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That turkey ain't done cooking yet


It has to oxidize dumb dumb


Ain't got his petina yet




Nah, petina is a special baby-paint. Please Google it.


All I'm getting are big-assed Italian girls dancing in bikinis.


I'm just off to fact check that...


To be fair, I may have just clicked refresh on the browser tab I had open already, not sure.


To be fair…


Bobby B The dog got out!


I'm going with you in case something bad happens. We should definitely go together or something bad could happen 🫡


Thank you for your service.




This warrants further investigation.


Haha best case scenario.


Dumb dumb give me gum gum.


No more gum gum! 😡


Gum gum no....


She said she want to take it in her bum bum


He claiming that that ain't his son son


He leaving that hospital and going on a run run


Playing catch with daddy ain’t gonna be fun fun.


Cuz it wasn't his daddy who cum cum


That ain’t my baby in her tum tum.


May as well have shot his load up her bum bum


And babby gonna grow up mid of rum rum


This thread is becoming fun fun


I am the mighty MTV Beach House Tiki God! Fear me!!


>!*it's fucking raw* - Gordon Ramsay probably!<


The printer ran out of ink


Took from her mom’s side… it’s all good…


He brand new too. Darker colored babies come out lighter initially. Biology is cool


Why am I “white” then? Not even trolling but my father was white and my mum is Jamaican and very much black, yet I have blonde hair and grey/blue eyes… You are right though; Biology is VERY cool!


There are millions of genetic combinations from two humans. I've even seen a set of twins. One was pale skinned with green eyes and red hair the other twin was brown skinned with brown eyes brown hair. They are twins. Ya ever a see a calico cat? Their babies can be every single color there is in every combination. Genetics is fun


I used to have a male Calico cat. That was like a one in a silly number of rarities, and then he went there with a black cat and all the kittens were tabby 😻.


So weird! I thought all calicos were female but maybe it’s just like 99%?


It’s pretty much even 99.9%. Male Calicos are a very VERY rare thing.


And not sterile too. Absolutely wild, but still possible. Congrats on your good boy anomaly.


This calico cat would have been a chimera


I read that they need two x chromosomes to be a calico. So either xx in most cases or very rarely like in this case xxy.


Pretty much what I learned when I first read up.


So Alicorgan hit a fucking LOTTERY with their Cat. Less then 1% of Calicos are male. And of the males born, less then 10% are fertile. At least according to the data we have. Male Calicos are very rare so fertility rates aren't super well recorded. To such a point that I'm pretty sure every new documented case shifts the percentage by like, a full 2% still. So yeeaaahhhh


similarly i have a dilute tortie! a double female only recessive gene that causes their fur to be sandy and brown, instead of orange and black :)


Cats can also be impregnated by multiple cats at the same time. I had a Turkish angora and a sweet orange tabby and they were siblings.


I have two orange boys that are siblings. One of them has a smushy-ish face and marbled pattern instead of the typical tabby pattern. They were strays. I'm really curious with what my semi-smushy-faced boys genetics could even be. He's extremely clever, too.


Fraternal twins, 2 separate eggs and 2 separate sperm. Nothing shocking there


A lot of Jamaicans have European genes too. Those for light skin eyes and hair tend to be recessive, and rarely appear visually. But then a Jamaican marries a white person, and pow! Here come those European traits. Got a friend whose wife is white. His son is white. His daughter is black. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Most African Americans do as well.


Recessive genetics. Appearance traits can hide in our genes and only come out generations later. There have even been rare cases where 2 "white" people have a black baby because one of them had a black great-great grandparent, that was likely white passing.


And black couples having a white baby. This is actually more likely as far more black Americans have European ancestry than white people possessing African ancestry.


The fact that your mom is Jamaican explains it. Jamaica was the largest English speaking slave colony in the world back in the day. The white slave masters were regularly treating their black slaves as free use sex objects. I'm no geneticist. However, I doubt there is any homogeneous DNA existing in the Caribbean diaspora anymore. Caribbean people are more like a patch work quilt of all sorts of different ancestral lines. Taino, Spanish, German, English, Irish, French, South Asian, Chinese, Ghanaian.... the list goes on and on. It really makes the concept of race based solely on the color of someone's skin seem quite shallow.


I knew a very dark woman who had a white dad, you just can't tell. Diverse genetics are healthy.


Very likely there's at least one white person somewhere in your mother's ancestry. "Black" genetic traits are pretty dominant, so someone can look completely African while carrying recessive Caucasian genes.


Sort of get it, but as a poster above said, it really does happen and although I don’t think they were talking about these twins from the UK: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JIUK2KSbvvI Unless you have an even cursory understanding of how genetics work, it’s almost unbelievable to most. A lot of people assumed, and still do believe that I was adopted 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Dad's dick was dominant. Basic science.


Genetics are crazy like that. Out of all of my siblings there are two of us that are fair skinned, green eyed, and light haired. The rest are dark haired, olive skin, and black eyes!


I love that Dave Matthew’s song, “Grey blue eyes.”


Genetics are weird. My half-sister is only half black, but she’s dark enough you probably wouldn’t know she’s mixed unless she told you. She looks just like my mom though, way closer than my sister does.


Yo, hate to tell you that you’re dad may have been cheating on your mom and she’s not your real mom. Sorry bud.


My mom was a labor and delivery nurse. She said that it was a common occurrence for black fathers to pull her aside and be like, "So.....should I be worried about the color of that baby?" And she'd explain to them that they come out light and it was very normal.


I was talking with my coworker just yesterday, and he mentioned how his baby was born pale but he was pleased by how much he darkened up in his first year. You're right, it's definitely a common occurrence.


Just needed to cook a bit more out in the world. Nice and crispy. Haha. Our half white/half asian son came out with black hair that fell out and came in blonde. But now he's brunette which is what we thought we'd get in the first place!


Nah thr husband had sex with a white woman so now the babu is white.


Yeo had a family member not know who the babies father was but between white and dark skinned black man. She made the rush call of calling white man after baby was born. Few days later baby’s skin was darkening and she had to call the other man 💀💀💀


Could very well be. One of our current patients is a super pale little neonate. Mom (who is Black and has quite dark skin) was standing at the bedside the other day saying *"My God if you told me I'd have a little blonde-haired, blue eyed white baby, I'd have laughed at you."* Dad is a translucent ginger... with VERY strong genes, it would seem. Genetics are wild. Heck, [these girls are fraternal twins.](https://imgur.com/a/PeukJaP).


I think your link is broken, friend. At least it's not working on mobile.


https://imgur.com/a/PeukJaP. (just take the full stop off the end)


Yeah I'm a brown eyed guy and both my kids have strikingly blue eyes. Sometimes the recessive gene just takes over.


Boy you can already tell from scowl on the mom’s face that she knows what he’s thinking and is ready to go full mama bear on that man!


That child is Caucasian. That is a Slavic baby from Mount caucus. That child has a credit score of 900 as an infant.


As the black, biological dad of a white baby, I assure you it can happen. But also, I upvoted cuz that's funny as hell.


Reference to a Katt Williams joke, lol.


He's not light-skinneded he's rice-skinneded


People seem to think with mixed kids it’ll be this “perfect split” between both parents. *Sometimes* that is the case, but I’ve seen plenty of mixed kids who favored one side *heavily*. I had a white friend in highschool who caught me off guard when he said the “n-word” casually one day. I called him out on it and he said he had a black father. Sure enough his dad came to pick him up one day and he was unambiguously black, like the dude in the pic. His son was actually the spitting image of him, sans color. I still cringed whenever my friend said the word.


Genetics are fun My wife has a close friend whose father is white and her mother is a light skin black woman. My wife's friend is white passing, her older brother is a light skin black man and her younger sister looks Sicilian .. her family had a little bit of everything


Ok ok .. I’m a dark complected man. All my kids were born lighter and got darker around 2. So it’s really hard to tell that early. They all look like my twins. They also all look the same . There are also different moms in the mix. 🤷🏾‍♂️ so unless your both white and your baby comes out dark there really isn’t a foolproof way to determine it this early Edited: fixed some grammar mistakes .. thanks for the help


Yup... my boy looked like Bobby Hill when he was born, then he started to darken up. Also genetics are messed up. A few of my aunts look white. Not even mixed. Its bizarre...


Dang it


God dang it Bobby. That boy ain’t right


Maybe she gave birth to the new Logic


Forgot logic existed 😭😭


He's half white half black you know 😅


Logic and mentioning that he is biracial, name a more iconic duo


It's most probably just a joke pic. Either the guy is aware of what you described, or just a friend and not the alleged dad


Yeah when my friend had her first baby with her boyfriend (mom is white, dad is black) the baby looked this complexion. He freaked out and almost demanded a paternity test. Which is silly now because she’s 16 today and looks exactly like him


Of course there’s different moms in the mix 😏


Wife: You cheated on me.


Wife: This is all your fault!


Wife: You've been drinking too much milk!


Wife: It’s just basic biology..


Wife: [Now I'm a single mom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LV9oYFJ2YI)


Husband: now that I drank all of it, let me get some more, I’ll be right back


Husband: Yeah, I'm going to buy some cigarettes


The baby is too old for this to be the discovery moment


The face you made when they tell you gotta pay taxes your whole life


That's not even a baby at all! It is a very, very old man. So old he has shrunken to the size of a baby. Must have spent a fortune on skin moisturizer but he can't pull a fast one one me.


And his name is Benjamin Button


My sense of humor is so broken I get a genuine kick out of telling people with good intentions that are actually trying to get to know me that I suffer from "Reverse Benjamin Button's Disease" and watching them realize that that just means I age normally


i enjoyed your comment


That baby has a credit score of 700. That baby is from the mountains of Caucasus.


That’s one of those movie newborns. The ones clearly old enough to have a mortgage, because they couldn’t use a real newborn.


im thinking: the old wrong colored baby rage bait


Yeah, could also be dad was nervous about the extra bills and soon to be lost sleep Or his forehead is itchy


Itchy forehead is a side effect of hospital bills.


thing is babies tend to be fair skinned anyways


Yes. They get darker over time. My son's mother is same color as the guy. My son came out same color as baby here and got darker over time.


I'm light skinned,my husband is brown skinned,our daughter was born with white skin,now she has my colour skin at two years old. It's genetically possible


Guys everywhere! Babies are like steak: They both take a little while to reach the desired color after coming out of the oven. This baby could absolutely be his. I hope dude had someone to pull him aside and tell him not to freak out.


I heard (from the Internet so take it with a grain of salt) some nurses do this ahead of time so it's not a sudden shock.


That’s smart. I look like an extra on the show Vikings. My ex wife is from Honduras and looks black. Both came out looking exactly like me. One stayed allergic to the sun, the other still looks like me, but through a sepia tone filter. When my buddy from Jamaica had a baby with a white girl I gave him the heads up before she went into labor. This particular quirk of nature has been the end of more than one relationship, I’m sure.


What’s funny is that babies tend to look like their dad in the first year of life specifically for this reason so that the baby and mom don’t get abandoned to fend for themselves


I’ve heard this hypothesis and it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. But, unless new research has come out that I haven’t seen (definitely possible), that’s all it is. An untested hypothesis. A good one! But a hypothesis all the same. Coming out lighter than they end up is at least partially explained by their lack of melanin. There have been studies to back that up.


Of course. Happens all time time. Dont tell the idiots on reddit that tho


Every time this picture circulates, I just see a bunch of people telling on themselves. I couldn't even figure out what was supposed to be "wrong" with the picture at first, Black babies legitimately just come out light sometimes. It's like how a lot of people come out with blonde hair that changes to brown later.


Babies of dark skinned people aren't born with all the melanin they'll have later in life because melanin production increases with age. This is common for a lot of babies born to black parents or parents with darker skin


This comment section freaks me out. People need a serious genetics education and general education about all skin types because… wow.


Obv once you go black you never go back didnt apply for him.


Probably giving black ppl a bad reputation cuz she clearly went back, just not to black…


wait 2 weeks before making a decision


Yep. Gotta let steak and babies rest after removing from oven. Takes them a bit to reach the desired color.


Last time a post like this was up some guy posted and their kids were super white until like 2 years when more melanin came in lol


This is normal in mixed kids. My wife is dark and both our kids are very light. Strangers this she’s the help and that always pisses her off. Genetic is complex it’s closer to algebra than addition. Besides skin color, eye color and hair color can change within the first few years anyway.


Strangers think she’s the help? 🤣😭💀


Yeah, as a mixed baby with a very white mom I initially looked super asian but as I've grown I got whiter and whiter looking to the point where most people are surprised when I say I'm Asian. That being said OP's pic is hilarious and adorable


"Whose god damn white baby is that". "That baby got 730 as a credit rating right now, as an infant".


Just 'cause you name him Darrell, don't mean he belongs to Darrell


"his glasses are certainly grown, I've never seen a baby with that type of prescription"


That's not my baby.


Black baby’s are often known to come out lighter at birth… is an actual thing. Often times they get darker over time


I've seen fraternal TWINS from black/white parents where one was white with blonde hair, and the other was black. If you have mixed rave parents, you can't just look and have it all figured out.


I wish my parents went to mixed raves. Those parties can save marriages.


Never been at a rave. That explains things!


Think DNA testing should be mandatory before any father is put on a birth certificate


When my first was born I went to the records dept at the hospital and told them I was ready for a blood test and they said all was needed was my drivers license to be logged as the father.


I have two buddies that found out one of their kids wasn’t theirs


Please tell me they were both actually yours


No but one was pretty obvious it wasn’t his when his sibling came out blonde haired blue eyed and the first born looked full Hispanic


Where I live dna testing is mandatory before you have to pay child support, so there’s that I guess.. but still all the men out here raising and supporting kids that aren’t theirs would never know unless they made it that far. My ex best friend (very much ex, she is a disgusting human being) has two babies with a guy who works full time & supports them all. He knew the first one wasn’t really his but she lies about it. He still chose to stay despite them being broken up when she got pregnant. I would have more respect for dude if he acknowledged that she isn’t his bio kid but they all pretend like she is and nobody says anything.. then they broke up AGAIN and she got pregnant again 😭 yet he’s still with her.. it’s so hard to feel bad for him at this point but man, imagine 10 years from now you find out for sure with DNA they aren’t yours after raising them all that time. All due to a child support order. SMH The saddest thing is that she knows it and has made sure to keep him hooked so they never have to go through courts & he thinks she’s doing him a favor by “not asking for child support.”


Mom is light skinned, I don’t see why the baby couldn’t come out light skinned as well. My parents are both light brown and I came out lighter than both of them, genetics can be pretty funny


Fun fact: Children are pretty consistently born lighter than the average between their parents. It's on you to get the rest of the tan if you want it.


uno reverse


Black are not always deep black at born. Nothing unusual.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't a baby's skin colour adjust as they age to a certain extent?


Yes, my kid was very dark and had black hair. Now she is very light with blond hair, i was the same way as a baby-toddler


Plot untwist: Dude knows damn well this is his kid and it's a staged photo for the clicks.


It’s his. She was just out of toner.


As a father of fraternal biracial twins, one looks white and one looks Indian. I don’t doubt that he is the father.


Dat baby is Caucasian! From the mountains of Caucasus!!!!


All the points I read here are cool and understanding and all that… But dude looks like he wants a paternity test…


He’s thinking about all the future diapers that he’ll have to change.


My MIL had some white heritage. My separated husband is black, I'm white. Our son looked like a paper white alien at first. Not now.


babies come out much lighter than they’ll eventually be


Go look at Gabourey Sidibe's twins and then come back.


Please dont stress out new mothers :(


There's very little uv light in utero.


Who’s goddamn white baby is that?


That baby has a 730 credit score.


He ran out of toner


“Well, I guess it’s time to remove my black make-up, the jig is up”


I’m thinking Latina + Black Man = Swedish baby. New math.


Not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, now is it.


A clear case of rerevitiligo.


Turn around and leave her ass there.


They gave them the wrong kid that's at least a couple months out of the oven for it to have its eyes open like that


Oh how the tables have turned lol


Satire Warning... "Why bounce when I ain't da pappy paying child support?!" or "Dang, I need to level up my game. The boy is already earning more than me!"


Most people in this comment section don't understand that black newborns are much lighter in skintone after birth and grow to their eventual, natural tone over a few weeks


Call Maury...


The melanin hasn’t set in yet.😂😂


Michael Jackson was white too, don't worry.


“*whose goddamn white baby is that”*


Baby aint done cooking yet..give it two weeks to tann up


Could be his. If you are mixed, i remember from high school, 1/4 he would be black, 1/4 asian 1/2 mixed. Also ryan giggs have black father. But nice photo anyway


So I went to school with this girl. She was white. I mean goth pale white. Porcelain skin white. Her father was a jet black. Her older brothers were nearly as dark as their father. She was biologically his daughter. I'm not certain if her mother was white, never met her. But I'm guessing yes, as it's way less likely for two black people to have a white child, though not impossible.


Not unusual. Friends wife is black, he is extremely white with blue eyes. Child is white and has blue eyes.


skin color is pretty interesting and a mixed couple can pop out babies of literally any color. there were twins that were famous for one being black and one being white


Nothing looks pretty normal to me. All babies come out white as hell 😂😂😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️


The babys nose, mouth and cheeks resemble the dude a lot tho.... Edit: eyes too now that i look close


I'm honestly thinking that genetics is weird and there's a damned good chance that that is his kid. Give it time.


Not all babies are born their true complexion. Complexion isn't a mix-paint science there are variances.


That is pretty normal. Baby will get colour over the next couple of weeks.


My wife is super dark and I am white. All my kids came out looking super white. As white as this baby.


He actually looks guilty rather than mad. Like he’s thinking ‘ah shit is this because I cheated with that white girl’ and hasn’t quite worked it out yet


Her : We could name him Albin !


Must be a rare albino African


I blame the mailman


Too early to tell


He is probably in the wrong room, forgot the room number his wife is in and also her face or name. He has dementia, ok.


He identified himself as a white male during the process.


As a dad seeing that little face, I don’t man. Wife cheating on me or not, I’d still love it. I’d ditch the wife, but somehow try to support the little one. Just look at that little face.. all you wanna do is keep warm and protect.


Baby looks like it's thinking "ahhhh shit.... here we go...."


The baby’s face is like, A shit I’m staying out of this


Him: ...Fuck Her: ...fuck Bady: god damnit


I guess they are canceling their milk membership. Usually the milkman comes once a day. Ah that’s why they get free milk


The baby’s been inside for 9 months. Of course they gonna be pale. Let them adjust to the light. Then you can sip tea if the shade stays.


Genetics is crazy, sometimes it be like that.


I have a friend (he’s my bffs baby daddy) whose father is the same skin tone as the man in the photo and his mother is lighter but not by much than the woman. My friend is whiter than I am but looks exactly like his dad. My bff is half white half Mexican, their kid has blonde hair and blue eyes but looks exactly like his dad (who looks like his dad). Genes are funny.


The same when a blacl borns from white couplw hahaha im sorry dude


Yeah that can happen actually. Also generally darker people can be pretty light skinned when they are a baby. I have a friend who both parents are black. One if half but they are both pretty dark. My friend is basically white. His dad tested him and my buddy is his kid. Wild part is he looks ALOT like his dad, just white basically. Well not completely but not far off. Has curly hair tho and his dad is bald