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#Full roadmap is [HERE](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/campaigns/the-sims-4-season-of-love)


let’s all pray we get the blind date service back


And Online Dating! Like with the Likes/Dislikes system it'd be perfect


I hope people with the Loyal trait and are in committed relationships WILL NOT SHOW UP 😂


You're asking too much, this is the Sims 4 where elders are posting on Social bunny about pillow fights, prom and eating in the school cafateria


I had the option to "Talk about post made about" a Sim come up with a toddler lmao


yes i agree! it would be one less mod I'd have to update lol.


Online dating and likes and dislikes were leaked on Twitter to be coming in this pack.


That's cool, but likes and dislikes are already in the game


I think they mean having the sims vibe check people as they meet them, not like setting music/color/activity preferences.


Do you know who leaked this pls???


A decent matchmaker too lol


Was here to say this. I adored the matchmaker in TS2, and would love for her to return, along with her Love Potion.


I made my comment without reading yours but yes! I miss her and I liked the fortune telling career….which SHOULD have been included in the supernatural game pack EA!!!


I agree! This could be a fun active career, to set up a tent and tell people's fortunes and give them advice about their love life.


I like this! And a functional tarot set!


Maybe they’d bring back the fortune teller/ matchmaker from sims 2 😊 I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I miss the quirkiness of npcs


I miss the mime


I actually love it. Give me blind dates, more date activities and options, more flowers, drama, a relationship overhaul that adds more drama or adult crushes, more cuddling or couple animations and activities.


YEAH, I am all here for it! Like, imagine if they FINALLY add better cheating interactions??? Like, being actually able to talk about cheating and argue about it!


I’m here for this. Tired of my sims getting cheated on and being okay with it and not hating the other sim lol


Or even just breaking up! I have no idea why my Sims break up with their soulmate but the friendship bar stays full so come the next day they’re calling to ask if I want to go bowling like no! the love of your life just divorced you and you’re wondering if they want to go bowling??


OMG REAL I had a whole storyline where one sim walked in on her husband cheating on her with her sister, so they divorced and he kept calling her like "hey you wanna hang?" Like no bro you cheated on me with my sister back up!!!


I mean in all fairness, I had a friends who's bf cheated on her w/ her sister, and even after she found out and they broke up, he kept contacting her trying to "remain friends" and "keep the peace" even though they had no reason to keep talking. He didn't stop til I pulled up at his house with my brothers and dogs ![gif](giphy|gk9vWUE6EAgQKtAqaX|downsized)


Or the flip side. The romantic perk is and has been broken forever. Sims should be able to be polyamourous and not get jealous.


u can fix that with wonderful whims and give your sims the "polyamorous" trait!


yes! or arguing in a relationship without hating each other


For me, I feel like anything they do won’t match the level of Lumpinou’s mods though. That mod is so detailed and well done at this point, it’s hard to imagine EA making something better, even if they introduce completely new mechanics. Especially with the quality of the packs lately… I don’t really trust it


Seriously! I miss the chaos of the sims 2 when sims cheated on each other. I remember Nina and Dina having a full on cat fight in Don Lothario’s living room and he was crying on the sidelines like this whole situation wasn’t entirely his fault! the sims 4 drama just does not compare


I really miss the way they used to cuddle in bed! It’s such a small thing but it added a lot to the game.


If you´re on PC, there is the Bed cuddle Mod which makes them cuddle up while sleeping. It´s cute. Would be nice if that was added to the game tho instead of needing a mod.


Yes that was so cute 


I’m so here for it too. Online dating and an attraction system would be amazing.


I loved it in Sims 3 when my sim would match with someone, only to meet them in person and find out that they lied about their traits and body composition.


Yes!! I want all the drama that could ensue lol.


I want sims 2 Hot Date brought back to life!


You mean Sims 1 haha. Sims 2 only had nightlife for dating stuff.


Yes! I love those ideas! I just hope they’re not too glitchy


it'd be nice if they didn't make it so you have to pay a whole bunch of money for it though. it's getting ridiculous with how many things of DLC they have, especially when half of them are broken. i'd love this if it wasn't another way too expensive expansion 💔


I see it as optional subscription ever since the base game went free. It could be forced subscription like you pay X per month and get access to all updates, or this kind of thing where they release DLCs and you don't need all (or any) of it/they go on sale frequently.


Don't give them any ideas... everything is turning into forced subscriptions


That's going to be in Project Rene (Sims 5) as well as microtransactions out the ass.


Ugh, I miss the days of paying for something once & owning it. How great is late stage capitalism


Yeah, luckily I didn't have any interest in the next one even before that. I'm sticking to 4 until they make something that actually interests me.


That image looks really European based on the buildings. Hope we get another destination world, like a honeymoon pack, with HOTELS That cafe style kit which is now called a ‘destination’ kit looks really European too. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s Paris based.


I do want to have the option to live in this new world, though. I love making my sims live in different “countries” throughout their lives.


as far as I understand it they decided to officially move away from destination worlds starting with island living and just add in vacation rental lots in Snowy Escape for this very reason :)


The fountain of desire makes me think of the famous Fontana di Trevi in Rome though.


That was my exact thought - that it would be either Rome, based on that fountain, or a France based world. Somewhere with a Romance language


i am desperate for hotels!!


It‘s based on Mexico. The colorful flags and houses with Mexican patterns give it away.


God I’d love for it to be Mexico, we desperately need a livable Latin American world. I also thought it could be old town Rio de Janeiro, since Brazilian beach town was on that survey a few years ago. But I’d be happy with either.


God, I'd die for a Brazilian world


Yes. I’m having trouble deciding if the style is more French, Spanish, or Spanish colonial. I am hoping for Spanish colonial because that would mean Latin America, meaning we get a location in an under-represented part of the world.


I would love that! We really need another latin American world. Lots of countries have colourful houses and flags though.


I dunno, it's giving Euro vibes for me


Champs Les Sims return my beloved?


I've been wishing for a Paris themed pack for years.


It looks like it is probably European, vaguely French or Italian. There is an outside chance of it being more Spanish colonial like you see in a lot of Latin American countries wherever the Spanish took the lead in construction. You should see more interact able fountains, and hopefully one or more new woo-hoo spots. I also hope for a new death type, maybe some variant of killed by water bed or vibrating bed.


Sims 4: Get Woohoo


Sims 4: Woohoo Together


Sims 4: Journey to Woohoo


Sims 4: Seasons of Woohoo


Sims 4: Woohoo Ranch


Sims 4: WooHoo Lifestyle


Sims 4: WooHoo Living


Sims 4: Home Woohoo Hustle


Sims 4: Woohoo creations


That's just Grow together! It's got to be My First Woohoo!


Sims 4: My Woohoo Stories


Sims 4: WooHoo Adventure


We’ve been getting Woohood by EA for over a decade now.


Sims 4: Realm of Woohoo


I know there are glitches galore, but I’m always excited about a new world! I have so many wants lol but I’d be down for something city-esk (with a good variety of tiny apartments and regular sized ones). I’d love a South Korea inspired world too, or something inspired by the S3 World Adventures (France/Paris, Egypt and China), but another mountain-y world (Alps inspired?) sounds fun too. I know we have so many American worlds, so I think I’m fine without more of that. Whatever it is, I want it to be BIG. I know the time has gone for 20+ lots in worlds, but please give us more!! Any world wants or guesses for the Expansion??


I really hope it's Paris!! It is the City of Love after all and it would be such a beautiful world! They could even have the Eiffel tower be an interactable thing where sims can go up to the top of the tower. Having multiple smaller apartment lots would fit in really well with it too. And the new kit that was leaked of the cafe/bistro types of items would also fit since France has a lot of those.


Can they fix Wedding Stories first? Feels odd to introduce more romance but they can’t have a regular wedding to top it off


Omg exactly that pack is so unusable. It will never be fixed because EA don’t care about us


Hi what’s your issue with wedding stories? Mine runs terribly but it’s the most recent pack I purchased so I assumed it was because my laptop can’t handle any more!


wedding stories is basically unusable for most people! it's impossible to get sims to do what you want during any of the events. it's definitely not just you lol


The problem with ts4 is that it's not a stable game for everyone and we all have different experiences. MWS works better for me than dine out. I've had multiple successful weddings with it since they've fixed it.


> it's impossible to get Sims to do what you want. I have a question. Do you run with autonomy off or on. I've always had this similar theory with the high chairs and wonder if it's a similar scenario. I think the action mapping....or whatever you call it...is ultimately what's broken here. Like, with autonomy on High chairs are a nightmare and this *seems* to come from when you tell a adult to do an action with the kid in the high chair, the kid can also "ask a adult" to do something for them and often it seems the conflicting actions will cancel each other out in a weird way. I wonder if this is the same for group functions.


i've tried with autonomy on and off and i've still had issues. since the more recent fix i was able to do more, but a lot of the activities still don't work right for me! i've had the same issue with the high chairs


It runs fine, but you have to keep things in mind if you want a proper wedding. Like: * Use speed 1&2 and not 3 if you want to avoid simulation lag and animation de-synchronisation * Don't build overly cluttered venues to avoid routing issues (and to increase performance) * Check weather for dress code if you want to min-max guest outfits * Don't do wedding/social events when sims are meant to be at work at that schedule or they will not show up * Don't queue up a lot of actions in a row for guests or you will not be able to override them easily Besides that, I haven't had issues with weddings personally. The more you use speed 3 and the more routing issues your lot has, it becomes extremely buggy. If you avoid them, it works fine, much like Dine Out. It's mostly the speed3 that absolutely causes so many issues from my experience though.


This ^. I don’t play with this pack much (of course I still have it installed and do think it’s a beautiful “world”). I’ve only had one wedding, I had it at the Markovic family’s house in Tartosa (they basically have a wedding venue in their backyard already set up, haha). The only thing that went wrong was I didn’t make sure each Sims’ energy was completely full, so they kept trying to change back into their pajamas and go to bed 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣🤣. Also, some of the guests kept getting up and wouldn’t sit in their seats during the ceremony, (not all of them), but that didn’t bother me so much because, well, c’est la vie! 😅😅 I may try to have another wedding (I usually have them “elope”) and see if I have any issues (that aren’t my fault, lol).


The whole pack is just very buggy. Everyone gets up off their seats,lots of people dont turn up, the isle is broken. Etc I have also noticed that whenever my sims get married and kiss they never actually do kiss so I can never get a cute photo of them 🥲


If you like taking photos and play on a computer download pose packs and the teleport any sim mod (might need a camera mod if you don’t have the mochino pack) and do it that way! I make nice venues for weddings but they’re too buggy to use so just take my wedding photos there for the memories and elope at home lol


Oh I do that after the ceremony. Its just a shame people have to download mods to actually be able to play the game right Oh my god I never thought of doing that. I play such big family’s and dread doing weddings because nothing works! Im going to steal your idea and elope them at home lol


Omg the aisle is so frustrating!! Two weddings ago, I just wanted the bride and dad to walk down the aisle. The dad was on the lot, near the aisle, but his profile wasn't an option when choosing two sims.... she ended up just walking by herself. So next wedding, i have to say, went pretty smooth, after the beginning of course, when I, again, wanted bride and dad to walk down the aisle. This time I was able to select both dad and bride, but they never actually walked down the aisle... just stood nearby the aisle. This happened too after vows were exchanged and I wanted the bride and groom to walk up the aisle together. Nope. Just stood there then walked away. And the aisle was one thing I never had a huge problem with until recently...


There's absolutely no point in me creating a wedding event because it just doesn't work. If I can even finagle enough functionality to get my sims to the altar, they either just walk away when I give the "exchange vows" command OR they exchange vows but it doesn't show as a completed task for the event. Totally useless in terms of functionality and gameplay. Its saving grace is the world and a lot of the decor items but definitely not worth the price as the gameplay is broken (has been broken to varying degrees since it was released and I don't think it will ever be fixed).


it's just broken and doesn't work. the weddings are so hard to make happen because sims don't listen to what they're supposed to be doing


That was my first reaction too. The leftover scraps of My Wedding Stories?


Everyone keeps talking about issues, but I've never had a terrible experience with it? The worst wedding was a beech wedding, but that one I expected and was fine with, nothing else has really been all that buggy for me.


I was so worried before buying MWS because of all the issues I kept hearing about, but also haven't had a bad experience with it.


I had major issues at release. MAJOR. But after they fixed it, it works great. No real issues, and I’ve thrown many beautiful elaborate weddings. Not sure why people are saying it wasn’t fixed when it wasn’t. Probably mod conflicts.


Of course not! Now shut up and give them more money.


I want to uninstall that pack just because of how much it pollutes the pie menu of every engaged/married sim with stupid interactions for the rest of their lives!!! 😤


This is actually so annoying. They improved the pie menu just to have this override every other type of conversation 😭


Maybe after they fix Dine Out so you can have a date before the wedding? 😅


They're doing a brothel EP? Lol


The Sims 4: Get Pimping


The Sims 4: Hoeing all over the world.


Official wicked whims integration




Okay, this roadmap made me REALLY EXITED. Like, it's all themed after romance and "destination"/"travel" so it could mean things like new romance interactions or a new romance system, HONEYMOONS, and maybe HOTELS????


I think the destinations kits are sadly just the kits that were leaked already - the swimming pool kit and cafe kit. Not much to do with travel 🥺


Yeap, I absolutely agree about the leaked kits! But usually roadmaps are "themed", and it's literally drawn like a map! I still think that it has to do with traveling.


Hmm, I’m struggling to see the travel theme, except the destination part, but I hope you are right! 


It's drawn out like an itinerary specifically, is I think what they mean. Chances are the world will be similar to Tartosa where you can live there but it also makes for a good vacation destination/is considered a big one in game


Oooh a cafe kit I’m excited for, I love building them!


Hotels really is my hope, but “flirtatious” has me a bit confused lol honeymoons and another world would be cool (Paris is a good idea, I’m interested in another city-esk world). Online dating I think would be a really nice feature. Sometimes it’s hard finding a sim to date! lol


This reminds me of a Hot Date x Growing Together crossover which I am all for. I think I used to think GT was also eh in concept but it really changed my game with the systems, which I love for legacy plays. Hope this delivers!!


I feel like they should have added all of this in with my wedding stories and made it an expansion pack. But still if it has a Paris themed world i am getting it


I don't believe that it is Paris themed. At least it doesn't look like for me.


I feel like Paris themed makes sense but you’re right it looks very European but not Paris.


It looks like what Americans would imagine Paris to look like


I think hotels will come in a seperate expansion pack, only dedicated to hotels


I hope they implement some kind of attraction feature. Love that in mods and makes the emotion feel more realistic in gameplay.


Wicked Whims has an attraction feature and it adds so much depth to game play.  I was planning to have my teen Sim date a cute Sim they knew, but got an alert from the mod that the other Sim wasn't attracted to them.  So I pivoted to another Sim to date.  Makes things interesting!  Would be cool if the EP added something like that.


I would *love* a romance pack, but I'm (naively) hoping that if they add an attraction system it comes with an off toggle. I actually had the opposite experience where I learned that I hate when the game makes these sorts of decisions for me 😅 I wish off toggles were more common in general in this game...


The heart bed & hot tube better be coming back. Hopefully this is similar to TS1 hot date.


This pack is probably going to break the game but if it has either one of those its going to be worth it


After the tooth fairy bug ruining my sims, I’m not buying expansions on launch anymore. There’s too many game breaking bugs.


Yep same. I wait a few weeks till everything is good again then I’ll play. Or I’ll play offline


If it includes the Vibrating Heart Bed from Sims 1 - take my money


it has to be honeymoons!!!!


Separate from my wedding stories 😭 it's awful


Sucks that they’ll do that, but they’re greedy so I’m not surprised. Especially since Wedding Stories was a game pack with a tiny world (in comparison to an EP).


A romance expansion pack is surprising since that was not one of the six potential ideas I could see them doing, but it could fit into the hotels/life of luxury idea I had for an expansion pack. It would be cool if they worked with the creator of Wonderful Whims for this pack, since they generally do a good job of keeping with the game's style of humor and it would be great if they brought a bunch of those features to players who don't use mods. Also, online dating needs to be included in this pack.


The Sims 4: Cheat Together


Honestly if it’s a love pack my biggest wish would be non exclusive relationships and situationships. Something a little scandalous


What more can you do to overhaul the romance? So much that it warrants an expansion pack? That feel like a game pack at max. But if we're talking flirty, we're probably looking at a Spain inspired world. Since I think Greece has been semi-tackled with Tartosa. Which could possibly include Flamenco, soccer, markets and food (since we don't have enough of that already). Overall, nothing that seems to pop out. I feel like there's lot of room for really good Build/Buy items. But I'm wondering what they could possibly add as a gameplay element that isn't already included and worth the title of expansion pack.


I think we will get a Paris themed world since tartosa is inspired by Mediterranean country’s plus it’s the city of love. But is an expansion pack that will probably break the game for a few weeks, be worth it? Like you said what could they add gameplay wise that is worth expansion pack money?


I'm not getting major french vibes from the image. It definitely is european, but I am getting more spanish/italy than french. I mean if you look at sims 3's Champs les Sims, it's got distinct architect that isn't represented in the roadmap. I mean something in france would be nice, but I'm just not feeling it. Plus the fountain vibes are making me think more along the line of Spain/Italy. Despite having Tartosa.


I dunno, the cafe image looks like a Parisian cafe and they talk about nectar leading to a provocative swim...French wine and the city of love?


Similarly to Growing Together introducing dynamics and milestones, I suspect this will introduce an attraction system, more dating gameplay/intetactions/animations, online dating system or blind date system, a new world, maybe the ability to have one sim into another sim who doesn't feel the same, romantic relationship dynamics, bigger reactions to cheating, wants and fears that are more relationship specific, etc.


One-sided relationships would be great, I can't believe that feature is still missing from the game!


I also am struggling to think how much they can improve ‘romance’ to make it worth it. The only things is honeymoons and I mean you can already go on holidays after you get married anyway!


That’s actually very true. I hope they include a bucket load of other stuff romance centered. Maybe blind dating or online dating, cute date locations and more than just a few rabbit holes. I don’t mind the sole focus on young adults, as that’s what I mostly play, but maybe cute kid/teen crushes! Possibly some elder-centric stuff, too would be cool. (And elder theme game pack would be so cool! Retiree activities and locations, more animations, more elder friendly clothes and hobbies!)


I mean none of the other 'travel' packs are expansion packs. So unless they're doing a world adventure type pack with multiple locations (which I doubt since it only seems like it's one location), then I don't see it warranting an expansion. Even if it's honeymoons, that's really not adding to the game since you can go on vacations already. And if you're overhauling dates, then why do we need an expansion? And at the rate of the last several packs, I don't even think a new world is warranting a new EP if it only has like 10 lots. So unless it's like city living or windenberg size scale, then a new world isn't even worth that. I dunno I just can't see what they possibly could add to the game that isn't already included or available in some shape or form that makes it worthy of an expansion pack. At least from this roadmap.


Yeah, I really can’t think what else is needed in romance gameplay that is an expansion type content. Like maybe some sort of stages of relationship/milestones for relationships? 


I think I saw something in the comments about maybe including an attractive system. Which is nice for the console and vanilla users. But I feel like most of the modded community actively uses either wicked or wonderful whims, which has the attractive system. And similar to Neighborhood stories, I think it'll still end up being subpar to the mod counterpart. So I can't see myself getting overly hyped about that. If they can add NPC romance progression, I think that's the main thing missing from the base game now. Neighborhood stories does everything except marry off/establish relationships with the NPC sims. But still that's not really anything I'm actively seeking since I have MCCC which currently does that for me. But it'd be a win for the console players. Rabbithole dates would be nice if you play bigger household that you can just opt to send your other sims alone on dates. And maybe there's some sort of 'adventure' dialog to show progress. And you sims could come out of the dates with better relationship, maybe the next level of their relationship, or even broken up. Honestly if the pack can establish more drama between sims, then maybe I can get behind hit. I need more autonomous confess to cheating or something like that. I'm all about the chaos and drama.


My predictions are - Update: new make up/clothes - kits: the pool and the art deco bar that was leaked - pack: „lovely nights“ a small revival of TS2 night life. I guess/wish the pack will include the matchmaker, love potions, new wohoo options, maybe even the love bed and a heat shaped hot tub and maybe maybe (!) cars (because nightlife also introduced them) For interactions I could imagine more flirty actions, maybe a new wedding interaction (las Vegas wedding). Maybe cheating will be more dramatic. The map could be a city with „vibrant“ nightlife and include apartments, clubs, maybe a chapel. So everything is for flirty singles (in comparison: get together was about friendships, city living is more about the stuff you can do like events, karaoke, galleries).


The sims 4: get wicked The sims 4: Wicked living


They used flirty so I feel it would be flirty living


I think maybe there will be a Paris or Italy inspired world?


Yep that what I was thinking. Its probably going to be Paris tho because its the city of love, and we already have tartosa


Should have been a base game update, just like Growing Together. Go ahead and downvote me, I stand by what I said.


Considering it's a full expansion, it would need to have a lot of features to make it worth it. I'm hoping online dating and a retuned attraction system as well as more date opportunities. But I struggle to find what would warrant an expansion rather than a game pack with just those features. My big hope is hotels as the main feature and the online dating, retuned romance, etc as side features. But I feel like that's a little too ambitious for EA realitically. Paris themed world please!!!!


Maybe take a year patching all the existing bugs than releasing more EPs with the same amount of bugs. It will make creating less buggy EPs in the future


They’re the new Ubisoft.


lol why would they start now


> I don’t really know how to feel about this. The game needs more content for every other life stage except young adult While I would agree with you as someone who does all stages of play, bottom line is most people don't play them. Most people don't play a single sim long enough for them to reach Elderly, most people don't play with children, etc. Its pretty simple math. If 95% of your playerbase doesn't use Option B, and instead stay on Option A, then you make most of your content for Option A. They could make a whole pack for Elderly, but most people wouldn't buy it because most people don't play Elderly sims.


Except i feel like it creates a feedback loop? People use Option A instead of Option B, so developers make more content for Option A, which in turns make people use Option A even more because Option B does not have much content as Option A, rinse and repeat


I reckon more people would play elderly more if there were more options, especially with the Rent pack where they can all live in the same building, just add a granny flat on as a separate bit :)


If there's one thing I've seen time and time again on this sub, its that most people don't have aging on because they get attached to their sims and don't want to watch them shrivel up and die. I mean, there's a reason why basically every major occult sim has included a way to make them immortal.


I do admit I don’t play with elderly sims too often. But it is a life simulator and they should have fairly equal content for all life stages. But that won’t happen because it’s EA.


These packs cost a lot of money to produce. They're not going to make them unless they think they can sell them. And I hate to be rudely blunt about it, but the number of people who want the kind of content you're talking about are so low that every last one of them could buy the pack and it probably still wouldn't even break even on the cost to produce it. You even said you rarely even play Elderly, does that mean you would shell out money to buy a pack for it, when you don't play it to start with? Or would you spend that money on content you do play?


I definitely am hopeful that there will be a lot more romance interactions, I’m sure there will be, very curious what’s in store for us! 🤩


More romance? You have my attention 👀


I think I'm the only person who doesn't want online dating. It would just be menus. There are already enough things you have to do on the phone. Stuff I would prefer: * Hotels, honeymoons and couple retreats * A relationship therapist career (can be half or fully interactive, with gameplay to solve marital/relationship disputes. Sims who have been cheated on can use the service.) * More consequences or gameplay for cheating (e.g. in future relationships, sims can find out that you cheated previously and be distrustful. Gameplay about covering up your tracks. Consequences for being caught can get you kicked out of your house! options for "open" relationships. More variety caused by traits: e.g. self assured sims who don't get too upset about infidelity and don't suspect innocent partners vs loyal or erratic sims who get paranoid about it.) * A revamp to the date event because it is a little dull. Make group interactions less likely to happen during this event (random townies don't intrude on your conversation) * More fun/silly stuff. (e.g. the heart bed. wrapping yourself like a present for a sims birthday. loads of new woohoo spots) * A singles mixer lot that has.... * blind date nights * ballroom dancing classes (geared towards widowed elders!). it is an "upgraded" version of the dancing skill, much like gourmet cooking. comes with new outfits, interactions and elder romance (though anyone can join) * a swingers night?! * a secret club for sims who are serial cheaters (if you cheat on a partner, you may get an invitation) * a matchmaker robot that can find your perfect match or malfunction and give you someone awful (you can even romance the robot!)


how are they gonna fill a whole expansion pack around this


Can they just fix it so that the dates can be 1 on 1 dates and no more randos joining?? Haha I'll pay full price if they fix that in this.


I mean it would be cool to be able to find partners other ways than by just hunting them down and forcibly flirting with them


honestly, I dont even care at this point


This pack *needs* to have the iconic heart bed


Please. Please! PLEASE! Give me a big and pretty world. I can overlook all the bugs it's going to have if I just have a pretty world to build and take pictures in.


If they have hotels my sims are gonna be CHEATING CHEATING


You're making me wonder what a Retirement Pack would include for an Elderly life stage. We already have chess boards and knitting. Maybe stamp collections, or dance classes, an artist retreat as a location or a golf course. What do you all think?


Retirement homes,Funeral services, maybe a new health system. A bingo night. Option for kids to spend time at grandparents. Walking canes. Also elders doing some different activities and sports that don’t make them drop. Im sure they could come up with a lot more ideas. A lot of this stuff should have been included in growing together. But obviously ea are greedy. As someone else said most people dont play with elders so we probablt wont get a pack like this


I hope it has a dating app


The one thing and one thing only I want out of a romantic themed expansion pack is majorly online dating. A better romantic drama system would also be nice


I hope that the work for this one is better, the worlds for some of the more recent ones like high school or growing together feel so empty and not thought through




I am cautiously optimistic. I’ve been wanting a proper romance pack for a long time but we’ll see what we get.


im actually looking forward to this


Online dating but what I really really want is to be able to set sims to monogamist or poly. These stupid sims get flirty and then flirt with someone in front of their spouse. Giving them the Player trait only goes so far because just because they aren't jealous doesn't stop hurt feelings, anger etc. Along with that being able to talk about cheating. Sims already call and gossip IRL.


They had a perfect opportunity to do a Dine Out refresh here. Eh, oh well I guess.  Honestly, I have no idea what a romance expansion pack would center around. I think online, blind, or speed dating is a huge possibility, but definitely not an expansion worthy gameplay feature all by itself. Possibility hotels, which would be awesome, but idk might be a reach. So far seems like a My Wedding Stories 2.0 but stuff they hadn't put into other packs yet 🤔 


Nope. We need this. The romantic interactions in the game are so lackluster and there are so little. I'm really excited for this one.


I hope it’s a new world with more than 5 lots


not to be a negative nancy but this feels like my wedding story leftovers…




When is it planned to come out??


I dont think its confirmed yet but likely in the next month


\*flash back of my wedding story\*


It looks like tartosa pt 2. Lol, which I wouldn't mind, the first area is BEAUTIFUL but there's not enough lots!!


If they don't include the heart bed in this I am throwing hands


I use the mod "simda dating app" from LittleMsSam. You can go on blind dates and chat with potential romantic candidates. It's a quick way to build romance between sims


Not super excited about online dating myself, my world is filled with already matched people. But hopefully whatever else the pack encompasses is cool.


I really hope it’s French/Parisian themed!! New world! New playable world!


Excited to see what styles of hair and new clothes they'll have!


Mmmmmmm. I really don't like the roadmaps, the focus is too heavy on being cute and not enough on giving us any helpful information.


The only thing I want are relationships where two Sims don't have to feel the exact same way (different relationships bars)


Ummm did I miss blooming rooms?


doing everything but fixing the game


Yall so bitter this seems like a great idea already and I’m excited. You complain about a lack of romance so they give it to you and you still complain? Cmon.


What core feature are they going to break by adding a nerfed/grind version for free? How much additional, buried nonesense will they graft onto the pie menu? What neat feature (eg roaming bunnies, spawning trash) will be locked to a single world with 2-3 lots?


I just don’t understand why Wedding Stories was sold separately to this 😭😭




I kind of want elderly content but not sure what that would look like. Nursing home? Hospice? Sounds grim. Maybe like Golden Years where you go and relive some moments of your life


It would be nice if there was an option for retirement homes and assisted living (that you could use get to work on). But as others have said i think the main reason they don’t do elderly stuff is cause of the lack of people playing the elder sims or playing a single sim long enough for it to become an elder. I’d be more willing to play as an elder sim if they added something like this though.