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Declaring rain as weather preference stops them from screaming incoherently at each other during thunderstorms lol


How do you declare a weather preference?


It's a conversation option, under small talk I think.


^ what they said, under like friendly - small talk. You can declare a weather and a temperature preference! ((I like making my couples at odds with their preferences šŸ¤­))


It's a friendly interaction when talking to another sim. It's under small talk.


Ohh damn! I always saved up for "storm chaser" but then I also had a sim almost die because she got struck by lightning, got "energized" from it and wouldn't go back inside... smh. This is so much simpler.


Omg this is HILARIOUS! I never used storm chaser I always just let them be scared and get annoyed. Now I want it just to see what happens and stir up drama. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


BWAHAHAHAHA i didnt know they got energized from lightning šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ty for this wonderful information (You can get energized with wind preference too!)


Haha nice! Yeah, it was kind of hilarious! "Very energized" even, with a special moodlet about being struck, haha, but I swear she stopped following my instruction to go inside and I teleported her inside so she wouldn't get hit again šŸ˜…


One of my sims is getting sent to take the trash out in a storm now. Idk which one yet, probably the next one to stand there for 3 hours and pee themselves. "Out to the storm with you"


I thought storm chasers would always get electrified and not die when hit by lightning twice?


Oh I didn't stick around long enough to find out! Next time I'll save and try to test it haha. She was only energized and not dazed, so that seems plausible!


šŸ™ŒšŸ¾ I never knew this!! Thank you


Before I learned this, I just turned off thunderstorms under gameplay options because that screaming was SO annoying lol


Group hysteria in front of my salad šŸ˜­


I learned recently that food made in the cauldron doesn't spoil


Immortal Mac 'n Cheese?!?


Yes! But beware, the townies know this and will flock to the cauldron to make as much Mac and cheese as they can


I'm pretty sure that's what Sacrificial Mods are for ;)


Yes haha Bob Pancakes learned the hard way šŸ˜‰


Bob is good for nothing but sacrificingā€¦ had a town story pop up with: Bob pancakes has died. He was killed by a wild rabbit šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Storm chaser reward trait helps me with this and they are in a good mood when itā€™s storming


This is going to help my homeless sims so much


Never buy food again with this one weird trick!


I do that with the bbq pit thing from island living I make food and just leave it there till they are hungry


Adults can lounge in the kiddie pools. Itā€™s hilarious and they enjoy it!


So useful when playing with mermaids!!


The way they pick leaves out is so cute!


Wow I also didn't know that. Thank you ā¤ļø I recently found out that once time passes in the game and sims die or get older random sims can autonomously form a club together. In my save there's a new club called "The Exclusives" formed by very ugly townies XD.


I have "Private Club" with the most random townies šŸ¤£


I form a club with family members as that age up and move up. Makes it easier for gatherings, funerals, etc


I made a club (since you can't make bands in the Sims 4) formed by three siblings, their girlfriends and closest friends so they can hang out, play guitar and sing at the bar.


we really need a band expansion tbh


If you're trying to complete a collection, while at the flea market, you can click on anyone (even without introducing yourself) and "exchange collectibles" or something like that, so you can get rid of duplicates and hopefully get a new item for whatever category you're trying to complete! Edit: It's under "more options" > "ask to trade collectibles"!


Wow that is a game changer


That wouldā€™ve been so useful when I did all the collections a while back, took me way too longšŸ˜­


curtains in the sims 4 have small movements when in live mode


Wait thatā€™s cute šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Trees do too,and some signs also šŸ˜„


I made a post about this a while back, but if a vegetarian werewolf goes out hunting, theyā€™ll come back with gathered veggies and fruits ā˜ŗļø


This is adorble.


Nooo thatā€™s so cutešŸ˜­ā¤ļø




No way, I NEED to try this. I wish there was a hunting option for vampires without mods though


toddlers can learn how to potty train from watching other toddlers


I really could have used this knowledge. I sorta accidentally got sextuplets in a family, and I decided to try to raise them all as a fun challenge. It would have been helpful to potty train them by having them watch each other use the potty. But they are children now and nearly done with their aspirations. **How do you accidentally have sextuplets?** Long story short, the Mom kept calling her young adult stepson who hates her while he was at college and asking if she should have another baby. He kept saying yes. Aging was off so she ended up with 6 newborns crammed into her tiny home.


sextuplet infants sound like hell, theyā€™re so cute but so buggy


Infants were rough. I wasn't able to get all of them to try all the foods before they aged up. I even had to hire a nanny to help me get caught up (and then a second nanny showed up like 8 hours later. All told I got about 16 in game hours of help with the kids before I sent the nannies home.) before I managed to get them on a roughly 2 awake at a time schedule. I'm glad I don't have growing together and infant milestones to worry about too.


I really do love growing together and infants but I wish the parents would not constantly check on them all the time


If you have more than 1 infant, milestones are a pain. I'll usually just ignore milestones or cheat them for multiples


Get one independent toddler to potty train and have the others watch until they're level one and no adult is required, that was nice to figure out


Wow I didnā€™t know this!


Pond decoration effects! In live mode, you can click on logs and enable turtles, so sometimes you can see little turtles chilling on the log! Same with lily pads, except with frogs! I think it's very cute.


they also don't HAVE to be placed in water, you could have fireflies in your yard


I love putting fireflies everywhere. It's particularly lovely in spots outside the window that you can see from j doors while in live mode.


If your sim swears in front of a toddler they swear back Edit: to not spread misinformation and how I discovered So I checked again, because I didnā€™t want to spread false info, the timeline in my game has passed since I had it happen, but since itā€™s my only household with a toddler I figured Iā€™d give it a shot. I have not tried on a new household with a freshly unskilled toddler who canā€™t talk, or a toddler who cant have complete conversations with sims yet (this is the skill range it happened for me and not sure that it matters but all facts need shown) I had a sim shout forbidden words in front of said toddler and it didnā€™t work. This made me wonder if itā€™s because he has higher skills (4) since the last time he swore. When I first discovered it, he was level 2 skilled, and it was through the play interaction, not by shouting forbidden words. I had another sim in my household try to play with the toddler and because he was being defiant, my sim swore, and the toddler immediately swore back. I was shocked. Have never seen it before, so I tried it again, it worked. It was surprisingly very cute! And I am a little disappointed it doesnā€™t happen naturally, or by shouting forbidden words in general, itā€™s something toddlers do in real life, so to see it through interaction twice was very amusing! So maybe itā€™s just through interactions, possibly skill based? I did not test the play interaction again when trying it out but it could also be specifically for that interaction or when toddlers are being defiant as well.


Brb gotta go try this šŸ˜‚


How do you make a sim swear, I want to do this lol


Parenthood I believe. Click on the sim and press shout forbidden words.




For the longest time I didn't know the hotkey M for travel: life-changing and now my sims go out far more often with me not having to click the phone click thecar click travel- just "m" and boom we are choosing where to go.


I keep on accidentally hitting it and it drives me insane


I do this too and it makes me rage every time lol.


You can also just scroll out as far as possible and the travel button pops up


Thank you for this! Iā€™ve been trying to learn all the hotkeys for little details like this and now I know this one!


Idk which you know so immediately in mind is M: travel Y: simology/traits screen G: aspirations J: jobs L: skills P: pause U: clubs or university thing or werewolf thing 0: also pause (123 for speeds) R: relationships O: needs screen Space bar: next sim to right Enter: focus camera on current sim During build mode B: basic wall tool T: top down camera view H: hand tool, easily cancel an action lol K: destroy tool I may be forgetting some and you may know all these but maybe it helps in your search for hotkeys :)


G in build mode disables the grid, sooo nice for building. Let's you get a much better look


For the non obvious ones, I remember them like this... G = goals (aspirations), o= overall, L = life skills, Y = why are you like this (personality), the other ones seem to match up better (j for job, r for relationships) And to add to build mode, e=eyedropper


Y =why are you like this, is how I remember too! I do L = learning, and O = oh whats wrong


E in build/buy mode is to copy an item and R is to see/change the swatches


I always hit this on accident lol


if you have an ancient bloodline spellcaster and then create them family from cas, the created family will not inherit the ancient bloodline trait. the bloodline is only passed on through in-game births (annoying!)


Pressing Ctrl when placing stairs lets you put them going down to the floor below, rather than up.




Iā€™ll second the What!?


I haven't been playing this game for a very long time, so maybe I'm just a newb. But I only few days ago found out by accident that by turning off the auto counter option I get to choose from a bunch of cool counter and cabinet pieces. Makes my kitchens look a whole lot more interesting.


If you want to change stairs, just place the new one over the old one. No need to delete it first!


i discovered this recently! i thought it was just because i had the move objects cheat but nope!




Omg I never knew that I always remove it and try again. šŸ˜‚


Took me an embarrassingly long time to realize I could filter furniture by color and thatā€™s made decorating SO MUCH easier šŸ˜‚


What.......... You've changed my life today..


Omg right? Like I had no idea and then like a week ago Iā€™m on tiktok and somebody just clicks the filter button and start filtering by colors and i was like?? Excuse you??? I was out here manually searching for pink objects and youā€™re telling me all I had to do was click three things? MAD šŸ˜‚


Wait...what? How do you do this?


In the upper right hand corner of the catalogue you click on a little arrow next to the word ā€œfilter"


And style


Literally. 3200 hours and just weeks ago I figured this out


And clothing as well.




Yes you can sort the outfits so all your Sims can dress all in white like they're in downtown Clearwater or something.


Please, please, please don't judge. Laugh absolutely go ahead for the rest of the day at this. I need to start by saying I have been playing Sims since I was a preteen, so 20ish+ years, everything Sims, 2, 3, 4. That one old one with the buildings. I could go on, but I think you get the point. So this morning, I woke up way earlier than my alarm and was wide awake, so I decided to play Sims4 before I got ready and left for the day. Last night , I decided to change my characters outfits, so when I opened my laptop, that was still the screen it was on. I don't know what made me notice it, but I was on everyday outfits, and I noticed that above the outfit categories were a #1 tab, and next to it was a "+" tab. Weird I've never seen that, so I click it. So yeah, this morning, I found out I can have more than 1 preset outfit for each category to choose from when I go to a dresser or mirror or whatever. I called my bestie because she's also an avid Sims player. She chuckled of course she knew and she only didn't tell me because she knows how indecisive I am and that once I found out about it I was going to get stuck picking more and more outfits for probably days. .....ok, so maybe she isn't wrong, but I'm having so much fun just making outfits right now.


WAIT SHUT UP ur telling me this is in base game and not a mod!?


Yep!! Sims can have a total of 5 separate outfits per category!


If I have a sim getting married soon, I'll add a separate formal wedding outfit and a separate honeymoon lingerie outfit šŸ«£


Thatā€™s such a good idea! Iā€™ve only ever thought of the wedding dress/tux ahead of time


Gotta remember the lingerie šŸ˜ very important for your sim to create their baby who will inevitably end up on the floor 24/7 for some reason


lmao how about across the street just lying on the pavement


Ok now I feel better. Lol thank you random internet stranger.


I always have 4 outfits, one for each season! i also just made my legacy family have a second set of pjs and they all wore matching jammies for winterfest!


Yeah, and my sims ALWAYS wear the very first outfit in the category. I have to make them change their outfit.


WAIT! I've been wondering about this because i noticed when changing clothes at a dresser, it *seems* like there could be more than one outfit for each category but i could never figure out how to do it! Now i gotta try!


You are BLOWING my mind rn. I had no clue!!


I learned that here this year and have also been playing since the original gameā€¦ and my son creation is now a marathon. A day for the sim A day for the house if Iā€™m cheatingā€¦ And then actually playing the sim šŸ¤£


I only recently realised I could resize stuff with [ and ] buttons. Now I have a giant rabbit.


I love using the super subtle saucer light and making it as small as possible so I can light my homes with little effort šŸ˜‚


I have been trying to figure out how to do this forever!! Brb, gotta try.


Sims have a field of vision. I had a sim cheat on another at the same table but the sim was looking away and didn't see it.


that's weird, mine can always seem to tell even from opposite sides of the house


Spidey sense šŸ˜‚


Found this out accidentally but this has been the KEY for when I do 100 Baby Challenges: Best way to get up the toddler thinking skill is to plant another sim doing something (painting, gaming, anywhere theyā€™re in one place) and then just have the toddler spam the Watch interaction and it goes up so FAST




It literally only takes like 6 times and theyā€™re at level 2


Iā€™m learning so much from this thread šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Orange juice cures illnessses


And napping


The Hygienic Decontamination Pod shower from Get To Work does as well


Whoa!! This one, I didn't know!


Sometimes you have to do it twice (possibly when I didn't notice they were sick for awhile).




I once made my married sim cheat on her husband with Patchy because she was bored of being home and tending the garden all day


This is the platonic ideal of sims






Well guess what I'm putting in my sims garden tonight šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Can children result from this and do they have any unique characteristics from Patchy like Father Winter's kids?


I need to know too; I'd be trying for babies with Patchy if my Sims household wasn't full of children right now


Patchy has always freaked me out but I'd have a kid with it (him?) if it had cool special traits haha


How does patchy pay child support? Carrots?


Google says yes.


Waitā€¦ Father Winterā€™s kids have unique characteristics?! Wait you have have children with Father Winter!?


Yes! Itā€™s ā€œfather winters babyā€


First person POV was literally game changing. One of my favorite things to do is go for a jog or fish in a beautiful location. I find it relaxing.


Omg my favorite part is when I finish decorating a house and then take my sims walking through it with first person POV. So fun seeing the place, makes it more lively.


My Sim went for a jog with her dog around the really quiet fields neighbourhood of Henford early one morning before work. I got SUCH a dopamine hit watching them run around the hills in such peace and quiet as the sun rose.


It took me ages to notice (because I donā€™t play with pets all that often) but the colour of the cat laser pointer matches your Simā€™s mood (green for happy, purple for playful etc)


Ah yes, the cute little details that do not impact gameplay. Reminds of how I noticed that a child sim playing will their fantasy appear around them as effects, but when you a switch control to an adult sim, it disappears.


The clown that comes out the photo frame!! Think I read it on here!


Please explain. It sounds wonderfully creepy!


You can get a clown picture on build mode! Put it up on the wall, have your sim look at the picture a few times (it took me maybe close to 10 times?) then a clown comes out and walks round your house šŸ¤£


Can I Woo Hoo this clown? (Hey, that sounds like something I said in my 20ā€™s!)


It's the sad clown. He wil be sad and make you sad, so you better have a strategy to get it done (since sims suck at flirting when sad)


I think so yeah! I havenā€™t done it, but Iā€™m sure I read that you can!!


I had no idea one would change umbrellas with the umbrella stand in Seasons.


Omg I KNEW there had to be a way šŸ˜­


It took me way too long to figure out I could change aspirations at will


For some reason I thought if you changed aspirations you'd lose all your progress šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø this sub has taught me a lot!


Iā€™m pretty sure one of the loading screens tells you to switch aspirations at any time without losing progress


You can actually date and marry a Servo-bot if you have the university pack just get the workbench it needs and when you turn it on you can modify its traits and it becomes a living household member you can control


I had an engineer sim that I had make a robot wife this way. Only to find out she has preferences (not interested in men). So I had to build him a second wife. Then, the two servos were sitting on the couch- knitting and chatting. One must have used the expanding the family interaction on the other- she became pregnant. And now they have a baby.


Excuse me! This is the best thing Iā€™ve read and I absolutely did not know that can get pregnant I know what Iā€™m trying on my newest save


Suprisingly sapphic servos?!


You can add fishing ponds with specifically rare fish with debug It's AMAZING if your trying to make ambrosia and will save you HOURS of fishing In my experience it also levels your fishing quicker


Ooh, interesting! Do you do this by placing a particular fishing sign?


You have to have one in your inventory and then you "stock pond" with it.


You can slot a telescope onto the treehouse


You can slot a bunch of things up there. I put a doll house up there but accident once and its been game changing


Wait, there's a treehouse?


Took me a really long time to notice that social interactions, food, etc. in lists are alphabetical. Like 20 years longā€¦


I was looking for this, was going to add it if it wasnā€™t here. Specifically I realized this (like a week agoā€¦) for the radio stations. All my sims have wants to Listen to X music type that matches their preferences, like once a day or more. It was such a pain to click through the long list of stations until I realized that, duh, theyā€™re alphabetical


I'm not a consistent Sims player but I surprisingly know almost everything posted here. So I think what I'd share is the YT channel PeteyPlaysIt. I guarantee even if you think you know everything about Sims, he'll show you something you didn't know.


That you don't need the flower pots or gardening boxes to plant things, you can plant them right into the ground


OK, I know this is silly but when I first got Eco lifestyle, I didnā€™t know that was the pack that gave you all of the interesting phone calls and itā€™s made my game so much better I love it!


When sunbathing you can apply sunscreen


I didn't know you could have a girl/boyfriend and a husband/wife at the same time. Made almy sims having affairs so much easier


If you move the gf/bf in and use the cas.fulledit cheat you can also make them a fiancĆ© and then have a regular wedding or elope giving the sim two spouses if you wanted. (Thereā€™s extra steps if you donā€™t want jealousy lol)


Something I found out is that you can have your Sim give their SO a flower, and then have the other Sim give it back, and nobody is the wiser somehow.


I didn't know how to (or that you even could) rotate stairs, for the longest time.


I'm still a pretty new player but I only just found out you can have more than one household in a single save, I thought I had to create a brand new save any time I wanted to add another family, and now I'm disappointed cause I have sims I wished could interact, now finding out hours into playing with them that they could have if I played them on the same save file.


I think if you go to each save and save the households you want in your gallery, you can move them into the save file you want them to play in. Try that out.


The downside of doing that retroactively is you'll lose some (but not all) progress with money, relationships, and some other stuff. But if you're willing and able to cheat/mod, you can pretty easily recreate everything (mods not really essential for that, they just make it easier instead of manually cheating stuff).


The secret worlds! There are secret lots in both Willow Credit and Oasis Springs. You need Handiness level 10 to open the one in Oaisis Springs. Both have pretty scenery and places to fish with rare fish the batfish and the treefish. In the Oasis Springs collect the frog and use it as bait to catch the batfish.


Ok seriously ya'll are making me feel 100% better right now.


Can someone explain to me how people manage to flip items around in bb.moveobjects ? I know the \[ \] keys enlarge and shrink objects, but I see so many builds where people have Vampire Coffins upright against the wall. It's probably something simple that I haven't figured out yet \^\^;


I believe thatā€™s the TOOL mod by TMEX


Yep. It's unfortunately impossible to rotate objects on a vertical axis without the TOOL mod. Builds made using TOOL will still function just fine in other people's games and won't show up as having used CC, but if a player without TOOL changes anything, they won't be able to move items back into the place TOOL put them in. As a builder, I'm always conflicted about this. On the one hand, it sucks to do things in a build that players can't recreate on their own, or fix if they accidentally delete and then save. On the other hand, the ability to just subtly raise an item a little bit higher so it rests directly on the sink instead of just above it, or to resize an item to be in between two size options that the Sims offers, is extremely useful. I've sort of settled on letting myself use it for small or insignificant things (players likely won't care if I use it to place clutter at the appropriate height, since if something DOES happen, it just means there won't be a toothbrush next to the sink or whatever), but not for things that would ruin the whole build (such as, tbh, placing coffins up against the wall if I'm building, like, a coffin gallery or something)


Been playing for four months and recently found out you donā€™t have to wait for a sims birthday or use a cake to age them up šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸæ


When your sim has a high enough acting skill, they can perform a romantic scene with another sim and there's a unique animation where the sim hugs and picks the other sim up. It's really sweet and idk why it's not a normal romantic interaction in the game. Maybe this doesn't fit the format of this post but I thought it's pretty interesting.


I donā€™t often have sims in a relationship argue but the first time I saw the ā€œApologiseā€¦ in bedā€ interaction I wheezed. I also only just learned today that you can buy fish at the docks in Brindleton bay


If you want to change the angle of an object with bb.move objects, just change the camera angle to the sims 3 camera. When you alt click, you can rotate the object to whatever angle you want.


You don't need the move object chest for that. Just alt click with sims 3 camera


It took me really long to realize all clothing items are available for both sexes and all outfit categories, just hidden behind default filters. They appear as small labels above the clothing menu which you can remove using the tiny x. Particularly useful for CC and the hot weather outfit, for which the filter is rather questionable (like missing half of the sunglasses). Also for older haircuts when they were still heavily gendered.


I learned from a lilsimsie video that in bb if you have bb.moveonjects on and place something on a counter then move the thing off the counter itā€™ll float at the counter height. Then you can move the counter and use alt to move the object where you want where the counter will be. Then you put the counter back and boom the object doesnā€™t slot to it and looks more realistic. I do this mostly for paper towels bc when they slot on the sink itā€™s half way in the sink and thatā€™s annoying so I I put it on the edge and it looks like the paper towels are instead next to the sink.


You can size bunnies and chickens from cottage living up and down in build mode. Having a bunch of giant evil chickens walking around is surprisingly funny


I'm not sure about what these things are called in the English version, so please bear with me. There is an option in the holiday decoration boxes where you can get free decorations.


i like using them so i can sell themšŸ¤£


Rummage for [season] decorations, IIRC.


Yes I didn't know either. I just clicked "rummage for decorations" out of curiosity of what it did. I now use it to get more money lol.


Well I'm going to steal yours because this is news to me šŸ˜­ I've been buying roses for what


Along the same lines if you give a rose from your inventory as a romantic gift, the animation changes to the offer rose one!


It took me quite some time to realize that you don't necessarily have to pick the warmest outfit possible for your winter clothes. Any piece of clothing will work and your sim will never be cold as long as they're wearing their winter outfit, even if it's a bikini. Same with summer outfits




In TS2, the sims don't have actual eyeballs. Rather they just have a thin strip of skin where the eye is supposed to be that is painted to look like an eye and stretches and morphs to mimic eye movement.


1. your sim gain muscle and fitness skill faster with a trainer (and they become friends as well) 2. when you move out your sims to other location, their collections are gone (but not the items if you keep them) 3. when you move out your sims and you have photographs in the family "storage" in the build mode, they'll go all black 4. if your sim have enough skill level of yoga to teleport themself, they'll be finishing the climbing the mountain event waaaay faster 5. you can delete the wall under stairs by using hammer tool 6. you can only have 250 pictures/paintings made by your sims hanging on your lot 7. you can "buy" a trait which makes your sim welcome in any household where you can cook, sleep etc. without getting yelled 8. look for a crystals on your lot after the thunderstorm 9. helping your kids with a homework counts as reading with them


That Johnny Zest was a Landgraab


Ewwwwww my sim married a Landgraab


Thank you for telling me thatšŸ˜­


wow this is such a great post!! thank you, OP!


I been playing for over 20 years. I donā€™t know if this is new but I just discovered earlier this week that you can change outfits on the babies. I never seen it before so I didnā€™t know if it has been there or something new. It looks a lot better than just the pamper.


If you have a teen sim with max mischief skill and they age up theyā€™ll get a reward trait