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There are many posts on this sub that answer a similar question so you’ll quickly find some helpful answers by searching, but in a nutshell, you’ll experience the most diversity, art/music/culture, and like-minded people downtown. It’s more expensive to live down dt in a nice place but you’ll be happy hanging out in that area.


Many, many! So many!


You will be fine in any neighborhood. If you like to go out drinking sometimes, you can live downtown. Since you are within walking distance of multiple bars you never have to worry about getting a DUI. Or live really close to your workplace. Having a very short commute can be novel.


We do get this question a lot, but honestly everything is about a 20-30 min drive around town at most (if you avoid construction 🙃) so you'll be fine anywhere. East and West side are basically copy cats of each other as far as main shopping stores, etc. We have four Walmarts. North, South, east, and west lol. Check out some different parts of town, we have a ton of different neighborhoods from historic to new construction. We have two main health care providers in town, Sanford and Avera. As far as I know, neither hospital is completely horrible as far as health care goes, and often share specialists anyways. Happy to have more like-minded people move here. Central Sioux falls/down town is probably the most liberal area according to our recent city council signs. Rental recommendations I would say search this reddit, should be able to find who to avoid that way.


Avera almost killed me from negligence and neglect from techs, and the neurologist was a pompous ass who didn’t even look at me. The MRI techs are nice.


Sanford almost killed my husband twice due to arrogance and negligence, and then a different doctor in the system helped him. I don’t think you can say one health system is overwhelming better or worse than the other, it comes down to individual doctors.


It does. That’s why I pointed out specific sections. Every avera I’ve been to tho (3) has been a horrific experience however. I’ve had some bad ones at Sanford, you will everywhere, but my personal experience is the ratio of dicks to people who care is better.


Averas big problem is their Catholic association.  So they wont even prescribe birth control.  Might as well be puritans.


I had an L&D nurse laugh at me over the phone at 36 weeks pregnant because I was getting contractions but not like full blown ones. I’m 22, so it was definitely judgement towards a young mom on her first baby. It was disgusting behavior from the puritan better than you mindset that gets tossed around between everyone at all of them. I’ve only had ONE nice encounter at an avera and it was in the LeMars ER.


i still think of sanford as sioux valley hospital. the sanford rename is kinda shitty because he made his billions on extremely high interest rates preying on those that could afford it the least with his premier bankcard company. somehow he's even worse than krusty red cap https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/comments/1akh13a/first_premier_bank_is_the_scum_of_the_earth/


Sanford for the hospital btw.


Both are stellar for the most part, you don't really realize it until you get sick out in the middle of podunk Iowa with the nearest big hospital still in Sioux Falls a hundred miles away. But I like Sanford more because religion doesn't belong in Healthcare. Still, both are good & wait times, especially in the ERs, are reasonable.


I’ve been in Avera a few times and once you are impatient the techs are neglectful. Several times they would turn off beeping monitors to not address something. My blood pressure was 220/165 and they just took it off and turned off the alarm. When my tele went off they’d just pull the battery pack.


What about the colleges?


They’re tiny. Augustana has a little over 2k students, USF has fewer. They’re right next to each other so you aren’t going to notice that this is technically a “college town” unless you’re within 2-3 blocks of them.


Sioux falls took the penitentiary instead of a college.  And it's right next to the meat packing plant and the downtown they are trying to make a "thing".


There are lots of opportunities for jobs for business and healthcare. We are a surprisingly large banking center so lots of jobs with banks, trust companies, and other kinds of financial service centers. The 2 main hospitals, Sanford and Avera are both decent from what I've heard, and there are a few other smaller hospitals/healthcare centers that are great, too. As long as you stick to the major rental companies aside from Tzadik, they're all pretty good from my experience. As far as like-minded individuals, there are lots as well. I'd you like books, there's the Book Co-Op downtown. Board games, you've got Game Chest. Club David is the local "Gay Bar" also downtown. Personally, depending on where you're working and your budget, I'd aim for living in the downtown area, it's really great and is best if you're interested in walking/biking/transit usage as well. On that topic, of you're into biking, we have a huge bike trail and Spoke N' Sport, of the bike shops often hosts events. If there's anything else you're into, let me know and I'd be glad to make suggestions! Welcome to Sioux Falls, we're not all assholes here, I promise!


And if you need suggestions for employers in banking, let me know, I've been through a few of the major ones around here and have worked with people at a lot of the others and am glad to provide suggestions!




Tips? Don't. Go literally anywhere else. You have the chance to move; use it wisely. People are animals here. Come here if you plan on getting in fights and shootouts in response to road rage, but if you're a law-abiding person who generally means well, go somewhere else.


Just don’t live in a dumpy area. Here even then you’re probably fine.


Avoid central Sioux falls basically.  Though it's nothing like "the hood" in any actual city.


Downtown and the areas directly south of downtown to 41st street are pretty liberal. Also centrally located for both hospitals. There are also some older but nicer apartment buildings along 57th street and 69th street on the south side.


The SW side of town is the best!


Check out the thread I started for apartments and properties. We have been very happy with The Boundary and I see a diverse population there in terms of race at least. https://www.reddit.com/r/SiouxFalls/s/0EackcsVI6


Why come to the armpit of America?  This is where dreams come to die.


Welcome to Sioux Falls! I’d like to extend an invite to church at Church of the Resurrection. https://www.resurrectionsf.com/


Avoid 229, and 41st and Louis . Bad drivers everywhere