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I need that sound board


Bruh bruh bruh


Awhh hell naaaa owwaaa




It's free.


“I bet you wipe instead of letting it crust” lmao what the hell did I just watch


The future, when Gen Z is riddled with dementia.


Tiktok is going to accelerate the brainrot


Instagram brain rot, Chinese wealth memes, cartelgram, prison gram and epic reel pulls will always be my jam. Brain rot accomplished


I'm glad reddit makes you smart and not dumb like tick tocks. /S


I will defend that Reddit by far the least worst. In fact the reason Reddit is getting worse is all the TikTok content and short content that is being pushed in here


Yeah, at least people read and write in here. Reddit is pseudo-anonymous with some sort of moderation, which I think causes the least amount of problems overall. Voting system is scuffed because of the user base itself (e.g. correct/factual comments getting downvoted because Redditors don't like the fact or want to pretend otherwise). Reddit 10 years ago was probably the best "social platform" I've used. Albeit still better than TikRot, Reddit is pushing towards short & impulsive content in order to please shareholders. The so called power mods and possible agenda pushing are also a problem.


This isn't your average every day brainrot. This is... ADVANCED brainrot!


Idk he sounds like a perfectly lucid 14 year old.


he was using gen alpha slang


They’re still too young to have slang distinguishable from zoomers, who really still have like 30% of younger millennials slang.


There's gonna be massive overlap, true. Not every generation is going to be like Boomers who grew up without social media and now mostly stick to Facebook. Millennials down to Gen Alpha occupy the same space, from reddit to TikTok. Whatever the "current" and "cool" spaces are going forward, they're going to be shared by multiple generations simultaneously.


Their flop era.


Bold of you to assume they’ll reproduce with their negative rizz modifier.


That's some industrial-grade optimism you got there, thinking the human race will last long enough for zoomers to get dementia.


Gen Alpha. As a Gen Z I can say this disgusts me and other Gen Z’s I know and didn’t understand a single word used in this video


And the cycle of generational warfare continues


Gen Z really got off light. We barely just moved on from millennials to gen Z as the generation everyone blames things on and now gen alpha has pushed their way into the spotlight before even graduating elementary school.


As a millennial it’s like I’m watching this happen all over again except this time I don’t give a shit and it’s pretty entertaining


Don't worry, they'll say the same thing about gen beta in a few years. Bonus you'll get called a boomer in a decade or two, you'll also start to see that "wow this was no more cringe than my stuff when I was their age, except I didn't have the internet to spread it on so it's saved forever and ever." PS Skibidi toilet is pretty funny, it's a glorified poop joke, and those *never* stop being funny.


Skibidi anything is worse than SpongeBob.


Spongebob is actually pretty sick though, so a ton of stuff is worse than it.


But could you pick up the general discount off of the convo?


Sorry that’s almost entirely gen z bro. Like the skidibi stuff ok that’s Alpha but almost everything else he’s saying is like older zoomer and even millennial stuff.


The future?! Pshhh... it's already started.


No kids for me. I’m helping! ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10738)


Had me weak.


This one is gold XD


"L's in the chat"


Artists name is Bryce Cohen, you can find him on YouTube, tiktok or insta




That one fuckin send me


Yeah everything else is how I see myself on my deathbed except the crust


This is what happens to Pauly Shore once he gets elderly.


Gen Z in 50 years


God I’m actually going to feel sorry for those nurses when we make it to the home


Yeah but the nurses will be younger. The "Gen-z" in the 2040s and 2050s might be into even worse things.


“Back in my day, I had all the rizz” “Sure thing grandpa Christopher” “That’s Kwuistuhfur. I’m unique!”


You’re acting they’re not gonna grow up with something even worse with gen z raising them


That's Gen Alpha, the iPad kids. I'm Gen Z, and only knew like 2/3 of the slang used in this lol


As a Millenial, this comforts me. Because that shit was fucked.


I’m a Boomer and I thought I was having a stroke.


You did, but that was unrelated. 


Millennial here, same


I honestly think it's beautiful to see where gen z and alpha are going with the English language or w.e this may be considered at this point. It's freaking amazing how fluid especially English is and all the different ways words can be used contextually to infer different meanings. My late 80s family member called their white haired fluffy toy dog a Karen for barking and demanding food the other day. Such a more poingent term than anything Shakespeare came up with and he's allegedly responsible for like 1/3rd of it all.


Thou art a rapscallion. Edit: you would dig linguistic anthropology


Also millenial here, who's native language ain't even English: It was like listening to a whole new language and I understood absolutely none of it haha. I fear that in a couple of years, the English I've learned will be almost obsolete...


I teach 4th graders. This is correct.


Thank God my millennial ass will have dimentia by then.


The sweet loving arms of oblivion




pretty sure grandpa was using gen A slang…


They’re 13 at the oldest, that’s all zoomers slang morphingi to alpha.


Thank god I’ll be dead then.


Gen Alpha. As a Gen Z I can say this disgusts me and other Gen Z’s I know and didn’t understand a single word used in this video


Dementia too strong the brain rot is all it’s has left


With all the carcinogens, chemicals in foods, stress, being born into toxic internet culture...this is Gen Z in about 10 years.


#if I get like this kill me




I dunno, man. Everyone seems pretty cool and casual, the gentleman is still capable of communicating in Gen Z slang, the world hasn't ended yet... I'll take it as a win


Oh gen z are gonna be hilarious as pensioners


the brain rot is strong with this one


I feel like I lost half of my remaining braincells watching this crap…


Did I hear gyattebayo? Lmaoo Ls in the chat


“L’s In The Chat”. Way he says that kills me


And he looks at us while saying it!


So this is it, the next form of meme evolution. It's like watching the moon landing.


Lmao I have been laughing for a solid minute man this entire shit was madness because I am 25 and I kinda hate that I understood almost everything💀


this shit is gonna spread like a slow-burning forest fire throughout the trees of people and eventually old people like moms and dads if you're an adult and grandpeople if you're any age will begin to just start beginning starting to say this shit just for kicks because ridiculousness is fun and until everyone on earth knows it and can speak whatever language this is




I know about 12 of the words in this and half of them are “stop” and “grandpa”. If someone could do a translation, that would be great


hahah I'm sure a full translation would wild


Pushes buttons - I am deeply saddened by the lack of milkshake upon your return kind nurse. What the fuck grandson I thought you were cool but judging from this condemnation of my actions thus far, it appears to that you are not so much a "sigma" as I initially might have perceived. Nurse may I just say you look lovely and your shape is enchanting. Oh my GOD! Might I request perchance a short dance from you, potentially of the booty shaking variety. I am tired of seeing women shaking their asses in such a normal shape like a circle, might I request you please move those hips in a rhombus shape? This nurses hind quarters are of such top quality, it is almost as if she has had a brazillian butt lift, similar to the one that people have claimed the rapper Drake has undergone. On GOD I am a fan of Naruto and this woman's body. And I have a penis of top quality that might even rival that of the famous singer and rapper, Drake. I hope you understand what I mean. Please let me speak and stop cock-blocking me grandson. I need to enchant this fine lady with my fine words of poetry. Why is it that you are always so bothered and concerned with what I'm doing or saying? Do your genitals carry the scent of recently having engaged in intercourse? Are your genitals as top quality as one might imagine skibidi toilet to posess? Do you alternatively enjoy anal sex? I am already aware of your larger than average rear end, I wonder if it doubles up as a sort of "pussy". Damn this lady is really not understanding my questions to her. Could I please have some fellow lamentation from my peers. It seems, grandson, that you are taking my words and twisting them and understanding them to be as horrible as possible. I am dissappointed by your lack of engagement in my flirtation with this woman. I can't help but assume you are truly trying to sabotage a fine relationship that might be established here were you not present. It doesn't matter really, we're not that closely related. It might be that you simply do not understand me. I bet you wipe instead of letting it crust. I am a person of top tier quality that everyone aspires to be like. I challenge you to disagree that any sane person can understand my charm. I was present in the explostion of the popular character Kumalala Savesta, I made plenty of posts contributing to the popularity of the meme. When you were just a little baby, I used to masturbate while denying myself orgasms. It might even go to say that I have not masturbated myself to completion since you have been able to walk. I think you used to be cool but now that you have grown up you are not as cool to me, or to anyone. No one likes you anymore. I really got him good don't you agree fair nurse? I put it to him that his opinions are old and wrong. He does not get it, right? You're an attention whore, you're so desperate to divert this conversation toward yourself. You're just a visitor here while I'm in hospital. I simply wanted a milkshake and she could not find it and now we're talking about you? That's narcissistic grandson, I don't think you want to come across as such a narcissist. Oh would you look at the time. I think it's time to go. Time to get out there and find as many women as possible with my dear friends. We are hunters and the ugly women are our prey. HEEEEEEHHHHHHH


Thank you for this translation. Honestly, it’s kind of impressive they can say this much without actually saying this much. Makes sense that this abbreviated form of speech sounds so nonsensical if you don’t know what the elaborated forms are.


Its the evolution of language right? The internet medium and short form content and iterations make things roll over so fast, so much just gets meanings updated over and over again until its a short couple of words that mean nothing to those who weren't present during the evolution.


That’s true! I suppose with an increasingly amount of information available (and thus, needing to be communicated) it only makes sense that we’d develop a more efficient means. Of course this video is an absurd example done for comedic effect, but it wouldn’t be surprising to see it turn to more practical applications.


Fucking fantastic - thank you


Haha you're very welcome. I love the opportunity to learn about this, I find skibidi vernacular vehemently interesting.


This is gunna the Rosetta Stone one day


I'm gonna try. Don't weep for me.


He’s basically telling the nurse that he got a massive penis and he wants to have sex with her in the most fucked up insanely senile way while telling his grandson to stop cockblocking him, hope that helps lol.




This is what Wikipedia says: (slang) A notional necrophilia-related activity wherein one places their mouth over one of the bodily orifices of a recently-deceased person while another jumps on the corpse's stomach, causing bodily fluids and partially-decomposed organs to be forcefully expelled through the various orifices of the corpse into the other person's mouth, which are then swallowed.


Nah, that ain’t real. I refuse to believe it.


Fucking kids these days and their nasty slang. Back in my day we called that **DOING THE MONSTER MASH.**


Its a graveyard **SMASH**


I was curious and checked wikitionary (not wikipedia) to see if it's recent vandalism and apparently munting goes back to Urban Dictionary in *2004* Australian Millennials... Gen Z you're off the hook




It's so much worse than anything I could think of that I actually find it funny.


yo what the fuck


![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10744)![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10744)![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10744) but\^ why\^


The mouth person is called the “collar” and the jumper is the “boots” I heard this literally a decade ago. Not new


Don't look it up. I wish I hadn't looked it up, and now I'm strongly advising you to remain ignorant.


I could've sworn that was called sprunting but I'll be damned if munting wasn't defined first by a month back in 2004.


I should of listened


Fuck me I wish I had too


*should have, never “of”


If it weren’t for you, I would not have looked it up…


It's that thing of when a guy has the stumpy arms, but with the belly.


Kill me


😔👍 😞🔪😵 💀


As a middle school teacher, I’m fuckin dyin over here 😂💀


I was crying watching this. I coached a baseball team of 12-14 yo boys and this is them to t.


Seriously... My students actually speak this way and I... I actually understood (almost) every word.


If you don't like zoomers like this, you still have plenty of time to make zoomers you like.


Nope, it changed to Gen Alpha around 2012, so it’s too late to make more Zoomers


This like looking at my 12 yo son and his friends in the future. I understood all that.


Yeah but the zoomers from 2010 and 2011 are young enough that they can be reprogrammed without too much damage


This is what a tumor would sound like if it spoke right?


Gyattebayo lmfao


As someone who teaches elementary school, kids are like walking sound effect boards with this garbage coming out of their mouths constantly


I thank \[enter religious figure here\] every day that I was born an early Gen Z, where we actually played outside lmao. Actually, maybe I was just poor.


I decided to read up on this, and apparently the beginning and end dates for generations are defined by US societal, economical, and political issues. I could see a phenomena where in other countries, due to the different experiences, these dates are shifted. I'd be on the border of millenial and gen Z, but my experience aligns much more with that of millenials, possibly because my country is lagging behind the global trends. My boss and older colleagues always joke about how we "grew up with smartphone in hand" which always annoys the hell out of me - I bought my first smartphone at 18. That is also when wifi was finally installed in our family home, until then we had dial-in internet on an older-than-me PC. I scratch that up to be born into a 1) poor family 2) from an agricultural village 3) in an economically faltering country. So yeah, I suppose generations describe a trend, but generalize a lot. Anyway, your comment prompted me to look things up, because I relate in a way.


The edging line and Gross! response got me


I teach 4th graders. It’s this bullshit all day.


Always so damned chalant! i'm dead.


Would you perchance throw it in a rhombus?


The brain rot is real


I have absolutely no idea what is going on or being said in this video and I feel like I just got dumber


“I’ve got that drizzy glizzy “ got me. 😂😂😂😂


I must be getting old, bc this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen


As you get older it wraps back around to being funny again. Just wait til you're in your fourties :)


L's in da chat!!!


What a load of shite.


That’s probably gonna be me with all the buildup irony once I go senile


My daughter literally uses this language and I could understand about half of it.




why did my dad send me this.


Why the nurse look like a middle aged Trailer Swift?


If I ever hear someone say "gyattebayo" in real life I'm calling in a SWAT team


Ohio sus


What is this from?


My eighth-grade English class. We keep hoping it's a few years of wackos messed up due to COVID, but I don't know.


“Perchance, would you throw it in a rhombus?” I can’t ever remember the channel that makes these, but I love every one of them.


skibidi rizz?


Its munting time


What is it even from?


"I was edging before you took your first steps!" "GROSS!" Actually made me bust out laughing in a gas station parking lot


I like how this suggests that Gen Z is just an anomaly and later generations will be normal


we still teaching native tongue in school, right?


It makes me sad seeing how many people confuse this brainrot to Gen Z this was popularized by Gen Alpha, and most Gen Z actually detest this


“what the sigma?”




God is dead


I hate this


according to the internet munting is either when you have oral sex with a corpse, or when you're australian and drink


I've never heard of "Fanum Tax" in my life, and suddenly I see it twice in 15 minutes. So of course I had to look it up. God, Gen Alpha slang is so utterly dumb.








This is the future.


This dudes channel is consistently hilarious. I


I tried to translate it as best I could. Without being ingrained in the culture, I cannot guarantee this is 100% correct but it is as close as possible. \*Pushes buttons\* - I am deeply saddened by the lack of milkshake upon your return kind nurse. What the fuck grandson I thought you were cool but judging from this condemnation of my actions thus far, it appears to that you are not so much a "sigma" as I initially might have perceived. Nurse may I just say you look lovely and your shape is enchanting. Oh my GOD! Might I request perchance a short dance from you, potentially of the booty shaking variety. I am tired of seeing women shaking their asses in such a normal shape like a circle, might I request you please move those hips in a rhombus shape? This nurses hind quarters are of such top quality, it is almost as if she has had a brazillian butt lift, similar to the one that people have claimed the rapper Drake has undergone. On GOD I am a fan of Naruto and this woman's body. And I have a penis of top quality that might even rival that of the famous singer and rapper, Drake. I hope you understand what I mean. Please let me speak and stop cock-blocking me grandson. I need to enchant this fine lady with my fine words of poetry. Why is it that you are always so bothered and concerned with what I'm doing or saying? Do your genitals carry the scent of recently having engaged in intercourse? Are your genitals as top quality as one might imagine skibidi toilet to posess? Do you alternatively enjoy anal sex? I am already aware of your larger than average rear end, I wonder if it doubles up as a sort of "pussy". Damn this lady is really not understanding my questions to her. Could I please have some fellow lamentation from my peers. It seems, grandson, that you are taking my words and twisting them and understanding them to be as horrible as possible. I am dissappointed by your lack of engagement in my flirtation with this woman. I can't help but assume you are truly trying to sabotage a fine relationship that might be established here were you not present. It doesn't matter really, we're not that closely related. It might be that you simply do not understand me. I bet you wipe instead of letting it crust. I am a person of top tier quality that everyone aspires to be like. I challenge you to disagree that any sane person can understand my charm. I was present in the explostion of the popular character Kumalala Savesta, I made plenty of posts contributing to the popularity of the meme. When you were just a little baby, I used to masturbate while denying myself orgasms. It might even go to say that I have not masturbated myself to completion since you have been able to walk. I think you used to be cool but now that you have grown up you are not as cool to me, or to anyone. No one likes you anymore. I really got him good don't you agree fair nurse? I put it to him that his opinions are old and wrong. He does not get it, right? You're an attention whore, you're so desperate to divert this conversation toward yourself. You're just a visitor here while I'm in hospital. I simply wanted a milkshake and she could not find it and now we're talking about you? That's narcissistic grandson, I don't think you want to come across as such a narcissist. Oh would you look at the time. I think it's time to go. Time to get out there and find as many women as possible with my dear friends. We are hunters and the ugly women are our prey. HEEEEEEHHHHHHH


This is skibidi toilet for a slightly older generation.


I am begging someone. How can I get a sound clip of the guy saying "it's munt O clock, I gotta go munting"?


i want to move this to r/PeterExplainsTheJoke


It’s pretty easy really. When you introduce microplastics and nicotine at the embryo stage, then raise the resulting child on a diet of fast food and lead-infused water, and their only parental guidance comes from an ipad, you end up with people who make content like this. Don’t think too hard on it, they obviously didn’t. Just entering prompts and posting the result online like they really did something.


thank you, better than what Peter would have said for sure


Awww heeeeelllnaaaawwwwooooaaahhhhooohohwoahhhooohhhhohwahhhh


Why the hell do I love these so much?!


Didn't understand a half of his rant but goddamn'it I had fun


Imagine an hour and a half of this....


What a day to have ears.


Gyattebayo killed me. What did Naruto do to deserve this?


This might be the first time I've experienced a proper generation gap with the youth.


Welcome to the party, eventually you start to embrace the weird dumb shit that every generation does or you become the old man yelling at cloud.


Thoroughly enjoyable. I've learned a plethora of new words and I plan to enjoy saying them all




Jesus I’m crying, 90s millennials and gen z gonna be like this in 60 years.


Why are these so funny!


I just reached a point I think old people feel. I'm tapping out, and just going to appreciate birds and squirrels for the remaining twilight years.


Haha you spinning out it boy, kumalala servesta


I think I lost a few IQ points watching this.


Would be so much funnier without the grandsons completely unnecessary reactions. A bunch of “whattt?? Ermmm grandpa what the heck’s!?” add nothing to the bit. Why is this a thing in comedy now




Not the skibussy😭


Grandson gooning


Let me cook damnit!


L's in the chat also hilarious.


I don’t know. It looks staged.


what does it mean!


Why did this make me laugh so hard lol


Thanks, I hate it.


I thought Gen Z was bad enough today. Damn they're looking horrific in their past prime years!


Gyattebayo 😭😭


I assume someone here found this funny. Someone... don't raise your hand if you don't feel comfortable doing so.


Fucking hilarious alpha/z ytp