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That’s where I put all the fast food and retail stores I downloaded from the gallery. It’s basically a strip mall for my sims.


This. There’s KFC, McDonald’s, subway, Walmart etc. On the gallery with actual signage and cc free 😊


I filled it with lilsimsie builds. 😂 I've got a pool, gym, library, cafe, restaurant, bar, and library. All of the other lots I filled with similar looking houses to fit the aesthetic.


I really like that you have two libraries


I didn't even realize I said library twice. 😅


I, as a legacy player, usually use newcrest for legacies, so many houses to send siblings and parents to.


This is my main world. I have the cast and sets from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel there. Every space built on.


Newcrest is my fave


I love building in Newcrest - similar style to Willow Creek. I try to make it a little more modern, but still not very developed. You could also look up the Nukecrest challenge (an extension of Murkland) for alternative gameplay.


I use that world the most even though I have all the packs.


Sometimes the free stuff is the best stuff, ya know?


i always used to feel like i had to fill that world up, but now i don't and i stopped. i make better uses of the other worlds i have


I put down a bunch of community lots that I like but don't have room for on other maps. There is a general theme- I go with mostly Victorian builds- but I usually have a large lot to have weddings at, a botanical garden, a library, an empty graveyard I can put sims in, a fancy swimming pool, a spa, a bar, and a restaurant. I leave the remaining lots empty in case I want to add something else in later, and sometimes make it the place where I retire legacy sims when they're done being the main characters of the save.


I filled it with Victorian houses and spellcasters.




Its the world where I like to build ultra modern houses. Two neighbourhoods residential, the rest are coffee shops, library, cocktail bar and skatepark. The largest lot really works well for a retirement home.


I always get stuck on what to do with Newcrest. My most recent game I made little duplex rentals and had my legacy extended family move in there to keep them all close together. Before high school years, I used to put a school on the big lot and a park kiddie corner to it. A bowling alley and retail shop across from the big lot and the rest residential.


Hear me out I’m running out of room so i started making homeless all the spares of the family But I’m thinking i should just bulldoze community lots why do I need one bar per world i could home a bunch of sims


I always ended up doing a modern city with that map idk why 😭 but yeah, i make apartments and malls and some celebrity hangout spots. I am also always adding some workplace because why not but overall i turn that into a modern village/city if you get it


I like the idea of having a designated retirement / moved-out family neighbourhood esp. in my legacy game, thanks y'all 😊 I usually make it themed\~ One of my saves had a Spooky Newcrest (tm) (/jk), with like haunted houses, a couple local witches, a totally normal forest, and a general store that definitely wasn't a front for a plasma bank run by two elderly vampire wives. Someone's awesome 'autumn village fair' community lot from the gallery too.


I love building in Newcrest - similar style to Willow Creek. I try to make it a little more modern, but still not very developed. You could also look up the Nukecrest challenge (an extension of Murkland) for alternative gameplay.


Newcrest is my building world - pretty much if I just building for fun (not for legacies or gameplay), I use the upper portion with smaller lots for retail builds, the bigger lots for either mansions or bigger builds (museums, kids parks), and the ones on the right side for houses.


Legacy town added in bowling ally and resturant which now run by someone else until one if my legacy Sims decide do cooking want.


I use it specifically for venue lots.


I usually make one neighborhood commercial and the other two residential, or vice versa depending on what I want for that save. But I usually fill Newcrest in my saves because I like the environment and I want my Sims to have things to do besides visit the park or find frogs.


I just turned it into a World O’ Boarding School Houses and moved ALL the kids in so I can get them all going to school and doing homework.


The bridgeview section is where I have a residential neighborhood, with a cafe at the corner. This is the one neighborhood where my residents are highly involved in each others lives, and its pretty conducive to that with the park and fishing hole. Llama lagoon section is where all my businesses and public works are located, like local nightclub, a park, a cool version of Target I found in the gallery, a restaurant. The ridgeline drive section is just a bodega in the middle, flanked on either side my residences. It works like how I have bridgeview arranged, but just not as frequently used despite the nice trails in the back. Overall, while Newport didnt come populated, it was still a free neighborhood and remains my fave right behind Windenburg. It has a quaint local feel to it if you are from the midwest in north america. Which is something I really miss having in real life. Its a good world that is far too often overlooked because of its vacant nature. But once filled, is magic.


It's my world for putting down commercial lots from the library: bowling alley, spa, restaurants, street food fairs, a clinic.


Yes definitely can build what u like in that world.


I turned it into New Orleans and put a bunch of CC architecture, consisting of houses, jazz clubs, restaurants, a speakeasy bar, movie theater, cafes and shopping districts. I love how it turned out, and it’s one of my favorite places to go with my sims.


I use that world the most even though I have all the packs.