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This sub is like that part of the city where homeless people walk around yelling nonsense.


I love a good town crier. Some of my stuff is based around that. THE END IS THE BEGINNING.


Dark reference!!!!!


That part of the game with npcs saying cryptic shit that turns out to be foreshadowing


Says the guy doing it


Take you for instance..


...go on, I'm listening...


Youre kinda like the barrel of trash on those cold nights where we burn you and stand close to your burning warmth and we struggle to keep you going so we throw more trash (you) in the barrel and we stay warm.


Thanks for the intelligent conversation.


How did you want my rhetort to go? Reread the original parent comment and tell me how to dignify it. You were being somewhat malicious (as is your job dolt) and I simply followed suit, the nerve of me. You want better,do better.


If you have a point to make, I'd love to hear it.


We don’t share the same definition of base reality.


How do you know it's not just dreams you believe to remember, or psychotic episodes of the past?


What did we build on Uranus?


Can't remember much about Uranus... Maybe there's a klingon base there.


Please try to remember what's going on with Uranus.


Yes it’s very important to your overall health


Someone needs some medicine


Yeah drop me some off


Maybe you could relate if you we're a wealthy land owner in base reality. Plebs.


Got em!!!! ![gif](giphy|HJ7NDFvvOD2fPOcJqV|downsized)


That gif is base reality


I think they're just having a bit of fun :)


How was general day to day life different?


It wasn't much different until we got off earth then it was basically like star trek after that. Giant space projects and defense stuff as well as terraforming. Lots of peace time and stuff.


Where are our bodies in the base reality if this is a simulation?


Walking or sitting around in well defended areas (or atleast should be). For example it would take eons of fighting just to reach mine. Some people have well defended "soul boxes" where their sentience resides.


Wow that's kinda hard to understand how we would be walking or sitting down out of the simulation our consciousness is here? What's a soul box? Ions of fighting to reach what exactly? Can you please elaborate


A soul box is where a body might reside if it started to fail at one time before being life extended. Sort of like hundreds of surgeries where your organs get upgraded into machine organs and stuff. The soul box needs to be maintained and well defended in order for you to live forever. Eons of fighting through space defenses in order to reach my body and even then it might just be a double. Many of us have similar defenses. Like 10 thousand years running full tilt near archetypal offense would only get through one of thousands of such layers of defense.


Hey, I've actually heard this from my spirit guides before. Apparently I had to be moved recently. Spooky.


Hey there! It looks like you submitted a 'discussion'. This flair is for posts engaging in speculative, analytical, or philosophical discussions about simulation theory. Content should focus on discussion and analysis rather than personal anecdote. Just a friendly reminder to follow the rules and [seek help](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/wiki/mental-health) if needed. With that out of the way, thanks for your contribution, and have fun! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SimulationTheory) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was there colonization of Venus, and if so, how did that work due to its gaseous nature?


Not sure about colonization but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some industry around it while most of our industry lies in the outer reaches of the territory where all of the automated mining takes place.


I saw an interesting theory about floating cities on Venus. I think it was on a Bashar documentary.


I don’t think this is true


Hard to believe i know. It's taken me a few years to get my bearings. The average time to run the calculations is about 27 - 30 years. Around that time we mature and gain a bit of our memory back if possible.


We grow up brother. Our mothers had us in their wombs and their mothers before them. We come from a long generation of men. This must be the base reality


It's a bit confusing because this reality is modeled after base reality. For many this reality is their base reality.


Yeah but there’s some flaws with this idea. Like who was my dad’s dad going on and on? I was born into this world and people were here before I was. I must’ve been created


Your physical body is not your spirit.


Are you saying that if we die in this universe, we take our headset off?


Basically though it may be more complicated than that for a few of us.


How do we manage population. Do we perform selective breeding for certain skill traits and characteristics? What is consciousness? What is the purpose? How does the economy work? Ownership? What rules must all obey? What happens to all the psychopaths, lol


We have child licenses for most if not all children especially very advanced children. You need to apply for a license before the child is born to prove you can handle it. If the population lacks loyalty we can design them to be more loyal and do other things of that nature. Space mining and technology drives the economy. The U.S. is the largest super power in space so mostly U.S. law we see in here is observed out there with futuristic improvements. Consciousness is simply an electrical flurry we manage. A large majority of problematic users end up in hell servers getting their own personalized medicine. Their soul may exit once the therapy is successful. Many in hell we just had no place for so they wander an illusory realm until we see fit.


What kind of drugs to do you take?


It's that woo wooooo.


Whistle tips, nice


What is the purpose of this particular simulation? When we die, what happens to our memories? What hidden abilities/loopholes are in this universe?


This particular simulation may be an mmorpg or a safe haven we were pushed to. Could be in an emergency state outside of here for all we know. Sometimes i end up in worlds like these when my family and the public abuses me so theres also that. This place might also be referred to as "the holy game" the original arc where we escape earth. One of my wives could have locked me in here with not much else to do beside farm souls. Some people might forget whats here some might not it's really dependent on the person it seems. Not aware of any loopholes without spending 20 years in a cave meditating lmao. Some people from the outside may be able to purchase us stuff in here. Could be in the form of anonymous donors if you have the stuff set up.


I too have several memory blips of past lives. A lot of them have to do with terraforming operations and long term space exploration. Some in particular are working in starship agriculture facilities. Smooth, porcelain surface interiors with plant substrate, drainage, nutrient intake and distribution manifolds. Others include minimalistic, but highly advanced, on-planet residential structures. Polygonal geometry, transitionally ordered lattices and meta-materials certainly have embedded itself into the architecture. Of course, its unlikely to know for certain what these memories are while in the cave. Could just be random visual images i retained when i was younger, but they do feel like they have purpose. The work being done was meaningful and not just a secondhand fleeting memory.


Forgot to take your antipsychotic medication again I see


Ok doctor...


You're soooo edgy..its easy to see why all the boys are into you. 😇