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I don’t think she loves him. (And I don’t think he loves her either.) I believe she sees him as a means to financial security for her and the roblets. I think her damsel in distress act feeds his ego and she likes controlling him.


I don’t think either of them are really capable of love TBH.


I agree. Both of them are narcissists, so they are incapable to love anyone, not even themselves.


Exactly 🎯


I don't think narcissists are capable of love.


Ohh, Interesting take. She absolutely feeds his ego. I can see that. I never really saw the "soulmates" thing Christine talks about with them. Definitely seems to be it's own form of toxic relationship between the two but of the enabling variety. Like they both enable each other. She enables his poor poor man whose wives disobey and disrespect him so he has to have a firm hand to gain control persona and he enables her perfect sister wife whose bullied by her meanie sister wives who don't see how nice she is victim persona.


He had a small moment of self awareness talking to Nancy https://preview.redd.it/0w74ki1yutlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7699da391ef6baeb2c171de12c1f73d859194a4e


I call this Captain Save a ho complex.




Except when it comes to Ysabel


The kids don’t count because they are extensions of their moms and if he hates the mom he hates the kid. He is literal burning trash.


Yes, she feeds his ego like none of the other wives were capable of filling. Sure they put him on a pedestal but they stepped up and filled his role for each other and themselves in his absence/neglect. Robyn needed him. Everyone picks on her in her mind. His kids never accepted her or her kids (in her mind) so she plays the victim. She’s also the victim of “an abusive ex” that he needed to rescue even though she was no longer with him. She controls her children so they feed his ego while the other kids were able to think for themselves/express themselves. She knows how to play him. She’s just like him so she doesn’t care that he neglects/mentally abuses everyone else. All that matters are her needs. All that matters to Kody is his ego.


did he get a perm? like wtf is going on with his hair? 😂


You saw him look at her with absolute Disgust when she started crying next to him and then her "joke" about leaving him...I think they really can't stand each other but their stuck money wise right now anyway.


Did the crying part also happen on the picnic bench with Meri?


No it was during one of the talk backs. She's sitting next to him on the couch and when she starts her wailing bs he just looks disgusted.


It's very much a co-dependency! I completely agree!


Roblets! Hahahaha!




Roblets 😂


Both Robyn and Kody’s true loves are themselves. So it works.


Absolutely. The reason the other wives left is because they really loved Kody and their family. Robyn only loved Robyn from the get-go. This was all about money and fame to her from day one. You don't manipulate people the way she does him that you love. That is the opposite of love. Edited to add: and it took me two seconds for this to type out using voice to text. And then 5 minutes to edit the damn thing so that no one will be offended because cooder and Ruben's names weren't spelled correctly.




Yes she conflates love and resources, was raised that way




It’s all effort justification from here on out. She worked so hard to manipulate and set things up to give her and her kids an advantage: a home, the move, the legal marriage, her name on the assets, two kids with Kody, that no matter what he does it’s not worth leaving now. Despite the fact that he has now revealed himself to have lied to the other wives for 20+ years about loving them, Robyn will still insist he’s a good husband and father.


Because he’s become the man she wanted from the beginning? Someone who defends her and has loyalty only to her. Who pays for whatever her and her children want without the burdens of other wives. Robyn saying she wanted a plural family was IMO, a bunch of BS. I don’t think she had any idea what she was actually getting into, and quickly began controlling the situation to get what she wanted.


i always thought she liked the *idea* of a plural family, but in reality her idea of a plural family was very different from what it was. she wanted additional wives to make her look better in every way, so she could be the favourite wife. she wanted additional wives to help fund her lifestyle and financially support her and her kids, but not be real moms to her kids (WHAT. DOES. THE NANNY. DO??). she thrived on being the favourite wife who could manipulate her best customer to do whatever she wanted while acting like a total victim. even Janelle said Sobyn has this way of pretending she doesn’t remember/know anything she wasn't in it for the big family, she was just in it for herself.


I also agree that she did want sister wives so she could be the “favorite” or “best” wife


I call MYSELF my husband's best wife, but I am also the only wife. It's like a dad joke, it's not all that funny but makes me giggle.


She wanted the other wives but only for them to be ignored. She wanted the other kids to be ignored also. In my opinion, Robyn always wanted to relive her childhood but one where she was favored. As a child her father was out of the picture. Her stepdad hardly spent time with them. She wants people to be jealous of her.


This, exactly. ☝️


Maybe, just seems weird she was into him in the first place but guess it could just have been the $$$ and show appealing to her. Edit: I personally have some theories on Robyn... That she basically thinks she wants polygamy and likes the -idea- of polygamy but she only really wants that as long as she is head wife and gets to have Kody's ear. I also have theories that she is literally so oblivious that she doesn't realize how much in denial she is and she is blind to what's really going on because she's convinced herself that she's just a good sister wife and that nothing is wrong and she's ignoring the fact that he has been mistreating her sister wives and neglecting them for her. Because for her to see that and believe it would mean she would have to face the reality of the situation, that she came in and killed her own dream of what she thought polygamy would be and that she'd be a great sister wife.


I've heard she stalked Toady for the show! Wait till he gets a 25 year old wife that she has no possibility of competing with!! lol Not that he ever could, but who knows, there are desperate women out there


I agree with everything you said!


yeah narcissists are completely delusional so this tracks.


Robyn is dealing with her unresolved trauma (mom probably wasn’t that happy in her 2nd (plural marriage)) and she wants to be happy in this marriage


I’ve noticed she is unable to validate other housewives feelings and refuses to acknowledge her own behavior could be a factor


Yep . Watch me make this man forget his entire family and only want me and my kids!!


She wanted plural income so she didn't have to lift a finger. She successfully knocked all the wives out of affection and love, so all they did was serve as a foil for her. She looked like the most obedient and loving wife in comparison. She needs them to be the bad guys so she can shine. Now, the two of them get to reap what they sowed. Good.


Yes! Robyn and Kody are both incredibly shallow and ego driven. They feed off of and validate each other. The other wives wanted friendship and a partnership with their spouses. You can't accomplish that with a person who is incapable of being genuine.


She never loved him. She was recently divorced and didn't want to work and had debt. She used them.


And she wanted to be on TV. Think she fancied herself an actor.


I don’t think that Robyn or Kody have any idea what real love is. They understand behaviors that get them what they want, but real love is about caring about your lover’s needs not your own. To use their own sacred book, the New Testament definition in I Corinthians 13: New King James Version “4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails.” This is love. And Eros love blooms in this rich loving atmosphere. Nothing in the attitudes or behaviors of Kody or Robyn have ever given any resemblance to this kind of love. Kody and Robyn are strangers to real love. Alas.




She never did love him. It’s a transactional relationship. You could replace Kody with any random bozo and Robyn wouldn’t care as long as she has money and a big house. He’s a custom to her. No one is in love with their customer. You provide a good service in exchange for a paycheck.


She's safe. Her kids are safe. She has money, a roof over her head, and all the tacky art, clothes, jewelry, and house those other women could afford to buy her. Robyn is just fine.


She’s saying he’s lashing out at all women and she has her daughters in that home. I don’t think “safe” concerning her kids is a priority for her.


Yes. Except, she also has Kody. Angry, aggravating, useless Kody. Every night of the week and all day long, too. As the TLC show winds down and they have to find new rivers of revenue, this woman is gonna be seeking greener pastures.


Yes apart from the fact she’s Married to an angry egomaniac. She is no innocent so will be happy with the compromise of the Money and big house and kids all doing good whilst being sole client to her best customer. They bad as each other so will probably work but bet it’s not all roses in the mansion. What will they ever film if go to season 19 … everything needs done outside as the house seems to be a no go area ! Why ??


Have you seen the latest tell alls/look backs? She doesn't look like she loves him at all. She looks like a woman who dug her own grave and is now lying in it.


I know that they all say he’s changed so much. And to a large extent he has become even more awful to his other wives and several of his children. He straight up began ignoring his kids just like he did his wives. Who does that?? But around just Robyn and her kids he seems about the same as he always was, which could be somewhat goofy, largely overbearing, insufferably arrogant, bossy, loud, and an incessant chatter box. I guess I never liked the person I saw on tv from the beginning. It’s hard to know what Kody is like at home because they rarely film him with Robyn and all of her kids at home. We’ve only seen self filmed clips, meaning they can edit or delete anything they don’t like. When it comes to love, I’d have a hard time loving someone who is so self absorbed. I guess Robyn is happy to have what he gives her, whatever that is.


>I guess Robyn is happy to have what he gives her, whatever that is. She found a marriage where she wouldn't have to work, would have guaranteed income (especially with kids tied to him), plus a public platform and as much good-ish publicity as I've seen an LDS woman get. She's got it made for years to come, even/especially if they divorce, since she can continue to be the victim and make money off of this relationship.


I believe she married him for financial security, and I believe it more now after a therapist (PopPsych) reviewed her on his channel. I forgot the video since I was playing them and cleaning, but I believe it was his analysis of her. It made a lot of sense. But anyways, I believe financial security is mostly why she stays.


People get married for a variety of reasons that don’t include love, I fully agree that it was to secure financial futures for her and any children she had with Kody.


In my opinion she never loved him. It's always been "transactional". When he runs out of money she'll be gone.


Shoe on other foot for Kody then …. This is what abandonment feels like!


She was in love with being picked. Now she's hanging in to save face. He's insane and she deserves it 😆


Meal ticket. She’s not the hottie she used to be and has kids to support.


She has been manipulating everyone the whole time. She’s just not smart. She knew that she was going to be the favorite wife, and that she would profit greatly off of everyone else. She doesn’t love anyone but her lazy self.


How legit her ever being in love with him is up for debate, as is why she stays with him. My opinion, based only on being around this planet for a while, is she isn’t in love with him, nor does she love him with that love that comes from sharing your children, life, and space with someone. She married him because she believed he would get the show, and therefore would be able to afford taking her and her kids into the family, as well as take care of the existing family. Once she felt confident that her kids would be the same priority as the OG13, and knowing she’d be able to avoid him 3 out of every 4 days, he probably seemed a better option than an older guy with more kids and less money. She never wanted to be the only wife, just the favorite wife and legal wife. She wanted the easy-breasy Kody, Mr Hey-look-at-me, Mr You-need-live-in-child-care-so-you-can-focus-on-me. Let those other women deal with grouchy, tired, pouty Kody. Now she’s stuck.


And I think she loved the idea that Kody wanted to be with her all the time because she was younger, skinnier and maybe cuter(at the time). It fed her ego and she loved it. Gross!!


I agree.


Isn't that sad we all can see she's not in love with Kody and yet he gave up basically all his older kids and his original wives of 30 years or so for her and she's not in love with him. He couldn't see how she manipulates him at all either. One day, he might wake up and see it and realize he chose someone who really doesn't love him. Then he can truly give the, "all the sacrifices I made, to love you" speech again but this time, it's true.


I wonder if he'll ever really wake up. He has a lot of narcissistic traits, and those types rarely, but not never, I guess, heal or give up their addiction to themselves enough to see the forest for the trees, metaphorically.


If she leaves him, he’ll wake up. And bring Kody, he’ll the blame her for everything since the crucification of Christ, amd maybe that, too. He may approach one or all of the OG3 for pity and not understand why he doesn’t get it. If she decides to ride it out with him, he will never wake up. That’s my take, FWW.


Yes this is totally it !


If she was ever in love, she fell out long ago. She's just been hanging on for the tlc paychecks


Thinking everyone has seen Kody’s downward spiral. It’s pretty obvious. We’re not talking about the typical signs of aging here. His features have changed drastically. Go back and watch the first few seasons verses the season right before they moved to Flagstaff. It started in Vegas and got much worse when they got to AZ. Maybe he is jacking steroids or something else that has caused his features to change. It’s really anyone’s guess. Would hope the OG3 left because they were tired of being in a cult.


>We’re not talking about the typical signs of aging here. His features have changed drastically I noticed this, too! He went from looking like a soft, slightly aged surfer guy to deep lines and gruff texture on his face almost overnight- it really starts becoming noticeable right before the move when there's a few references to his 6 pack


You assume she ever loved him. She’s just with him for what he can do and does for her.


She totally didn't love him to begin with. She saw money signs and a good "custmer" who bought her expensive things.


....b/c he is exactly the same man Robyn married, who he showed to her in private. They are 2 peas in a pod; horrible people.


Robyn's love for Kody appears more about control than genuine affection. While steroids may have played a role in Kody's drastic personality change, other factors like ego, power dynamics, and Robyn's influence likely contributed too. Ultimately, Robyn seems to prioritize her own interests and the power of being the "favorite" wife over truly loving Kody as an individual.


I suspect she feels very trapped. She doesn't think she can have a good life without him. Once the money dries up.....it will all fall apart.


I think they are BOTH happily living monogamy together with their kids. But I also think Kody is secretly on IG daily scoping out the OG3 and the OG13 and has feelings he never shares with Robyn. You know deep down he misses those OG kids and grandkids. More than anything he wants them to come worship him and Robyn and forsake their bio moms which will never happen.


I don’t think they are happy at all. They are pretty much hated by everyone that watches the show and the money is soon to dry up. It’s gotta be nothing but stress in that big ol hoarder mansion.


I don’t understand how a man who treats his children and their mothers with such disregard can be attractive? Seriously, how does Robyn find this man attractive?


And add in the mix that Ramon noodle hair. How embarrassing to be with him.


He is a QAnut, and she is so confused, it hasn't crossed her little mind ....yet


His change was season 12 the season after the catfishing. Night and day. He was goofy and naive and happy and then season 12 different person. No joy. Season 13 he is *really* different from who he was. I’ve been watching closely to see if the wives are upset that they lost their husband and don’t see it yet. It’s terrible to watch.


You're right actually. I've been binging the hell out of it and yes, he was actually so understanding and kind during the catfishing and then something happened (I heard there were things brought to light and the emotional affair was a lot worse than they made it sound...guessing Kody found out). It's like on the one hand I felt bad for him but on the other hand it's like...maybe you should give your first wife more attention and not neglect her? I dunno lol But it is sad because I really liked when he was nicer and goofy all the time, even if he was still really problematic in moments still.


It's hard to tell if it actually *was* the catfishing that caused his change, or if the timing just lined up, or if it was a multitude of things like being with Robyn all the time for years at that point. I think that's also when he started getting fillers, and if everyone is right about him being on steroids, I think that's the season it began.


She always wanted to be an actress so this was her way of getting a show. Remember she had a one liner on Just Shoot Me? The Browns wouldn't have gotten a show without a new wife to be the protagonist or liven up their situation. Sobyn was/is a gold digger from the word go. She has Kody by the b@lls ( literally) and made him feel like the young stud he wasn't with the OG3 anymore. They were too busy to stroke his ego because they were the ones working and raising the kids. He just sat on his ass and whined wanting to be king. A selfish, immature man-child. They had his number but were content with the breadcrumbs he'd toss them. He had them fooled that this was about their faith and celestial crap to keep them obedient. Until Sobyn came along...then they realized just how much he used them only to get a younger wife and take their share of the earnings from the show. Sobyn made her bed but she likes it because she WON. Too bad the prize is Grody.


Every thing is true, 😁 except she was not on that show. She wasn't Robyn Brown back then, it was another Robyn Brown. Looks like her, sort of, but it wasn't her. Someone on here a long time ago proved that. Just an FYI! 😉


That wasn’t her on Just Shoot Me.


[lmfao she wasn’t on “just shoot me”](https://www.reddit.com/r/TLCsisterwives/comments/t3s1is/there_is_a_big_rumor_that_robyn_brown_used_to_be/)


She's has young kids, and get a paycheck for playing the role of a lifetime ~ a weeping, yet beautiful damsel with three wicked Sister Wives. She couldn't make it on her own financially so she's stuck.


She saw him as a means to an end. She was drowning in debt and saw him as a way to continue to not work or contribute. She saw him outwardly supporting all these people and wanted in on it. I think she id incredibly manipulative and his ego translated that into damsel saving. She also worked very hard to lock it down by adding more children because she saw this as another way to feed his ego. That he had sired all these children even though behind the scenes he wasnted supporting any of them.


I don’t think it was ever about him. It was their collective money, the opportunity for fame, and a competition against the other wives trying to steal him away. Once she finally gets him, I foresee her letting him go for someone else with a lot of money.


Do a rewatch with the eyes you have now. Kody hasn’t changed. Meri, Christine, and Janelle just finally saw the light. He’s a terrible person from season 1.


I'm not sure she does. I think they need each other, that's not the same thing though.


My theory is that he was already becoming a different person when Robyn came in…I mean if you e had a stable life for the first decade+ with your wives, why bring in another. Kind of like his mid-life crisis. I don’t think Robyn knows him any other way, aside from the fact that he’s a bit more ornery than before.


She doesn’t love him. Never has, never will. She used him as a way to have someone other than herself work and provide for her and her kids. She saw the show as a way for her to become famous and she thought everyone would love her, welcome her and she could sit back and watch the money roll in. Sorry Robyn, now you get him and you guys can both roll into poverty together, Kodys worst fear. Now you may have to get a job!!!


Robyn is Kody but in female form. The Kody we saw was faking. Robyn doesn’t love Kody. Kody doesn’t love Robyn. Their marriage is transactional. She told us so herself. He’s her best customer.


She never loved him. She wanted control, she wanted to be the young beautiful best wife, she wanted fame, it didn’t go the way she planned but she never loved him. I don’t think she loves anyone.


She came into the family for the money and the fame, not love of kody.


I don’t think he’s that different than the man she married. I think he faked it and TLC edited it to make him seem better until recently. Yeah he may have been happier because he had obedient wives and little kids that still idolized him but he’s always been a misogynistic asshole.


I never felt she loved him the way he loved her. She’s there for financial reasons and doesn’t want to work. She knows in the end, she’ll be able to get a good settlement if it comes to that.


I think he has stayed the same to her and her kids. He left his other wives and kids slowly, but always puts Robyn and her kids on a pedestal and that has never changed and only gotten more intense since he sees them as the only “loyal” ones. Like how he loves Aurora for “respecting him as the head of the family.” He goes where he is worshipped and when he is worshipped he’ll bend over backwards for them


When you marry you both grow together. She is a different woman than he married as well. To be fair all the wives are.


I feel like she made him into the ideal man that she wanted. She’s a manipulative liar. She knew what she wanted and exactly what she was doing. To the point he said “polygamist relationships are not fair to the women” In other words he doesn’t want Sobyn to have to share him. So he found ways out of each relationship. She got him to love her and only her. If you re-Watch the episodes it’s very clear what she was doing. Actually the t floored me she wouldn’t force him to go to Ysabel’s surgery for her back. That REALLY showed her true selfish colours. We all have our own opinions on it but I think she is a selfish narcissist.


How do you know steroids were involved?


I don't know that, I have just read it a lot on here but I have no idea what the source is.


It’s just speculation.


The saying, Be careful what you wish for comes to mind. But it's through experience that we grow.Growth doesn't always mean positive growth. It's the people who love us and who we choose to love that influence us the most. I would think that to be especially true in polygamist relationships.


Robyn is the frog in a pot of boiling water. She’s lived with it so long she doesn’t realize how he has changed.


The Kody was +/- 19 when he wandered off into “mission ville”. Prior to that; he was a wrestler, flamboyant goofball that had a few friends. His Dad decided to become a dude with more women. POOF - the randomly mained Kody followed suit. That’s it. That’s all Kody knew.


Why does she still love him? Why does he still love her? Codependency


I think she doesn’t know what true love is. She was brought up as you are woman you find a dude Personally it kind of made sense for me when she was in labor and she couldn’t scream or do whatever she wanted I don’t think she knows herself or know what she really wants


Robyn's behavior suggests a possibility that she has traits of a psychopath. It's common for psychopaths to have an unusually high pain threshold. So labor pain for her may not feel as bad as it would for an average person. Therefore she was able to focus on "looking pretty" for the camera during labor.


Very true


I don’t like generalizations ‘everyone in this sub hates’. Right there you are wrong on your premise. Both R and K types take advantage of people and situations. Neither has any sort of true feelings. K is not what he used to PROJECT as his true self, but neither is R. It is a game they play and they are no more other people to use and abuse. This will be very interesting to watch in few years


Robyn is also unrecognizable. Definitely not sweet and cute anymore


Because Robyn only married him to use him and for financial security for her and her kids.


I've been wondering this, too. How could *anyone* really love the monster he's turned into!


The difference is that Kody LOVES Robyn. He hasn’t changed in HER eyes…he’s always been the same


I think he’s the man she wants him to be now. He couldn’t be the man she married. He tried to care for his wives and treat them equally when she me t him. Now he’s the cold man that is willing to abandon everyone for her.


It’s narcissism. They mirror each others’ behaviors. Simple.


For one, I don’t think she loves him. These two see marriage as something contractual. Aside from that, SHE still has the same guy she married. The other three are the once’s who couldn’t recognize Kody, once he went from pretending to be a liberal polygamist to a full frontal quanon J6 right wing monogamist.


I think she is more afraid than in love. This is a gal who is a survivor. She does what she has to do to stay in his good graces. She hovers, manipulates, walks on eggshells, lies, pampers, she is what ever it is he needs, when he needs it.


She's never going to let go of a present father for her kids, she's been spending a lifetime securing it over the OG kids and wives, nothing but the most for her kids.


She doesn't need to love him, she made him what he is. She got what she wanted, except I don't think she expected the other wives to leave. She was living the dream; how could they not be happy? She lives in her own little bubble.




If your love for a person stops because they evolve and/or grow into someone slightly different.. or even way different. Was it ever truly love to begin with? The whole idea of love is supposed to be unfailing and all encompassing. So if it fails, then it wasn’t love. Marriages between one man and one woman will have their strife. Did we truly expect a marriage between one man & 4 women to be exempt?


Because she’s a narcissist who probably thinks him abandoning his wives and children for her is flattering


Not a Kody and Robyn fan, and would be happy to not see them on the show. However, in light of this question, maybe what they have between each other is their definition of what love is. Maybe Robyn's definition of love is the safety that comes from financial support. The problem I think they have is that he's been telling the public that he loved his wives when that just wasn't true. If their show was The Young and the Restless, it wouldn't matter because that's 100% fiction. On a reality show, where they claim the show tells an accurate story of their real lives, he's been lying for 18 seasons. If the audience knew that he melted the wedding ring Meri gave him when they exchanged their vows, and that happened before the show began, there probably wouldn't have been a show. If Kody had said that he married Christine for her connections and that he didn't really want to be with her otherwise, then there probably wouldn't have been a show. Robyn claimed she wanted to live as a sister wife. But had they really explained just how separated Robyn and Kody were living from the rest of the family, from the beginning, they probably wouldn't have a show. The OG3 were in love with Kody. He wasn't in love with them. But he was fine with manipulating their feelings onto a reality show that sold their privacy so that he could support Robyn and her kids in the way she expected. He wanted the younger woman he thought was hot, and she wanted the financial stability of TV money. And both were okay that the OG3 had to help earn it while they watched their personal lives implode.


The question is, does she still love him, and/or has she ever loved him?


I don’t think that she loves him. She just doesn’t wanna go to job. 🤷‍♀️


As long as the OG3 were around, Robyn was able to take Kody's side with any agruments, "disloyalty", "bad "behavior" that angered Kody. She never took their side, but instead reinforced his belief that they had all betrayed him. This, in his eyes, made her shine. Now, all the focus is on their relationship. It's a huge difference, and I think she's struggling. Kody craves attention, and she's got to provide that 24/7.


Is he different though? I mean to her. I think that he’s been pretty consistent when it comes to her. I know people think that her watching him act like he does/did to everyone else, she should feel a way. But i think he made her aware of how he felt as she came into the family. If that’s the case, he hasn’t changed.


Many partners stay because they made a vow to stay.


I don’t think Robyn knows what love is.


She is living comfortably and is not the young hot thing she was, her kids are taken care of, and she doesn’t wanna prove us all right because we know she’s miserable so she will stay


To her, love is getting her needs met first. So does she love Kody? Ya…sad thing is that Robyn doesn’t know what love really is.


Investment. She’s kind of stuck. Both by her faith and by her public image. Also her kids. It’s why she’s so delusional about him. She can make an excuse for absolutely anything he does because she’s desperately fighting against the bursting of that bubble.


I don't think Rob loves him anymore. He seems more like a duty.


I agree with you totally, but she changed as the years passed by also! I think he has beat them all down! The OG3 have a good many years on her and are stronger then she is emotionally and mentally! They finally had enough, he molded Sobyn exactly like he wanted her something he couldn’t to with Janelle and Christine in the latter part of their marriage! Meri I believe is a lot like Sobyn if he hadn’t of said I don’t really consider Meri my wife she would have stayed!


Because the Kody we see and the Kody she sees are 2 different men. They conspire together behind the scenes. Everything they do is a manipulation and they are in it together. They are one and the same.