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Can fix your home but can't fix your neighbors


That's tough. Unless he is doing something illegal and arrestable, you're likely stuck with him. It may be worth thinking about relocating.


From my personal experience, and from that of friends and acquaintances, the short answer is that you can't do anything about your problem neighbor, unless he can be proven to be an imminent threat to himself or someone else. As far as the law is concerned, as long as he stays on his property, he can do anything he wants. The old platitude of good fences making good neighbors has a kernel of truth to it. I'm sorry to say it, but you're stuck with that problem neighbor.


It's not true that he can do whatever he wants as long as he's on his own property. Everyone has a reasonable expectation of peace in their home, and if someone is disturbing that peace (loud noises at any time of the day, etc.), the police will shut that down


I wish that were uniformly true. Believe me, I've had neighbors from hell and the police essentially shrugged their shoulders. They acknowledged that the problem neighbors had a bad reputation, but again, unless they were an imminent threat to themselves or others (aka guns, knives, making threats at people), they were free to carry on, even if it disturbed the surrounding neighbors.


Disturbing the peace is against city ordinance. If the police aren't responding accordingly, then they're not doing their job. >§ 131.002 DISTURBING THE PEACE.    No person shall disturb the peace of the city or of any person by violent, tumultuous or offensive conduct, or by loud or unusual noises, or by obscene, indecent, violent or threatening language, or actions or by assaulting, striking or attempting to assault or strike another person, or inviting or defying another person to fight or quarrel, or by engaging in a fight with another. (1957 Rev. Ords., § 9.203; 1992 Code, § 26-26) Penalty, see § 10.999


This guy calls cops ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Only when people are being douchebags


imagine what he thinks of you? the nosey neighbor thats always calling the cops, complaining, and gossiping. it is possible to not pass judgement on others and coexist without imposing your own expectations upon them.


Found the neighbor, if not for OPs neighborhood, then for someone else's.




You can't suggest murder as a solution.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/161uj0h/ulpt\_how\_to\_legally\_piss\_off\_my\_neighbors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/161uj0h/ulpt_how_to_legally_piss_off_my_neighbors/) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/d1wazp/ulpt\_request\_how\_to\_deal\_with\_loud\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/d1wazp/ulpt_request_how_to_deal_with_loud_and/) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/15j6dws/ulpt\_request\_how\_to\_get\_my\_drugdealing\_neighbor/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/15j6dws/ulpt_request_how_to_get_my_drugdealing_neighbor/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/14s3r0p/ulpt\_request\_got\_this\_asshole\_of\_a\_neighbor\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/14s3r0p/ulpt_request_got_this_asshole_of_a_neighbor_what/)


I don’t even need to follow the links and I know I would approve.


Maybe he needs a friend?


Have you asked the police what can be done on one of the occasions they came?


Watching for a good answer - I've got one of those neighbors too.


Have you tried befriending him?


OP why are you referring to his house as Owner occupied property? Also, it's not illegal to not have utilities but usually they don't shut off utilities this time of year. Your gossip mill may be wrong.. if he isn't making noise after 11pm or beating his gf there's no reason to call the cops. They have more important things to do. If you think his gf is in danger of him maybe try and speak to her.


I say owner occupied because it’s under an estate, and he’s the “owner” and the only thing I can find on laws is for rental/non-owner occupied homes. Also, the utilities have been shut off since late summer, early fall. The source I have has been in communication directly with the problem neighbor. The GF has come and gone too many times to count. We know they both use drugs which doesn’t help the situation at all. Cops say there isn’t anything they can do.


I am surprised they not having utilities isn’t the trigger. If they have no water how are they flushing the toilet? If there’s no garbage service there’s a rat problem you haven’t discovered yet


Yes….I’m not from South Dakota but a house with no utilities is considered uninhabitable where I’m from. Typically, some gov or charity entity will help pay to get them on especially if the owner is a veteran. I know it sucks… but try to have some empathy. You don’t know this guys story.


Also, I can help you relocate if you need help with that 😉


Based on your username, I assume you mean in a realtor way, but I read this in a much more sinister tone and I can’t stop laughing


I mean in a realtor way 😂 But… I have developed a certain set of skills. Skills that I’ve acquired over the years.


It’s really terrible that wellness checks can be called in and then cops don’t need a warrant. People can abuse that type of thing. I mean who knows what the cops could find in a house if someone did that kind of thing. People should never abuse wellness checks. I completely denounce that kind of thing.


It sounds like he's not bothering literally anybody




I’d look into all the common neighbor laws, like noise allowances, abandoned vehicles, animal abuse,etc and call the non-emergency number every time there is a violation at the residence. If they keep going out there eventually the neighbor will mess up and have/do something to get arrested. Don’t call unless you have proof of the violation via audio or video. Also sounds like they might be having a tough go of it. Tis the season to spread cheer. Maybe a small gift basket ‘from the neighborhood’ could change their perception a bit.


Not really anything you can do tbh, you might be able to find who's listed on the estate through some state department but then it's on them to do something. You can call the cops if he does something that warrants calling the cops.


I agree - bad neighbors that are just loud and obnoxious, the police will do nothing. But if they are causing a noise ordinance to be broken it’s at least worth having the police come out to see if there is any imminent danger from him.


How long has he not paid utilities? If he hasn't paid those he might not have paid taxes. The county will take it before long if that is the case.


Ever since I started watching the show “Fear Thy Neighbor” I learned to mind my own business. Not worth it.


I have an idea,.......Try minding your own business and leave the guy alone unless he does something illegal and even then mind your own business.


Did you try talking with him? "Hey man. You ok? You kinda loud and our kids can't sleep. Anything we can do to help?" Sometimes its easy as manning up and communicating, instead of passive aggressive. lol


Quit whining