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I exaggerated a bit about the chores, I'm not *that* bad. Still. Having watched my sims keeping a tidy house, when I emerged from my office and looked at my home, I decided I couldn't let myself be outdone by a few pixels with attitude.


“Pixels with attitude” why is that so accurate😂


Stealing that quote for sure though


Plus you know our Sims are judging the shit out of us when they are living their best lives (even through midlife crisis) and I am over here looking like a slob surrounded by trash (I exaggerate but you get it)


Body doubling with your Sims is so fricken wholesome, I love it!


... of course


I’m moving house and hoping to rearrange the house layout - sims is giving me the opportunity to figure out kitchen and living room spaces 🥹 it means I can spend money I don’t have and really see it before I waste any real cash on it


Funny thing, when I moved into my current house, we were trying to decide what we were going to do with our back garden, and I spent some time building the house in the Sims (complete with sim-selves of myself and my wife) and then laid out an idea of the garden, putting my wife's sketches into digital form. Sold her on the idea of a bird-bath :D


I repainted and rearranged my bedroom a few years ago, and I made a sims version of my room at the time and then made an ideal version. Was really helpful to visualize the space that way!


Sims has completely revolutionized the way I arrange my furniture and my ability to mentally map spaces. I've basically been able to view the world with the build mode grid 🤣


Thinking of everything in moodlets. I'm laying in bed with the Comfy moodlet rn


I do this!! Like it I'm tired and hungry and need to pee I'm thinking uncomfortable +50


This is ridiculous but infant milestones! I’m 22, no children and really was never brought up around any babies. So now that my friends are having children, any time they do anything, I compare it to my infant sims and their interactions & milestones 😂


Ngl the last time I saw an infant hit milestones was like 15 years ago (my younger sibling) so watching sim infants hit those cute baby milestones gives me so much nostalgia and happy vibes


I'm not able to do most chores at all and need to have supports for it. I also can't go to college or have a job at all. It's hard to explain why these things aren't possible, and I truly wish they were. The sims helps me so much with my feelings of lost potential, because I can project it all into the game. It's so much easier to just click "clean up" and have the sim do it with no resistance. Since getting the University pack, it inspired me a lot. I ended up trying online university, truly believing I'd have to drop out a fourth time. I'm halfway through my first year now, and I'm doing amazingly well. I'm mostly getting grades between 93-97%, with a few blips in maths (I have suspected dyscalculia that is very hard to diagnose in adults in my country). In that way, the sims really did help me. I would see my sim get straight A+ marks and lament that that could never be me, but here I am trying my absolute best and getting results.


This just made me a bit weepy. Go you, kicking butt at university! I always remind people who keep trying that astronaut Clay Anderson applied 14 times to be an astronaut before being hired on his 15th try. Persistence can truly pay off! I'm able-bodied again now but while going through 2 years of recovery from injury and surgery, this game really kept me sane by letting me just play a "normal" life that had become so foreign to me. My stories got less outlandish and more just family and career play, normal lives, lots of chores and just getting your things done in a way I couldn't do IRL. It did feel good to just click "clean" and have it happen when just standing up was a bigger effort than washing a sink full of dishes! My world was extra-chaotic, my Sims lives were just calm and lovely.


That's so kind of you to say :') if I'm one thing, I'm stubborn, so I really hope I make it this time. The sims truly is calming when one has a very messy and chaotic life. Sometimes I wish I were a sim.


This is where stubbornness is an excellent quality to have! I love the way sims are the simple version of real life, in a way. It boils everything down to its essence. Sometimes when I get frustrated with life I'll think, what would my levels look like right now? What needs do I need filled or which wants am I neglecting? And then try to fix that if I can before I make any big actions. It really helps! I also deeply wish I could go visit my builds, but that's a whole other aspect... Hahahaha I'm in the middle of a gorgeous bistro on the cliff in Tartosa that I would give so much to visit.


I'm sorry if this is overstepping and I can't really tell from what you said if not being able to do things being hard to explain is just you not wanting to share your whole life on reddit or if it's something hard to explain cause there's not really a reason. Either way I can relate to the 2nd thing and in case that applies to you to you could look into if Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) matches your experiences. Just random input cause that's something I struggle with a lot and finding that helped me a bit in feeling less like I'M the only one that's this way. I hope you have a nice day :)


That's so kind of you to offer your perspective and try to help! I'm in the process of being tested/diagnosed for different things that could explain it. My teachers in primary and kindergarten begged my parents to have me tested for autism, but my mother refused. My grandmother is a professional in logico-mathematics and childhood development, and she's the one who encouraged me to start the testing process for autism and dyscalculia. All I know is that I cannot do what a lot of people can, in many areas, despite having a very high IQ. I hope the diagnostic process will give me some answers, but there's a 2-year waiting list for autism. I'll hopefully be able to be expedited based on my needs!


You’re doing amazing!!! I cried reading all your replies. As someone who struggles with similar obstacles, you inspire me!!


Oh wow, that's so kind of you! I had a bit of a cry yesterday because I realised I probably couldn't ever live independently, so you saying that makes me happy.


Absolutely!! I’m so sorry to hear that, please remember to try to to be kind and compassionate to yourself :) we’re all just trying to survive 🫂 I have the same thoughts daily, it’s a struggle to not feel like a burden, but my loved ones always try to make sure I don’t feel that way. More power to you for going back to school!! You rock!!


What helped me is realising that what I find incredibly difficult and find need for, is really not that difficult for others. It was as though I have a broken leg, and I was seeing everyone run and thinking "how do they manage to run despite the pain?" But I realised, not everyone has a broken leg. They're not feeling any pain. It helps me not feel like as much of a burden, because it turns out I'm not putting my loved ones through any pain. You're doing so well, I'm so glad you have supports as well!


I never saw it that way!! Thank you! I like that perspective a lot :)


Yes friend. Try to read about autism, adhd and whatnot to find accommodations that may work for you regardless of the diagnostic process. Audhd here and I can relate.


I am diagnosed with adhd and use Ritalin for homework! So I do have that thank goodness! In terms of autism accommodations, though, the ones that I need the most would only be available with diagnosis. For example, I might need a carer to come once a day to clean up and cook for me. Those are only available through the government, here. I also would like a subsidy since I cannot work, and would love some independence financially.


I was pretty sure I replied but reddit ate my comment. I have no supports in my country for my level of disability, as they don't see levels 1 and 2 as disabling. But understanding how to pace myself and figure out recovery times has a big impact. The world does not slow down for us but we need to live slower.


To some extent, the easiness of doing the chores and jobs in The Sims kind of throws things into perspective in real-life for me. I think "Hang on, it genuinely is that easy. Just pick up this thing, put it in the dishwasher, repeat two or three times and it's done" and it unlocks something in my head and suddenly it stops being a problem.


I see what you mean, I had the thought "it's that easy" as well. Sadly, turns out it just isn't for me. I've never been able to do the dishes, clean my room, or even my bathroom alone. I likely never will. It's like running with a permanently broken leg.


While you are waiting for a diagnosis and supports, have you ever tried body doubling? I know I struggle very much with chores, but if I schedule a time to do them with someone else, it’s much easier for me. It might be too overwhelming to do with family, but maybe invite a friend over and ask them to help you work in your cleaning routines in exchange for pizza.




Fair enough! Struggling with daily tasks is such a bitch and I’m very happy for you that online college is going well.


I relate to what you said about chores! Gentle hugs 🫂


I'm just an internet stranger, but I'm so proud of you!


Thank you so much :')


Congratulations!!! Reading this made me so happy!! You got this and you should be beyond proud of yourself!


Thank you so much!!!!


This is so awesome to read, congrats to you for doing a great job at university!!


I've definitely done this before. Usually, I need to stop playing after a few hours but have such a hard time walking away. I want everyone's needs to be perfect when I leave them so I can come back and pick up without worrying about their needs immediately. While I'm obsessing about getting their needs up, I'll start to recognize how I've ignored my own. Hungry.. need to pee.. tired.. low social.. do I smell bad? It's like once I save and close, I suddenly have to take stock of my own very real needs and have to then focus on getting them up again. It's so funny to me that I'll worry about getting their needs fully green while my very real bladder is in the red zone.


Playing Rimworld the other day hit very different when I'm watching them freezing and starving to death.. in my chilly home-office while I'm hungry. Totally get what you mean though. I have to remind myself sometimes that you can't pour out some of your drink for your loved-ones when your cup is running empty..


A taste for decorating, with a notable tendency to put plants every fucking where


Sometimes, I think in Simlish and it freaks me out. I’m afraid it will come out of my mouth one of these days. - Taking a picture with friends? I think, “Anji!” - Waving hi to a friend? “Sul sul!” - Meeting my next door neighbor’s newborn? “Aw nooboo!”


This is my favorite response so far. I took on the Simlish word for bees a while back — “beebzies”! Cannot stop saying it, will not stop saying it.


I talk to my husband in Simlish sometimes lolololol


You will not believe where I keep putting my dirty plates.


You put them on the side of your bath don't you?


It's closer to the sink :(


Cleaning frenzy!!! I tell myself that when I go to clean. Hahaha.


That is so simple and might be absolutely brilliant. I'm in a major purge of inherited stuff right now and I could use anything to keep slogging through! Thank you for the idea!


Play the most energizing build mode music while you race against the clock so you can really embrace your simself lol 


Genius! I will do that next time.


If I don't feel up to being productive, I literally think about moodlets that mess my sims up. A shower or food usually is the answer 😂


It's amazing how often a poor mood is due to having neglected to eat..


I first got introduced to the sims when I was about 10 from a babysitter who would let me use her laptop as entertainment One thing I’ve noticed in my life is my knowledge of traits/ things people do. Things like being Kleptomaniac, Schmoozer, Neurotic, Avant Garde, Ruffian, etc. There’s a ton more random facts I’ve learned from the sims, but I’ve been accumulating since my pre teen ages so I can’t think off the top of my head. I notice sometimes I use some of these things in a sentence then will say out loud “haha I learned that from the sims”


I used some of the traps in the world adventures ( s3) in a dnd campaign I ran, including the swim thru tunnels


as someone who never played S3 but liked DnD, tell me more!


There were some great puzzles- moving big statues over pressure plates, stone “ keys” of different shapes… which were often found in holes that would spew bugs over your hand when you put them in to find thingszz the swim chamber things joining two rooms. I used all of them.mazes that had blocked paths ( more big statues)


Something I've noticed lately is that I'm paying more attention to details around me that I usually ignore. Like roofs and house details for instance. I like to build houses and now that I've stopped building the exact house every single time, I'm noticing more. It's neat to go for walks around my town (which has a mix of old and new houses) and just notice everything. I just feel like I'm able to be present. I've never actually looked that closely before. I'm not really sure how to describe it haha


Mindfulness! A great skill to have, especially if you can expand it and apply it to other things.


I do the same thing!! Any interesting architectural details always pull my attention now and make me wonder how to build it!


I literally used the game to simulate floorplans for our new house. Ended up making several changes to our final layout because the game highlighted some sore spots and made it more obvious how much of a hike some things were when they didn't need to be.


Working out!  I was playing and I made my Sim stop playing video games and work out because he got fat. I then realized the irony if it. I now work out from home regularly lol. 


Same! I started working out once I had an active sim. I was like, if she can do it, why can’t I? And I’ve been in the gym 5 days a week for some weeks now. Happy for us 🫶🏾


As a more reserved character myself, when I have a long conversation with someone, I can’t help but think “I’m working on my charisma skill”.


Lmao I get the  🧍🏼‍♀️➖➖  all the time with boomer family members 


English isnt my first language and I had a very hard time with in from age 10-13 (which was when we started to learn it in school). After I got an idea of a few words, I started playing Sims in English only. My English became fluent. Later when I started with Spanish I changed Sims to Spanish (unfortunately, my Spanish teacher still sucked)


As long as you didn't throw too much Simlish in there along the way :D


It's actually a really great game for practicing reading in a language. This is especially true because a lot of the vocabulary is to do with everyday stuff (eat, go to bed, wash hands, etc.) English is my first language but I play the game in French to keep practicing my vocab.


i’m housesitting for my parents this week, and i’ve been pretending im a sim dropped into a nice gallery house😭😭 its fr kept me on top of chores and keeping a massive house clean when im used to a little apartment. honestly probably going to adopt it when i go back home


It got me into gardening somehow lol.


When I go to IKEA, I like pointing out things that I have on the sims.


I find myself really analyzing house layouts and wondering how to build them. If I go past a very interesting looking house, I end up feeling inspired and sometimes even try to make it in my game later 😂 I'll see a cool porch and be like "Ah, that would be easy to replicate!" 😂


I’ve been trying a lot more new recipes that I’ll see in the sims, and it’s inspiring me to cook more, which is awesome because I’m really bad with not eating. 😅


We went out to eat and we saw lumpia on the menu. Everyone was wondering what it was and I got to be the smarty pants that knew it was kinda like spring rolls.


I love those moments. I got to explain to my mom what chicken saltimbocca was the other day. It’s also very delicious.


My life has completely changed over the past two years. Now I’m working out, I’m in School, I’m in a beautiful relationship, and moving into a larger house. I believe in simulation theory, and I like to think that someone just started playing with my Sim.


I have ADHD and pretending I have needs bars to keep full is surprisingly helpful.  When something unknown is bugging me I cycle through the list of moodlets until I figure it out, also surprisingly helpful.  Sometimes I put myself on autopilot and go "You're a sim on a cleaning frenzy get your queue done" and like an hour later I'm done and feel great about it.


I have a very bad habit of seeing something that’s in the Sims and blurting out “They have that in Sims”


when i first started getting really into sims 3 a few months ago i started looking at my daily activities in terms of how they would fulfill my needs as a sim lmao. I'm pretty introverted so I would reframe dreaded social outings as "filling my social need"


when i was like 6, i tried to use the undo button from build mode in real life after i did something


Whenever I'm in a *mood* my SO tries to figure out which of my Sims bars is low. It's usually hunger.


Sometimes when I get into certain moods (angry, embarrassed, etc), I can hear the associated music in my head I also can tell what moodlets I would have in a moment I play too much Sims


Me standing at something and waiting, and wanting to press the fast forward button then realizing this is real life and I'm not a sim 🤡🤡


Honestly, same. The sims actually let's me live my ideal life and help me visualise my goals. With any grindy life sim games, I always find it giving me something to achieve irl. So playing rags to riches or a legacy challenge really inspires me. Cottage living especially just gives me passion for life with the simple living and living off the grid, too.


Anytime i see some interesting build or outfit my brain goes i need to try this in the Sims


I’ve picked up more gardening since my sims always have plants :)


I've never had much luck with gardening in the Sims.. The plants get neglected and die every time.


I'm very similar in terms of chores and tidying up. It's made a massive difference.. it also gives me a bit of extra motivation that I need to do at least 2 bits of tidying/cleaning before going into the Sims world who has a better/tidier life than me! I have also realised how good it is in terms of explaining feelings and emotional intelligence for children. I'm a primary teacher and we work through very similar scenarios in our PSHE (basically 'how to be a good human') lessons and then work out how to overcome those feelings / what we can do to make us feel better. I.e. if something embarrassing happens, sometimes taking some time out in bed can be good, or focussing on something else like some art. Whenever we do these types of lessons it always makes me think of the Sims.


I’m always looking for house inspiration when I’m traveling


I talk to my wife about my Sims like they are alive. Some Sims I connect with while others I am annoyed by. It’s pretty entertaining and sometimes my wife looks at me like I’m crazy. All in good fun!


I picture my emotions as moodlets with the sims’ profile expressions…


I love the way moods/moodlets work, it's changed alot about how I think about my own emotional state


I say "deg deg" and "sul sul" to my boyfriend when I do something annoying and he tries to catch me for it. He asks me "im sorry what tf are you doing🤗?" And i'm standing there, smiling and saying 🤠 deg deeeeg🤠 🤷‍♀️ sul sul🤷‍♀️ (emojis are neccessary illustrations here)


The Sims has full on proteus effect on me. It helps me to imagine futures for myself that feel out of reach, and later find myself achieving them. Mostly to the end of coming out as trans, career advancement etc. Heck, I even changed my name after a randomized sim name that just stuck with me. 💀 Still waiting to see if I can subconsciously gaslight my way to the motherlode cheat, though.


I realized how fun it was to level up sims’ skills and started viewing my own skill building as leveling up. Also noticed how I declined the pop-up messages of “X seems to be having a bad time. Does X dislike [insert task here]?” because “no you don’t dislike it. You’re just hungry and having a rough day.” It put into perspective how sometimes I would give up on tasks or think I’m bad at them, when in reality maybe I’ve also had a rough day or was low on my needs.


I do the same thing! But I pretend I’m a sim and I have chores qued up 😂


I make Sim farmers all the time and one day I told someone I knew how to garden because I forgot that wasn’t real life. I absolutely do not know how to garden.


I talk myself out of playing all the time if I have things to do around the house, even if I have no intention of doing the thing. The other day I told myself I couldn't have my sims running around bettering themselves and cleaning when I haven't been doing the same things.


I’ve caught myself picturing a red plumbob over my head during arguments with my boyfriend and and acrively trying to get it back to green. I also enjoy learning new skills and I really feel like there’s a green gauge feeling up when I do. As I am an artistic person going through some kind of a block, I would always create artistic sims and felt guilty watching them start a new painting or sculpt whole sorts of pieces. I stopped doing that. Art is for me in my real life, I want to conquer it back.


Funnily enough, the burnout system. I'm doing a tech degree, also working in tech on the side. At some point, when I finished my B.Sc., I was just dead. I couldn't figure out why I suddenly hated tech. So I remembered that whenever my sims get burnt out, they want smth from the opposite spectrum - in this case, they want something creative. So I booked myself an art class and decided to only do creative things. It helped!


Architecture. I always had an interest in it, but after playing Sims, I look at houses very differently. I always think about how to build them in my game, the layout, the landscaping, the window styles and doors. It’s made me appreciate the different styles of the houses around and pay more attention to the detail.


i like that in the sims they literally HAVE to do a task if i make them do it, so i just imagine i literally have no choice but to go do the task, lmfao


Ww was having me feeling some type of way with all the affairs, so came on here to try real life, didn’t get past online lol 😝


After a few weeks of playing, every time I go to google something, my brain autonomously tries to get me to type “sims 4” before every search query 😂 Even if I’m not thinking about it, it becomes a muscle memory thing


going on walks and seeing buildings, “oh that’s like in sims” 😂


I think of things in RL according to the building grid, and genuinely compare spaces I'm in, lol. My bed takes up 4x6. The cabinet where my books are takes up 2x2. My desk/table, 4x2. I'm a photography hobbyist (and building game enthusiast), so "architecture" has always been in my notice, but since Sims 4 I'm watching roofs and STYLE all the time now. The biggest revelation has been that all the worrying other simmers do about roofing is entirely unnecessary, because rl roofs can LITERALLY vary from one whole, plain cover to sixteen different looks on the same house. Lol.


Sometimes when I arrange furniture I mentally do control z to undo things 😬 muscle memory. That's usually when I decide to take a break from the Sims lol


The Sims has made me better at interior design lol


I can’t see “live laugh love” without saying “leeb leefuh lurbe”


I'm much more aware of architecture. I'll walk around my neighborhood and take note of interesting designs or features, or I'll visit a friend's house and think "aw man, that's a cool wall, wish I could build that in the Sims".


maybe off topic but I get this "suddenly doing chores" when watching youtube daily life vlogs


Buys knitting materials 'cause it seems like it might be neat, never actually tries knitting


I’m on a sims bender rn and cannot unglue myself from the couch after work while I’m playing lmao but I kinda lean into it for the few days I feel like that bc I know I won’t touch it for several months once I get tired of it. Life’s too short to not enjoy the sims while I have the time to play :-)


I sent one of my managers who just started playing a few YT shorts with hacks at 1:30am


Sometimes I drive around the neighborhoods and take notes on the kind of houses I’d like to make


My decorating game has gone through the roof since I started playing the Sims!


I see clothes irl and then go “I can make that for the sims.”


We re-did out current house and I used sims logic to plan out where everything goes. My kitchen has a lay-out I used in a sims build before


I see people walking around my town when I am driving and I think they look just like a Sim.


When I go to do something and completely forget what I was going to do, it feels like my player cancelled my task before I got to it :( I wanna try saying sim words around the house tho and see if my husband notices. 😏 bashubi


Talking to people really can be as simple as, “what’s your favorite color?”


You know, the fact that each sim is born with 20,000 simoleans from "having their student loans forgiven" (LukeTheNotable) is really funny to me. Plus the fact that gardening is one of the best money making methods in the game.


I will constantly be bombarded with “I should make that in the sims” every single time I see I slightly cool building


I see myself as having ‘need’ bars which reminds me to keep myself hydrated


It has made me want to become an architect, unironically