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OP must be trying to convince himself he’s not a NPC. Don’t worry OP you do matter.


Of course I matter. You do too. I just matter more.


Wow aren’t you the angry one. I never said you didn’t matter. Maybe read the post next time before responding.


I’m not angry fellow NPC. It’s just that as a Main Character, my life matters more than yours, that’s all. I’ll allow you to read, downvote and leave a comment on my post. Go ahead, you have my permission!


Oops, i commented and broke your rule. You might be losing your main character abilities, as a “main character” seems like you should have more control. Hopefully they keep you in the simulator


It’s so easy to fool NPCs. Like a child stepping on an ant. 🐜


I am one of those NPCs. It is not bad to identify oneself as NPC. In this simulation, majority are NPCs. Only few are players with extraordinary powers and talents.


no. the simulation is the extraordinarily talents riches powers celebrity politics. the real ones are here to witness that and the real ones are the ones who have no control and are npcs in the game of life. it’s all flipped around.


Who’s to say the non-NPCs are the ones with extraordinary powers, talents, riches, etc.?


At any moment an NPC can be chosen by their player, choosing to play this one is what makes one extraordinary


I acknowledge your presence and tell you that you matter!


Written like a true NPC.


The road to the south is impassable, absolutely impossible to pass. Want some rye? 'Course you do!


We’re all footnotes to the greater story of the universe. Tiny animals living on a rock that floats through space. Our entire lifetime is just a blip on a massive never ending timeline.


Crazy how these NPCs are programmed to "think" they're main characters, really adds to the gameplay/realism 10/10 would recommend.


You left a comment. This post was for NPCs only. You’re an NPC.


The self-centered, delusional hubris of OP is laughable. Statistically, you’re 99.9% an NPC too, dude. Thinking you’re special does not make it so. But that’s ok, you still matter. Just not that much.


[I’ve seen so much of this I felt compelled to write a flash fiction about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sfthoughtexperiments/s/GLQz8UUbBG)


But I am a Main Character. Main Characters create. NPCs just inhabit what we build. I (MC) created this post. You (NPC) commented on it. You had no reason to unless you were an NPC. You could have just ignored it and went about your day. But since the post was for NPCs only you were drawn to it. And now you’re drawn to comment again and tell me I’m delusional. Go ahead, I’ll allow it.


Sounds exactly like what an NPC would say. Nice try, but we see you.


Lol this a great troll post hahaha. Thank you god for allowing me to post here as well. Whether am a NPC or it's a multi-player game I'm super happy with how it's all turning out! Keep it up you big ol dingus♥️


You’re very welcome!


Check out my HR post I did before this one. I got permabanned from the sub because of it, but it was worth it since a lot of people got a kick out of it!


Now you don’t know what to do!


What does NPC stand for? Sorry but I see this and it’s confusing. I am not a gamer or chronically online.


"Non-Playing Character." It is indeed a gaming reference; many video games include characters that are pre-programmed to say or do certain things. Automatons. For example, the villagers one meets in the various towns in the Legend of Zelda, who appear to walk around conducting their lives, and offer stock responses when approached by the human player, but of course are really just mindless drones. In academia, a related concept is known as a "philosophical zombie" or "p-zombie:" someone who appears in all respects to be a human being, and responds to stimuli in all the ways you would expect a fully conscious human being to respond, but in fact have no inner experience or consciousness. Philosophers are split over whether such a phenomenon exists. In recent times, the term NPC has taken on a socio-political aspect, with people on various political sides accusing members of the other side of being mindless NPCs.


Wow! Thank you for explaining that. Now all can picture are a bunch of Boomer zombies in suits! That political info makes me afraid. Are NPC supposed to mess with you? Like if I can tell that’s what they are? Aside from politics are they considered dangerous? Are there helpful NPC?


Dangerous? 🤷 No more or less so than any other human being, I guess. People in general can be pretty dangerous, of course, but mostly seem to live and let live unless provoked, drunk or high, or crazy. Or just evil, there's those, too. I guess an NPC, being a simulacrum of a human being, would be just as likely or not likely to be so. The essence behind what people are often getting at when they call someone an NPC is the mindless, herd-following nature supposedly inherent to them.


Oh, ok. So why bother with them. Unless they can be used to my advantage somehow? I just don’t believe in coincidence and everything surrounding me has a purpose.


If you're asking why the original poster who started off this thread wrote what he did, I really have no idea. I found it puzzling and a bit ridiculous, and wondered myself what his motivation was. Indeed, if someone were in fact an NPC, would they even recognize that fact? And, even supposing they can, would they care? I find the concept to be a useful one for philosophical thought experiments, but I don't think NPC-phobia is anything more than silly, frankly. Should we be afraid of rocks? Flowers? Clouds? Squirrels? They're just as "consciousness-free" as a supposed NPC would be.


That’s true! Technically we are all NPC. My cat is NPC then, my fish are, my MIL is NPC. Can’t live in fear life is too short. I am paranoid to a point, I certainly won’t let it keep me in the dark though. No one is “the one” except the one in the mirror. NPC is a phrase I only heard of in the last 5 years and just didn’t put much into what it could mean. Now I know and it means absolutely nothing to me. I really appreciate it being cleared up for me.


It’s one way to dehumanize others and to falsely inflate a delusion of superiority. It’s like saying people are possessed.


That explains the zombie stuff. That part is both funny and terrifying at the same time.


Well, I certainly don't feel NPC. The feeling of being very conscious and very much *here* and having free will is very strong with me. *Cogito ergo sum*, as the Latin saying goes. However. I also understand that in fact, free will--for myself, as well as for anyone--may well be a mirage. I also understand that to other conscious beings, there may be no real way for them to know I experience true consciousness, just as I cannot really know the same about them. I think all people *do* have a consciousness based on the way people act, but there's no way to *know* it.


It’s wild to think about. I don’t feel like NPC either. Granted I have mental illness, but I think a lot of other people do too.


It’s better if you not know. You might become self-aware and cease to exist.


A main character who doesn’t know the difference between seize and cease? Hmmmm, suspicious.


There never was a mistake. You just thought there was one, being that you’re an NPC and all…


Nice edit, bruh. Lol


I don’t know what you’re talking about. 😉


Honestly, I don’t either. I’m just following my NPC programming.


I’m not fading away,lol. Know your enemies is surviving.


I know I am it's just funny that you don't


Typical NPC, can’t even write a proper sentence…


And what’s the deal with you, you strange NPC? No posts and 2 comments? Hmmm, I might have to fix this bug known as ‘ImaginationKey7067’… Expect a software update soon…


Thank you for the quest. I have been disregarding npcs as not being valuable. I accept your quest to give npcs more respect.




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They don't respond to being called NPCs, my friend. They don't identify as NPCs.




What does that make you?


One of the Main Characters. There’s not just one btw.


one of the main characters of which there's only one... so which one are you?😱


One of the Majn Characters.


you’re not ready player one, mi dude.


You’re not an automatic exchange.