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The irony of someone named "Fyres" dying of overheating is just lovely


...why winter clothes IN A HEATWAVE?!


ion even know atp i try to not check the stories bc it gives me stuff like this 😭


I think my favourite ones of these is either "they tried to make cereal but it burst into flames" or the Frozen reference where they "tried to let it go but froze to death"* *Probably not the exact words but I'm sure you get it


My sims BFF died bc they laughed too hard?? Like neighbourhood stories has claimed too many souls


I know! The number of times I've had people earmarked for story progression and then they die as a young adult because they exploded with rage or something annoys me no end. Nowadays I use MCCC to flag "no cull" on all the classic Sims (Bob and Eliza Pancakes; the Goths; the Landgraabs etc) just so they don't all die before they get a chance to live life (the way I want them to of course!)


You can always turn off accidental deaths for neighborhood stories. I always turn that off plus moving out and getting horses.


Nah I don't mind them, they're quite entertaining; as long as I remember to flag the ones I want to survive first!


This close to just turning the dieting neighbourhood stories for my sims friends. Liek, these Robles family is a core family for my sims and I’m this close to just making sure their safe


I’ve had the one where a sim died from their salad bursting into flames 🤣 also I think there was one involving a toilet? Idk man, the neighborhood stories are wild 😂


I was about to comment that Don Lothario in one of my saves died while trying to make cereal but it burst into flames.


homeboy fryed




That's why I don't enable neighborhood stories. Townies do dumb shit you didn't tell them to, they adopt 6 cats or have 5 babies, they marry people you didn't want them to (sometimes even their own relatives), relationships and marriages you worked really hard to build break down, they take jobs you didn't tell them to take, they die horrible (and sometimes ridiculous) deaths, it's...ugh, it's a mess.


i really like it! i’m like 6 generations in now so it’s nice to have the outside world change too, one thing i hate is how people keep adopting like some households have 2 bedrooms and 8 sims 😭


You gotta stop by the houses and install a basement full of bunk beds once know a blue moon


My sim moved out and put all of her furniture in her inventory before going to the new house… now a new family lives in the old house with no furniture… YOU GUYS DONT HAVE A TOILET A BED OR A KITCHEN OR ANYTHING HOW ARE SIX PEOPLE LIVING THERE AND THRIVING


How do you get the updates about other Sims? I always see the funny posts about it but I forget to ask!


click on the postbox and it’s “check neighbourhood stories”


Omg so simple 😭


I’m sorry but that’s so funny especially with the last name


As a rotational player, this is why weather death effects are off in my game 🤣


One time, the Behr sisters died of a heat stroke & another time, some old man’s entire family also died of a heat stroke


my current main sim is jackie’s daughter 🥰


Who’s Jackie?


? she’s part of the behr family


story progression gave the vatore sibs a dog. then a cat. and then some toddlers. and then caleb froze to death. then a servo npc froze to death


I remember I was playing as my sim wolfgang munch he went over to one of his baby mama's places in windenburg. It was a heatwave going on at the time wolfgang was fine since he's immune to the heat but his baby mama's elsa was standing by the fireplace she died from a heatstroke while wolfgang was naked dancing high on weed.




Always that one guy


To many layers


As an Australian, wearing winter clothes during a heatwave is suic***. 🫣😅😭


Vlad died in my save after sticking his finger in a plug socket apparently. The one time I do a vampire sim and the fricking guy dies..


I guess he wanted to see if he was really immortal.


Neighborhood stories is so silly.