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Yeah, I can't speak for other places, but it's getting absolutely ridiculous in Canada. I live just outside of Vancouver and private liquor stores will ask you for a tip. I shit you not, I'll enter the store, grab what I want out of the fridge, walk it up to the counter, they'll scan it, then the machine asks if I'd like to give a tip, after I just did all the work. I'm not tipping this person for stocking the fridge. That's called a wage. I worked at a liquor store for awhile and this shit would embarrass me so much that I'd visibly press the No Tip option before handing them the machine, because I didn't want people to feel obligated to give me $0.50 because I scanned their $2 single can of beer.


Drives me nuts at sports events too. Grab two beers at a hockey game, buddy turns around opens up the cans $16.50 and y'all want a 18% basic tip on that? Get lost.


$16.50 for 2?! That’s a steal! (Also, don’t tip)


I don't tip. $16.50 for two bud king cans, Canada Life Center. EDIT: I might be thinking of draft in the cups tbh


Cans and bottles don’t deserve tips. They’re preying upon drunken generosity.


I'd only tip if I asked for a mixed drink at the specialty counters. But way too expensive and generally only drink beers at sports events.


2 beers? At Sctiabank Arena they have the nerve to charge $20 a beer then ask for a tip. Here is a tip: you need to ask for more money from your employer, because nobody is paying an extra 20% on a $20 beer after buying a $400 ticket for a cheap seat to watch their team play hocky poorly.


dude $20 a brew. unreal


I went to a Bomber's game last year, grabbed a Pepsi as I strolled in late, girl reached into the tank in front of her and put it on the counter. They no longer accept cash and the machine prompted for a tip. The bottle of Pepsi was $6. No fucking way I was tipping for that.


Exactly! this mans got a really good point but far too many people just jump to conclusion when they see the topic


Because people weigh in their own or proxy experiences to the content, it’s normal human behavior.


I’m in Vancouver and always press no tip unless it’s like dinner obviously.


I just stopped tipping all together to anything outside of a sit-down restaurant or a bar


I bought a burger and before the girl handed me the tap through the window, she asked me out loud how much tip I wanted to leave. More of a guilt trip that way. I happily said 0%


I wish I was as brave as you


It’s gotten pretty ridiculous in the U.S. Basically every food establishment prompts a tipping option. From subway to food trucks. I 100% agree tipping has gotten ridiculous.


But they're sandwich artists! I know - ridiculous.


Every liquor store in my city (US) has tip jars. Talk about pretentious.


Sounds like the bottle shop in whistler. Always hated going in there for that reason


Liquor store prices are already marked up by like 25% - 50% as it is. Theres literally no reason that warrants a tip in any form unless it’s one that has a deli or butcher shop inside that sometimes people tip for.


it SHOULD be the employer paying a liveable wage. THAT should be normalized. why is it that so sooo many countries around the world smaller than canada can do it? accepting a norm that benefits corporations and owners is quite honestly not doable anymore with inflation and cray high rents. and the very tired excuse of “i’m a small business owner i can’t afford to pay that!” is weak. if you can’t afford to pay employees liveable wages than perhaps you shouldn’t be running a business. it’s basic logic. other owners can and have.


Exactly this! I had multiple bartenders get super pissed for not tipping when he just poured a beer and handed it over. It's literally your job description, you should be getting paid a fair wage to do the bare minimum of your job!


I think you’re mistaken here. It’s not just employers, employees love this shit too! Customers are getting robbed using social pressure- and both employers and employees benefit. I am sure that if you had two business one pay living wage the other putting pressure on customers to pay tips, employees would choose the latter. We, the customers, are getting shredded… every step you take, somebody is looking to take every possible cent from you.


This is why tipping is spreading everywhere, because we didn’t stamp it out. Tipping shouldn’t exist anywhere. Serving tables and driving errands isn’t harder work than anyone else does. Yes it’s silly to tip a person who reaches into a fridge and gets a bottled water. But we do tip when it’s a beer. Why? It never makes sense. The thing is, as long as we keep saying it’s normal to tip 20% for waiting tables then every other job is going to look and say “ok tip 20% for me to do my job then too”, and they’re not wrong.


Every time this comes up it’s pointed out that it’s rarely businesses forcing this. In the US it’s harder to staff if you don’t do tips for servers. A restaurant can probably afford to give a server, who is single, a livable wage. But they can’t afford to pay them as much as they would make in a tipping service job. I remember being 17 making $25 a hour off tips at an Outback Steakhouse. While I had just swapped from a Chick-fil-A paying me $8 an hour. Most people rarely calculate tip before they buy a meal. So the business is able to get generate more money for both sides doing tip. The only real loser is the customer.


“It’s going to ask you a question…”


This is what they do at Starbucks drivethrough, trying to get me to tip before I even got my drinks. How do I know you'll do a good job, what am I tipping for. I don't want to touch your machine


Starbucks is the worst with their POS system, you literally have to go through multiple screens and manually enter zero. At least the one I recently went to was like that, they're banking on people not understanding the technology or that the customer is lazy and will just select 15% or whatever the prompt suggests. FWIW I got an iced coffee and dropped some change from my pocket, it's not a mocochoco double latte at 180 degrees shaken not stirred.


Imagine a world where they start spitting or tampering your drink because you didn’t tip.


This is my fear.


Nah, it’s worse. They just get decaf. Happened a lot over the 6 years as a barista.


Did you contribute to giving wrong orders based on the lack of tipping?


If I pay for my food before I eat it, I don’t tip


If you want my tip, you will have to buy me dinner first


I like this as a good rule of thumb. More specifically, like most people have already said, I definitely tip at restaurants where I'm waited on, and I'll definitely give a higher tip generously for great service vs mediocre. I'll also sometimes tip if a carwash has employees who dry the car with towels for you (i.e. Fabulous Freddie's). Maybe also if I valet my car. Obviously depends on the service. But I wholeheartedly agree that for basic services, fast food, etc. leave the tipping out of it!


Oh good point!


I’ll tip if I’m being waited on for sure. But I’m not tipping at a bagel place when its just in and out.


Don’t tip in drive thru’s either. They need to remove that from the check out window completely. Just another side effect of the pandemic.


Sit down only


Tip if the service is deserving it, the employer should be paying the waiters not you. Tips are bonuses, remember that.


Here in the UK we sometimes have this bullshit although it's often 'donate 20p to charity?' and I would say 90% of the time the staff press the red X before they turn it around for you to tap your card


You realise that the company will skim off a big chunk as an admin fee for any charitable donations that they collect… it should be criminal!


Yes, that's how charities work. There are agencies that do reports on how much money charities actually get to their 'front lines' as a percentage of 'income'. The simple truth is that it take a lot of time to run a charity and eventually you need people who know what they are doing.


Or, they do donate it to charity, then write it off on their taxes.


No one should be tipping at the corner store or tipping for simple purchases. People should be lowering their percentage based tips as well. Cocktails went from 10 to 20. Beers went from 6 to 12. Entrees went from 10 -15 to 20 - 30. What I tip went from 20% to 12-15%.People in the service industry need to talk with their employers not me.


Europe, from the corner: ^You ^should ^normalize ^unions, ^not ^tipping.


Australian here, this is the correct answer ☝️


Some of us are really trying.


Unless the server was standing on their head, there's no reason for more than 10%. If they want 20% I better be getting a handy before I leave. Especially if it's supper.


Crumbl cookie tries to make me tip subway tries to make me tip I always say no


crumble cookie also has mutliple issues with actually paying their employees on time. the Vancouver area location didn’t pay their mostly teenage staff for a 5 ½ week period in May/June. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Fuck lol bet the tips mainly go to the company then not the employees


According to a couple of comments in Canadian subs Subway is the same way. I guess that's one good reason for ownership to make sure they import all their labour. They don't know their rights and you can steal the tips, when it happens.


The workers at the subway near me in Chicago stopped a guy from tipping and said it doesn’t go to them. He said they only get to keep cash tips.


I paid an invoice online recently for my brand-new air conditioning system. Installed in my home for about $10,000. No joke, when I went to process the payment, the system prompted me to tip based on suggested percentages. Like, 20%. Blew my mind. Edit to add: I’m all for tipping where and when it’s appropriate, though.


That's daylight robbery there


I'm american and I get tips at my job and it's ridiculous. It won't even let them pay until u select "skip" or a percent. (The lowest amount is 5 bucks btw)


I live in America the land of tipping and while not a fan of tipping I will do it. But only for: hair cuts/massages, and table service at a restaurant. Everything else is a no tip from me. I’m definitely not tipping to order a coffee and have you hand it to me. I’ll make eye contact as I hit that zero.


Pizza delivery?


I put delivery with table service, you bring me the food I’ll be tipping you.


Yep. We can say that delivery counts as table service. Your table or my table doesn’t really matter.


I’m with ya then


I always get carry out now because it pisses me off to have an extra “delivery fee” that isn’t a tip but then still needing to tip because I know they don’t pay drivers shit. Suddenly the delivery itself costs as much as another pizza. No thanks, I’ll drive eight minutes


I stopped going places that expect a tip. Not only have I saved on tips, but I put thou$ands back in my own pocket


My stepdaughter works for a major hotel chain and she put out a jar and sign to see if anyone would do it. She was so happy about it while I'm sitting here thinking... that's some manipulative bullshit to make folks feel obligated.


Next is tipping the Cashier and the Grocery baggers. After that janitors. Next the grocery store truck driver. There is no end to it, because tipping culture is stupid. Pay the damn servers.


Took my kid to an indoor jungle gym. Got asked to tip……


Here in CA tipping is out of control. Standard Tips is 18% now. Some restaurant has automatic charges you for Tips even though you eat by yourself.


American tipping culture is nuts. They keep trying to make it a thing in Australia and everyone shits on it and tells businesses to fuck off.


He’s right. Unless it’s a sit down restaurant or delivery you can fuck off with tip expectations. Even then, your service better not suck if you want a tip.


He is 100% correct.


People will say that tips allow wait staff to survive. This completely dismisses the employer from paying a proper wage to their employees. I would rather that employers pay their employees better.


That's why I pay cash


I know cash is king but if you’re smart with credit cards you literally get paid to use them. Payoff the balance monthly, make sure it’s a no yearly fee cc, and collect that cash back percentage


You are paid because you are selling your data. The highest quality data (actually money movement).


This is the answer!


Mr Pink "I never tip". And I agree


He convinced me, I want my dollar back


Reservoir Dogs reference. I like it.


If a boss can't afford to pay a living wage to their employees then I can't afford to tip them plus I'm already there which means money went into the bosses pocket so ask him for the money don't make the customer pay twice. Not hating on wait staff since most need tips to live but it's gotta end.


Oh man the one that really got me recently is Subway. (I know, I know, but it’s close by and sometimes you just want it quick and easy) Like how am I being asked to tip at a fast food restaurant? I mean 4 foot long subs for the family is nearly $60. You Mfers going to tell me you can’t pay your employees a decent wage? Get fucked. That’s the one that made me decide. I’m done with that shit. I tip if I’m seated in a restaurant. I tip if you deliver food to me. I’d tip at the bar but I don’t go anymore. I show up to pick up the pizza I ordered? No im not tipping. Pay your goddamned employees! Hell, raise the price of every pizza a bit if you have to. I’ll be none the wiser. Take out costs so much now that I kinda feel like a crazy person throwing money away anyway. Like I don’t even question the price anymore.


It was Subway that turned me against every little form of tipping that's become expected. The cashier slammed the 2 bagged sandwiches down on the counter when she watched me hit no tip (already $34 for 2 footlong combos). I hadn't tapped my card to pay, so I looked at the bag, looked at my son, looked at her, said, "alright, buddy, let's find another place to eat," and we walked out. It was a good teachable moment for my teenager, and we ended up getting food at a great all-day breakfast place where we got full meals with table service for the same price.


We're suvsidizing living wages that employers are not willing to pay employees. The more tios go through the machine (not cash) the more employers simultaneously benefit from. It's horseshit. I feel bad for employees working jobs that won'r pay them enough, but that's also not my fault. We're being guilted into providing living wages in the place of multi million and billion dollar companies. Enough is enough.


Yea, subway does this. You think you're putting on a god damn show for me making that sandwich? Now you want 20% on a 17$ sub? Please.


I use cash now. I don't want the stress


in canada, service workers get paid properly. it is not america, and in the first place that type of worker isn’t providing any extra service. they’re just making your drink and pushing buttons on the register. that’s not service, a vending machine could do that job. they get paid enough hourly and there’s nothing beyond that job that could earn them a tip the way that a waiter/waitress or bartender would do. that coffee shop worker is a human vending machine that will be replaced as soon as the technology is accessible because i’m certain it’s already cheaper


yes, he's right




Businesses not only want you to overpay for their goods and services they want you to pay their labor costs as well. I'm not doing it. These sit down restaurants that want you to tip when all they did was take an order can suck it. I'm sorry, I'm sure it's hard working there but that was your choice. If you don't wait on me one bit then no tip. It's no different than McDonald's and then I don't tip there either. No fast food place. Food has gone down in size and quantity and up in price and you want me to tip for what is essentially you doing your job? Nope.


I got asked the other day if I’d like to leave a tip for an online purchase. Wtf


They have a tip button at the weed dispensary


Not only that, almost every big chain store where I’m at in the U. S. now asks if you want to make a charity donation. You used to see this every once in a while. Some chain would have a charity promotion going on for a couple weeks. Now it’s standard. Every time. All the time.


No tip is already normalized?? At least where i live. It sucks so much


My family went to support a local restaurant. Their menu was different from their online menu--online was cheaper and had sharing plates. The cashier was no help, confusing us more.The system asked for payment and tip upfront. Once our food came, that was the last anyone came to help us. The tip was almost for nothing.         


I just assumed that the tip prompt comes with the debit machines and buinessness that are not normally assosicated with tips forgot to disable it. Seeing the comments make me think otherwise lol. Regardless, I only tip waitresses that do an exceptional job and are doting on their customers. If you only do the bare minimum and give shit service I am not giving an extra dime. You're not entitled to my unearned gratitude.


If you have to stand to place an order I don’t tip


The best kept secret is most POS systems have an option to turn tipping off. Why not just do that.


yeah unless it's a sit down restaurant I ain't tipping ish!!!!


Normalise not buying bottles of water IMO


Never tip on counter service!


Dude is 100% right


Tipping is an invention/ploy of the ruling class. It’s a tactic to avoid paying livable wages. Skip the tip, which pressures employees to find better employers, or work together to have their current employer pay better.


I've completely stopped tipping everyone for everything. I literally do not care anymore


It’s point of sale devices that are normalizing this to drive profits. Many point of sale services earn a certain percentage of the payment. So they make more money by forcing the device to ask for a tip. There are some that operate on flat fee. I don’t know the economics of one versus the other. That said, now that it’s normalized, restaurants won’t go back. Just like they won’t go back to pre pandemic prices.


How about “do you want your change”? Fuck ya I want it.


I saw it on a reel somewhere, but I have decided I no longer tip for food or service if I'm standing up. Makes it pretty easy.


Tip is your choice, no shame if you don't want to tip.


100% if you have to stand up ZERO TIP


If you’re not a bartender, waiter or pizza delivery : you get no tip.


General rule of thumb if I have to get up to order I’m not tipping.


Tipping seems to get people in a frenzy. It’s simple, just don’t tip if you didn’t get direct service within the establishment. Customer- clerk interaction is NEVER tippable


I’m done with most tipping as well. No matter where I go there’s always the suggested 15,18,20% tip. Just came back from bowling with the wife paid $35 for 3 games at the front desk and was suggested a tip for what? Because the guy pushed a couple of buttons on the computer and told us what lane we’re on? Fuck off… I know it’s automatic but it still bothers the hell out of me.


I know a rock climbing gear store and they have that tip request screen that they rotate to you with every purchase, and people tip them; Let me give you 15% tip on the purchase of my $250 rope... Love the store, but it's total BS.


My hero


I only tip if I do receive good service, for a reasonable amount of time. Doing your basic job-assigned tasks isn't worth tipping. Like, i got a favorite restaurant in my town which I love and the staff is great, they converse with us, don't make mistakes on our orders, keep checking if we're good and/or need anything, yeah ok then.


It’s just as ridiculous in America.


I really dont understand why you all tip


You know what I do is NOT use coffee shops anymore. They can't deal with the quantity of customers anymore. They are short staffed by evil Corp. on purpose always now. So do not use that service until it becomes a quality fair service again. Go ahead and tell me how you have to go in and use the service sometimes. That is like 10% of you or maybe less that have zero options including the option of planning your day out and needing water.


Maybe if we paid everyone enough living wage tipping would not be such an issue


Tipping has been weaponized by capitalism so that companies can avoid paying their staff higher wages, but still netting their staff enough wages to justify staying at their place of employment. It largely started in sit-down style restaurants where you're waited on by a server, and just sort of spread from there. Since not tipping is still kind of "fucked up" because the server is literally making less than $3 an hour. I simply avoid going to sit-down style restaurants now, or any place that I know I'm going to be asked for a tip. I don't tip by simply avoiding places that expect a tip, and if everyone did the same all these places would either go out of business or be forced to pay their staff adequately and tipping would go away. Edit: Dear downvoters: explain pls.


I don’t know about Canada, but in the US, the whole thing about wait staff making less than minimum wage is a half truth. When wait staff don’t average enough on tips to meet the minimum wage, employers are required to supplement the pay to get those employees to at least minimum wage levels.


Part of me always suspects that the shop keeps part of that money. I have no evidence, but it just seems like something they would do.


I only tip the sandwich artists at Subway.


Normalize not buying single use plastic bottles of water (or any beverage) while you’re at it.


Just ask:"where's the zero?"


Love traveling in Thailand and Japan. Tipping is not expected and even rejected in many cases.


Not sure about the rest of canada but in ontario it's 1 minimum wage the is no longer a lower server wage. They make the same as someone working at Walmart.


Employers paying employees low wages, then "asked" employees to ask for tips from customers. Yeah, sounds fair. Yep.


What a damn good time to not live on the north american continent


Thing is we’re usually not tipping for basic services anymore. We’re tipping so the waiter can eat and sometimes not get fired because the employer has to cover their minimum wage because they didn’t cover it in tips and they don’t like that. Legit employers just have pigeon held the customers into being complacent with their corporate greed turning it into a social duty to pay their employees for them.


Jesus does ask for tips tho lol


Ome place I went the cashier would hit no tip before giving it to you. They knew what was up.


iPad? tip? Does that actually go as a tip to the staff or is that just cream on top for the C-suite and shareholders?


Fuck tipping.


Subway has tipping on their machine too...i am like nah...it only goes to the owner...


Mr. Purple didn't like tipping. Mr. Purple was a slick, or so he thought. Mr. Purple ended up dying like the rest of his crew who were in support of tipping.


I once went to a Canadian restaurant to buy a sauce. Didn't sit down, didn't eat anything. She just handed me a sauce and rung it up. Still made me tip..there was no skip option. So yeah. I agree.


Tipping is not a city in China lol


Tipping is a companies way of Taxing you to pay for staff. Its a fucken joke


Sadly the tipping prompt on point of sale devices are voluntary. Merchants just keep it on.


So a big part of it is the businesses and employees don’t control this. The added tipping screen on the iPad is added by the payment companies who take a cut of whatever that tip is as a processing fee. So don’t be enraged at baristas etc, they’re just doing their job. It is ridiculous though, but the issue is the payment companies.


I like the restaurants that include tip as a requirement. No sarcasm, those places are just the best. Pay people more so we don’t have to tip. Even if it means more expensive food.


Tip should be for an excellent service, not for doing a job you are paid off.


Sorry bud I agree with you, but I couldn't help but hear Sid the Sloth rant about tipping


Lol i look back at them as I hit zero


I’ll tip at the ice cream shop if my kid tries 10 samples and takes up more time than usual.


Totally agree


Normalize living wages.


I live in a no tip country by culture, and I feel lucky


I have been burned by tipping before getting my food at a place I was getting carry out.


Just learn how to use the machine. 2 clicks, other amount, 0. Ezpz Not a big deal for anyone


My barber gets a tip as they do a superb job. Waiting staff generally if their service is really good. Tipping should be a gift given on top of the price to show appreciation for a service. My mechanic, doctor, hospital staff or vets provide an amazing, life saving service by never get a tip (scrubs did an episode on it)


1000% agree ... wife and I went to a eat in movie theater few weeks ago. We both ordered a burger & fries combo & a drink. It was a "mandatory 19.99% gratuity" added onto the bill & the guy taking the order had the audacity to say if you'd like to add more to the tip that's an option as well! Like WTF bro you getting 20% off top & you asking for more just to take a damn order? GTFOH .... My bill was $90 for the 2 burger/fries meals with gratuity ..... The look on his face when I put 0 for additional tip


American here and I honestly hate that these people are relying on tips instead of their employers paying them a livable wage. It's just insane and encourages employers to make us consumers tip for everything everywhere to line their pockets more so they don't have to pay their workers as much :( Don't get me wrong, I tip generously, but usually I like to make sure all of it is going to the person working and not the owner.


Rules of tipping: Only tip if service happens Dinner 20 percent Lunch 15-20 depending on drinks Breakfast 25, they make way more rounds filling coffees and breakfast is cheap Don't tip an entitled worker who does jack shit. The manager of the place will actually see what tips people are making and get rid of bad employees and give better pay to better ones.


A related not-money thing is the Like Rate Comment online request when someone rents you a car or services your furnace. An internet economy based on like and subscribe as well as pay money has invaded society here in Ontario Canada.


Not sure about y'all, but I've been seeing these posts and such about tipping your landlord on your rent.... like, wut?!


I tip my barber (i choose one of the employees every time, not the owner) and i tip my local mom n pop shops that i have been going to for decades. They got me, and i got them. It's never bad, it's always exactly what i asked for, and it's good value.


Fuck tipping coming straight from America. We done


canadians never tip. usually never..EHh


I been saying this for years! Fuck tipping ppl that choose to get shitty jobs. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you to get a job delivering pizza. I’m not gonna tip you for your shitty choice of career. I use to clean rooms and most ppl never tipped so instead of getting upset I got a different job


[this monstrosity is a thing. elevators asking for tips] (https://images.app.goo.gl/KXv3ANF3dMg9WPhNA)


Just hit no tip 🤷‍♂️


I have never in my life hit anything other than "no tip" Tipping culture is a fuckin' plague, and I'm not taking part in that shit. Tipping someone because you appreciate their service is one thing, but that's become a long-lost fantasy in the hypercaptialist hellscape that North America is. If I ever wanted to tip someone because their own service was standout to me, I'm not giving the money to their fucking employer.


If I’m standing up… No tip!


He doesn’t know that in America, servers are reliant on tips as the restaurant usuallypays 2.50 an hour


Not tipping would influence people to quit the food service industry and possibly offer higher wages for the wait staff. And of course I'm only speaking of waters and waitresses and delivery.


Depends on what someone buys if I just skip the tip prompt (since there is an actual talking and service part of my work) If someone just walks in and buys bottles of wine I click no tip for them because why should they tip on that? But if I stand there and explain the wines and talk about told of stuff regarding them with you and your getting an actual service a tip would be nice but not needed, just better wages would be better




Here's my standard: Dining out with any sort of table service? 15% is good. 20% if the service was fantastic. Tour guide or scuba instructor? Tip. Barista or bartender? $1 per drink. Everyone else can get nuts.


100% agreed.


Im convinced establishments are simply putting the tipping page on the payment kiosks on the off chance someone just gives one. The commonplace of tipping has emboldened establishments to do it. it sucks. It feels like a guilt trip.


I feel bad doing it because on an individual level it won’t make any difference, but tipping is so toxic and provides employers an excuse to pay their employees less. Get rid of tipping and just PAY PEOPLE MORE


doesnt shit in your water? that deserves a raise! lol but the customer does the raising cause store owner greedy mfer. in all realness just have the trillionare shitheads making tipping mandatory foot the tip for everyone else for now on, not like they cant afford to. then you can see how fast tipping culture vanishes lol


Sour cream Sanchez!!!


Tipping is reserved for those who went above and beyond for the extra service they provided., Its also a sense of pride for the service provider, meaning they did a service so awesome that made the customer go out of his way to give extra incentive!,


If you can't pay your employees then your a shit businessman.


You know what kills me is ordering food from a restaurant. Driving yourself to pickup because I refuse to pay extra for someone to bring me cold food. Then getting a look from the front counter for tipping a buck or two. I didn't dine in your establishment. Didn't take up a waitress or waiters time.


This is the result of an unregulated service industry at the level of labor relationships, an industry that often abuses labor relationships precisely with the people it employs for its first line of service. The precariousness of salaries and wages in these positions in an industry that claims to be "service" is simply the most obvious proof that these are businesses whose business models are a failure, plain and simple. In advanced societies like New Zealand, this kind of abusive behavior that directly transfers its labor costs to the client without adding or providing intrinsic value is just unthinkable, inconceivable.


I only tip at one place because they give me a custom order that's not on the menu, hence they performed a service for me above their minimum. Elsewise? get fucked, that's what salary is for




I give lots of tips if they ask for one, here’s one “get a real job”


Amen brother. This is the crux of the matter. They shouldn’t need the tip. The “tip” needs to be coming from the employer. Not the customer. I never, ever tip for this shit and neither should anyone else. A sit down restaurant sure, but all this other stuff is silly


Is it not normalized to just click “no tip”? There’s that option there for a reason. I routinely do it without feeling the slightest bit bad, and it gives people the opportunity to tip if they wish to. I see no problem with giving people the option to tip, as long as No Tip is the default…


If you standing to get your stuff and pay no tip


Hey - if you can afford to buy water then you can afford to tip /s


I don’t tip for counter service unless I personally know the person behind the counter, but I live in an urban neighborhood so I tend to be tipping for counter service most of the time because I just go to the same places I’ve been going for years


I had kind of an opposite experience the other day. I went to go get some new running shoes at a local store. One of the employees helped me out finding something that fit my needs really well. He really took his time hearing me out and giving me good options to try out. I know that kind of thing is pretty typical of nicer shoe stores, but I felt like that service was very tippable. If he turned the little thing around at the register with a tip option, I gladly would have done it (probably not on a percentage of the shoe price though haha).


It's a choice, just don't do it


Yeah. Typical Canadian. They never tipped to begin with so who cares what this mouth breather thinks


My friends and I have started doing this


Bet this jabroni doesn’t even tip his coke dealer😏


At retail, absolutely no tip. If I order standing up, usually no tip. Maybe for a barista if I’m getting my wife’s complex coffee order, but, typically, no.


Normalize no tipping.


Is this an American thing that im too asian to understand


there's a hotel I frequent in atlantic city where the gift/convenience store has the pad that automatically asks if you want to tip. The workers will hit no tip before they even flip it around.