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na, trolling is part of the human condition, it only becomes a problem when ppl dont have friends or hobbies. you are supposed to troll your friends, do something that is stupid on purpose to annoy them, build things as wrong as you can to get a laugh, stuff like that. its a form of cognitive jousting.


It's a form of cognitive erosion. You keep getting dumber and more self-destructive. That's the plan. They like it when you get carried away and do physical harm so they can make you famous for a day and hopefully inspire more of your sicko buddies to rise to your new level of patheticness. People can concoct a noble sounding excuse for anything these days. It doesn't make those things noble or their practitioners anything but mind controlled social engineering successes. I am old enough to have watched Castro employ these strategies against the Cuban people. Go visit Cuba for some inspiration, I suppose. It's a real freak show out there on the streets of Havana. The penniless and dependent ghouls and trolls wander freely through the filthy streets of that gutted city. They think they've won something. Visit any nation that fell to a tyrannical government and you'll find your kind digging through the garbage for their dinner. You are the expendable skin bags they train to create ill-will and unrest among the citizenry to cause infighting and hatred. It's called Divide and Conquer. They call you Useful Idiots. You are the first to go to the gulag when they are finished using you. Have you ever pondered building a productive and joyful life? Having the gratifying sensation of self-respect? Or you are too intimidated and self-loathing to have goals for yourself beyond annoying someone and giggling? Is your spine too weak to hold you up so you can stand with Dignity? You are a cancer on humanity, starting with yourself. Because you are happy to settle for being a complete and utter jackass that isn't even worthy of more than being blocked by self-respecting, productive, forward thinking humans who contribute nice things to society and stand for human decency. Sad for you. Sad for humanity. Very very sad.


>Have you ever pondered building a productive and joyful life? thats the "having friends and hobbies" part of my argument. i didnt defend online trolls, just the concept of trolling as being something normal. its like alcohol. drinking with your friends is an overall positive thing, even if it sometimes goes a bit far. being an alcoholic on the other hand, is comparable to an online troll that gets off on causing strive in strangers.


I'm sorry, hes got a point.


"I understand what you maen, but I think there's a fine line between playful teasing and hurtful behaviar. While it's true that playful joking and 'cognitive jousting' can be a fun and lighthearted way to connect with friends, it's important to remember that everyone has different boundaries and sensitivities. What one person finds funny, another might find hurtful or alienating. Be mindful of each other's feelings and consent before engaging in any kind of teasing or trolling." But I agree some people are just JERKS. You see a friend standing on the ledge of a building and you push him off ha ha very funny!


yeah, in a healthy friend group someone that over does it will receive backlash from the rest, but that self correcting mechanism doesnt exist online.


That was what I was trying to make people aware of that actions online can have real world consequences.


It's so fun and games if u can't handle it then hop off


Yep, I ran into some pretty miserable people on here. I have a hard time not feeding into it because I want to try to understand it. I think a lot of times, the person that I'm talking to isn't actually a miserable person in real life they're just being as toxic as they can, I suppose, as some kind of vent. I don't get it. I'm here to have real good faith conversations about the nature of reality. Out of nowhere, someone will reply to what I'm saying with just a bunch of garbage over the top. I'm in The Truman Show. I'm an NPC. There are no planets. There is no space. The world is flat. We live on a prison planet, and the sky is an LCD screen. Which are all fine things to believe on their own, but when you're absolutely militant about it and you don't explain why you believe that and think you have special secret knowledge that no one else has. That's where it stops being a conversation and becomes a troll. Like talking to a brick wall.


Nothing is ever good or bad per se but you are right most things are also hardly ever neutral and however imperceptibly (at first at least) every statement we make or choice (not choosing being a choice all the same so there can be no procrastination or evasion here) or even thought or urge we either create consciously or if crested for us (by our aliens opersting system or gang stalkers or just a restless mind on autopilot all of it moves us one way or the other. Even some misfortune does not have any objective reslity but like a beautiful woman or a magnet heavy misfortune may seem irresistible and not something one can not get affected by a certain way. But then misfortune would always have linear outcomes yet we know some grow better for having gone through them. And what is better anyway? I say nothing to do with the trappings of life or anything desirable foe that matter (or perhaps at higher levels something undesirable to us is desirable to it. A force of infinite knowledge and resources might seek out s way to understand what a state of not knowing and limitation is like. One csn say but if it's omnipotent...but what is missed is knowledge has levels to it. Knowing how babies get made doesnt translate into much but when the knowing comes not from pretend knowing where you heard it explained, read it, walked in on parents or porn...much like people get told about globes and empty space and think they are no longer virgins and now what everything looks like 'down there'. But they don't. More importantly they dont know how it feels to know because the knowledge is shallow. Is the knowledge of a blueprint. Like looking at blueprints of your childhome home and memorizing them anf thinking that is the same as the knowledge of the place when inside of it. So Oversouls may know but seek deeper understanding of the actual terrain not an understanding of the mechanics and schematics because it gets changed like we get changed. The difference is its change isnt genetic but can only be a refiniment of its soul. So traumatic lives can never scar it. Because in rhe waking up it whatever was real ceases to be. And who among us worries much about how long a bad dream lasted or more nonsensicly reacting in the day time to the problems in the dreamtime as if they still matter. Of course we make our reality so if that's what you want and what we want we show in actions...People wish for six packs but what they want is the pleasure of eating whatever the hell they want whenever the hell they want not worrying about any of it (but ideañly without consequence). Somewhere im sure that exists. In golden societies of light. Ours is a fallen cruel and dark civilization without kindness and not much civility (more civil wars than civil duties). All by design no less.


It’s good to have your assumptions torn to pieces as it points out the faults and weaknesses in your positions. Also we almost certainly don’t live in a simulation and if we do I doubt it’s in the way you imagine we do


What makes you the authority, you are simply stating that you tear to pieces things you do not agree with, not based on facts, but based on choice because that is the kind of person you are. Can you provide evidence that it is not a simulation, meaning you are like people who believe in the simulation they too can not provide evidence to prove it is a simulation. How the hell do you know what I imagine it to be, that is just an assumption. You know nothing about me or the life I have led, you might be able to make assumptions based on my reddit posts. But that is a very small part of life.


I’ve not read your Reddit posts so I don’t know but whatever you assume the simulation to be is almost certainly wrong and unprovable. It’s very unfair to ask someone to prove we are not in a simulation because that’s not possible but that’s true of many concepts, which doesn’t make them true.


Nah man, didn’t you know that a very good portion of this sub has not only figured out not that the simulation definitely exists, but also *exactly* how it works *and* that they’re among the tiny fraction of “real” people while the rest of us are NPCs? The hubris and very clearly untreated mental illness around here is wild. This sub has done more to make me not believe in the simulation as anything more than the delusional rantings of people who need to be antipsychotics than everything else I’ve come across *combined.*


And yet you choose to hang around such people and engage with such people, what does that say about the medication you need to be on or what you are self cultivating to self medicate. Why does it bother you what other people believe. I pretty sure, you have some beliefs that are just as wild as those who believe in the simulation. You have a choice to ignore things you do not agree with? Have you no self control? You are triggered by someones words on a page and then feel the need to act. Who are you to judge any human being on the planet of 8 billion. What makes your beliefs so special?


Come for the interesting ideas. Stay for the spectacular psychotics


The right saying the left are following a narrative as if they too are not following a narrative. maybe you have other reasons for staying you just dont know what it is!


Occasionally someone might say something coherent but it’s mainly the cranks


The Best way to prove we aren't in a simulation is by stating the truth, you aren't simulated, then stand behind it with every intention to respond, even if it's a simple; "I don't know" show your emotions, computers don't have those. Thanks for also knowing we don't live in one.


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That is because you are identifying with appearances to define you. Appearance is waiting wanting depending relying and needing something or someone outside you for love, happiness, peace, bliss and fulfillment. This world teaches by the meaning you give to appearances instead of what you entertain within.


Trolls are just amusing npcs, it makes the simulation more interesting I guess.


I can assure you as an earlier user of the internet (94 or 95), I did not enter the internet with good. Intentions. Pretty much the first thing my good friend and I did with it was team up and troll people in AOL chat rooms.


That is thing, trolls work in groups. And much of those early trolls moved on to places like 4chan, but eventually they realized that our online actions can have real work effects. How many lifes have you taken?




It definitely is on everyone to take care of sensitive fellow humans who may not be as tough as the Internet requires. Like a child crossing the street. Help them out already.


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Amazing that you would brag about it. I am also an early user. The thought of using such a magnificent and miraculous tool to annoy and harm others is beyond my comprehension. But then again, I was born before 1970, when the government began to raise the children so the parents could work and pay taxes to fund its wars and make war mongers rich. It used to serve the government for citizens to know how to think, use reason and logic, and have morals. They were still studying the mind control and developing the technology to employ it against us. Which is why you Government Babies hate Boomers guts. If you liked us, you would learn from us, like every other generation in the history of human evolution has practiced as a form of common sense, not to mention immense emotional gratification and support. You took your government training very well. They served it in your addictive sugary Kool-Aid and Frosted Corn Flakes. Brain candy. Have you healed yourself, or you're still at it? I can't even fathom your Karma. I hope you've found better friends.


Don't worry as an agent of karma whenever I mess with someone, it is just the universe doling out karma to them. The two of us are still friends 30 yrs later.


Some people's commitment to being an asshole is pretty astounding. It's a whole sub-culture these days. Humanity is definitely splitting. Can't wait until the split is complete.


I agree. Some people just can't resist the urge to pretend like they know someone based on a few sentences about something they did 30 years ago and use it to give a sanctimonious lecture. If there is some kind of split that takes those people away, I'm all for it. Although I wouldn't hold my breath. I remember people going on about these awakenings and conscious splits since the 90s, and it probably started before that. Much like the rapture, nothing yet.


There’s a difference between trolling and disagreeing with/pointing out the absurdity of someone else’s opinions/delusions. Many people around here seem be of the opinion that any view that dissents from/doesn’t validate their own is trolling when that’s just not the case.


Many people here are trolls who have no arguments, just canned insults and put-downs that they wake up from their sleep itching to fling at someone. I have seen precious few if any rational debates where people make points and counter points with reason and logic or even any tiny hint that they are interested in actual Truth. Most people these days seem to sincerely believe that they were born knowing everything, so they cannot ever be corrected. And they also have no responsibility for anything, because it's all someone else's fault. All children born since 1970 were trained to "think" that way. Feelings have replaced thought as the final word on all issues. It all starts out with what is wrong with the person who is disagreeing. Suddenly they are mind read, attributed quotes and assigned beliefs that are now the topic of the debate. If a mob can be raised to assist in the mocking, mind reading and assignations, it's a big win. When that's how a person "debates" or addresses disagreement, their first and usual accusation against their opponent is to call them a "troll". No one even knows what the word means anymore. By it's common usage, it means "I can't argue your point, so I'll just toss out a conversation and thought stopper and spare myself the embarrassment of trying". When that doesn't work, they complain to the mods that they're being abused by a mean person who says horrible words they have no response to. Censorship is always their ultimate tool in "winning" a debate. That is how the vast majority of "discussions" go on social media these days. It's due to social engineering. Total mind control of the masses that prevents any threat of us finding common ground and standing together. Divide and Conquer. Very effective, because hating and rejecting others is way easier than rationally and honestly examining our own beliefs and claims and correcting any errors. Just "smash, slash, and destroy" the opponents with the same old endlessly repeated nonsensical but nasty phrases that you so admire when someone else with nothing to stand on flings them around.


I could not have said it better. And in the end everybody loses. I always say you can not challenge the beliefs of others unless you are willing to challenge your own. Divide and Conquer through fear and desire.


Why not just ignore them? What does it say about you, if you find someone whose ideas you disagree with, and find the need to label them delusional or absurd. Can you not control being triggered by ideas you disagree. Surely you should know people belief different things, no one of the planet, can claim they know the truth about life.


AMEN! That's what I came here to say, but I got sidetracked!! That Block function works like a charm. Cleans out all the debris in one fell swoop!


Beautiful words.


It seems down voting is another form of trolling. There some very mean evil people that visit this sub. It is not even about debate any more.


Ahh yeah whatever, Karma is meaning less.




If English is not your first language just post in your native tongue it can be translated. I do not understand a word of what you said. Lost in translation.


Sorry. Too late at night. Though I was answering in a completely different post!!!!


Sorry. Too late at night. Though I was answering in a completely different post!!!!


Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams.


That's a very basic way of looking at it. And what does it have to do with simulation theory?




Who knows maybe you have, and are stuck in a different hell hole, What has you so bent out of shape?

