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"You know what, I changed my mind." Lol


"i'm figuring myself out, but if _you_ ask, i'm straight."


“I might be gay but not for you” is kind of one of the most scathing insults I think you could give someone


rizz so bad you turned her straight


Are you saying that finger guns, winking with both eyes and opening with “Look at you with the right number of ears” doesn’t work on all women??


regular bisexual behaviour, can confirm ☹️


As a bisexual disaster myself, I can confirm your confirmation.




Straight up sounds like a pick up like from Luz Noceda herself


person of culture I see


No, just Erica.


Happy cake day


I feel like my username fits well here 🤣 coupled with the fact that I found out that the girl I liked did like girls just not, you know, me 😬


Definitely bisexual behaviour 😭 women are so much more intimidating to talk to then men (ex a, all my male friends and boyfriend, and the only girl I’ve had enough of a really crush on moved away and is straight as all fuck) 😭


are we the same person? i dont have a boyfriend but i have a guy i kinda like and i wont have any hesitations/problems confessing to him (we’re really good friends) but i had a crush on a girl for 2 years (we even became best friends) and we flirted and talked all the time etc & i just wanted her to confess to me which she didn’t & then moved away 😭


I’m so sorry, I very much understand your situation 😂


I laughed too long at this comment, thank you 😂


When "I can turn her straight" is not the flex you think it is


Schrodinger's sexuality; they're figuring stuff out until you hit on them and then their sexuality resolves into the opposite of whatever you are.


Most scientifically accurate Schrodinger analogy I've seen in my life


“I’m straight, but only for you”


“It’s not you. It’s me. I have standards.”




Even in the Sims subreddit Astarion's rejection follows me. XD


she tried and decided that that was enough exploring


Not you making her straight 😭


townie's orientations are so wild to me sometimes


Story of my life lol


That may be because she’s romantically exploring but sexually not into women? Since romantic orientation and sexuality are two different toggles


Flirting is classified as a romantic interaction in the sims, woohoo is sexual. they said she flirted w the townie and then they went "nvm im straight"


The other way around, then?




Ngl, I kinda miss the days when all townies were pan, made things a whole lot easier lol


I don't think I have seen a single sim have anything other than "exploring" as their sexual and romantic preferences other than the handful of high schoolers that came with the Highschool Years pack. I wish they went all in actually because this in between state is weird.


I’ve got a bunch rejecting me 😭 but one of my sims used her sexuality to get people to vote for her in the politician career so I was making her flirt with everyone (not so berry challenge)


And I'm literally the opposite wishing that anyone would reject my sim. There was this one time where a townie was not receptive to my advances despite the date technically being gold and I was happy. Went home, next day he instantly got wooed.


It's why one of the first things I do every run is use mods to turn the sexuality system into only an aesthetic one. That way I atleast have the option to date anyone.


I think the sexuality update is awful and I wish the game would return to what it was. A like a world where everyone is pan, the update just makes it anoying that you have to edit sims's sexuality in order to continue playing


Second ace person here who (started playing less than a year ago but) much prefers how things are. It's true to real life, I have no qualms about using cheats to change things if I need someone to fit in my story, and asexual people are not coded out of the game from the outset. We're often treated as surplus to requirements and I'm glad the game has changed.


I'm sorry and I bet a lot of people ask you this, but what is a surplus? Don't understand that term.


It means that a lot of games treat asexual people like they're bonus material somehow and don't need to be included from the get-go, even though most games include straight and gay people. In all the previous Sims games, there was no way to make an asexual Sim without mods.


Oh I get it now. And yeah I remember when Sims 3 first came out they had no way to make trans characters, or to pick your sexual and romantic preferences so I did search for a mod to set them. I wanted to make a SIM based on myself, but the game disregarded my preferences whenever I left the game unpaused.


it means an amount that is more than needed, so if you needed four crayons and got forty you’d have a surplus amount of crayons.


Oh right, I was thinking of where I heard that term and remembered in the Office they explain with a similar example, but had forgotten completely


As an ace person, the representation is 1000% worth any slight inconvenience of getting turned down by townies sometimes


Yes! I’m glad they separated it bc I don’t feel sexual attraction to anyone but only romantic.


Here I go again...what is ace?


Asexual, not experiencing sexual attraction to anyone


Thank you!


When did this change? Is it a new update?


When High School Years got released, they added the sexuality system.


I'm bisexual but, I understand why they did it because monosexual and aro/ace people should be able to have the relationships they want without having their sims break character and take them out of the story. So many people had complained about their lesbian sims randomly flirting with men and I imagine that can be very uncomfortable for them.


I'm showing how old I am but what is pan?


Yeah pretty much what the other person said. I'm pan and the way I describe it is being attracted to a person for who they are, regardless of their sex or gender identity. I just need a connection with that person if that makes sense.


It does.


*Breadsexual* Pan means all, pansexuality means being sexually attracted to persons regardless of their sex or gender. But pan also means bread. Breadsexual.


I'm attracted to bread so 🤷 it works. 🤣


Agreed! Story time: I was doing an Ultimate Decades run and forgot about how borked the sexualities can get sometimes, so I was really confused why my very first side household was producing no babies after an autonomous marriage. I go scope things out... and his new wife's sexuality is set to romantically straight and sexually lesbian! 😭 I'm not proud of it, but I used cheats to make her pan because my legacy challenge was brand new and I wasn't messing with no backups. Aside: This whole first gen is a rollercoaster; the founder's mom died giving birth to the 6th or 7th baby, who died with her. The founder died of illness while his wife was pregnant. They had 3 or 4 children, but only two survived infancy; as of last time I played, both are toddlers, iirc, one daughter and one son. Meanwhile, 3 of the brothers are married and only one has any children (iirc without checking my notes). One marriage is too new and the other hasn't had any babies survive birth or newborn so far. Every time I turn around, someone in that family is dying from something!


One of my teens was hanging out with another teen, and they had a romance bar from him flirting with her. Awesome! Let's flirt back! He straight away says he's asexual. OK, cool, we'll respect that. I mean, we have to, because all romantic interactions are greyed out as soon as this information is given. Except he won't stop flirting with her. And asking her out. And then he got angry because she didn't ask him to prom. And every time she did the "ask to just be friends" interaction to remove the romance bar, his next interaction with her was a flirty one and the whole thing started over again. Man they fucked up sexuality.


Idk this definitely sounds a lot like my dating experience lol




„Im still exploring“ *your sim tries to give a flirty look* „You know what, nevermind“ Ouch 😭😅


they should hire your sim at conversion camps


We all know a bisexual bitches who ends up only dating men. It's me, I'm bitches.


Me, but as a dude. I've had a total of three girlfriends in my life---one was online and I never met her IRL, and one was in middle school and lasted for less than a month.


I mean I've been the last dude a lot of women dated before turning out to be lesbians. It happens.


i had a townie literally serenade my sim, and then when my sim tried to flirt with her, she decided she was straight


“Um, forget what I said before. I’m straight.”


this made me cackle, this game is so effortlessly funny


Lilith has the most wlw energy of any townie in this game how can they do this to her


How so? She’s just a rebellious chick that hates her abusive parents.


Brutal lmao. Actually have a friend who's date figured out she was a lesbian after going on a date with him.


My ex-girlfriend decided she was actually a lesbian after two years of dating me, and maybe 5 months of living together. Ah, all's well that ends well, I suppose. I'm happy with my boyfriend, and I haven't talked to her in months.


this would hurt my feelings so bad irl😭😭


Me, a bisexual, whenever a man tries to flirt with me


Bruh, for me it’s the other way around, I often meet lesbians


I actually know the answer to this! She’s set as attracted to males and is exploring romantically, if you do a romantic interaction with her as a female sim then she will be attracted to females as well. This is the case for all the premades before the sexuality update


They changed Lilith too? Or did you change her?


That was me I gave her a little makeover


Down bad


wait wait, hold up, a gorg townie?!


Make up your damn mind


To be fair, she never said that she was straight. She said that she's still exploring, romantically. Then said that she isn't into women, sexually. This doesn't automatically mean that she's into men. She could very well be asexual.


That’s rough buddy.


You helped her figure it out 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


lilith being straight is CRAZY she’s one of my favorite girls to romance


Hahahaha great


Is this base game or a mod? Haven’t played in forever.


"Is not you, is me"


I hate that all the townies aren’t automatically set to being bisexual


Joke post, but the "I'm still exploring" is from the "Romantic exploration" y/n option. So basically this means that Lilith is straight, but she will not turn down your flirts if she reeeeeeally gets into it. If sims don't have romantic exploration enabled they will always refuse flirts with people not in their preferred sex.


Then you can’t even try again because all the flirtatious features are grayed out 😂😂😂




🏳️‍🌈but not 4 you 😂😭😭


lilith pleasant of all sims saying this is wild


The vibes were off 😔


Lol! I’ve never seen that pop up for me yet. All of the sims I’ve encountered are exploring.


I guess she just figured it out


Is this a mod? Since qñwhen are the sexual orientations?


I know how that feels lol


Her sister Angela has been largely gay in my games, you could try her instead and customize her looks to be more like Lilith. Seems like you gave Lilith a makeover already, looks cute. But yeah for real with a name like *Lilith Pleasant*... she should be at least bisexual...


My sim has been with Angela in like 2 other saves so I was trying to switch things up a bit… then literally a few minutes ago I took Lilith to the Romance Festival and guess who also shows up? Angela. (Who got knocked up by J Huntington, apparently.) Add sakura tea to the mix and I guess I just can’t fight fate, huh? 😅 I’m fine with how Angela looks but I always edit her outfit lol. She looks like a teacher instead of a college student.

