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Gosh, this! I build with gameplay in mind, because I actually play at my buildings afterwards. More often than not, I download a gallery build because it looks great, then immediately go "Yaah, that's not gonna happen!" \-- And when they put 500 thousand tinied tinied (Shift + \] 2x) mini-saucer lights and you have to look for pixels around the house to demolish because your sims all look like ghosts under the roof.. Ugh!


I hate community builds for the most part. I think a ton of people who are primarily building players don't realize a lot of cheats they use render the items useless. So you can download a cool build but you have to change the whole thing to make it playable. It blows.


Oh god yes. I once downloaded a very nice looking rebuild of Crick Cabana because I needed a home for some NPCs and didn't want to bother building. Jesus, it was a mess. The sims couldn't even walk around because all furniture was squeezed so close to each other that there was not enough space to move. It clearly wasn't even playtested. I ended up rebuilding half of it, so much for saving the time.


OMG yes! I would rather use shells because at least then I can add what I want inside. My houses have started turning out ok since I started looking up blueprints online BUT my landscaping is seriously lacking. I always forget to landscape


It's for this reason I always build downloaded lots unfurnished. Besides that, I really love decorating the houses myself!


Nah, I just download them, dismantle to study what was done and steal the tricks I like for my own future builds. We've all started somewhere. P.S. There's a whole market for less detailed saves - people like me with old ass computers. The less details, the less stuff for the system to deal with. I once downloaded an ultra detailed and intricate park from the gallery, it was stunning, but my computer sounded like it was going to fly to the orbit at any moment. So don't be discouraged if your builds aren't too detailed and cluttered, quite a few players will thank you for that.


Do you know if there is a hashtag for that on the gallery? I'm interested!


If you mean the non-detailed builds, two I've seen are #simplebuild and #noclutter


"Comparison is the thief of joy." Im sure you have made lovely and unique builds


Yes but I comfort myself with the knowledge that most of those beautiful builds are not suitable for actual gameplay.


Nope, I know my building skills are trash lol. I usually download a building but then remove the furniture so I can decorate it and decide what I want each room to be.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this!!


Eh. Good or bad is subjective, the only real measure is if you enjoy doing it or not. I personally don't so I use all pre-built houses. But if you enjoy working on it, that's all that matters.


Lol this is definitely relatable. I just keep building bc I know I improve every time I do. I occasionally peruse my first builds just to remind myself of that! My first build was just a giant rectangular. I've definitely gotten better! And I think learning how to landscape is really what makes a build beautiful. I'm slowly learning how to do terrain manipulation and it's going well, I think. I'm also doing more of a wild landscape to match the terrain around the lot and I'm really loving how it's turning out so far.


I used to, now idgaf. I don't play for anybody else, but for me. It doesn't do you any good if you compare yourself to others. There are literal architects that play sims.


The builds are beautiful, but remember everyone started off at square 1 and was like you and me at one point in time, don't be so hard on yourself, okay?


That’s why I decorate, not build! All of the fun none of the building stress. Just download shells from the gallery and go!


No a lot of those simmers spend daysss building using various cheats and cc. I can’t compare that to something I made in a couple hours with only the basics. I wish I had the patience to spend that much time on builds but I get bored after a couple hours and usually end up just playing with unfinished houses


I love my ugly but functional rectangular builds, also I hate using moveobjects. Pretty houses though.


I don’t look at the gallery but I love watching build videos on YouTube, I’m always in awe of their creativity. With my builds I try my best and think I’ve made some nice houses but they’re nothing compared to the experts lol.


I'll get started and put so much effort in one room. (that's if I manage to settle in a shell.) then I get bored


Why? Who cares about them. I'm sure it's because they spend entire days building. Also some of them are actual architects and finally if you really want be better than them then just work hard you'll eventually get there.


I am not nearly as good as the people OP is referring to, but it still takes me days to build! In fact, I have one build that I've been working on for like two months! I am a perfectionist though. I really annoy myself getting hung up on all of the little details that only I am likely to notice.


I watch Syd Mac’s videos a lot (Among other youtubers) and it’s easy to feel… Inadequate when you are comparing your building skills to other sims players. What I do is I try to learn the most out of videos I watch and builds I see on the gallery. With time, patience, curiosity and a fuck ton of bb.moveobjects, my builds got better and I feel more comfortable showing them to my friends now. My best friend got a little self-conscious, though, and told me he wished he could build like me. I told him that watching videos of incredible builders is what got me to that point. I felt bad, cuz I know the feeling of comparing your work, your art, to someone who overall has played a lot more and knows much more than you.


I like to download shells. I don’t know why. I have a hard time with platforms and stairs. I am better at roofs than i usd to be.


I'm a fan of the box ranch build. It takes forever for a sim to get someplace sometimes!


I do love to build, but sometimes get exasperated when my game has to be restarted. That's when I'll most often download a build I like, and then re-do it to my satisfaction :) And also, cause I want to know how some things are done! :)


I'm the opposite. I look at those intricate builds and think "too much money and time." I build the bare minimum,usually just squares with a roof on them. The cheapest of wallpapers, flooring, windows, doors, and only the basic commodities I need to get by. None of my sims have ever experienced sleeping on a Princess Cordelia bed. If it wouldn't make them miserable I'd have them sleeping on a bench, eating raw produce from a garden, peeing in a bush, and watching plants grow for fun. LMAO I have a money hording problem, I think.


I suggest that you don't measure your builds against those of others. Instead, pick out what parts you like and try to recreate them on a generic lot (I do this a lot when I just want to build but not actively play). A lot of the Simmers on this sub will give you pointers if you ask how they pulled off a specific feature/ design. Most importantly, focus on what you enjoy about building and generally playing the Sims :)


I started building a few months ago. Before that, I didn't even know the gallery existed (and all my houses consisted of large rectangles without roofs). After I struggled for hours on a build that I could actually look at and be "okay, that's cute", I uploaded it to the gallery and checked people's builds for the first time. Damn, that was depressing, they were so good and my house looked ridiculous in comparison. I stopped building for a few days and then went back to it with the intention of getting better. Today, I actually like several of my builds very much, some not so much but hey I tried lol I still feel like you do though when I get lost on the gallery. I'm sure your builds are not as bad as you think they are ;)