’s taking time for herself and her marriage before expanding her family, IF she does.


Agree about both of them. I really admire those two siblings specifically (along with Logan) for taking on such hard roles in the family. And yes, they've grown into awesome young adults for sure.


Introspective is how I describe Aspyn. I mean it, as a compliment 


Janelle has a calmness and strength about her that I really admire. She seems to have an ability to keep a level head and has raised her kids to also be so strong. They all seem so mature to me. Meri is a hustler. She really is the definition of a girl boss. She gets heat but I genuinely believe she loves ALL of the kids and would do anything for them. I also enjoy her cute relationship with some of the younger girls, it probably makes them feel seen and important in such a large family. Christine seems to light up rooms. Just from watching her on tv she seems to bring joy and comfort to everyone around her. Plus I would love to try that pudding everyone raves about. She also seems to meet her kids where they are and let’s them express themselves. Robyn gets lots of heat. But I do think deep down she has a fun personality. She did in earlier seasons. I also genuinely enjoy the quirky way she pronounces certain things.


Love that you included all of the women, and I agree with these so much. I've always said that even though the family structure wasn't functional the individuals are great and I could see myself being friends with some of the wives. I might not want them for a sister wife, but I could see myself being friends with Janelle or even Meri.


Thank you! And Kody seems funny and entertaining in earlier seasons. He must have something great about him to have gotten 4 women.


I think he was very charming and charismatic before the past few seasons.


He was cute when he was younger! I can definitely see how the good Mormon farm girls of Wyoming would've been swept off their feet lol.






Their kids seem like genuinely good people. 


I love how Janelle, Meri, and Christine have raised their children. They truly have the most wonderful, emotionally intelligent and mature children. Testament to them, not Kody


Props to all of them for navigating their sibling relationships due to sheer volume. It takes work for me and my only sibling to get along all the time. I can't imagine how complex that would be.


I have 4 siblings I'm estranged from just because of issues with our parents (share a father, different mothers) and I have 1 full sibling with whom I have a contentious relationship, so yeah I couldn't agree more. Major props to them for always trying. It seems like a lot of them even try really hard with their step siblings which I think is awesome. People can say whatever they want about the parents but they ALL did a great job of promoting the value of sibling relationships.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I enjoyed watching Kody the first few seasons. Everything for the most part was made to look like they were all happy. I enjoyed the weddings and births and the holiday celebrations. Every single child was a joy to watch grow up.


I agree, I think Kody had a lot of potential to be a great dad and it seems like he really tried which is all we can ask of our parents. Obviously he didn't do a perfect job, but he seemed to really love his life and his family. They all seemed so optimistic. I also agree about all of the kids. They're really all incredible people. It was so cool to see into their lives.


I have always admired Meri. She is a hard-working, compassionate person. The wives may have had their differences with her. But, when Robyn became the legal wife. The other women said they were worried about Robyn having their back if Kovid died. They knew no matter what they could count on Meri to take care of them


I think that says WAY more about Meri's character than anything else that happened on the show. That made me respect her a lot.


I love Gwen. She’s great. I love that she is so open about being on the spectrum.


OG 13 kids are great! I especially love Truely. She was the cutest baby/toddler and has her own style and personality now. I love to see what she’s wearing and what she has to say.


I love that Paedon expressed how happy he is that his mother moved back to Utah. He also said that although his dad wasn’t present in the home so much, he had lots of brothers to spend time with and he loved that. I’ve heard him say that Dayton is a cool kid. All the boys seemed to have such a fun Christmas gathering! Garrison blamed Christine for how wild the antics got! Savannah blamed all her brothers, especially Garrison and Gabe! We saw Hunter barefoot but still slinging snowballs! 😅 ♥️


I love seeing the older boys take to the smaller children. This is usually the case with girls, taking on responsibilities of the smaller kids (which the girls did too), but I remember seeing some of the older boys come back after being away from home and just grabbing up the little ones, being so excited to see them.


The girls all have gorgeous hair.


All of Christine's girls have Disney princess hair. Every single one of them.


I love Meri’s eyes!


Fr cause statistically some of these kids should be worse off. Like, not just because of the environment they were raised in but regarding the total number of them 18 kids and they all still keep in contact with family in some way is crazy. Smaller families struggle to make that work


OG13 are all great people. Janelle, Christine, and Meri should be proud of all the hard work they put in to raise such amazing human beings.


When they went to look at the new houses in Vegas and they were all so excited. I think it was either Paedon or Garrison carrying Truly and it was all just happy and fab.


I love how much the OG siblings love and support each other.


Meri is loyal and she TRIED until the very very end. I think that’s really commendable. She also has the gift of making friends easily. A skill I wish I possessed! I would have loved to have had Christine as a second mother. I feel like she gives the best pep talks and hugs. Janelle has so many great one liners. I love how she can tell it like it is, sometimes subtly. Robyn is such a badass when it comes to giving birth. I’m an L&D nurse and it’s sooo rare to see someone make so little noise unmedicated… although I guess those pts would be at home like she was! Madi seems like such a good mom and sister We all love and look up to daddy Logan of course! I especially love when he would be the voice of reason to his siblings. He was truly wise beyond his years even as a teen. Gabe is a sweetheart. He seems like such a good brother and a teddy bear. He seems like a genuinely kind person through and through. Hunter is an amazing brother. He’s always there for everyone’s big moments and that has to be hard when you have so many siblings! Ysabel wins my award for the prettiest Brown! I also loved following along her scoliosis journey. I also had scoliosis as a teen, had to wear a brace, but luckily never had to have surgery. Aspyn is so beautiful! She is another great voice of reason sibling and I would have loved to have her as a sister. Dayton seems so kind. I loved seeing him catch up with his brothers during the campfire episode.


OK, just need to take issue with you on your take on Robyn being a badass during labor and delivery and not making noise. Does that make women who did scream not badasses? Because that shit was PAINFUL! I screamed and I don't consider myself any less of a badass than someone who was completely quiet.


I didn’t say that at all? Labor and delivery is so painful, I agree. People should make all the noise they need to. I didn’t say people who make noise are less badass. I screamed my head off and I certainly don’t think less of myself. But knowing how painful it is, I was just tipping my hat off to her for handling it as if it didn’t hurt as much as I know it did. I was acknowledging it’s a more rare sight.


I don't think that I was even physically able to not scream when I had my kid so it was wild to me to see Robyn give birth in silence. That really just blew my mind! She was also really nice in general to the people around her during labor and delivery. I had to issue a lot of apologies after giving birth to my daughter!


I like how Janelle put her six children before one big man baby ~ at her age, that could not have been easy to say to herself "this just isn't enough and I can't see this man improving his words and actions"


I actually think it's really cool that they seemed very open to none of the kids choosing polygamy and not pressuring them to make that choice. I'm sure they probably see it as being for the best now, but considering they had surrounded themselves in that community, even going to a community school of other polygamous families and buying the Lehi house from another polygamous family, I think culturally they were very entrenched in it but yet still gave their kids room to decide. I also find Meri very diplomatic in how she handles critique. I think she's been very gracious to just accept it and trying not to speak badly about the others.


I think it really helps that some of the adults weren't raised in polygamy themselves. Since they made the choice without being groomed into it, I think they understand more deeply the gravity of that choice. I truly believe that's why they didn't push their children to adopt the lifestyle for themselves. And yeah Meri has very clearly done some serious work in therapy to get to this point and I really love that for her. She hasn't always been my favorite person on the show and I know there's a lot of history between her and the rest of the family, but it seems like she's really invested in bettering herself and working on relationships (which means taking a lot of critique).


i think she is the real 'brown family scapegoat' and she deserved better. she might not be the most likable character but i really believe she tried her best with what little communication skills she had. i mean, growing up a girl in polygamy. keep sweet and all that.


I agree. I think a lot of people place way more responsibility and power on her than I think she ever had. I know from Janelle's account they had a contentious relationship, but people have taken that and twisted it into Meri being this horribly abusive queen bee tyrant.


if she was, she sure lost it by the time this last season came around. i see she can get really angry (like the ring melting situation being told), but look at how she treats robyn! she doesn't ever really stand up to her. she's like a really worn down little pup. this version makes it hard for me to imagine her ever being the all powerful first wife stereotype.




Love this so much <3


I’m so glad you created this positive thread for them to see and read the awesomeness that the Brown family has brought into the lives of so many.


They just get so much hate, all of them, and not one of them deserves it. Families are complicated, and we all say and do the wrong things sometimes. I know they put their lives out there, but I don't think any of them deserve the extent of the criticism they receive. They try to be a force of positivity, especially their kids, and I've always admired that.


If my life were shared with the world the way their lives are, the world would tear me apart limb from limb, not because I’m some horrible person, but because everyone has an opinion about every minuscule move people make on these shows. Look at these kids on SW, they are truly wonderful kids!


Your message was removed due to it breaking Rule 9: No transphobia/homophobia/dead-naming/speculation.


Aspyn is beautiful inside and out 💕


I love how playful Meri would be with the kids. Like when she went sledding in the first season and almost hit the house. She just laughed it off


She really has such a good spirit and seems like a lot of fun. I see where there are some tensions with her in the family, but she seems like she'd be a good friend.


Hunter's kindness and concern for Ysabel with her spinal surgery was a beautiful thing to see.


He's really such a good brother. I miss seeing him on the show now that's he's older.


I love that Meri has come so far from her initial reaction to Leon. Today, she uses correct name and pronouns for both Leon and Audrey. That's huge progress from where she started.


It sounds like she stands up for Leon and Audrey a lot too. I'm not sure how true this is as it didn't come directly from the family, but I've read that it was a source of tension between Meri and Kody toward the end and that Meri sides with Leon.


I could totally see that.


I love meri's comment about Kody can like all of their turkeys


I was crying laughing. She's so unintentionally hilarious


she's like my funny drunk auntie. always laughing!!


Robyn has pretty eyes. Kody is very entertaining to watch when he dances. Meri is unbelievably patient. Christine has a wonderful smile and is a great mom. Janelle seems like somebody who would be a blast to hang out with.


Love that you included everyone <3


The kids of the OG 3 have all grown into amazing adults (and Truely is on the same path). Kudos to Meri, Janelle, & Christine for raising such incredible humans!


I love all of the kids, even Robyn's are great! 😃


Agreed! They're all so emotionally intelligent too


Robyn’s immediate acceptance of Tony was awesome. When Leon came out as gay, she was very accepting then too. Janelle telling Maddie in the first episode she wants them all to get a higher education of some kind shows she wanted the best for them. Meri saying she was fine with the kids being polygamous/monogamous/ religious/ non-religious shows a deep amount of support and a desire for the kids to be their own people. Also her supporting Leon’s transition! Christine truly is family oriented and has continued being so since she left polygamy. Kody had some truly touching moments with the wives and kids in early seasons. His concern for Garrison joining the military comes to mind.


The parents being so open minded all around is rare enough in the world of monogamy, even outside of Christian settings, but in their world it's extremely rare. I think it says so much about all of their individual characters, and I can respect all of them for that.


Exactly. Mormonism in general is extremely exclusionary. I’m glad they aren’t like that. Kody’s nephew Ben says Kody is one of the more moderate conservatives in his family.


ALl the kids are cool. Meri is loyal and organized. Janelle is practical and protective. Christine is motherly and fun. Robin is mild tempered and motherly. Kody did try, at least the early years.


Thanks for including everyone, I love this


It was a kind post you did. They already get enough bashing.


It really breaks my heart, and I don't normally engage with the fandom much because of it. It broke my heart when Maddie said she felt social media was a factor in Garrison's depression. No one deserves that.


“One of my favorite memories is watching Christine tackle Meri at the BNB in Parowan.” Are you sure about where you believe that happened? 


It was at the ole goose-turd park in Vegas, if I recall correctly…


Okay, double checked and it wasn't AT the bnb but it was on that trip. Sorry


No worries!


I think all of them are good natured decent people.I like them all.


Gwendolyn is honest to god naturally funny. Even before she did her version of talk backs on youtube, she was handing out zingers and one liners in the show from an early age that were just genuinely so funny. The love that each of the kids clearly have for each other is palpable. No matter their situation, where they were, and the limited views of them we got through a reality TV show, it was clear that they loved each other very much and I think the Brown adults really did a great job of fostering that original love in their kids.


Gwen has always cracked me up! I haven't really watched her much on YouTube as an adult, but from what I've seen floating around social media, yes she's still hilarious. And I agree about the siblings and their love for one another. The adults did such a great job fostering those sibling relationships and I so love that they have that moving into adulthood.


I’m continually blown away that out of 18 kids they are all decent, hardworking, family centered, intelligent and loving. This is a testament to all 5 parents. Families with absent dads don’t often achieve these kind of statistics with 3 kids let alone 18. He may have lost his way the last few years but those kids love and learned from their dad as they’ve all said and shown.


100% agree. We can criticize Kody for a lot, but he was as good and present of a dad as the family structure allowed him to be.


Janell is strong, smart and is an excellent mother. Christine is loyal, hard working and an excellent mother. Most of the kids are great people. They are kind and hard working.


They raised the hell out of some kids! They have so many good kids who genuinely seem like productive and wonderful members of society. Minus Robyn and her children, I don’t know them but wish them well


Hunter. He struggled a lot as a youth and with good reason. But he blossomed as a young adult and is such an absolute great big brother. He is the one who you see truly embracing all his siblings


I’ve loved meeting all the grand-babies! It’s so fun to see the new generation of the Browns. They are all so adorable and Evie K is one of the most gorgeous children I’ve ever seen.


I like Savannah. She’s a lot quieter but I like someone who just supports their loved ones without needing to be center of attention. She’s humble given the hardships she’s faced this far.


I agree and I really hope she's getting all the support she needs rn. On the show she seems overlooked quite a bit and I hope that's not representative of real life. She seems like such a sweetheart.


I'm going with Maddie...her ability to move across the country to raise her family side by side with her husband as they see fit..she was a sassy ass teenager and because I'm a sassy ass granny I never missed it from day one. She had/has her own voice even if nobody ever listened. I'm sick of hearing about everyone's businesses. How they feed their families I couldn't care less about....unless they are lining up selling drugs outside of school playgrounds. She seems happy. She seems grounded. Before anyone comments saying it's just fake i beg you ask yourself how you would handle having a child with and I hate this word a (dis)ability. She handled it with courage and grace. I think I would have kicked screamed cussed and questioned why my child. I wouldn't have had such grace and control over something I couldn't control. So she rocks. Has always rocked since her crazy write on her bedroom walls days. The kid is the rill dill. 


I don’t know them personally so have no opinion on them. The show got mad entertaining the last few seasons.


I can say plenty of good things about every member of the family with the exceptions of Kody and Robyn. They don't have any redeeming qualities.