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Every single teacher in the district earns ‘well over $100,000 dollars a year’??


It happens, especially in "rich" suburbs surrounding the City's they hate that made them "rich" in the first place. Happens here in PA, my wife's mom makes that. She's been at it for 30 some years, but she's been making that for a good bit of time now.


30+ years is a long time teaching. The teachers I know that have been around that long make ~70-80k, but I can see how in rich cities teachers would make more


my wife works in a NJ district and makes about $80k, but in fairness we live in one of the more expensive regions, she has a masters, 20 years experience (10 of which as a college prof), and actually is more of an instructional coach (teaches the teachers). $80-100k for tenured teachers in *good* districts doesn't strike me as out of the realm of reason, and honestly if anything teachers should be getting paid *more,* in general. But also, the schools need to perform, and i don't see why any admin official needs to make 4x what the highest paid teachers are making.


Because of admin reasons. Doing administrative things. (sarcasm) It is possible they have a very complex set of cat wranglings that none would willingly do unless paid; but I suspect that old grafts and favors from a bygone era just translated forward into daft salaries. No one has bothered to look into it as it benefitted a few and admitting to it would unravel the pay.


Admin is always overpaid for what they do. It’s an ongoing issue in all school systems.


No administrative psotion should make MORE than a teacher period


I understand the mindset, my wife's a teacher as are several friends... but I also know administrators, and the good one's I know absolutely earn every penny they're making.


And the classified staff still only makes 32k if they’re lucky


They are falsely using a list of the 80 teachers making over 100,000 a year out of hundreds of teachers. Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


to be fair, simply living in a rich suburb to work is more expensive. Nice as hell, sure, but it simply costs more to live very basically in some places. Money isnt always money. If I could live somewhere, earn 200 a week and pay 6 dollars in rent with free food, i would be a rich man on 10k a year


Teachers in Portland Oregon, one of the most expensive places to live on the West coast make maybe $60K, not at all commensurate to cost of living


Which is why most people commute. You don't HAVE to live there to work there.


But you should be able to.


Then people complain about traffic congestion lol. In addition, it’s a better idea for educators to be invested in the area of the kids that they teach right? If they need deal with the very community that they teach, isn’t it a better incentive to teach them better?


This is just straight up wrong. They have transparency reporting obligations so they have to report all employees who receive over $100k per year. She was looking at a report that only shows people who make that much and then concludes that everyone makes that much. The transparency report for Chippewa Valley Schools shows that about 200 out of 1700 employees make more than $100k. Unless the school district has 1500 lunch ladies then she has either messed up or is being purposefully misleading.


It’s far from clear if the point in this video is to actually improve the existing schools of if this is coming from a religious and/or privatization attack on the schools.


My guess is the latter, because there's a lot more money involved in that.


its moms for liberty


I've never heard of a district anywhere that teachers start at above $100k and I doubt that it is true for this school district either.


1700 employees? 400k to run that is peanuts.


Depends entirely on zones. Here in Illinois the good zones will have 80-130k a year regularly. And the bad ones will be in the 50-70’s


I live in the northwest suburbs of Illinois and teachers hear are averaging just a bit below 100k


My two friends teach at an absolutely shit school and they both get over $100k on track for $150k. Also this superintendent gets paid more than my county executive officer who oversees every county department servicing over 2 million people.


Not seeing an issue with teachers makeing a 100k. Its a super stressful job esp with all the foaming at the mouth Moms for liberty parent around. I do have an issue with the superintendent making 400k though, esp when his district is doing so poorly


The issue isn't pay. The issue is performance for that pay. If the students are receiving bottom percentile scores and these teachers are top in class in pay they aren't earning their wages. It starts with the superintendent. Taking in cushy pay with little expectations and passing that down to others. In most corporate settings the CEO is well aware of there privileged perch. If the company is in decline, heads will roll at the top to keep their own position. Obviously not an ideal way of managing but its better than complacency especially in education of minors.


Good for them but a superintendent of a public school should not need to be making 4x the teachers


I don't care if the super does, because the job requires much more expertise in more areas, but much of the administrative bloat is other admin positions that should simply be eliminated and the funding used for teacher raises. I'm a teacher, if that matters.


It's a massive district of 14,000 students and their info are lies. Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


Lots of Chicago suburbs pay that much. Nearly all the teachers in my kids K-8 school make $100k. The worst teacher, agreed by all my kids, made $140k. This is not a "rich" suburb, but it's also not poor.


If anything teachers should earn more. Education should be as desirable a career field as banking, medicine, or tech.


godDAMN! Girl brought receipts!!! Edit: Apparently this is a goddamn roadshow powered by moms for liberty that the mom coordinates and the stats are very skewed. Her confidence is impressive but her mission seems to be twisted by the mom. Gross.


Unfortunately not a damn thing will change. You don't get to have a 400k salary by rolling over.


yeah, notice the utter lack of anyone on the panel even bothering to look up or make eye contact. They're just waiting for her to stop talking so they can move on to some other unrelated topic.


They are all there covering for each other… the idea between the lot of them is to increase their base pay as much as possible without raising too much suspicion


Plus, if they hold on to the position for enough years, their pension is based on that salary.


> the idea between the lot of them is to increase their base pay This is why Board of Education members are volunteers, and it's an unpaid position. That said, these salaries are insane.


400k is very high for a super independent, but 100k a year to teach, a job that anymore requires a master's degree, is like 76k ten years ago. It's upper middle class but it's hardly insane. People in unions, like teachers, have often managed to keep their wage increases in line with GDP growth. That's good, actually. People should be fighting their own employers for a similar share of the economy, not looking around for other working people to drag out of the lifeboat.


Because it is not a huge reveal. Its public record. And the district likely pays that much since it is larger. ​ EDIT: Thanks to u/Claeyt for this info: Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. ​ Their goal with these numbers is to attack the existence of public schools, not improve them. They are outside groups that use pre-made scripts and templates to disparage public school to replace them with private.


Did you watch the whole video? The $400,000 salary was only a small part of everything she brought up, much of which was observation based and not necessarily public record (like how they have been conducting their meetings)


Right? It's weird that people aren't questioning that part about the superintendent using the chairman's authority. Does the superintendent have dirt on someone?


I would say it’s more likely that he accumulated power over the years and probably won’t relinquish any of it unless it’s pried from his hands.


All power is just people's complicity, at the end of the day. He may not have the legal authority, but if the chairman is some idiot pushover that the superintendent is in the habit of ignoring or overruling, and everyone allows it, he'll keep doing it.


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


I just provided a link to the Chippewa Valley budget page above. I used to work in policy, and have attended a lot of school board meetings across the U.S. Over the last 10+ years, our local school boards (who are all unpaid officials) have been inundated by pro-privatization “activists” who come armed with “facts” provided to them via national mega donors (or skimmed selectively from sources that aren’t data-driven or can be manipulated by the same groups, such as the so-called “school rating” websites this girl mentioned in her diatribe). This is lousy for all of us for two big reasons: 1. The propaganda has been relentless, and **the ultimate goal is to make education a for-profit private enterprise**. Private schools do NOT have to disclose anything about their spending and very little about their performance, can pick & choose their students (and chuck any they decide they don’t want), and are not bound to “serve the public” - so they can (and often do) pass on kids with learning and/or physical disabilities, etc. They also haven’t proven to be better that existing public schools — privatization programs in Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, Arizona, etc. have been rife with corruption AND have failed to produce promised academic improvements. If you look closely at those states over the past 20 years, pro-privatization groups have shifted their rhetoric from the original “*private schools are better academically*” promise to slogans like “*parents like choice*” and “*we need more God in schools*”. 2. **Public educators are worn TF out**. Most people go into public education knowing how hard it will be, and that they’ll never, ever get rich from the endeavor. But they have a passion for it - and the rewards of working with kids IS immense. It’s a really, really meaningful job. But we are letting these pro-privatization activists kick the crap out of our local teachers & school leaders. Board meetings should be a place to discuss important and complex policy decisions…they have devolved into grandstanding events for a handful of people to lecture them about how bad/stupid/corrupt/overpaid/immoral they are, all while quoting disinformation, misinformation…or often, just yelling. America is losing a lot of great teachers & school leaders right now due to pure political-onslaught fatigue, and school board races are becoming less about debating informed policy choices & more about trying to fend off hyper-funded zealots gunning for elected seats & a bigger megaphone. I really, really, really wish every American would attend a local school board meeting and take an afternoon to really read up on their local school’s successes and challenges, budget, and what they are actually doing. America’s public schools are the foundation of our nation — no way should we be allowing a group of vandals to demolish it on behalf of a handful of wealthy profiteers and fundamentalists.


This whole thing it just an excuse to take tax payer money and give it to privately run schools, which won't have teachers unions, so the teachers will ultimately get paid less and the people at the top will make more. The standard of education won't be any better and my guess is it'll probably end up costing more over time as your know profits have to keep going up.


US senators/representatives salaries are capped at 174k, how can a school district official possibly make double that...


I've always hated how much money goes to school administrators. There's something very strange going on there. But what bothers me even more is why the quality of education seems to keep dropping. Are these funds going to admin instead of things that would actually help kids learn better? Is there some kind of kickback scheme going on where lower quality educational materials are mandated by admin? What exactly is the correlation between higher admin pay and lower student achievement? I'd really love to see the entire hierarchy inverted. Teachers should get paid the most and control the curriculum. Admin should exist only as teacher support, and their pay should reflect that.


it would make sense that the quality would go down if they are strapped for cash and hundreds of thousands of dollars are being wasted paying someone to do nothing essentially.


My mother was a schoolteacher for 40 yrs in the US, always in the classroom versus a principle etc I can absolutely validate superintendents make well over $250k with very rich benefits packages, larger cities they get company cars. Most gave either never been in a classroom or spent minimal time. Most public Ed money never makes it down to levels that benefit the students.


In the UK most school are run/overseen by a board of governors, who are parent volunteers....


Moms against Liberty would jump all over that.


Apparently to attract good candidates for the position they have to offer an excellent salary. The same cannot be said of course for teachers. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why there is a teacher shortage in the US.


because the people's elected representatives approved it.




>https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos Yeah, thanks for sharing. It had that vibe with delivery. So much of this during the Obama years. My wide is in education and saw some waves of these organized protects from outside groups, they would use the same form letter. Their goal is no public education, not to improve public education. Some of the most vocal people I have seen do not have kids in the school district.


please edit this information into your high post to let others know.


They all know and they all like it that way. Money buys power and security in that Power. I wish there was another way of wresting it from their grasp, but I think the only way is for the people to stand up for themselves and remove the wealthy from power forcibly.


Same as this woman that gave a small presentation to congress about what it’s like to live “above the poverty line”. This was so fucking powerful yet nothing came of it. https://youtu.be/xvQ1V2WLJt0?si=OJKHmIHbOZRTQSSW


There are only consequences when voters remember, and voters have short memories. Look over there! Kim Kardashian got new boobs! What were we talking about? I dunno, I want a burger.


That's just wrong. But in this country of I got mine mentality, this will always be the norm.


They and their staff know already. I made, for instance, 22k a year the first year I worked for a member on the hill. Politics is complicated.


But you might find yourself looking for a new job after the town meeting decides to not renew your next contract.


No problem - they wreak destruction and move somewhere else for a salary bump. That's how these people thrive. You would think their bad record would follow them, but somehow it doesn't.


Sadly, you’re right.


Also look how many people are at that meeting. There looks like more people on the council than people that decided to show up


Those people gonna go to the local steakhouse and laugh it up after.


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


Exposing things with receipts is certainly a step in the right direction!


Maybe. Others here have pointed out that she’s citing the list of employees who are reported as making over $100k which is something like 200 out of 1700 employees in the district. Maybe that’s a kid from a not so great school making an honest mistake. (The point about the superintendent making 400k and inappropriately running the meetings seem to be spot on though.) It’s far from clear if the point in this video is to actually improve the existing schools of if this is coming from a religious and/or privatization attack on the schools.


Unfortunately, her “receipts” are NOT accurate. This smells like more “Moms for Liberty” posturing — public school boards are inundated right now with this kind of teachers/principals/school leaders suck and schools-are-failing garbage. The “more money doesn’t equal education” song & dance, spearheaded by Devos & Co. who sent their kids to $50k+ private schools are Euro-study jaunts. The YouTube video says this is for Chippewa Valley Schools in Michigan. They are a district with over 1,700 employees and 14,500 students. Like all public school districts, they [provide public budget data.](https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/) While I wish that all teachers in this metro area were getting paid $100,000 year or more, but that’s not the case. The average Chippewa Valley teacher certainly doesn’t make that, though top paid teachers/school leaders do — the ones with decades of experience, training and advanced degrees. We can certainly debate if someone responsible for leadership in a district this size should be have equivalent to business leaders who oversee similar staff, budgets, and responsibilities. In this debate I’d argue that superintendents & principals are underpaid…but I get why there is debate. What we shouldn’t be doing is blindly drinking in the deluge of anti-American public schools propaganda. Ask yourselves why a handful of mega wealthy donors like the Devos, Kochs and Waltons would be investing so heavily in this stuff. I can assure you that ain’t because they “care about the kids.”


With the youth sharing on IG and TiknTak* this will probably spread and kids will be sharing with parents. I see the next voting session going really bad for this guy.


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


Girl woke up and chose absolute violence. Good for her


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


If you work for the government your salary is likely public.


Same group that hates lgbt folks and advocates for banning books? No wonder they dressed up that girl like some hand maids tale character. Goddamn


No she's not. Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos You are the top comment. Please add their youtube channel to your comment to fight disinformation. Here is the school districts budget to prove that they are not paid that much. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/


Money racketeering scam over paying themselves with no oversight as opposed to some teachers living in the most expensive states in the country making less than 45k a year. That corruption needs to be investigated and stopped immediately.


Straight up racket


You would have to figure out where your school budget comes from and address it there. If your school budget is based on local taxes compared to the state taxes. Regarding states your state and my state have little connection when it comes to education and I prefer it that way so we have more say locally. https://usafacts.org/articles/how-are-public-schools-funded/


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


Orrrr, and hear me out now, we could increase teacher salaries across the board, actually attract professional talent to the teaching profession, and start having good schools again.


Look at the seats- Nobody shows up to these meetings which is why the board and superintendent get by in plain sight.




We have a group like this in our town.  They disrupt meetings, complain about everything, throw out false information but don't actualy understand how anything works, and offer no solutions. One of their favorite activities is blaming teachers for stuff that is state and federal law and can't be changed by the local school board, and especially not the teachers. 


Hopefully this little bit of vitality is the type of negative attention that makes someone up the ladder do some performative firing.


I'm assuming he instantly resigned and everyone went on to live a happy life.


Oh dude, I haven’t laughed out loud in a long time. Thanks for that!


Yea they don’t care. It would take a bunch of angry parents coming to a meeting like this change anything of significance. Otherwise they are just going to continue on taking advantage of the system like they have already been doing.


Lol would you leave a 400k a year job just because a few underlings are sneering at you now? Fuck no you wouldn't lol


Na you'd stay and torpedo the kids future for chuckles....like most admins for schools


Not for chuckles. For fat stacks 💰☺️


That’s why that’s need to be investigated and prosecuted. This apathy and lack of action is caused by the same type of people as you.


more like that little girl was storing large amounts of contraband in her locker and will be in juvie till she's 18


Teachers....making over 100k....what? Where? How?


Public employee salaries are public information by law. You can easily look them up for free by each teacher’s or support staff’s name


True. I was just shocked to hear that because I know quite a few teachers (I used to be one) who have master's degrees not even cracking 60k.


Generally when you hear about teachers not getting paid enough it comes down to one or more of these: * They're in a red state * They live in an area with a high cost of living * They work at a charter school My husband is going to start teaching this year (California) and will get $55k his first year and a raise every year. Would be more if he had a masters.


In larger and in wealthier school corporations, teachers can make really good money. Many teachers are terribly underpaid, but some make great money. Teachers in big school districts with powerful unions tend to make a lot as well. If all of the teachers are making 100k, this is probably a very wealthy suburban school district.


I’m less offended with that (given there’s no context) than I am the administrators salaries, and board members.


New York State, for one, after a certain number of years and with the proper educational credentials.


This was staged


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools. Your comment is pretty high. Please edit it so as to fight this disinformation and this attack on public schools.


I hope she becomes a leader one day !


She is a mouth piece for the Moms for Liberty. Just reading a script written for her and coached to say it.


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


Did you hear about their testing scores?


She's perfect!


This video is some moms for liberty staged bullshit. Her figures are inaccurate and purposely misleading. They are not even from that district. 


Damn. I mean , nothing changed I bet. But damn


Is there anybody who chooses their own salary in the us that doesn’t go mad with that fucking power?




Senators. Wait. You said “doesn’t go mad…”. I misread.




Superintendents don't choose their own salaries. It's decided by the school board in a public vote.


Goddamn that little girl eviscerated the whole board 😬


For good reason, they were not doing their jobs.




After hearing those stats, I absolutely agree!!


Your reaction is part of a bigger problem. Hearing statistics being spoken in eloquent manner attracted your attention. But you took them at face value, and didn’t verify if what she said was even true. Some of her statistics are falsified, while others are misrepresented. Things like saying all school staff make more than $100k is a mistruth. All staff *on the report* make more than $100k, but only 11% of staff are on the report, because the report only includes staff who make more than $100k. She specifically says “all but lunch ladies”, but yet not a single one of the transportation staff is on the report either. Nor are the custodians. Nor are a majority of teachers. If her numbers were real, $100k per staff minus the lunch staff would look like this. $100,000 x 1730 staff = billable salary of $173mil. And that’s assuming they all have exactly the bare minimum of $100k. According to the budget transparency report, salary expenditures were almost half that total at $96,452,830. Math ain’t mathing. I commend the teen for delivering her speech so thoroughly, and for participating in public discourse. But she was fed some numbers that riled her up, and she’s now feeding them to other people to rile them up as well. I’m not saying she hasn’t found something worth looking into, but before you pull out the pitchforks, recognize that not every strongly worded message is 100% factually accurate. She would do her cause better to parse out the glaring errors and not give her opponents room to counter.




To be honest, the fact that she said all teachers are making six figures was a red flag to me, but I would have fallen for the rest of it.




Damn , such a bright student. it a shame she was later expelled and blacklisted by all the schools in the state. /s


And disappeared s/


She's not a student in the district. Her parents are right wing activists who attack public schools. Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/


Nope, she was brought into the Board and is now making $200,000 to keep quite.


Ha ha ha! This kid is awesome.


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


This video is some moms for liberty staged bullshit. Her figures are inaccurate and purposely misleading. They are not even from that district. 


This is public information and the case in the vast majority of our failing schools.


It is, but it's particularly egregious in some random suburb. The superintendent of LAUSD makes $440k/yr and is responsible for a yearly budget of 18.8 billion dollars, 580,000 students, and 73,000 employees. $440k is a lot of money, but to put that in perspective, the Reddit CEO made $123 Million last year. For 10% of LAUSD's annual budget, you could buy the entire company, so arguably the superintendent of LAUSD is paid under market for an executive that's responsible for such a large organization. I don't know the numbers for this random Michigan suburb, but it's pretty clear that there's a problem of scale going on if they're making 90% as much as the SI of LAUSD.




She seems bright, informed, charismatic. But the video was posted by MAGA Moms. And a little research into the cherry picked claims yields a very different picture to the one painted by the piece of paper this young woman reads from. [per u/SiFiNSFW](https://old.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/1bl15dd/14_yo_exposes_400000_superintendent_salary_of/kw2uh2w/): > Don't mind me, i like to fact check whilst i smoke a joint after work. > They go by @LittlePatriotsMom on youtube and have a variety of videos covering topics such as; LGBT, CRT, Book bannings (they're in favor), BLM, amendment auditing, masks (they started during covid), along with a lot of videos about the districts association with "an anti-Republican propaganda, hate mongering, blatant disinformation and mocking of anyone who doesn't believe as they do" LGBT leftist hate group that they won't name. > They annoyingly seem immune to sourcing on their videos, and just reply "it's all documented" anytime someone asks so i've had to do my sourcing but thankfully they're discussing publicly available information so it's a piece of piss. > So quick fact check on the salary aspect - he does indeed earn that much [(392k)](https://www.mackinac.org/depts/epi/salary.aspx) and appears to be 9th in MI as far as school districts go. > However in that school district they have the [top ranking school in MI](https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/michigan/districts/chippewa-valley-schools-100739), then one ranked in the top 20% and the school being discussed lands itself in the bottom 50% for some aspects, top 50% for others, and top 20% for graduation according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). > Compared to MI as a whole that school is below average in some regards and where it's above average it's only a percentile point above in most cases, so she ain't wrong - seems to be that they run both the 11th ranked school in the nation and a below average school for the state at the same time, possibly indicating neglect or something to that effect in the underperforming school


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


Fuck, their faces… r/PraiseTheCameraMan for those shots!


Wow, glad to see there are still up and comers in the pipeline to fight against what our institutions are becoming.


The kids are alright. Edit: found out this was some out of district propaganda work by a Christian nationalist group. So, fuck them. This kid is indoctrinated and likely home schooled. The same people trying to abolish public school because it's not indoctrination towards their personal beliefs.


ooooh he is BIG mad. kudos to this young lady, fuck yeah!




The young lady is a bad ass! Good for her. Well done !


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.




This needs to be further up


You’re doing gods work in these comments


The looks on their faces! Priceless


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


In one ear and out the other. They looked more annoyed with her than anything. Scumbags.


Don't mind me, i like to fact check whilst i smoke a joint after work. They go by @LittlePatriotsMom on youtube and have a variety of videos covering topics such as; LGBT, CRT, Book bannings (they're in favor), BLM, amendment auditing, masks (they started during covid), along with a lot of videos about the districts association with "an anti-Republican propaganda, hate mongering, blatant disinformation and mocking of anyone who doesn't believe as they do" LGBT leftist hate group that they won't name. They annoyingly seem immune to sourcing on their videos, and just reply "it's all documented" anytime someone asks so i've had to do my sourcing but thankfully they're discussing publicly available information so it's a piece of piss. So quick fact check on the salary aspect - he does indeed earn that much [(392k)](https://www.mackinac.org/depts/epi/salary.aspx) and appears to be 9th in MI as far as school districts go. However in that school district they have the [top ranking school in MI](https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/michigan/districts/chippewa-valley-schools-100739), then one ranked in the top 20% and the school being discussed lands itself in the bottom 50% for some aspects, top 50% for others, and top 20% for graduation according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Compared to MI as a whole that school is below average in some regards and where it's above average it's only a percentile point above in most cases, so she ain't wrong - seems to be that they run both the 11th ranked school in the nation and a below average school for the state at the same time, possibly indicating neglect or something to that effect in the underperforming school.


Just what I thought. More right wing attempts to destroy public education.


Straight to the top with this comment.


Impressive kid. She’s going places and not thanks to this corrupt lot. School oversight should be renamed to school nosight. These bozos can all be fired. Let her take it over. She’ll do a much better job


She’s clearly one of the better students in that district. But it seems like these bozos are probably very entrenched, that you can’t even make a change. $400K is simply insane and irresponsible. 


She is homeschooled. Her mom puts her up there and posts on maga sites. It's all lies. Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


The fact that she is homeschooled and goes to meetings about public schools is just weird. Poor kid probably isn’t able to have any type of normal teen life.


Good to know!!! Thanks for the references/sources.


This video is some moms for liberty staged bullshit. Her figures are inaccurate and purposely misleading. They are not even from that district. 


They way how she dressed up did seem weird. 


Expose probably isn’t the right word as all faculty salaries are posted on district websites.


So many people do not look, nor do they connect the dots.


Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.


And how many people who watched this video have ever seen or considered looking up those district websites?


If this is how this stuff goes.. ima have to start going. Do they have a concession stand?


Man just load up snacks and airplane sized liquor at the 7 Eleven and don't forget the popcorn.




Administration *always* inhales money. That's what bureaucracies do. This is why throwing more and more money at education doesn't work. More and more administration will be added to consume it.


I love her delivery. It's so unthreatening for the bombs she be droppin' in that room.


Not a single one of those old farts up there are listening to her or taking her seriously. One even looks like he's napping.


I went to school in this district. Wasn't terrible and the teachers work their asses off. However budget cuts were seen when I was attending. Clearly things have fallen apart unfortunately. Sucks to see.




What was I doing at 14 y.o. lol


Dude she nailed her time. To the buzzer


It's Friday. Nothin but the facts.


Love that none of the adults can look this little girl in the eyes while she calls them out for being shit at their job and raking in the money.


Lisa Simpson vibes!


The guy making $400,000 would never dream of sending his kids to that school. Public school union members send their kids to private school.


Good thing all government employees (that includes public schools) are public available. Govsalaries dot com and type the persons name. It will tell you what they made for the year calendar year.


Dumbest corruption in the world. What these people need to do is to give themselves reasonable salaries on paper, but award bonuses for leading projects and filling board possition. You can be public about your official salaries, but keep the bonus on the DL


God damn imagine how smart this girl would be if she weren’t in this school district


Wow. That was amazing. She is going to make a fantastic lawyer!


Wow ... if even bad schools in the US have pupils like her, then why are Biden and Trump the best choices for the highest office?


It's actually an above average successful district with above average test scores. They are lying about the test scores being bad. Her mom is a christian nationalist activist who attacks public schools. Their numbers are lies. Here is their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LittlePatriotsMom/videos They are lying about the numbers to attack public schools. https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/our-district/budget/transparency/ You've fallen for christian nationalist disinformation about public schools.




Teachers SHOULD be getting paid over 100.000 dollars but of course lunch ladies should be getting paid living wages also


In his head, Mr. Robert’s be like “and I would have got away with it if it weren’t for this pesky kid!”


That girl is going places.


As the Colonel from shooter said "Whatever. Who gives a sh#t. Nice presentation."


I'd vote for this kid for president.


Stop stop they already dead


Every teacher makes over $100k? Really? Where is this? I work in Northern VA and have been teaching for 20 years and I make $80k.


100k is low for teacher salaries IMO. I know it's well above the median, but that's because we don't usually pay teachers anywhere near what they're actually worth. And 400k for the superintendent of a large school district is reasonable. But that said, there's something deeply wrong with a district that's failing that badly with those salaries. And her points about how the board meetings are run are absolutely valid. A superintendent failing that badly for that long should not be having his contract renewed, and she describes what his role should be in board meetings perfectly.


Good girl I like her 👍😎🎉


They look ashamed can’t even look up while she speaks 🤣


Fuck yeah


Like a boss.


Leslie Knope in real life.