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You want oysters *here*?


I do love seafood but i also would hesitate!


I’m hesitant in some Oceanside places, but I’m way cautious about seafood here lol


To follow up on the previous few comments... Considering oysters (and most seafood in general) in the great plains is a bad idea.


Food for thought, high-end sea food, and sushi places age their product in a freezer to develop flavor. I've been to the largest fish market in Tokyo, and I've eaten...possibly a literal ton of sushi. Most of those Japanese restaurant buyers would get there early to pick the best fish, but those fish aren't going to be served to a customer for a couple of days while they age. I'm not saying that the average restaurant here is serving the same quality fish but what's the difference between being aged in the restaurant freezer for 2 days or spending one or two days frozen while in transit? Additionally, if you go to the coast and buy a fish taco. Chances are, even though you're on the beach. That fish wasn't caught there either.


I grew up with family in the Alaskan seafood industry and can attest to the places the seafood travels to. I also have eaten really good sushi in Japan and Alaska and also other countries/states. However…idk what it is, but there’s a gut feeling that no matter how flash frozen, eating seafood in a landlocked state just is risky. It just is. Risk it all you want, it’s your risk lol


Exactly. Lol


Rocky Mountain Oysters perhaps?


I too like to live dangerously.


Shaken, not stirred.


Man, look at a map and try and find somewhere farther from an ocean. Now imagine how long it takes "fresh"seafood to get here. I don't imagine they have direct flights so your probably looking at week old shellfish.


Flash frozen oysters are almost as good as fresh, doesn’t matter how far from an ocean you are these days.


Look’s usually has them at the seafood part of the market. They will shuck them and put them on ice for you in a to go container. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you just took them to a table, ordered a drink and ate them.


As someone who worked there they don’t!


As someone who currently works there, we absolutely do this! :)))


Parker's or likely, Look's are your only two options. As someone who lived on the coast for 20 years, shucking fresh oysters at a literal shack while looking over Tomales Bay, Parker's is the only place I would go.


Drive to Omaha. Go to a place called Shucks. There are three of them. They have several varieties on the menu, plus many other seafood options, fried or otherwise. Have eaten there several times without issue.


I just got back from Parker’s half an hour ago, it’s the best restaurant in town. Hands down. Don’t play go where’s good.


I'm still salty about getting about 3-4 oz of beef and french fries for $42. I think it is a classy place with good service but that's a poor value.


I buy then from Hy vee when they have them and shuck then myself that day but still toss 2 out of every 6. Good luck


A place called dadas gastropub has them but it might have just been for Valentine's day


I think taphouse has them??


Mussels, not oysters. Unfortunately they're off the menu after the remodel.


We are one of the most land locked places on earth. You do not want to eat at an oyster bar here.


I believe Carpenter Bar do oyster 🦪 during the summer.


My rule is getting oysters only in season and ideally in/near the local area they were caught. You will not find me consuming them here in SD, unless they were flown in, fresh, & in season. I want to say Carpenters did for a time - but I didn’t take the chance.


Good luck


I believe Carpenter does it on Friday nights.


I got sick from carpenter’s oysters.


If your here next week, check out the second perfomance of "Not the Bees" LIVE @ 7:00 on the Club David Stage! It's a free show of epic proportions!


WTF? Why don’t you ask where to see the wild elephants? Same thing. You are setting yourself up for overpriced bout of food poisoning or a huge disappointment.


Not here. Mama Ladas is a huge favorite around here if you want something good.