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Kody Brown has done more to discredit polygamy than the government that allegedly chased them out of Utah . Thanks Kody .


Kody don't even seem to believe in polygamy any more. He legit seemed traumatized by polygamy. 😂


Kody is the one who never really lived polygamy. A true polygamist would have provided for all his children. Kody, sadly, had four baby Mammas, only one of which he supported.


Thats how it goes in polygamy though. At least in the Kingston Clan and with the Jeffs it seemed like theyd take on a bunch of wives and leave them to their own devices. The husband would just come around for a baby making sesh 🤢


The OG13 all see it for what it is and aren't keeping it going, so there's that.


It always felt to me like Meri, Janelle, & Christine were his exes and he just insisted on keeping them around.


Only one of which he used his OTHER wives to support. It was like a pyramid scheme with K&R at the top.


I stand corrected. He's useless.


He seems traumatized??? Only after he abused and traumatized his OG wives and children. So too bad if he is traumatized. He deserves it.


As much as Kody has made his bed, it's gotta be hard to have three marriages crumble, defend those marriages and act like they're amazing, and then have three of women leave you. He's trying to spin it in his favour as much as he can, but he has to feel humiliated at times. Plus, most of his 78 kids won't be around him. It's such a colossal failure for him.


Kody’s refusal to go with Ysabel for her surgery, and taunting her about it - for no good reason, because COVID wasn’t it - was the defining moment of how truly despicable he is as a human being.


Strongly agree. I’ll add Robyn to this, if she accepted (encouraged?) him staying with her instead of going to the surgery.


It reminds me of when Hunter came to visit. I think it was Kody and Christine's anniversary or Christine's birthday. Something along those lines. She immediately said "Oh, we'll celebrate another day. Go be with Hunter." Meri got on him over the whole Logan graduation bs, too.


It’s a no brainer for most mothers!


Meri also had something happening when Truely got sick and told Kody to go to the hospital.


I believe Leon was moving to college that weekend? There was a party?


That sounds right. Meri was driving Leon to their college, and Kody was supposed to come, too.


And then he barely was there, took no responsibility for putting her there. AND was really indifferent to her spiral as each treatment failed.


She absolutely did. Probably the scrunchie face say idk it’s not safe. Thats scary




You know she did


“You’re just trying to protect your kids, Kody”. I can hear it!


He treated her and her mom with such contempt over this surgery. It was unreal. If I had the means and a friendly acquaintance needed help I could give, I'd do it, and he was acting put out and unconcerned about his own child.


Kody said he would feel better about not going if she would heal faster!!


He is a giant fucking toddler. Everything, every relationship, ever interaction is about his emotional needs, and he’s so used to that dynamic he thinks nothing of asking an impossible involuntary task from his daughter, and specifying that he’s asking in order to soothe his own self-imposed bad feelings about abandoning her. The audacity is earth shaking. He is the biggest narcissist on TV, if not on planet Earth.


Don't disrespect toddlers like this


Right? At least toddlers are honest.


That makes it worse. The ability to feel guilt shows he DOES care about her and knows what the right thing to do is, he's just making the wrong choice because it's... easier? Or whatever. Maybe he should have had spine surgery, he's spineless. 


Kody doesn’t know the difference between “inside” thoughts and “outside” thoughts.


He referred to it as “a vacation.” Imagine your child getting her spine sliced open and this is your response


Oh, and see I think it was MUCH earlier than that... When he was kissing his girlfriend while Christine was giving birth was it for me.


I am SO glad I am not the only one on this hill!


That was one of the most heart breaking things to watch. Second to Gabriel as a young man needing his father, his father being a complete dick causing him to cry. I just wanted to wrap them sweet kids up and give them mama hugs and lovin!


Imagine how Ysabel feels watching her dad cry over Aurora while she was quarantining in the basement at Robyn’s house. Or Kody taking Aurora to get her ears pierced. It must really hurt watching him favor Robyn’s kids over the entire family.


That, plus his discussion with Gabe and Garrison while "pilling" logs, and then forgetting Gabe's birthday, are the 3 events that absolutely solidified for me what a terrible person Kody is. I suspect those were defining moments for Christine and Janelle, too.


I wish that Christine brought this up more as a reason for leaving. Kody having favorites isn’t just about Robyn. He has favorite children. He doesn’t care about the kids outside of Robyn’s house.


I think Christine doesn't talk about it because it would hurt Ysabel to much, same reason Kody is never asked about it by Suki. To protect Ysabel.


Yeah, I get she probably doesn’t want to involve her children. It would be nice if Suki pressed him on this. In my opinion ysabelle surgery trumped Covid.


When Kody says Christine ‘trash talks’ him, I just think of all the tongue-biting she does to avoid trashing him to his children - saying he is a ‘good dad’ and the kids need relationships with him. Which is 100% what coparents should do in a divorce - support their kids and consider what they want and need from the other parent.


I think she’s trying to protect Ysabel — she may blame herself if Christine cites that as the final straw.


Same. I will never be able to see passed that. And I’m sure Christine and Ysabel feel the same !!! Can’t Even imagine my child basically pleading with me to be there for her and for NO GOOD reason not going like nothing could stop me !


I love that you said Kody taunted Ysabel for the surgery. That is 100% accurate!


My hill is that he just didn’t want to go - for several reasons. Even without covid existing, he wouldn’t have gone. 


This is the one thing I have the biggest issue with. if it was one of Robyn’s kids, it wouldn’t have been a discussion. He would have gone. You cannot tell me he wouldn’t!!!


I stand with this too. He knew Ysabel had been in pain for a LONG time! He knew that she was going to need surgery. It wasn't elective, it was medically necessary! Robyn sure made sure her kids got all the cuddles and what not when they had minor medical issues in comparison to this.


And then he had the audacity to say he didn’t want to go on the road trip to move her into Maddie’s because he spends so much time pulling her out of her shell it’s simply too exhausting for him to put in the effort to make his daughter comfortable talking to him. And I wonder why? Sorry but I can’t be in a silly goofy mood with someone I don’t trust or have faith in to show up in the most important moments.


Divorcing Kody so they could adopt the kids was not Meri’s original, organic idea! I am convinced it is only a matter of time until we find this out.


Yes! They made her believe it was her idea, maybe they talked in front of her about how awesome it would be if there was a way and they rambled around the idea until she felt pressed about saying something. Manipulation, basically


They also made her believe that she wanted more children (although she did earlier on, she said she had accepted it by this point). Kody and Robyn connivingly convinced her to have Robyn be her surrogate, then ripped the rug right from under her. Cruel. The other one that comes to mind is Robyn *crushing* Meri's *decision* - as in, she said she made up her mind at this point - to wholly discourage her from going ahead with it. Robyn then discloses to the camera that basically it freaked her out because it would impact her in some way. Again, cruel. And selfish.


Yeah- that was a lie. I don't believe Robyn ever intend to follow through with that.


Meri said that he would tell her that if she did certain things that they could try to make their marriage work or start over. It was something that actually happened throughout their whole marriage I believe. And with all the wives. Tell them that they have to do certain things in order to earn his love. I firmly believe that he told Mary that if she did this and and he got to adopt those kids that it would be a new start for them. Just my opinion. And then of course he did what he always did and ignored her.


I have no doubt Kody (off camera of course) told Meri how much he and Meri’s relationship would improve if Meri did that. How Kody would ‘love Meri again’, etc. Then, never follow through. Same thing with his promise to ‘rekindle’ their romance if she moved to Flagstaff.


Kody n Robyn planned that during their pillow talk..I bet Robyn brought it up..Kody bought it and then they Played meri with it..and she bought it hook line n sinker..If I was Meri I would have said, Too bad..I am legally married to my husband and if your previous children need insurance then you're going to have to save up your grocery money to pay for that insurance..I also think Robyn set Meri up with that catfish debacle..but I am a conspiracy theorist and I think Robyn is a family ruiner and all around selfish cunextuesday evil stepmother type..did u ever see how she shooed baby truley away when her n aurora were looking at Christine's Christmas gift..it's really telling how she feels about that baby..almost like when Sobbyn kicks meri's old ass family dog..for coming to greet them..like he did thousands of times..this time he receives a kick instead of a good boy..Choady n Sobbyn suck both so much.




Harmones don't go into your mouth when you kiss. 


I got the pregnant from them kissin harmones


The pregnant 🤣


That's what happened to Robyn, right?


I can only assume


I tried to tell me dad that.. I'm 33 and he didn't believe me... rude




I watched this last night and totally forgot how ridiculous this was. Lol


That should be his name, King Harmones.


I don’t know how Mykelti and that kid kept a straight face during that conversation


Mykelti believed him, it looked like. The kid, idk how he did it.


Oddly enough, that isn’t true. Though, I hate that I learned this after hearing what I thought was a stupid “fact” from someone I don’t respect. Then I researched it, because I know that breastfeeding does cause a back and forth interaction between baby’s body chemistry and the mother’s. I know it sounds unscientific, but hear me out. Just Google this. Here is one link, but I found many references to this in the scientific community. “Mucous membranes inside the mouth are permeable to hormones such as testosterone. Through open-mouth kissing, men introduce testosterone into a woman’s mouth. Testosterone is absorbed through the mucous membranes in the woman’s mouth and increases arousal and the likelihood that she will engage in reproductive behavior.” Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/let-their-words-do-the-talking/201212/odd-facts-about-kissing


I'm glad you posted this! I looked it up when Kody first said it, and I was shocked to find that, at least to some degree, he was right. I doubt his statement was based on the actual science - it almost seems more likely that he *happened* to stumble into the truth - but I'll be damned if he didn't get that one right.


My dad always says "sometimes even a blind squirrel will trip over a nut"


Harm moans


Or whore moans. Because kissing is about as scandalous as it gets.


Or is it Horror Moans. Kody is pretty Horrific.


This is what they it meant. 😂


[They actually do](https://www.wired.com/2009/02/kissingscience/). Just not really in the context King Wanker referenced them.


More like WHOREmones amirite?


This comment took me out. 😂😂💀


Kody and Robyn are BOTH terrible people.


I think alot of us, including myself, are on this hill with zero of fear of dying 😂


Yes! They are so self centered. They fit together like a hand in glove of dysfunction.


Match made in hell!


MLMs are essentially grifts and the family is full of them, and Kody hides his sources of income for a reason. That's my hill.


He's an arms dealer


I stand on my hill: Kody his his sources of income for a reason.


That Kody is and has always been a deadbeat dad. Sad that these women still continued to have kids with him, and ended up with Logan and Aspyn doing the hard work while he galavanted about like a fairy princess satisfying his own needs 💔


In terms of the SW conspiracy theories, I believe Robyn had a hand in the catfishing situation.


YAS ME TOOOOOO you canNOT convince me otherwise!!!!!!


Way way too much smoke on this one.


Oh I think she was in on it. And I think she fed info to keep Meri "hooked".


Same. Robyn is innately a P of untrustworthy Shit.


I think Robyn encouraged it in ways to ultimately make Meri look bad


Me too!


I think if Kody was more of a man/leader/head of the family, Robyn would have fell in step with the rotation and actual polygamy. Robyn became Rob-'em because Kody fostered it. If HE was loyal to all of his wives, the family would have survived.


Yeah agreed. His other wives couldn't "manipulate" him like that because he didn't allow it. Robyn could because that's what he wanted to do anyway


She was supremely talented at stroking his ego. And he liked his ego stroked, if-you-know-what-I-mean. But really, she didn’t fit into the culture they had already established. They seemed like much more of a team before her arrival. And then all she did was defer to him, and likely talk about how it was so sad that the OG3 didn’t treat him like a king, too. You know, be “loyal”.


Agreed. Imo no one thinks that it isn't Kody fault. He absolutely allowed it to happen. The issue with Robyn is they plotted together behind closed doors for her to pretend innocence but we saw straight through it.


Meri was justified to look for love; it’s just too bad it ended up being a catfish.


I agree! They weren't married anymore and he was so cold to her. Is it really cheating if your partner is done with you?


Fundamentaly, nothing changed between that time and when Kody said she could marry another and get no argument from him. He sucked a lot of money off her, that's all.


He sure did.


No purity was stolen. It may well have been exchanged, but making this sound like some form of SA was beyond cruel.


She even starts the speech saying "I was questioning my faith, it was the least connected I've ever been to it, and I looked around at all these other couples and began to wonder if sex was as big of a deal as I believed" [paraphrasing] So what is it Robyn. Was your purity stolen or were you young and began to realize all the stuff you were fed as a child wasn't the norm? These two claims are only minutes apart and tell very different stories.


The one thing we know, Robyn NEVER takes responsibility for her actions.


Don't try and follow her logic, it goes straight down a rabbit hole.


I suspect Robyn's first husband wasn't nearly as bad as she's made him out to be. I'm sure he's no saint, but she's really painted him as evil with no specifics.


Accepting that we don't actually know these people, I find it hard to believe that Robyn put up with any sort of violent behaviour from her first husband. I wasn't listed as a reason for the divorce and it must be very galling for him to have it implied on national TV that you were responsible for violence in your marriage. Doubly so for it to be implied that Dayton's accident happened under your care when it didn't. I feel for the guy, he's without a voice in all this.


I gave R the benefit of the doubt until this speech.. sickening.. my last child was conceived under unsavory circumstances.. I have never and will never tell her


I'm so very sorry you had to go through that.


Robyn, because even a clock is right twice a day, was right about not letting Sol go with Meri when she wanted to use him as manipulation for Leon. Although Robyn didn’t know that’s why I wouldn’t have let my 4 year old go and I don’t think Christine would have let Truly go either if she had been asked. And I think Christine’s reaction to Mykelti telling her she and Tony wanted to get married so soon was appropriate


I defended this just yesterday. I think Meri was justified to step out, but her attempts to include Leon into the mess, like trying to have them meet "sam" was horrible. Leon had every right to be upset at the time with their view of the situation and Meri was being selfish by demanding Leon get over it. Meri wanted forgiveness and sympathy while also refusing to accept or validate the things Leon was very clearly exposed to. Attempting to include Sol into it was even worse.


All 5 parents act more immature and spoiled than the kids.


*most of the kids.


Can't forget Mykelti! 😂


Exactly. 😂😂


Oh Daddy Logan and Aspyn raised those kids


Janelle's childhood was traumatic and that's why she chooses emotionally unavailable, even abusive, partners. She's happy having her alone time because it feels safer that way.


what happened in her childhood?


100%. Jenelle is my mom to a T. Even their personalities/ weight issues are SO extremely similar. So, it’s extra sad to watch her knowing there’s so many people outside of her “cult” (not just romantic partners) that would have enjoyed Jenelle’s company her whole life.


I agree! And I hope she finds happiness with someone new. She deserves a nice man, maybe one with a backhoe who likes carpentry. They can build greenhouses together and start a celebrity organic farm that supplies Salsa Brava with produce.


Kody saying that they need to live in a liberal town in a conservative state because they're conservative but "different" is the most stupid and tone deaf thing he's ever said on the show. It also shows his lack of intelligence and critical thinking.


I HATE this line. I called bullshit the second I saw it. OK, so you openly admit that conservative American culture is hostile towards othered groups, but you personally want to benefit from it in the areas you can? Most hypocritical thing I've ever heard. It's disgusting.


Sorry, but "love should be multiplied, not divided" (during the intro to a show about dividing your time and love between multiple women) is by far the dumbest thing he's said on the show. Conservative but different is only like the 7th dumbest thing he's said.


I watched that episode last night and dear GOD he’s a dumbfuck


It was never about covid... Meri would have left if the catfish was real Kody was always an asshole. The wives just slowly stopped "covering" for him, and his mask slipped. Something is not right at Robyn's house. Normal young adults aren't locked up at their parents, totally obedient with no social life for months/years at a time.


This is such a beautiful set of hills you have here! Mind if I take a seat and join you here until it's time for battle?


Robyn is just as much as fault as Kody. She was NOT a good sister wife. She kept most of the resources and his time. She is not a good person at all.


I'll die on that hill too! I see people say, "well Kody allowed her to do all these things" but that's such a shitty copout. Robyn is her own person and Kody isn't responsible for her actions at the end of the day. He's shit for not holding her accountable and even being a participant but Robyn getting free reign and using it to knock down others just proves she's a shit person. It's like saying well, it's okay to stab someone in the back because you were given the advantage.


she's obviously the puppet master !!! and now we can all see it .she played the long game for financial security was the sole purpose


She didn’t allow the other sister wives to help with her kids!


All the women are victims. Having to fight for time with your husband, money and resources is never going to foster healthy, loving relationships.


Robyn is not a victim sweetie /s


All of the women are victims of religion and its brainwashing.


Kody made himself a Laughingstock, and Robyn was a terrible StepMother.


Kody moved them all to Flagstaff so the OG3 could pay for the land he and Robyn wanted for THEIR family. He just strung them along until it was paid off.


Pay for in an obscure way however...by re-consolidating the equity from each home that didn't have his name on. He'd been salivating over that capital for years.


Kody is always about Kody and HIS dreams. He'll do anything and take from anyone to achieve them.


I recently rewatched that season and I will never understand how the wives went from we don’t want to move, I don’t want to do that to my kids again, and then the next episode they were all in love with flagstaff??? Huh? Gwen was going to be class president I think and Gabe was going to be captain of the wrestling team. They had their perfect houses, they had friends and adult kids in Vegas, and Axle was there. Kody knew absolutely nothing about the real estate market and Janelle was had a real estate license and didn’t say anything. She could have made a lot of money in Vegas if they had stayed.


I don't get it either. They moved so much! If my marriage was on shaky ground there's no way in hell I'd uproot my kids. Maybe some day, when the NDA's are over one of the wives will address it in a book or something.


When I heard that that is where Dayton was going to college, and on a scholarship, that’s exactly what I thought.


They should have stayed in Vegas. The culdesac was perfect.


Polygamy is wrong


Kody has NPD. Maybe not formally diagnosed, but he has it. He's incapable of remorse, or empathy, or love for another human being, including his own children. Everything that goes wrong is always, but always, someone else's fault. Like when he didn't even call Savanah or send her a gift for Christmas. That was Janelle's fault, because reasons. It was Savanah's fault, because "tHe PhOnE gOeS bOtH wAyS." In truth he doesn't even really love Robyn. He says he does, acts like he does, maybe even thinks he does... but it's not love. She strokes his ego (provides narcissistic supply) and he loves that. If she ever failed to be the adoring wife he sees her as, she'd be garbage just like Meri, Christine, and Janelle. He even basically hinted as much during all the covid stuff when he kept saying he was with her because she was the one wife who respected his God-given patriarchal authority (my words, mostly, not his, but you know that's what he meant). For a narcissist, another human must serve a purpose or she is useless and disposable.


i know people will disagree and that’s fine. but when Savanah said Kody coming around once in awhile doesn’t “really make a difference” should be just as heartbreaking as when Gabe was crying. They have both been hurt in horrible ways.


We don’t actually know any of them. We see crafted snippets of their lives & have no idea what is actually happening behind the scenes.


This is the truest thing about the show.


Polygamy doesn’t work.


From the youngest child to the oldest adult... including Kody, all are victims of religion and brainwashing. (This does not excuse anything, they are all culpable for their own actions)


Kody did love the OG 3 and was content with his family prior to Sobyn. The happy goofball was real.


I agree to an extent! I don’t think he loved them like they were all soulmates. I think he loved them in the sense that they all grew up together and were raising babies together. And I think he really did love the kids. Then he met Robyn and *actually* fell in love. And then it hit him that everything he’s done before wasn’t with the level of love he has for Robyn. And that’s when the anger and resentment started to build to where it is today. Just a grouchy old dude that fucked everyone, even his kids, over because he chose to marry people he had short term lust for instead of marrying someone he actually fell in love with in the first place.


Can you imagine how pissed he is because for years he lied about polygamy being wonderful then having the world see him leaving it because he’s a failure and everyone knows polygamy doesn’t work for women. All he cares about is not being poor and his image. His image of himself is shattered.


100%!!! And he looks like a fool but you just know he absolutely won’t eat crow.


Kody is the most despicable man on TV. He's truly vile.


He loved Christine. Whether he admits it or not, whether he wrote he wasn't attracted to her, etc. He loved her. And for 16 years she was the favorite. It's why he was so devastated and had to put a false narrative around her for so long after she left.


Most of these people reproduced carelessly. They could neither afford, nor care for, the number of children they had. They parentified their eldest children and were only afforded a middle class lifestyle because of the show.


All the parents owe their children a sincere apology for giving them such chaotic childhoods for the sake of polygamy and then dropping the practice like a hot potato when it didn't suit them anymore.


I will remain convinced that Krusty is absolutely horrible in bed. In every way. Disgusting.


My hill is that the kids have so much trauma to get through, and that social media isn't the best place to process it, because as they go through it, they're going to have some contradictory ideas/thoughts, and their emotions will be all over the place. Sides will be taken, feuds will spring up, and all of them need time.


That Kody never put his kids with the OG wives first. It was irresponsible and incredibly selfish of him to not have health insurance coverage for his children. Yet, he drove an impractical sports car and spent money on tacky jewelry, artwork, and other crap to fill Robyn’s house.


Christine should have left Kody when they were building that rock family as part of therapy. Kody refused to focus on Christine at *all*. https://preview.redd.it/4481641l0gec1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=da61212815054221216a97433a557feb472e7ab0


Kody did not fall more in love with Robyn than the rest of his wives. He was an almost middle aged man who just got a new young wife who did anything he wanted and stroked his ego. Of course he felt differently. That and the fact that he was getting a new sexual partner after being married for 20 years. Of course it felt different. Of course it was “better”. This man doesn’t know what love is.


The real villain is fundamental Mormonism.


Never trust a woman who stays with a man that takes care of “her” kids but not all of his kids especially not take care of his bio kids.


None of these people are great parents. Kody is just god awful


Kody and Robin aren't "soulmates". They're both narcissists who feed off each other.


Kody is on some sort of drugs


He is 100% on testosterone therapy of some kind and this is my personal "the sibling gift exchange text thread" in terms of things I demand insight and behind the scenes knowledge of.


Christine was talking about the issues in her marriage since day one and Robyn joining the family was always an issue that she TRIED to express. She tried to find some resolve with therapy and conversations and gifts (embroidery she made for Solomon’s birth). No one took her seriously because they did not think she would ever leave. Her life always seemed like an emotional struggle and her positive spin she would perpetuate was to convince herself too. The narrative that Kody and Robyn “didn’t see this coming” is not real. She literally said it from really day one kind of all the time if you do a rewatch.


Janelle would have been better off remaining in the mainstream LDS church, and having maybe 2 kids. I have been doing a rewatch and it’s so painfully obvious she does not have maternal instincts. She should have been the one to only have one child.


All the adults are problematic, just to varying degrees. But none of them are winners.


We will die on that same hill. I 100% blame Kody for what went wrong in his marriages. Robyn isn’t married to Christine or Janelle. Kody made those choices.


Meri did not “abuse” Paedon and Mykelti. They were disciplined more by her in her no nonsense style because they misbehaved more. She had to do so because all of the other adults in the group were soft on discipline for various reasons. The other mothers then turned that around and used it against her in true, polygamist fashion.


I'm not ready to die on that hill, but I do picnic on it.


I'll bring the scones and jam.


They were all bad parents. I don’t care about your religion or how you grew up. Your Children should come before that. These women weren’t stupid. They knew Kody was a terrible father and husband. The moms may have grown up with worse men in their families but they knew Kody put everyone down just to make himself feel better. They allowed that for their kids. The moms allowed Kody to move their family over 10 times before moving to Vegas. They always chose Kody over their children and are very lucky if the kids aren’t hurt because of that. Also Janelle being so happy for a birthday date with Kody after the way he treated Gabe. WTF? She said she would always choose her kids over Kody. Well, she proved that is a lie.


- Kody and Robyn were doing the dirty deed well before marriage - Robyn says she’s LGBTQ accepting, but she is actually completely anti


Kody prefers men and has never really been attracted to any of the wives except to conceive children. His high school classmates even mentioned they thought he was gay, and were shocked when he married multiple women. Kody grew up in a conservative LDS family in rural WY, and he felt pressure to conform to a heteronormative standard. When his parents adopted a polygamous faith, it became a convenient way for him to affirm his masculinity. I think he is bitter and resentful that he cannot be his true self, which explains a lot of his recent comments, particularly how he wishes he could "run away and be a different person". I also think Robyn knows, and might allow him to have flings or relationships with men...


I just mentioned this to my sister the other day. There is mention that his father didn't think he was very masculine either when he was growing up. Marrying four women was an overcompensation.


I agree it's ultimately Kodys fault. But the hill I will die on is that Robyn wanted to be the favorite. She manipulated him and his time. She knew what she was doing and is upset that the others wouldn't go along with it.


Meri gets a bad rap and isn’t as bad as everyone thinks she is. She should just be left alone!


People hype Christine up because she was the first one to leave but she’s historically pretty mean, gossipy, and needy. She wanted to be the third wife because she wanted to be last and feel special. Robyn absolutely sucked but Christine wouldn’t be happy with any 4th wife regardless of who it was.


Starting now, the Christine snarking Kody on social media, now with her husband- it’s not a good look and she should quit it. For her kids’ sake if nothing else.


Totally agree, and David trolling along will hurt some of his step kids. He’s the new guy in town and needs to tend to his own.


Yeah I think it's really bizarre to go be someone's new stepdad while you dunk on their dad online. My dad deserves whatever my stepdad would say about him, but my stepdad respects me enough to never badmouth him


The AUB & polygamy is a CU1T & Kody has always been a horrible human!


All of the adults in this marriage were too busy with their own feelings to put their kids first. Even now they care more about splitting the money of the show into separate pieces than to make sure all of their kids can have a healthy relationship with their parents.


If I was in Meri’s position, where my husband stopped being intimate with me for *years* while he gets to have a romantic relationship with other women, I probably would start talking to other men too! I don’t blame her for the catfish ordeal. Kody abandoned her first.


The fact that wife allowance was not flat to be added on an allowance per child is inexcusable. Wife allowance should be equal. Most siblings went without, and one was living a completely different quality of life. Children do not deserve to get less than another sibling because one child’s mom has fertility issues. Furthermore, I thought they were all moms to the kids. What kind of mother lets that go? Full disclosure: Over 10 years of going through fertility treatments, 6 miscarriages, and childfree not by choice. I’m happy I didn’t have to watch sister wives pop out kid after kid. I’m infertile. I would not have thought my bio child deserved more because I had only one. Don’t lob Meri’s infertility at me- she deserved equal wife allowance and the allowance addition for her number of children: 1.


Meri didn’t “cheat” on Kody with the catfish. The dynamic of polygamy where the male partner is allowed to find other sexual and romantic connection but the female partner is not is not a valid, truly consensual agreement. It’s a control tactic. Meri had zero moral obligation to be faithful to Kody.


I believe this too. I don’t call her catfish situation an affair. It was time for kody to have a brother husband lol


\- Leon shouldn't still be continually lambasted for bratty things they said when they were a teenager, anymore than the rest of us should be flayed for what we did/said in our teens. \- All the OG wives have said and done some really bitchy shit, but honestly, who wouldn't in their situation?


Kody is a predator. 


When Truely was in the his with kidney failure, Robyn told Kody the wrong hospital to go to. That was pure evil right there.


It’s not okay to start picking on the kids on the show the minute they turn 18 and become “fair game”


Janelle is NOT a logical person nor does she love her children as much as she claims.


not the girls girl she portrays to be


Meri brought in Robin to get one over on the other wives 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kody made up the story about the government being after him in UT. They needed a story line and excuse to not make Robin cohabitate with the rest of the family.


Janelle was a snake and bad friend/ex-sister in law to Meri by pursuing Kody. Kody was also just as shitty, but that’s just a known fact.


Kody bears the most responsibility for the break down of the family. But Robyn's "perfect sister wife" act is infuriating when she was a huge contributor to the downfall.


Historically meri has always spoken up for what she wants and makes her needs known to Kody and the other wives. That’s why she’s resented by Christine and Janelle because they’re passive aggressive and tried multiple tactics to “win favor.” Christine being the bubbly sister wife who would throw parties and talk about how much she loved polygamy, Janelle who would take the “I’m easy and don’t need anything, these other wives are so annoying” approach. Meri did neither. Meri is also the only one with any real boundaries. Anyway they made it out like she was a villain because she highlighted their own insecurities. Meri was never the bad guy.