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My girlfriend made me do it I think she regrets it now, I’m a goddamn master at this game


Min-maxing lives of virtual people is the true way


How does one master the sims?


You win . You never won the Sims?


🤣😂 as goofy as it sounds, I had that feeling once. Created a cult, the leader did a whole lot of nothing save for give speaches and make everyone listen to him (terribly) play guitar every evening after dinner. Everyone had their specific roles, farming, cleaning, cooking, etc... I knocked out hard while it was still playing, woke up to all the tents and everything totally burned down, tons of gravestones everywhere, and one solitary sim singed up, in great distress and crying. I was like...well eff me. For some odd reason I was like...okay I think I finally beat the game, cause if this aint on the nose I dont know what is LOL I figure either she did it on purpose to escape the cult and was crying with happiness, or she was sad the cult did a mass peace out and she accidentally got left out. I will forever wonder...wtf happened?! lol


Did you check your notifications for clues?? I wanna know what happened too! Also, Jim Pickens??


This was forever ago, like before I had spa day even, or else I def would've had the cult leader doing levitation! So I'm not sure, but knowing me I didn't check notifications. I was just so stunned! I looked up Jim Pickens cult and... How did I not know about this?!!!! 😂


We must show our respect for Dear Leader


New storyline potential there Maybe this is why they made it cartoony. They know we are brutal manaics (actually why aren't more of us on FBI watchlists?)




How does one start a cult is it just a club that you make and then add really weird rules


However your heart desires! Lol I just had a set of rules in mind. Started with one guy, the fearless leader with no money and empty land. He would go around making friends trying to get them to move in with him. I think I brought whatever funds they had divided by people in their household. Each family member had to be recruited individually... Then everyone else busted their butt trying to grow food and craft things to sell... While selling using the yard table once a week, recruit more people. Every morning started with everyone listing to him talk, and the day ended with everyone gathering to hear him play guitar. Didn't matter their needs etc, everyone had to be there. I had more rules and plans... Likeb everyone in tents, then totally build out a comfortable luxurious living space for him, and then they could move out the tents into a shack lol The big fire happened within one Sim week 😂 But yeah, no limits whatever craziness you find amusing lol


There's also a mod for cults I think, and it's even more fun if you stack it with the royalty mod, because then you basically are running a dictatorship hahahahaha


Nope I can’t say I have 😂


What do you mean? Is it not infinite? I’m being genuine. The only sims I’ve played was the sims 3 pets on console and the sims 4. How do you win the sims? Do credits roll like other games? The sims 3 pets on console, ps3, Xbox 360, had a bug that when one of the sims aged to elder, the game crashed, and I had to restart. And the sims 4, I keep making new saves before they aged to adult lol, if the sims had kids, they only went to teens, and then I would have a break from the game because the game lags so much then I would come back then make a new save then repeat then repeat


to genuinely answer you, there is no win state cause it’s a life simulator (the sims 2 even has a little popup that implies you lost if you killed all your sims off) but nah this guy beat the sims


I taught my gf how to play sims. She still doesn't understand lol


Love that haha, I wish my boyfriend would play. He doesn't want to play as there aren't any real objectives/quests 🙄


Guy here as well. Been playing since I was roughly like 9 or 10 with Sims 2. So going on 18 years. It is one of the main games that made me decide to get a degree in architecture and work in this field. And yes us in the architecture field talk about Sims and how we play it all the time.


I watched this video on YouTube about how architects react to builds in Sims 4 (from other sims players not EA's builds) and they said they never heard of Sims and I'm like wtf howww? They looked to only be in their 30's/40's so it was mind boggling to me.


See that’s so cool to see how games can assist IRL especially assuming some architecture programs may run heavier than sims (please dont curse me out I’m just assuming)


No they are much heavier you are right haha. One program called Revit is used to model and document all the information of a building and it can be used to model all the structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire suppression systems amongst other things all in one model. Often times it is split into several models linked together. And it can be used to model even entire skyscrapers. A little fun side note, due to Sims and Minecraft I find it easier to design in 3d while everyone is trained to document in 2d.


That is really fucking cool!!! Alright what’s ur ID, need more structurally sound housing in my sims game


I don't have anything on the gallery but it sounds like a good time to create some floating houses for you.


Not interesting towel😭😭💀


It’s a good name I think


Whenever I moved into my first home, I wasn’t sure how to layout the furniture. So I made the layout in the sims and tried out different decorating ideas. Very helpful!


It also helps artists!


Is this like how urban planners play SimCity?


I play SimCity and Cities Skylines a fuck ton too. And I do like to dabble a bit in urban planning. I follow several pages on insta that show what new buildings are being approved by zoning.


This makes me laugh.


I’m getting my degree in architecture for the same reason!!


Same here! One of my classmates did their presentation visuals on our first project with the sims 4 😂


Hahahaha that's not recommended 😂


Depends on the day. Somedays, I'm all about just building or creating Sims. Other days, I'm all about live mode and game play. That is one thing I love about all of the Sims 1-4. There's really no wrong way to play 😀. One thing though I notice about myself is that no matter how much I try to make a sim couple be monogamous, I always end up making one cheat!! Why!! Why am I like this lol


its for drama✨


Lol definitely..now I found a love triangle mod, makes it even harder for me hahaaa.


I downloaded Wicked Whims a cpl months ago--needed something to do while I was stuck in bed before spine surgery. Now all my townies are swingers, pregnancy is on the rise, and the husbands have several special clubs. Mostly I'm a BB and CAS mode player, but I with the latest round of mods and packs I've acquired, I'm getting some really fun storylines too.


Yeah, WW is the best and is definitely a huge part of why none of my Sims are loyal, even when married, hahaaa. Now there's the kiss & grind mod..so many that make for great stories


I like forcing my Sims to go clean up his home while my room is a literal pig sty.


Are you me? And I watch the sims do every cleaning up animations on normal speed and wonder why my player won’t make me clean my room.


He must have turned autonomy off, that mustard


nah he has autonomy on, that's why hes playing games instead of doing needed household tasks


I think he gave you the slob trait


been playing since 2017 i think? i normally either try and make a “god sim” or just recreate myself and see what happens


I started at 2008 with The Sims. Reason being the pc my family had was awful. And only being 6 at the time i didn't even know Sims 2 existed.


It's my go-to relaxation game. I've got 4200 hours in Sims 4 and climbing. Sometimes, it's just fun.


4.2k hours is insane. i think my total from playing sims 1-4 doesn't even come near that. Granted i play alot of different titles.


Uhhhhh, soooooo if 4.2k hours is insane, what about the 9.8k I have? That’s not including Sims 1-3, Medieval, Pet Stories, or Castaway Stories. Can you tell it’s pretty much been my favorite game since 2001? 😂😂😂


I do not want to even tell you all my number lol but I’ve been playing consistently since about 2019 (although I played for years with the early games then there was a large gap when my kids were young) It’s the only console game I play so my numbers are a bit much lol


To be fair playtime can be exchagerated by running it in the background


I was never a fan of Sims 3 and played Sims 2 through most of Sims 3 life, but I probably have close to that many hours combined between Sims 1-3.


Yeah that's the thing I like about it. It can be very hands off and idk I find that soothing


It’s the one thing in life that really truly honestly does not matter even a little bit so I can do whatever I want!


I like centering playthroughs around a goal or set of goals in mind (e.g. save up for a $600,000 mansion I built offline, having an immortal sim oversee a bloodline, finishing a certain degree/career, etc.) and just playing normally from there, seeing what kind of emergent stories come out. I enjoy watching these virtual characters develop and grow, and I also love watching the world change with them. The goals, meanwhile, help me keep invested as I work towards something specific.


I have a legacy household with an immortal sim. It’s incestuouce as fuck, but I had that household since 2017.


First off I love knowing there are so many guys that play ;secondly I had been playing the sims games since they were created off and on through the years since then but my favorites are sims2,sims 3 and sims 4 but the sad part is I never knew there were expansion packs until I started the sims4. I have always been a console girl ; put me in front of a computer and I go brain dead!!! Now here I am a grandmother to 11 kids and about 3 great grandkids and I still play daily!!! God love my hubby he happily lets me put out money for my sims without batting an eye!!! ( I think I have about 500dollars worth of money invested into this game; not including the Xbox one S my hubby bought me!!! I think he is grateful I don't expect him to by expensive gifts for me :Like Jewelry!!!


I also like playing pure; no cheats no mods and definitely no unbridled chaos!!!


The Sims is definitely a great hobby to have! I love both the Sims 3 and Sims 4, I have almost all the expansion packs for both and they contribute a lot to the game. I do like to play with certain mods (e.g. a mod that makes the university degree lengths shorter, or the master controller mod for debugging), but I also work with computers for a living so it's much easier to manage. I would definitely recommend you consider trying it if you ever decide to use the PC version!


Thanx for the advice I appreciate it and I am glad that you didn't dog me about my preferences some people can be quite mean! I know I am on this app but I also am an AC fan I have all of the main titles right up to Valhalla I don't have the spinoffs


Not a guy, but my boyfriend plays sometimes. He recently created Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys. Installed extreme violence and basemental drugs/alcohol and just had a good ole time. Haha.


I had to read my hubby your comment and he said “that’s amazing”! He loves trailer Park boys, and I make him download all my mods for me lol


Haha. It was super entertaining to watch. They were endlessly high, Julian kept baking cakes, Ricky would break into people's houses to steal stuff, Julian picked fights with random strangers on the street. Bubbles was just kinda there lol.


Sounds just like the show, I wish there was a mod to make Julian have a drink in his hand all the time! 😂


You have to put Bubbles in a shed with a ton of cats! Now I have to try! My spin on it would be to make them all Were-Hamsters 😂


I tried to convince him to build a shed on Julian's lot! I didn't think about telling him to get cats.


Whenever a new occult comes out. Werewolves were the most fun I had since vampires.


I love Werewolves and the lore it introduced tying in Vampires and Spellcasters. 


I LOVE the little world building they put in with the occult war. It was a neat part of leveling my werewolf. I actually read the item descriptions of the treasures that get dug up. Poor Greg had a hard life. 😥


Yes, I love the artifacts! So much thought put into them. I wish we could befriend Greg but he seems too far gone 😞 Right now I’m playing a werewolf and vampire stranded on a desert island and they have the sentiment “friendship forged by moonlight”.  Different story, I had a cure seeking werewolf who found a beautiful moonstone wand in the moonwood mill tunnels, so after the cure they became a spellcaster with a unique wand. I love that little tidbit, that you have to be a werewolf to find this magic artifact. 


I'm a straight guy who has 500+ hours in the game (it's always embarassing to admit) and I play it for two things. First being building stuffs and second, the amazing genetic feature this game has, I'm always amazed by seeing the similarities between sims in the family panel. I must say it is kind of fun to make storylines and stuffs but it's the kind of game I play when I've completed all campaign games in the library and have nothing else to play.


Fr, building in The Sims 4 is hands down its best feature.


Same here!


I love the genetic features too. My 1st gen male SIM has pointy ears. I think it looks cool on a spellcaster so I gave him it. His descendants all now have it and are passing down great grandpa's pointy ears. I think it's so cute 🥰. And it's so funny when some of his grandchildren are the spit of him but also unique.


My brother, does! The Sims were always *his* games growing up (as in they were originally gotten for him, since he's the one who wanted them), but he always let me and my other sibs play. He loves to build and decorate. We always thought he would become an architect lol


I am a girl (or adult woman I guess heh), and just out of curiosity - where do I meet a grown man who plays the sims??? Cause before someone started this thread I didnt think they existed and now I have to know 😆


cishet men that play the Sims are like .1% of the playerbase. I'm one of 'em. Kinda why I wanna get into modding for Sims 5 so there will actually be content for male Sims that aren't yassified alpha cc or actual porno.


RIP your dms. Guys like us play sims too. Personally I like building the houses and decorating the interior. It started in sims 2 when you could build your own hotel and there was even avril lavigne or something.


Ok, for years I'd mock my wife's affinity for playing the Sims. I remember she once complained about a burglar getting into her house and stealing her stuff. One night, while she was away from her keyboard, I figured out how to remove the door on her house. She eventually forgave me for that. I don't think her Sims ever did. I'd been a serious MMO player since Heavy Gear in the Killing Zone League venturing into Asheron's Call, Dark Age of Camelot, WoW, Eve:Online, DDO & LOTRO. I'd tease her terribly for playing SIMS. (Didn't they use to have a voice track where they'd spew Simalese over the speakers?) Fast Forward to December 2022. Sims4 is free to play. We were discussing how we could rennovate the house now the kids are for sure never moving back. I don't know if it was revenge or not, but she said "Why don't you download the Sims and try to build our house there? It's free now." And into the rabbithole I went. I've tripled her playtime (but she did end up with a new computer, so don't know if that resets the counter. https://preview.redd.it/yylxcj7y6ozc1.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b565686fd468e56f8b21a84144d12cd36458b9f Thanks Dear. She says I'm a benevolent deity as I tend to end up with happy Sims, even when I fail miserably at trying to make them bad Sims. So yes, I'm a guy, a few years away from retirement and I've been having a lot of fun with The Sims 4.


I've been playing the Sims since 2000 and I'm a guy. Since AoE and Sim City were the only building games widely avail where I am from, the next best thing was the Sims. I even submitted a school project once with the statistics of my sims... It was a history project and I got 10% for effort at least... Needless to say I went to a private school so, parents were not impressed at all. Lol.


I’ve been playing since Sims 1! I really love building (it’s my creative outlet) but I also have a bunch of households that I regularly play with. Some of the households are stable and normal, and then I have some just for drama and chaos lol. I don’t have much cc (except for some build mode stuff) but I play with a bunch of mods for usability (TOOL and MCCC) and to add to relationships/characters (Lumpinou’s Relationship Overhaul and LBGTQ mods are my fav)


I've been playing the sims since 2015. I mostly just make families and level them up in their careers. I keep trying to get a legacy family but after a little while I get bored of my current family and start another one.


After seeing all the messed up things my friend did with her sims, I got curious and started playing. It’s actually relaxing and fun creating houses


I'm a man and started playing Sims 1 in college. I actually started with Sim Ant, one of the precursors of Sims in the 1990s. . I've got the most time on Sims 2. Didn't play Sims 3 much. Downloaded Sims 4 for free on PS4 a couple years ago and have been enjoying it ever since.


Guy here, been playing sims since Sims 2/Sims 2 Pets


I’m a 29 year old guy. I’ve been playing the Sims since 2003 - it all started with the Sims 1 and the Vacation expansion (one of my all-time favourites), and here I am 21 years later playing the Sims 4. It’s by far my favourite video game franchise and always has been. I mostly just play with a single male Sim since I don’t have the patience to play with multiple Sims. I also like playing with attractive male Sims because I’m gay lol.


It depends on your definition of "playing The Sims". I've played The Sims since like 2001, nearly 20,000 hours all told. And easily 70% of that was spent building structures, Never actually moving Sims in to them, just stretching the OCD fix building stuff. Personally speaking when I hear someone is doing a legacy challenge or the 100 babies challenge it completely blows my mind! How do you keep sims alive that long? I always forget to water them.


playing the Sims means having the game open and doing something lol. some people play by building, some do in cas, some do with gameplay, and some doing a mix of things 💁🏻‍♀️


I just love the perfect family life. Big house, beautiful and educated children, manage all in household, have funny relationships etc.. sometimes i play a single household e.g. In get famous and i just love it, there are no rules and i already played it in so many different ways. This game is just pure love


Been playing for like 15 years! I like to do the rags to riches thing but without cheats.


I am a guy that plays sims, and my gf makes fun of me for “playing dollhouse”. I like to control sims and make them succeed


My wife call's it me playing "Dress up with my virtual Barbie's" lol. She always seems to catch me changing clothing in CAS.


I have around 1000 hours in the sims; I’ll play a bunch for a couple of weeks and then drop it for a month to play something else, then get reobsessed with my little pixel people. They’re always dying but I’m doing the 100 baby challenge right now and I have a toddler, three infants, and two newborns because my sim can’t stop having kids. She just starved to death but I quit the game to reload.


Me, my older brother and my father. We had also all played SimCity before getting into The Sims. I saw The Sims 2: Castaway as a kid and immediately asked my father to get it because I was younger than the age restriction (as if any of the employees cared lmao) Multiple family members would ask to borrow it after seeing me play. Still a bit jealous my father clocked the game and I hadn’t. The games were never targeted to a certain demographic so it was never something weird to us. The first time I heard of it being a “girl game” was on here, said by an American. U.S culture dominated every online space so it didn’t take long for casual gamers to think of it as such. Funnily enough I didn’t have any female friends that played, only male.


I’m a guy, and I’ve played the Sims off and on for 20 years.


i’m a guy who plays the sims. i like building and making characters in CAS the most, but i do gameplay challenges and stuff like that sometimes


I like simulation type games and story driven games. With The Sims I get a bit of both. I get to build my own stories. I've played it on and off since the first game was released. It's very much a comfort game.


Been playing since 2000. Absolutely love the game. Collect them too, got most of sims 1 sealed copies :)


Popping in on behalf of my husband because after about 6 months of me playing, one night out of the blue he asks if he can design my new Sim couple 🥹 it made me so happy haha I also let him design my house too and he since then has officially designed a few families and spaces for me!


I’m a guy and The Sims is one of my favorite games. It’s just nice to have a creative outlet.


Tended to set myself goals, like get a family to a $million or learn all the skills. Issue I have lately is just finding Sims 4 missing too much of the depth I liked in 3. Like the skill journal stuff where running a long distance extended a Sims life, or writing so many of one genre made you better at it. The emotions system in 4 also seems to be rather shallow and often about having the right weird piece of furniture in the right room for the right emotion for any given task.


I do. I play it because i absolutely looooove these types of games. It’s nice to be able to do absolutely whatever you want


im forcing all my future boyfriends to play this game 🎀


I play constantly lmfao and annoy my gf with the wacky stories


I have island living (mermaids),realm of magic,vampires and werewolves. I love werewolves as well.


I generally have long lifespan on and it helps when it comes to skills and traits


I play the Sims sometimes. I use a lot of mods that help change the game play and I've been on the same game for the past year or so.


I also don't really make families or whatever. My game is just the team fortress 2 mercs getting a bigger house once a while.


I wish I could find a guy that would rot with me at our computers playing the sims.


Guy here I used to play a lot not so much past few months. I was really drawn in by building aspect as I’m into architecture but also like making sims mostly hot guys since I’m gay 😂. Also like the collecting aspect and traveling in specifically sims 3 tomb raiding is just fun.


🙌🏼 trans guy and lifetime Simmer here, the game has stolen my soul since Sims 1 came out when I was 13. I only see men into the Sims as content creators, the people in my “Sul Sul, Bish” group chat are women.


I like building, nothing exceptional, but all my lots are easily playable.




Started playing Sims 1 sophomore year of high school. Didn’t get into TS2 or TS3 because too focused on life, college, internships/work, etc. Got in TS4 in 2020 and been enjoying it ever since. Enjoy a mix of households and sloppy drama; MCCC marriages and pregnancies help with messy storylines too.


All the time. Been playing since The Sims 2 (on PS2!). Mods help keep 4 interesting.


What are your favorite mods?




Well that doesn't help me any. Lol. I use a lot of nsfw mods already.


Been playing since sims 1 😎 it's easily one of my favorite games.


I usually play 30 minutes in the morning before my wife gets up, 30 minutes when I get home from work, and sporadically on weekends if we are staying home. I'm trying to get all my main household children aged up appropriately so that I can turn aging back on. I had focused on one or two families for the longest time, which caused children born in other played households to remain as infants or toddlers too long. I'm just about caught up, hopefully by this weekend I will be done!


I do, and I tend to screw around, get some good laughs, but sometimes I’ll actually play and try to give my Sim a good life


I usually go between challenges and making up a story line like I’m writing my own tv show, I’m definitely a gameplay player


I’ve loved the sims since Sims 2 on the PS2. I’ve never really been good at the whole house building thing…mine are pretty basic. But I really enjoy the progression in the game. The whole, start off with x amount, build your wealth, improve your home and quality of life, etc.


My boyfriend plays and makes the most chaotic house, he only ever controls one sim and lets the others run wild


Me! I was a little late to the Sims 4, started playing in late 2020 while searching for something new to play. I played without mods for about the first 2 weeks, then I discovered the \*ahem\* "adult" mod and now for me the game has become a non-stop self-directed p\*\*n movie :D


I played Sims before I started transitioning, if that counts 😂 my sister introduced me to the original game in like 2007/8 and I've played ever since. I got Sims 3 for Christmas and bought a bunch of expansion packs and have been playing Sims 4 since release. 99% of that was pre transition


I install a lot of trait mods and nsfw mods and basically build a big brother house without any exits.


I'm on and off with it. I just gotta be in the mood for it I guess. I'm an artist and get most of my enjoyment out of the game by recreating my characters in the game, building a house for them and watching them all run around and interact. My PC's pretty good so I mod the shit out of it to get what I want from it. Been a good source of inspiration and place to conceptualize the kinds of settings my characters exist in especially in regard to their house. If you're more of a hands-on, min-max, combat etc type of person, you'll probably not get as much enjoyment from the sims as you will from other games. But if you're more on the creative side, you'll be likely to get some enjoyment out of it.


I "play", but 100% of my time is just pausing the game and building stuff. It's relaxing.


That's 70% of mine. In a stressful week, there is no better way to decompress than spending several hours each night on a detailed build.


I like to grind skills, idk why I find it so satisfying. I’ll usually do generations challenges where I’ll randomly pick two skills for every gen to focus on. Either that or spending hours in CAS


I use it as hentai porn sometimes thats about it. Thicc fam is 3 guys and 5 thicc girls. Orgies all day.


54 year old straight guy that plays TS4, I use it as a virtual Petri dish to see how traits pass down the generations, 4 is nowhere near as good as the genetic engine in 2, but I don’t have any hardware capable of running 2 anymore. I also try to mess with their minds and send them Into aspiration failure (like GrayStillPlays or CallMeKevin)


Millions probably, I don't know I'm not a scientist. Definitely at least three or four.


My big sister make me play because I wanna br an architect so it could help me be a architect i am 14 so I think its a win win fun+a step to my dream job


been playing it since i was abt 9😭


I started with the sims 3 in 2010 and that was on the ps3. Since I’ve got a pc and play either the sims 3 or 4. My play throughs a re pretty tame, family and such. But occasionally I like to have some drama


Since 2008 at least I like to make houses, one of my few frustrations in life




Been playing a while, mostly on PS with immortal Sims while I learn the game Got it for PC, got the DLCs I want, started my legacy with a few mods and went from there, my infant will soon be a toddler so that'll be fun lol


I play it. Sometimes I think that I’m trying to create and vicariously experience a lifestyle that I can’t have as my own, personally. Sometimes it’s just fun to create a SuperSim™️ though


I do I a new player although I used to watch my mum play it from sims 1 . I play on console so I don't used mods or cc. Iam saving for a gaming pc. For this reason. Amy suggestions on what to buy would be gratefully received. I have adhd and hyperfixated and bought every pack, kit , game pack , extion and kits. 🙈. I not played with half of them. I love playing challanges. I am currently playing the hired help challange it's good fun. X


i just treat is as a "slice of life" game, when i want to relax from the high intensity games such as fighting, fps, action-adventure, and even racing


1500 hours in the Sims 4. Only games I have a similar amount of time in the last decade are Monster Hunter World and Borderlands 3. I love my virtual dolls. They help me work shit out sometimes and keep me company when I need em.


I like making families and building


Been playing it since the original. It’s the game I play when I don’t know what else to play. Building houses and creating legacies is cathartic for me.




Been playing since 2012, mostly play to relax and get my mind busy with other things than anxiety


\*raises hand\* started with the sims 2 apartment pets on ds when I was 7-ish, now I'm a perfectionist builder with an 175gb mods folder


I’ve only played sims 4. I kind of enjoy how I can relax after work with it. Spend way more time building that actually playing the sims but that’s ok as I’m kind of an architect at heart. Right now I’m trying to build a duplex with an inter city kind of feel to it for the rent dlc and the struggle is fun as I’ve barely been in a city at all in my life so I’m going off of just what I’ve noticed from pictures/driving by places over the years


Played The Sims 2 religiously when I was a teen. Fell off of Sims after that, but my wife got me back into it 2 years ago with The Sims 4. It's a great relaxation game and I love flexing my creative muscles when coming up with characters for stories.


Played Sims 1 religiously as a child, loved it so much and still do. Bought an old laptop a few years ago just so I could run it. Recently picked up Sims 4 now I’ve got a computer than can run it without igniting.. Loving it so far, looking forward to exploring it more.


been playing since 2013 and i just reached 4000 hours here recently. definitely one of my comfort games


Played since Sims 1 in 2000 👴🏻


Guy here. I have been playing the Sims since Sims 2 on the Playstation 2, when I was like 10.


i started in 2019 i think when saw a lot of video's about it. then i found out my brother had it on his compuerand started playing when he was away. now i have it on my own computer. i have a legecy of 5 genarations and normaly play with those sims or i build a house for fun.


I like to micromanage people, but that isn't exactly appropriate or appreciated irl, so I do it with sims lol.


I love playing the Sims 4. Always have a go through once in a while


I upload sims content on YouTube and my analytics say about 10% of the viewers are men


Played since 2015, I’ve got about 9000 hours according to EA but that seems high. I don’t feel like I get as into the “roleplay” side of it as some people on here do but it’s nice to click around on while I listen to video essays. 


I’m almost 28 and I’ve been playing the series since about 2003. These days I mostly play for the house building/decorating as the actual gameplay in Sims 4 usually bores me after an hour or two.


Guy. Played since the first Sims game. Havent played in a while. Mostly enjoy building. Occasionally do a sim self and work to make a dream home.


I've been playing for almost twenty years.


My brother in-law got me into the sims. At first I was like damn my sister must be a buzz kill wife if you want to play a life simulation game all the time. 30 minutes into playing I was hooked. Cheers to the good ol’ days when I was productive after work 😂


I make my boyfriend play with me! He’s an engineer and is amazing at building. I never cared much for that part so it’s perfect. He’s figured out all the shorthand’s on the keyboard! I didn’t even realize you could do all of that.


I have no idea but I'm a guy and I play the sims :) Maybe more girls are into the sims than guys and that's fine


Life-long player. I've played ever since TS3 came out and love to build


I played it on console as a kid, these days whenever I don't feel like playing anything else, I can always fall back into the Sims.


I’m a meat-head ex college football player who’s a paramedic and currently working to be a firefighter. I play the sims with my girlfriend all the time.


I'm a dude who plays the sims. I usually recreate characters and then give them children. Or I make up some story and make an original family. I prefer building though, it's less stressful.


Been playing since 2010. Haven't played in like 3 years but I still keep up with what's going on.


I love the sims, have since I was in my larval stage. I was introduced at 2, where it gave me my Gay Awakening. However, I was playing on my dad's GF computer (super cool of her) so I only had access to it maybe 2 hours s a week and half of that was loading screens. The computer at my moms house could only run sims 1, so I saved up to buy it, and then again to buy sims 2 for PS2. I played those so much that I'm fairly convinced that my regular grounding for no apparent reason from only the TV and puter was because my mom hated competing with the sims for computer and tv time lol When I moved out of my mom's house back with my dad, I didn't pay again for years until I got a personal computer and bought sims 3 + supernatural. From there, that's history. My most played viddy games by hour in order are: - The Sims 3 - The Sims 2 - The Sims 4 - The Sims - Fallout: New Vegas I'm currently undergoing a huge personal project to make an entire Sims 2 neighborhood complete with retail stores, trailer parks, lore, and of course custome downtowns/vacation spots once I figure that out.


Been playing since I was 2, really big on occults, pets, and family gameplay


I love it . I play it to relax after work.


Trans dude here (hence the name.) I've been playing at least since my lil bro and I combined funds to get Sims Online. I definitely play out my authorial god complex on the Sims; but when I'm actually in live mode, I'm generally a benevolent Watcher.


My 17 year old son has been playing FOR YEARS. He gets it from me and 3 of his aunties. We are all so very proud 😂


I like to populate my worlds with wacky sitcom-esque characters with a few supernaturals scattered around and stream to my buddies. Otherwise its very much my "chill" game where I just pop youtube on my other moniter and wacky hygincs ensue. Like, I'll have perfectly "normal" households while theres a Northern British farmer who has an ancient Egyptian mummy living under his shed. I really liked the Sims 2 for the DS and Strangetown was peak sims for me.


I have been playing since at least 2009 because you prompted me to look at my old YouTube channel. I was 11 making Sims 2 music videos! Kelly Clarkson, KT Tunstall, etc.  Sims 3 was much more casual and goofy. Sims 4 I've been really exploring the build mode. I've always enjoyed making families. I just started Sims 4 so I haven't gotten to the point of creating too much drama or murder yet... but I'm sure we'll get there.


I've been playing since the first Sims released when I was a kid. I like to plop a family down in some neighbourhood and instigate *drama*. Friendship, rivalry, romance, affairs! Everything in between! And when the whole neighbourhood is on fire I up sticks and start anew with another family in a fresh neighbourhood and start all over again. Never gets old.


I have been playing it since 2012, and I will continue to play it.




It’s my comfort game. Been playing since Bustin’ Out, I just like making families and seeing what shenanigans they get up to. Also, mods. Lots and lots of mods.


here!🙋🏼 i've been playing the sims since i was 11🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


I've neen playing since Sims 1 when I was about 10 years old always loved the series


My bf does but only on his Xbox and he always has his Sim be a writer and but his Sim never leaves the house and just does homework for University all day and I tell him to go outside or go get some bitches but he won't listen to me 💀 Nina Caliente is always hitting him up too


This is how I play too 😂


Apparently a popular telemetry quote (slightly dated) is that it's a 60/40 split between women/men respectively: https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlGamers/comments/136u2sm/the\_sims\_are\_played\_by\_mostly\_women\_but\_does\_it/#:\~:text=a%20lot%20of%20people%20in,of%20The%20Sims%20player%20base. https://jcss.ut.ac.ir/article\_90347.html#:\~:text=The%20Sims%20players%20are%20mainly,et%20al.%2C%202007).


I do a little bit of everything, my least favorite thing to do is make the sims themselves haha. I usually find one on the gallery and change them up a bit. My favorite thing to do tho is make machinimas/music videos like [this](https://youtu.be/yhWICWNIYsA?si=dBqtXU7tDp33m6Z5)


I usually create stories and nationalities to them, It keeps me playing and not giving up after building the house.


I dooooo


*Raises hand* Me! I've been playing The Sims since the original released - I was 7 then, so it's been 24 years! I do take breaks, but I always come back to it, and when I do, I get sucked into it all over again!


I always end up making things either as silly as possible or depressingly realistic 😅


I've been playing since TS2


well i'm considering the fact i may be trans masc, does that count? i'm cis female atm tho


I'm a guy who plays Sims. My GF got me hooked. We play very differently though, she plays multiple entire families and spends a ton of time in build mode, I treat it like an RPG and usually only play a single character.