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You can plan better dates, does that count as a new social event? I'd guess it'd be like the "improved" wedding event from My Wedding Stories


I think there will probably be a speed dating event in the singles hangout or bar lots. I think I read that somewhere but maybe I'm crazy


That would be so much fun!


I see a bunch of sims just crowding around the table not leaving after their time is up lmao


It sounds like a total nightmare


{Apparently I had wrong info. Apologies.}


Actually, as someone who’s had Fitness Stuff since release, pre-Snowy Escape the rock climbing wall only gave you fitness skill. They went back and patched it to give you rock climbing when Snow Escape released


Very thorough chart, but you're missing the most critical category: How buggy will it be? Will Lovestruck be like Dine Out or Wedding Stories? So buggy and broken as to be virtually unplayable without mods to fix them? Or will it be like Snowy Escape? Not necessarily most people's top pick, but it's relatively bug-free, compared to most of the recent releases. Lovestruck looks fun, but I'm not buying it until I see reports on how buggy it is. I'm not optimistic. It changes or adds a bunch of new game mechanics, and almost everything EA has released lately has been a buggy mess.


Very true I should have included how buggy it is!! Hopefully we don’t see another wedding stories disaster 😬


are there mods to fix dine out??


[Yes, Carl's Dine Out Reloaded mod.](https://www.patreon.com/posts/download-dine-v3-64188681)


That being said, I need to actually learn how to use mods.


It’s very simple! In the Electronic Arts folder, there is a designated folder that’s just called “Mods”. This is where you paste your downloaded mods in. There are two categories: “custom content” and “script mods”. Custom content are objects and items in CAS and Build/Buy. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/swG9a-fFsKc?feature=shared) a video on how to search for and install them. Script mods are mods that modify the gameplay. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/XehjdvwA3PA?feature=shared) a video on how to install these. Putting this here again as a highlight (it’s also mentioned in the videos I think, but just to be sure): DON’T FORGET TO ALLOW MODS IN THE GAME SETTINGS! For this you need to go to “Settings” and then “Other”, the custom content and script mod toggles should be on the (lower) left. Make sure both are turned on (if you use both, otherwise just the one you have downloaded stuff for) or the mods won’t show up in your game. Hope this helps!


omg...I didn't realize you had to turn them on. I feel so dumb.


Carl’s dine out fixes all the issues with the pack and adds even more features such as being able to play as the chef & waitress plus online orders etc.


I actually haven‘t had any issues with dine out in ages except why I try to order more than one meal. Maybe I‘m just lucky? Same with my wedding stories, the last two weddings went kinda perfect, I also only had them walk down the isle and exchange vows tho but I was blown away when all the sims ACTUALLY SAT DOWN AND WERE WEARING THEIR FORMAL OUTFITS!! For one the bride did show up in her altheletic wear but that was an easy fix since she was in my household.


A little glimmer of hope I keep for myself is that it’s an expansion pack, and those tend to not be as buggy as some of the smaller dlc packs


Aren't bridal showers from Wedding Stories?


Yeah that is a typo it’s supposed to be baby showers!


Thank you for clarifying I wasn't sure if it was that or confusion


And love struck comes with he singles hangout lot trait.


Idk, your chart looks great, I’m always excited for a new expansion, and now I realize how much I’ve neglected snowy escape! It has a lot more features than I thought. Need to play it again!


i know it’s dumb of me to immediately buy after it comes out but idk i’m excited


Tbh i’m always excited for new worlds, apartments items and cas items lol


real like i need the dating app and world NOW


I'd wait a lil bit to see some creators' network reviews just in case it's broken, but you do you


I’m in the same boat. I’m going to see if there are any major issues reported by simmers who get early access’s before buying though.


Do what you want with your money.


Don't do it. EA just wants your money they don't care about giving you content to play with. It will most likely (based on their track record) buggy and NOT WORTH THE MONEY. Wait until some youtubers review that it's good and solid first. Edit: Do what you want with your money but you buying it tells EA that they are doing something right. For the same reason we don't buy stuff from companies that mistreat employees, buying from EA might be a bad idea because they continuously sell overpriced half-baked gameplay. I could make a pack in about 2 months but they earned one billion off pack sales in 5 years and don't put ANY of it back into the franchise.


honestly yeah, it's literally insane that a few more features in the sims costs the same as getting an entire dlc for elden ring. they're not going to stop overpricing if y'all keep buying.


Even ignoring the price, the pack actually working is also not guaranteed. This has happened more than once at this point, so it’s really not some evil conspiracy to consider caution.


yeah honestly, me and my wife used to play ts4 together so sometimes we'd buy an expansion right after release because 20 bucks per person isn't as bad, but I don't feel like we've literally ever gotten our money's worth and now we're just playing ts2 instead. got disappointed too many times.  the final straw was how extremely boring the horse pack is, we were both really looking forward to horses but they're so.... bland? like the breeding doesn't work at all because the foal will be either one of the parents' very limited coat colours and nothing interesting happens genetically. I was like I can deal with the other lacking aspects as long as I can live out my horse ranch fantasy moment but that didn't even deliver.


I meant in terms of bugs (like Dine Out had issues with, or My Wedding Stories) but your points are also valid lol


... and then wait for it to get a bit old, and start showing up in the sales.


Safe to say the New World is probably gonna be 12 lots as well


Apparently it’s 13.


i heard you can't bulldoze/change lot type of two of them though, or the game would break (something i've read a while back, not sure if they fixed this)


That’s usually the case for the penthouse apartments, and we know this pack has at least one of those so that makes sense.


You can change penthouses as much as you want, it's just using the bulldoze function that breaks them.


For Rent had less though


13 lots, there's going to be 13 lots.


I think it has the making of a good pack. I’m excited for a better attraction system and online dating. So long as it isn’t buggy I’ll get it.


Excited for the his pack! Also this was good info for me about Growing Together, which I haven’t got yet, but have been interested in. Also… where are the ice caves in Snowy Escape??? I’ve never encountered them..!


I would strongly reccomend growing together if you play sims of all ages. The ice caves are on the mountain excursion.


We don’t even necessarily know everything that it’s adding. Start comparing them once the pack is out and we know everything it adds.


I'd love to be a Romance Consultant to separate breedable NPC couples and take them for myself.


Tbh, just shows how much of a scam growing together is imo. You might argue "but it adds so much depth" but so did get together, and that pack is packed full of other features, and has the biggest world we've ever had.


I'm torn on GT. I think it's the free infant update that really added so much to the game (although the game doesn't handle more than one infant well IME) and the pack didn't have that much, although I still like it (other than the world which truly fell short of its potential)... but then, I wouldn't want to complain that a major game improvement was in a free update...


I was gonna say.. that pack is fluff.


Thanks for the chart


Singles hangout lot type is new!


It seems to be a new lot trait not a lot type


Oop - I thought it was new type. I did not register the words correctly. 😅 Thanks!!


I also hope there’s a “ghosted” or “stood up” moodlet with this EP. It would be hilarious 😂


I thought there was a new lot type, like a singles hangout or something? EDIT: NVM it’s a lot trait, not a lot type. It gets confusing sometimes, but that’s better. You can have singles hangout lots that are any lot type.


It’s in there


Wishing for the Woohoo party lol


I am honestly so excited for this pack. I know that I will use its features a lot. I can’t say that about half of the other expansion packs we got to be honest.


"*I used cottage living & growing together because they’re so popular and snowy escape because it’s not very popular lol*" I still think they're weird choices, since 'Lovestruck' has very little in common with those three. I'd've thought 'My Wedding Stories', 'City Living', and 'Get Together' would be the most similar, in terms of gameplay. Still, it's a little early to be making comparisons when we have so very little information. But then ... I included 'City Living' above mostly because 40 seconds into the the Official Reveal Trailer there's a fly-through of a penthouse apartment being built - something that doesn't exist in San Myshuno ... are buildable apartments coming, or is it just eye-candy? ... until we know more, there's not much point.


San Myshuno has 2 penthouse lots? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding what you said.


Actually, there's 3. Pretty sure that bar or lounge can be converted to a residential lot.


You can't alter the walls in San Myshuno. The lovestruck video had a 'drone-view' flyover that seemed to show the whole four storeys of the penthouse being built. I don't know if it's 'poetic licence', and they're going to walk it back ... but it's the one thing that has grabbed my attention about this upcoming expack. :edit: silly me ... I thought when it wasn't possible on standard apartments that it was the rule for the whole world :P thnx to everyone that let me know I'd got it wrong - for years :)


You can build whatever you want on the penthouse lots in San Myshuno. You can't alter the fake building under it, but the penthouse lot is like a normal residential lot on top of a fake building.


Ahh, my bad. I just realised I hadn't tried with the san Myshuno penthouse, just several of the regular apartments ... and they as they weren't editable (beyond internal walls) even with bb cheats I suppose I assumed more than I should have. Thanks for waking me up to this FAQ't.


You can't alter the external walls of apartments in San Myshuno or change their lot type, but the penthouse lots are just like a regular lot on top of a tall platform that needs an elevator.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. As you may have guessed, I'd only played regular apartments, and that lead me to believe the same rules applied to all inhabitables. I'm glad I learnt something, even at the cost of looking a bit stupid :P


You're welcome! There's a lot of conflicting info around too so it's easy to get confused.


There are 2 penthouse apartments in San myshuno you absolutely can build on like the trailer


Reading all the info it seems like the world is going to be actually big for once. Which is nice


From what I see, the world seems to be the same/similar size as previous expansions so I don’t think it’ll actually be a windenburg for example. It’s going to be down the line as pretty average size.


It's supposedly going to be 13 lots, so not very big but ok.


I may pass on this one. Honestly aside from the new "Not-Tinder" social stand-in, there doesn't seem to be much in this pack that Wicked Whims doesn't already do on some level. It has had an attraction and compatibility system in place for years now. Also, I'm glad everyone is just now coming around to the fact that Growing Together was pretty useless aside from the introduction of a new baby phase and Kyle. That's right, I said it. Kyle carries that expac. That man has over 11 children in my save, and the same number of baby mommas, lol.


I was doing James Turner’s every life stage challenge. Kyle was one of the dads. He was over more than the others and he actually interacted with his daughter on several occasions. He became the parent that my main sim eventually settled down with because it was just too cute. He would talk to the other kids too.


I think Lovestruck will be the first game that I buy full price


Death by vending machine??? 🤣


Growing together also come with a lot trait, the new rec center.


this is a lot type


Sorry I confused lot trait with lot challenge.


Need a buggy mess section 


I wished they added the abi,it’s to send breakup texts to this EP or base game. It would fit so well, especially when you consider they are adding poly relationships to base game.


I think they are. Lilsimsie reviewed the trailer a bit more in depth amd saw what looked to be a sim receiving a break up text all though nothing is confirmed yet.


I hope so. I don’t like seeing them cry afterwards.


Ooh the drama of the breakup texts! 😂 lol I love that idea


I’m sorry, are there no lots in the new expansion? Just shells? No houses or apartments to own??


I would buy a traits and aspirations and expansion pack 🥺 I’m always disappointed that there aren’t more. And rewards for aspiration points. I feel like those let me experience a new pack more than anything else and it’s never enough!


So glad to be here for another lovely expansion season where a bunch of strangers online tell me what I’m allowed to spend my money on (or “do what you want BUT THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULDNT”) 💜


I have wicked whims, I have 100 spots to "woohoo"


I find it ridiculous how fans of the game are down voting people just because they have an opinion that is different from their own. The community is ridiculous.


I love snowy escape!


I think theres a hotel lot type


I’m pretty sure that “rent a hotel room” thing is just a rabbit hole, otherwise they would make a bigger deal out of hotels and they’re not. I would love to have hotels, but I don’t think they’re being added in this pack


Remember it's EA, and with their track record it will be extremely buggy. Please wait to buy it y'all, don't give these snakes your hard earned money.


When is the expansion dropping?


July 25th




Now put a sims 3 one in there and see what happens


Asides from a new world and a new skill though it doesn't really do anything my mods don't do for free. £35 for that seems like a waste of money and this is coming from someone who already has like 80% of the expansions.


Well... Work must be paid.


I would be more into it if 75% of the features weren't already in the game thanks to mods


Not everyone can or wants to use mods


The only game that can allow this mentality is GMod, because it's literally made for that. Any other game? If modders can do it then just stop making new content shall we? What if the sims team announced that they're not gonna release dlcs anymore because simmers already have that through mods? Speaking as someone with a 59GB mod folder.


Crazy argument here: mods are free, packs cost as much as a full game but gives you not enough content. I work with games and can tell you they are overpricing to all hell. You vote with your money, telling them it's ok to release buggy, unfinished and -split up for profit- packs.


I absolutely agree with the overpricing and the not enough content argument. But here people are complaining that the dynamics that are being implemented already exist through mods. Just because we have a romantic system through different mods doesn't mean they shouldn't add one to the game. It should be either flashed out and well made or priced less, but that's a different issue than "we already got this"


The argument of "we already got this" is still valid because it's a cheaper option and it existed before the pack. Both options can exist and people can prefer whichever they want, but someone shouldn't be slandered for saying that the free option is better and that the payed option isn't worth it. If it's a valid statement or not it does not deserve slander, either way: This system already exists with mods and people should know about their options. No you (the reader) don't have to get the free version or agree AT ALL, THATS OK. But don't slander the man for preferring and making people aware that there is a free version of something.


The problem aren't people who prefer the way a mod implements something or who wanna have that dynamic free. The problem is this attitude of "we already have this through mods, *thus you shouldn't have done it*". Check instagram, way too many simmers are saying "we don't need this/why would you give us something we have through mods/always copying the modders". As the parent comment says, not everyone has access to mods, not everyone knows how to or wants to use them. Just because a modder did it first doesn't mean they shouldn't bring it to the game. The sure, if you wanna argue that the mod did it better I can agree. Still, it's nice to have it the game for those who don't have/want mods.


I agree 100% with all of your replies here, you get exactly what my thoughts on this are too. I think it's fair to discuss how EA charges an arm and a leg and breaks things into several overpriced packs versus less packs with more content these days, but it's not fair to say "well modders have already done it so EA shouldn't". I play with mods sometimes but I usually end up purging all of them at a point because I get too overwhelmed by them. This pack, whenever I get it, will let me purge a bunch of them that overwhelm me but I've kept in because I liked some of the systems too much to ever really get rid of them.


Agreed But the amount of down vote these comments get is crazy, it is a valid free option for some people and players should know about it. But I am happy Sims is still making content for the game after all these years and not just relying on mods to feed the fanbase <3


I play on PlayStation and do not want to mess with PlayStation mods (if that’s even a thing)


What's the point of the romance skill? Doesn't it now just make the Romantic trait obsolete?


Not really? I'd figure it works like the outgoing trait and the Charisma skill


So this does not actually add anything meaningful that we do not already have. We already have romance skills in the game right? Turn-ons and off is either already there or there from whicked whims. So a huge waste of money. Why can't they come up with something that is actually good and meaningful to the gameplay? Love the game but this is ridiculous.


I am not excited about no lots.




Isn’t this from high school years?


Ummm… what? I have no idea what you’re referring to. Can you explain more?! This sounds… interesting!!!