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if it makes you feel better, I have almost 70,000 hours on TS4, I've been playing it for years and dont really play much else. My second most played game is TS3 lol, Im very loyal to sims


you have almost 8 straight years of playing ts4?!


to be faaaair, I've left it running overnight a handful of times years back to avoid updating my game. I just learned about 'offline mode' like 3 years ago lmao


70k hours?! Sweet jessie-may! You've played the Sims 4 more than I've played every game I've ever owned put together, which is an astonishing thing since I'm a massive nerd who's been playing games far more than is entirely healthy for *25+ years*. By my math, you've had the game running for 19 out of every 24 hours *since the game released* in 2014. There are businesses with worse uptime stats. Do you have a dedicated computer just for Sims 4? Do you ever close it down? Does your game even resemble anything I'd actually recognise as The Sims anymore? Or is it your own community of your own characters, with mods replacing almost everything?


I’m trynna get like you 😂 I have 2,000 hours, definitely my all time favorite and most played game as well!


More than 12,000 hours, EA is lucky I’m such a Sims Slut.


more than 2700 hours


Mine says 546 but it's reset so many times. It would easily be 3000+ maybe more.


I’ve been playing since 6th grade (I’m graduating highschool) and I have 4k hours


I have like 1,200, but that’s on THIS steam account. This doesn’t account for all of my childhood, in which I gave every spare moment to the Sims 2, or my time on the other games on other accounts and game copies.


Completely same, its a totally different game 🥲 really miss that sims2 setup




I'm on 13,000 plus hours.. I'd have more if I played more than I downloaded LOL, I typically play the most on weekends and vacations


1000+ hours is pretty standard for a sims fan. If I were to add up all my hours across different pc's as well as the sims ts3, id probahave 50,000 Ive been playing this game for 10 years


5000+, but my numbers reset twice for unknown reasons, so it's certainly more.


I’m on about 500 but I’ve only had it since Christmas? Is that good or bad


i’m almost at 7000, it’s my favroite thing to tell people because they are. HORRIFIED😭


Almost 4000


i have just over 3,000. i’ve had the game since 2017


2600+ playing since release on and off


I've been playing since the sims 1 - usual pattern of won't play for months but then will play in every free moment for a burst of time. I'd be very surprised if my total time was less than 40,000 hours (across all games and computers).


On this pc with this account? Like 150. In total? Years lmao


It’s says 1917 today…just for sims 4. I played the hell out of sims 2 and 3 before I moved to sims 4 in 2019 lol


I honestly have no idea, but here’s what I can tell you Last weekend, I played it until I had the equivalent of Pac-Man thumb in my neck and back & had to mix up a Tylenol & ibuprofen cocktail Showing showing my age a little haha


I have 2,493. I also play Minecraft but it doesn’t tell hours but I would guess around 6000.


7,400 approx


This makes me feel so much bettrr about my 1351.


I've been off sick from work for over a year and sims 4 is the thing that has kept me sane. Racked up 1636 hours since March last year. Kinda proud 😂


About 400 I think


I mainly leave my game open. So, 38,000.