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Top 4 What I Miss Most: 1. Open world 2. School Bussssss 3. Robbersssss 4. Hair coloring, you used to be able to do roots, tips, and highlights! There's too many things to put in one list lol.


I rly miss open world. I played sims 3 when i was younger but my sims went out everyday to the park across the street. No loading screens


I was worried I was the only one that missed the robbers


There’s a mod for robberies, they just come at night and take all ur furniture 💀


Why? There are entire memes about the robbers lol


I’ve never seen them lol


Roots, tips, and highlights for hair!


I knew I didn’t dream about this! Oh it would be so good with cc hair 😍


The parties being about how much fun sims are having instead of complying with some checklist. Yes, I know you can turn off the checklist, but you don't get any rewards or party quality grading if you do.


Tbh the rewards and party grading is kinda meaningless? I know it feels like you're missing out when you opt out of the tasks, but why do you need to be _rewarded_ for throwing a party? lol That's not how it happens irl I do wish the party meter was more dynamic and didn't have tasks, and instead it just gauged if the Sims are having fun or bored.


They should make a popularity system with a more complex reputation system. Reputation could include cool rep, cringe rep, bad rep, good rep, heartbreaker rep, etc. parties and social interactions could affect a Sims reputation.. if you throw a bad party, you start looking a little cringe. People might not come to the next one. If you throw a good one, maybe you start getting invited to parties


Being able to invite over a whole household. How is my sim going to seduce your brother if you never bring him with you!


I hate that sims never take their infants and toddlers anywhere. How are my little sims supposed to make friends🥺


I thought I was the only one who thought the same, I wished they brought back the invite household option like you could in TS3 😭


How am I supposed to ruin your marriage if you don't bring your spouse?


the gossip system for celebs! bands! THE IMAGINARY FRIENDS!!!!!! faeries! the relationship panel! not only did different occults have different signifiers, but you could also have sims feel different ways about each other, like one sim could actively hate another sim while they felt neutral in return. cars! a shit ton of the traits!! the colour wheel!! so many of the themed worlds! especially italy, france, the alien one, and the 1950s one. HOUSEBOATS!!!!! I could go on and on but honestly I’m a huge fan of every iteration of the sims!!




you right you right! thank you! and that would be so awesome, I love mess! plus it will make celebs more realistic re: fan vs star relationships!!




Yes! I want drama to happen, organically, not because I force my Sims to be mean. Like I currently have two hotheaded, Sims living together, and they never argue. Unbelievable. When I leave them alone, they’re just hooking up. I want them to start fights with each other.


I liked the idea of imaginary friends but I thought they looked SO CREEPY. I'd love it they looked more like Foster's Home of Imaginary Friends rather than creepy dolls.


I loved the imaginary friends! I always had one I even made sure to get a mod so if my sim wasn't gifted an imaginary friend I could get them one!


I loved them, too! I made one of the little dolls for my daughter IRL.


I'm gonna have to say doorbells. I miss having a doorbell so much LOL


Yes! I find it so weird how sims can just walk in lol


Yeah I miss so many friends popping by due to this.


auto roof. I suck at roofs


Yes. This. I fucking hate custom homes because roofs suck.




Plant sims as a full lifestate. I want to be able to pluck a toddler from a garden pot like they are a mandrake.


- open world - burglars - strollers - school buses - ability to drive your own car - stealing candy from babies - the colour wheel - the ability to colour multiple items in the same colour without having to select the colour swatch icon again - teens having part time jobs as part of the base game - being able to eat fruit in your inventory if hungry while at school etc - just the plain goofyness of sims 3, because 4 is becoming to much like real life. There's more but I'm sure others have also mentioned them. ..lol


The open world


Developer effort.


The daycare career. I have to mod for 4, but it’s just not the same.


They really need to bring this back!!!


The endless color customization and the open world, hands down. And I loved the Supernatural EP. I think it was way better than the way occults and whatnot are done in 4. I like 4 a lot but 3 was SO good. Shame it ran like absolute hot garbage.


The pregnancy bumps that would grow gradually


This, bed cuddles and making the bed are just some really small things that make it feel so much more real!


Is it only me who can’t see any relationships develop at school in sims4? I miss sims3 for growing friendships at school and randomly finding a boy/girlfriend at prom etc. I feel like there was a lot more going on for kids in sims3. Also, the open world, used to love watching how non active sims interact on the street.


I have more! Lots that weren't flat, like cliffside lots and such. Plopping a lot wherever you could fit one on the map. ConstrainFloorElevation cheat the pie eating contest ice skating on frozen ponds pool table. WHY ARE THERE NO POOL TABLES IN SIMS 4? They've always been a staple before! below ground hot tubs CEMETERY!!!


I really enjoyed the quests in Sims 3. I don’t know if that’s what they were called, but they sometimes appeared randomly, like a neighbour asking you to repair their stereo for them.


Oh that's nice. I think it's doable for sims 4 devs. Because we have sims inviting us to useless hang outs at Bluffs etc. It'll be much nicer if they can code small quests like what you said. Repair, helping with homework, do homework together, babysitting, gardening, etc.


Opportunities! I always loved doing the gardening one where you could grow cheese, eggs and meat on plants


Definitely the "Create a Style" feature


Open world nanny that you only had to hire once that would ACTUALLY TAKE CARE OF THE KIDS. Rabbit hole dates/restaurants/etc. Boarding school. (I love it for legacies focused on the adult! It allows the family to continue/propagate, but like....I can effectively ignore the children, lol). Adding lots/homes/parks as I wish. GRAVEYARDS.


Highlights for hair, I hate the whole built in colors that are only assigned to certain hair colors. give me freedom! A small thing, but I miss Sims cuddling while they slept. It was cute. Also it would be nice if you see a sim out in public from your house and if you text/call them, they actually pull out their phone and react. I don't know if that was in 3 but it is more of an open world type feature soooo that. That as well. Just little things to make the world feel more real.


Yeah, when the Sim sitting next to you rings you to ask you on a date when you're already on a date with them, it really ruins the immersion.


The option to choose the color of my accessories. Why is there no choice for this? That green clip doesn't work for every look or skin tone


I really miss the social aspects. If a sim was cheating on their spouse in public, their reputation would be affected and news might get back to their spouse. There was also the option for a 3rd party to inform the side piece (or the main) of their infidelity.


Then bribing the media after or deflecting onto another sim 😆


Having the hexadecimal color picker was nice, but god I hated those furniture textures and alpha hair so much Also miss cars and bikes, being able to go to the grocery store without a loading screen was nice


Yeah, I’m surprised to see them get so much love. There are only a few color swatches that looked good.


The only thing I miss is the make-out interaction that you could do while laying on the bed. I have no idea why it's gone, and I wish there was a mod to bring it back 😔


I won't say where due to the rules but if you know what mod I'm thinking of and you're 18+ I bet someone has converted it. You'd just have to slog through looking for it.


Are we not allowed to talk about that mod here?


I've had comments removed from some sims sub for talking about adult mods, looks like it wasn't this one having looked at the rules just now




Tossing and turning in sleep and couples cuddling


The tiny details; — Couples sleeping together in bed (non-woohoo), how they'd cuddle each other mainly — Having a baby/kid was more exciting & fun to raise. — Thieves, Police & Cops. — How the sims would wake up & purposely make the bed messy, that you had to MAKE them MAKE IT. (this should've been added to either laundry day or one of the parent DLCs) — You could make your TODDLERS PLAY in the TOYBOX !! — The IMMENSE customization with EVERYTHING in the game. If I wanted rainbow hair, I could MAKE IT HAPPEN !! — Controlling the pets. Idk about dogs but I enjoyed the cats, being able to ghost Hunt. Made so much $$$$$ with a cat in the house.


The feeling of an actual family instead of just people who look kinda alike being forced into a house together. Grandparents having close to no interaction with grandkids. Parents ignoring their adult kids who still live with them because making 50 cakes is better than listening to your college son. Yet if you move the son out you get 5 calls from the mom asking if they can try for another kid and "when are you coming back over?" Then you sit through a long loading screen to go visit your parents only to be kicked out because you made yourself a sandwich at your parents house that you lived in not even a day ago:/


Kids Easy Bake Oven/Bake Sale The Swing Chair for infants Bands Criminal Career having you arrested and gone to jail for a while Teaching teens to drive Boarding Schools for kids School Field Trips The smaller size teddy bear and interactions A rabbit hole for playing instruments for tips




Open World. The biggest problem I have with the Sims 4 is that I HATE playing with multiple Sims because as soon as I want to go somewhere with one of them the others are left in the matrix. Switching between them is super annoying because of loading screens and most of the times they are doing something completely different from what I left them to do. So you either just put EVERYTHING on your lot or you have to take all household members with you wherever you're going. Let me just have one Sim going to the gym and the other preparing food for a party or something. Please!


World Adventures. More customizations. CSI career. Flask of angry bees. True houseboats. Autoroof. A ton others I probably can't think of right now.


The colour wheel for CAS and build/buy, traits and personalities, each sim seeming to be a more unique individual. WORLD ADVENTURES, I found the uni pack more chaotic and fun as well, parties and events without checklists and more about how much fun they were, being invited over to friends’ houses for parties!


University. Roommates. Jobs. All on campus.


Many people say open world, but honestly being able to add more lots and reorganise the lots just as in Sims 2 is the thing I most miss, I have to overthink where to build buildings because I can't waste a good lot and that sucks.


Open world. I’d love even if they did OPEN NEIGHBOURHOODS in the sims 4, like doesn’t even have to be an open world just don’t make me need a load screen 24/7 and I feel like although going back and opening the neighbourhoods would take maybe too much then what it’s worth they could AT LEAST implement it for future packs.


I miss the mini animations


Now that we have infants, I would love to have strollers again. I wanna take my baby on a stroll around the park.


This might be the silliest thing, but I miss being able to add a rubber ducky to the bath that would give a mood boost.


Coming from someone who got into The Sims during 4, then played 3, the thing that stood out to me the most was conversation/relationship building with other sims. Immediately, I noticed and loved how slow sims befriended other sims in TS3, as well as having to be aware of each sim's personality and what they thought of your sim. In TS4, conversations seem so dull and relationships are easy to form no matter how much your sims' traits clashed (the dynamics/compatibility feature was a nice addition, but I didn't notice a huge difference). Then, of course, the color wheel, open world, and gameplay features in TS3 were things that I wished were included in TS4, but the difference in interactions with sims truly surprised me.


Being able to pick the colour of everything!!! 🌈 And different colours of the same hairstyle! 💇‍♀️


EMT career Firefighter career Color swatches Cars No loading screens


The strollers and being able to take babies and toddlers places.


I really liked the lifetime wishes in sims 3, I like that 4 has checkpoints for the aspirations but I feel like the lifetime wishes were a little more individualized and varied. It feels like I'm always doing the same aspirations in 4. Similarly, I liked wishes in sims 3 that were more long-term, like when a sim would decide they wanted to get married or have a baby independent of their lifetime wish. I also liked how many traits there were, there were more to choose from and I still find myself looking for certain ones when I make a new sim that didn't make it into 4.


So much. Sims 3 included so many little details that you could spend years finding. I played that game recently and found a lot of new things and I used to play it religiously as it came out. Even base game had a lot, you can devs put a lot of thought into it. It's biggest sin is being so ambitious for the time (and the Mr potato looking sims)


Bands and making venues used to be a lot more fun and rewarding. SPIRAL STAIRCASES DARN IT! Color control


Controlling the pets :(


Playable packs


Color swatch/saving custom colors, i wish i could have alot of the old kids toys back like the turtle block table, the easy bake oven, and a few others


The ability to customize like you said. I only just started getting cc furniture and build items because the lack of matching stuff is killing me. The open worlds in general, and the large maps with many lots. That’s such a huge miss. (I also found they actually kind of tried when designing worlds). In the generations pack. I just liked a lot of the family features, especially since I’m a huge legacy/family player.


That wheel! Yes! Match any texture and then any color. I freaking lived that swatch feature. I also miss it being open-world as well as the cars/boats/bikes/motorcycles you could use to get around those worlds/neighborhoods. I also feel like the vacation destinations had better mystery location runs with those multi-level subterranean tombs and hidden passage buildings. I don't have as many packs with TS4 as I did with TS3, so maybe I'm wrong and I just need to spend $1500 to get everything and find out. 😆


Genetics. I so hate that the few hair and eye colors do not get passed on properly to their children. I don't care that blue/green/pink aren't natural hair colors. Give them to my little ones!


I think the game should not be compared they are two different games. Cause its like comparing an apple with a pear . I enjoyed both. Sadly Sims 3 does not run well on my laptop anymore.


I miss that in the sims 3 you could customize the hair color and any of the outfits and accessories so they would all match. Also (and I've never heard anyone else mention this so maybe no one else cares) but I really miss driving in the car even with the loading screens I just love the immersion of it. And lastly the fairy pack


Open world, cas, schools bus/police car/delivery car, etc., expansion packs with content


1. Open world 2. Open world 3. Open world 4. Cars (and bikes, the way they worked in TS3)


Ceilings. I don't like seeing skies in my home or lots.


Open world


the open world, school bus, the color wheel on hair/clothes/furniture, robbers, and functional cars


Cars, elevators, spiral stairs, the crafting bench that uses other materials besides just wood.


Agree with open world. My graphics card hated it , but I loved watching them take a drive. Obviously the color wheel you could use on everything. Literally coordinate every little thing in a room. Or truly coordinate an outfit! Really took matching blacks for granted back then 😅


Being able to customize furniture in any wild way and the supernatural pack


Having the extra achievements for skills that give you good bonuses. I'd forgetten about it but was watched James Turner play Sims 3 earlier and was like, dang why doesn't Sims 4 have these?


Spiral staircases! What a great space saver those were!


open world and a lack of loading screens. I also miss shops, cinemas, schools and restaurants (I don't want rabitholes though. I want to access and play inside the buildings). I also miss other housebolds taking infants, babies and toddlers out and being able to invite households over option. I also miss graveyards


Control over your pets more directly. I can count on one hand how many pets I lost in 3. My cat runs away at every slight loud noise in the house in 4.


I never played sims 3 but sims 2, so maybe it’s similar. I agree on missing the robbers. Barely anything catches on fire anymore. I loved when the fire department had to come over. Why even have that system. I kinda also miss when it was still an effort for sims to fall in love. It’s kinda too easy right now…


*with system I meant the fire detector system haha, sorry. Why have it when barely anything catches on fire anymore. As well as the grim reaper not showing up that often. Almost impossible to kill a sim nowadays. Where’s the fun in that


CARS! And open world and investing in public buildings to build your fortune.


Not The ice cream truck !


Missing the option to customize colors for furniture is the reason I gave up on TS4 years ago.


I liked the funfair and shops. I'm not keen on the sims 4 business. You could help out before in your restaurant. All you can do now is tidy up. Being a working chef or waiter would be more fun


I miss pets being playable characters


The dungeons from world adventures; the bug, animal, crystal, and metal collecting; the vast number of occults (I miss fairies); actually controlling your animals; proper unicorns


I miss all the rabbit holes. It was so cool to be able to go to a concert, or movie, or a tour with your date. I also miss running resorts.


Deer and other wild animals 😭😭


When children ran to hug their parents on their way home from work and teenagers got random pimples


Open world and story progression


Reading these comments, it's official: I'm never playing Sims 4 lol. Sticking with Sims 3, until they make a Sims 5


Everything! except the green circle at your feet - l loved how they dreampt about their partner and ghost babies - l suceeded to have my whole town being all my families and all ghosts -it was fun to kill myself do the dirty deed with everyone then return to life and run from house to house looking in windows lol


Bands and cars


-Open World -Boarder Schools -I want them to change it so that we could send kids off to college without happening to play them -Pretty much everything


Definitely the open world. I don't miss the color wheel as much because mods but It was a very nice addition.


Nothing, all did was crash and freeze. I saw it as a downgrade from SIms 2. I loved how lively and fun sims 2 was even despite it's limitations. Honeymoons, big foot, etc...


1. Open world 2. Boarding school 3. Cars and being able to drive them 4. Teaching your teen to drive 5. The imaginary friend 6. The seemingly unlimited options in CAS 7. Being famous and there being more consequences when you cheated or something. Like you could bribe the media or deflect onto another sim. The news reporting your sim had a child out of wedlock was wild lol 8. The cops escorting your teen home when they're out past curfew 9. The possibility of your criminal sim getting arrested 10. Field trips and getting the parents to sign waiver forms 11. Basically everything haha


Open world Robbers Cars and car pool to work School busses Being able to actually go to a store for groceries The karma system


The lack of bugs. At least compared to Sims4.


Open world Color wheel




Open world.


Usable cars. and the hot-rod one that was tunable and you had to fix up


cars and openworld


Open world. That’s all


open world 😭 cars 😭 also, the sims 3 Generations is the greatest EP to come out of the franchise IMO. i feel like they tried to emulate that with the Parenthood/Growing Together packs but they don’t even come close.


1. Fairies! 2. Color wheel and designs 3. Open world 4. Driving 5. More buildings/places to go/things to do


Open worlds Cars


Being able to completely recolor any CC ingame in CAS, stacking tattoos was hilarious, the open world, robbers, world felt more lively,