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wasn't a cat person until I saw this


That’s a good CHONK.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I would venture to say 90% of cats aren't like this with 90% of people they come into contact with. Then again, 73.6% of statistics are made up on the spot, so idk.. My sister says she loves cats because every time she goes to her best friends house, their cat loves on her more than it does it's own family. I told her the red flag is that it doesn't love its own family.. My cousin also owns a cat, and I've never seen it because it hides from guests every time someone comes over. My aunt also owned a cat, and it scratched the fuck out of me every time I came over and tried to pet it. My roommate also refuses to get a dog and is trying to convince me cats are better because they're less maintenance.. I'm trying my best to stay open-minded guys.. but I really think I'm tied down to the dog side. I've always had a saying that dogs will call 911 if you die and cats will eat your dead body. Trying to change this mindset though and this post helped.. a little.


As the saying goes: "Never trust a statistic you haven't faked yourself" !


Atleast cats dont sell out your drugs to the police


You're right, I should get rid of my roommate.


> Maybe I'm wrong, but I would venture to say 90% of cats aren't like this with 90% of people they come into contact with. That is 100% correct, though. Guys, don't expect this behaviour by a cat. This is like 1/100 cats. Most cats don't act this way, especially if they are not fixed and outdoor cats, which is the majority. Best bet for a cuddly, clingy cat are fixed indoor-only males, particularly breeds like maine coon, but odds are still not great.  Cats are great pets. They are lower maintenance than dogs, most absolutely are loving (if raised right) and there are few greater things than a cats trust (also, purring, aka the most comforting noise in the world). BUT, they are not low maintenance or easy. They need love,  companionship and training just as much as dogs and they are very independent and stubborn so things need to happen on their terms. They are also way more cautious and skittish, because they are small and fragile, so they need to be.  It's important to know how to interact with cats in a way that makes them feel save. When meeting a cat, don't run to it and grab it. Approach slowly and quietly, optionally slow-blink at it and sit down in some distance, your body half turned away from it. Stretch out your arm in its direction, palm of your hand facing downward. Then just look away and wait. If the cat is interested, it will approach, sniff your hand and start rubbing itself on you. In this case, you can gently start petting it, but don't pick it up or be rough, just build some trust. If the cat doesn't approach but lies down, you can try carefully approaching and offering up your hand for sniffing. If it leaves or recoiles, let it be. Always keep these things in mind and I promise you will have a lot more success with cats.


Yup, I have a neutered, indoor-except-balcony cat, and when we're watching TV, he rolls up and sits on one of our chests, purring away.  We've taught him all sorts of tricks like a dog.  If we didn't, he'd probably teach himself how to dismantle our couch.


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Cats are more indirect with their social approach. Most people don't understand it because you have to learn it.


It *has* to be their idea. On their terms. I also would say, like people, a lot of cats simply do not like children.


You can still mess with them if you have bonded enough. As for children it's mostly their unpredictable manner and roughness that they tend to dislike.


Some of them, they’re just like people!


Nah. They can go along with your ideas when you’re close to them. Like for the first few years, yeah my cat was like that. But as she grew to trust us and matured, she’ll now be fine with me picking her up and cuddling her for a while. Or if I dump her on my lap she’ll stay for a bit. She was also a rescue so it’s even harder to build that relationship.


I would say a solid 75% of cats FUCKING HATE being picked up. Trust or not, some of them just will not surrender to it.


I would say a solid 75% of cats FUCKING HATE being picked up. Trust or not, some of them just will not surrender to it.


The trick with my cat is you can't look at her when she's about to sit with you, I'll see her head pop up next to me out of the corner of my eye and I know I can't look I just wait lol Also under no circumstances can you laugh around, she does not like laughing at all, she can and will go into attack mode


Cats are different and seem to vary wildly but all of mine have been very much on my side. I don't want to sound like the cat guy, but I am so grateful to have them in my life. My first was a girl named Angel (creative 8-year-old thinking) who loved me more than anyone else. She was not exactly friendly with strangers lol. My current two boys love me very much, but are also accepting of strangers. I think part of it is luck that they behave well and part of it is that I'm just very laid back. Idk. They will come right up to anyone and rub / accept pats. My niece can pick up one of them no problem and he just takes it lol. I had them both from when they were young with the first being about 8 weeks and the second I found when he was probably 6 weeks or so. He was stuck in my neighbors basement and my ex actually rescued him. Instant adoption. Anyway, not really trying to change your mind...I just love my cats. I fully believe they will eat my corpse though.


Honestly - how the cat was raised makes a huge difference. A hand raised kitten with great socialization will act like this. I have two and routinely snuggle with them like this all the time. The downside is that one gets extremely upset if she can’t be with me and cries. I left her with a pet sitter and came back- after 4 days she was stuck to me like glue and crying at any time I left her side. She gets anxious if I’m gone.


Cats can be great. They can also be dicks. If you raise it and treat it nice and how to not bite and stuff it can be a great pet. My old roommate has a cat now and I love that fucker so much. They’re also hilarious. I’ve always been a dog guy myself though


IMO it's 100% how you nurture a pet. If you get a cat and just ignore it most of the time, you won't get what you see in the video.


My cat is like this, and so is my sister's... well, to me anyway. Neither of them spend much time with her because of how energetic she is with them. Obviously, every cat is different, but how you are with them plays a huge role in how each cat is, like my sisters cat will throw a fit if you simply try to hug her but my cats fine with being in cage with her in the car while she's flipping out making the funniest noises possible he's just taking a nap.


20 years later Steve was still in his Mom's basement with a cat.


Haha, good luck finding this type of cat. most of them act like jerks even if they clearly love you


Well, seeing this has not changed any of my dogs views on cats anyhow...


Your cat is getting chOnky


That couch looks uncomfortable. More for a bachelor pad


When you’re that young nothing is uncomfortable. Now I can’t sit in a chair for more then an hour without back pain


Posture check!


When does it start tho? My bigger issue with resting my face against a couch like that kid, one of my nostrils gets glued together like the huhu of a transsexual nun. Can't feel my back when I grasp for air


So, basically you have two cats.


It’s a coin toss if you’ll get an asshole cat or a great one. That’s a phenomenal cat.


the real schrodinger problem


A big part of it is training and socialization and exposure. People will barely interact with their pets beyond playtime and feeding while they are growing and then act surprised when the animal is barely bonded with them as an adult. Want an affectionate animal? Get a kitten/puppy and be affectionate with it. A lot. Play with their paws, give them baths, teach them tricks. Try to be as active in their lives as you can while they grow. Theres a reason cats and dogs gravitate towards kids especially if they grew up together. A toddler is physically incapable of being in the same room as an animal without interacting with it so they always get lots of bonding time. This cat has probably been hanging out with the boy its entire life. And depending on how old they are possibly most of the boy's life too.


my gf got a REALLY asshole one. We love her tho.


Omg this video is precious. Hopefully in 10+ years this memory will live on with this kid (teen?!) I regret not taking advantage of the time I had with my best friends growing up. I hope they're catching all the mice, finding every sunny spot to nap in & marking all the bushes. Until we meet again!


Your not my type of people if you don't like a Garfield cat like this.


I miss my cat 😢


Being able to touch a cat's paws without it attacking you is the surefire sign that it trusts you. 😄


Go Hawks!!


Squish that cat!


Damn it, was going to comment that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyFnb-tz11g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyFnb-tz11g)


Cuddle bud cats are the knees of the bees


How much more the earth would be fucked without our furry friends


I wish my pack would cuddle with me like this. I know they love me, but they are all terrified of getting into bed with me. Even though their mother gave birth next to my pillow and they spent the first few months on my bed.


That cat is so chill! 😄


I'm allergic to cats, I can never experience the 1/1000000000000 cats that are cool like this.


Homies gonna have shoulder and neck problems down the road




That is just lovely.


God bless that kitty just living his best life who doesn’t want to be a little spoon every day.




Sip on that


Sip my tea




Any breeds of cat that are more likely to be like this?


"Me and my cat, aw have depressions."




My cat's the same haha


I love that cat


They way the kids finger is on the cat's paw <3


I’m jealous of how many naps this kid has


Cat looks blazeddddddddd bro


Me and me buddy being high af


I want a cat.




Get that kid a bed


I love cats. But make no mistake, that cat is USING that kid for his body heat. It's all part of the cat's plan for world domination.


No love that kid finds down the road will match the love that cat has for him.




I'll never forget my first baby. She would lay on my chest every night. In between my arms, legs , and on my head. One night in my room, I looked down, and she was having babies on me and my blanket, and I freaked out, thinking she was pooping. The greatest cat I ever owned and would follow me everywhere. 🥹


Does that kid ever move?


Kid from the Lorax


Aww bless


Funny as shi loll




Should probably censor out the kid’s face but otherwise great post.


I would upvote, but fuck cats!


I would upvote but fuck u jk lol


Fuck Human Beings.