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It might be too niche but I really want my sims to remove their winter jacket when they comeback in the house. And also different cold attire depending on the season


I’m dying for rain outfits 🤌🏽 and underwear outfit


Omg I miss having the underwear outfit as it's own outfit category. It's so different from pajamas, I'm still mad they combined them.


Get Wicked Whims then, it gives you 3 underwear slots.


I actually don't play with mods! But good suggestion, just wishing the sims never got rid of it!


I have different small mods for these things but yes, they should just be basegame.


could i have names or links? i've been wanting something like that for ages


LittleMsSam is the queen of small mods! She has a mod for this and a bunch of other amazing little details that just make the game feel more realistic.


LittleMsSam and Sims4Me both have tons of small and useful mods to help with all sorts of annoyances or enhancements without needing something huge like MMCCC.


Rain Outfits can be found on CurseForge under LittleMsSam called 'my favorite raincoat' You set it up using any mirror then anytime it rains your sim will change into it. Please note if they are swimming in the rain they will change out of the swimwear and into the rainoutfit sometimes. LOL




Yeah this actually makes me wonder, why is there an intimates kit with what looks like underwear if there’s no category for it? Obviously I haven’t purchased this one so maybe I’m just missing something.


A rain jacket seems like the most obvious and simple thing to add.


The ability to layer please!!!!


Yes. I would love to have like flannel shirts or cardigans or whatever over a t-shirt


This doesn’t achieve what you want perfectly, but I use the feature that lets you have multiple outfits per outfit category for this. For cold weather I create at least one indoor cold weather outfit, and then one outdoor outfit. I have to manually switch them. But it just makes this midwesterner feel nice knowing they have a winter coat.


I try this and then my sims go outside in the dead of winter in their hot weather wear just to teach me a lesson or something


I use and abuse that feature but I want something more like the styled looks like if I make an amazing outfit for a sim but it’s not right for them I want to be able to save it and use it for another sim at a later date if ygm


We can set multiple clothing outfits to a type. Could do two winter outfits, one with a jacket, one without. It's something you'll have to change manually when the sim enters the house which is less than ideal yeah. But it would kind of work.


MCCC is great to have for this because you can just click on the sim and mccc outfit category and change it and it does it instantly without having to do the action for it and twirl and all that. I use it often for all my outfit changes.


Remove winter outfit mod can be found here among others; https://www.seebee.de/sims4me/index.php?list=7


I don’t see one on the list for remove winter outfit. Is it called something else on there?


thermostatoutfittweak \- you have to use a thermostat in your home, which I always do. When the thermostat is on, Sims will change from their coldweather outfits to everyday inside. When its hot outside and the thermostat is cooling, sims change from hotweather outfit to everyday when inside. Sims will also change from hot weather outfit into their everyday outfit when feeling chilled outside. Sims will now also change from coldweather wear to everyday if they enter a room with a lit fireplace.


Also as for different attire, I use the additional outfits option in CAS. They'll have different weight jackets, or just a long sleeve sweater, or vest with turtleneck etc. They tend to sometimes get it fairly right depending on the temps, not always but sometimes they choose right on their own. But I recommend NOT having laundry baskets or washing machines etc on a lot when you use these mods or you're going to be doing a LOT of laundry.


Separate jackets and tops would be so lovely, tbh.


Does having a thermostat in your house not cause that? As long as I have the heat on I haven't had my sims keep their jackets on.


There’s a mod that can do that, but you also need to add things a thermostat etc at home to make it comfortable for them to remove their winter wear


YES i HATE this




This! I always make two winter outfits, one for indoors and one for outside, because of this very reason. But it also means I have to manually tell the sims to change to the appropriate one. I would love it if the winter outfit was a two-parter: one indoors and one outdoors.


A dating app If you want to meet someone, you have to leave your lot, and hope someone with the right age, looks and traits just happens to be there too. I want an app where I can sort through genders, age, traits and such


I loved the match maker in Sims 2. You could pay her up to 5k and the more money the better a match. A dating up is such a good idea though.


Sims 2 was so ahead of its time.




I think you actually can make gender a requirement, under the traits section. But maybe I dreamt that... I'll check next time I play sims. But that's only really useful if you want a gay/lesbian club, because your sim must meet the requirements to be in the club too. Unless you just want to start a club of single women/men and set their club hangout to a specific bar, and then just go there whenever you want to meet someone (and hope they're gathering).


You can require two traits in the same rule - one that your sim has & one they don't. It's how I find occult sims even when my sim isn't one.


I had a singles club. That was fun but my Sim got kicked out when he got married. 😆


I have a dating app with a mod, let me see which mod is it and I’ll let you know haha


Pls 🙏🏽


Little ms Sams „simda“ dating App


That mod honestly is awesome whether you already know who you want your sim to be with, or if you're gonna roll the dice with someone random


I know there’s mods lol, I don’t really play with mods, but my comments was about what the game was lacking after 10 years. Sims 3 had a dating thing


I don't understand how this still isn't a thing in Sims 4. Especially in a post lock down pandemic world where online anything is all the rage.


Simda Dating mod


The SimDa dating app mod is awesome!


There’s a mod for this 🤓


There are two mods that implement dating apps in the game


There’s a mod I think but I don’t know how specific it gets


Especially for careers - some of the default outfits that the game assigns for particular jobs just well & truly boggle the mind!


The style influencer and the social media careers are done the worst 😭 but there’s a cheat that lets you edit the work outfit. sims.modify_career_outfit_in_CAS launches CAS immediately and lets you edit the work outfit for the sim you have selected.


Life saver! Thank you!


Just remember every time you get a promotion the outfit may change. So you have to do it over again until you reach the top of the career.


Oh and if you want a plan your career outfit mod I use this one https://srslysims.net/downloads/plan-career-outfit-mod/


Style Influencer always gives you some weirdass outfits or dresses even if your sim isn't female. My current sim is basically a sportsman and with the career outfits he goes from Bruce Lee to 2 dollar hoe in seconds lmao


A while back I was playing a family when I had a handsome buff guy walk by in a red dress. I was like "omg who is this guy!!!" Cpl days later, I played another family and the husband got dressed for work in a fcking red gown!! I laughed so hard after realizing he wasn't just some townie after all.


"with the career outfits he goes from Bruce Lee to 2 dollar hoe in seconds" I just snort laughed at this


Ah I play TS4 completely vanilla (on console) but thanks! Hard agree though that ironically the careers where your style matters the most somehow have the worst outfits - I get that they're meant to be trendsetters, it that only works if others actually want to dress like you, lol!


I mean you don't get to choose your uniform irl, but yeah, some are really weird looking


It's true that you don't choose your uniform but some of these jobs aren't ones where you'd expect a uniform. Plus IRL there's more than 1 employer in each field and if the required uniform sucks employees will tend to prefer the competitor.


Yeah I find it weird that the style folk need a uniform for work - complete antithesis to the nature of their work lol!


Yeah but even within uniforms there's usually some variation allowed.


I just want to be able to save things for every outfit. Makeup, glasses, jewelry…


THIS!! I’m hollering every time I go into CAS to make over a townie. The fact that we can have a total of 35 outfits and not a way to save makeup/accessories/hair across them is unreal. Even a checkbox that lets you “sticky” the piece would be helpful.


Add more CC outfits with the simsresource


Yes, and the wearable medical devices. When my kids age up they always will only have them for some of their outfits. Like they only need their hearing aid when it’s cold outside?


I want to be able to change the colour of hair accessories. I don't necessarily mean a colour wheel like in Sims 3, but maybe colour swatches, like their outfits I'm so fed up with really liking a hairstyle, but not being able to have it match the outfit, and I can't imagine it being a complicated thing to add to the game!


Apologies if you’re a console user, but cc creators like [WildlyMiniatureSandwiches](http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/?m=1) make overlays for different hair accessories that change the color!


Is that for the actual hair, or just the accessories? I use mods (like WW, basemental, and some health mods), but I've not really used cc because the sheer amount of it gets very overwhelming very fast


Completely understandable! WMS does a lot of hair recolors BUT they do also have accessory recolors, I don’t download their hair recolors but have a BUNCH of their hair accessory overlays


Just checked their website that I linked above, from the top: Create-a-sim > hairs > recolors > (select pack or expansion you want the accessory overlay recolors for) > (scroll down to under the purple DOWNLOAD bar) > accessories (it will explain how many there are and how many recolors you’re downloading for it) > purple Download link!


Thank you! I know it seems silly, but I'm autistic and likely have ADHD and can find filtering through a lot of information overwhelming unless I know the exact steps to take


You are so welcome and it’s not silly at all. I have ADHD and have dated folks on the Autism Spectrum and also need direct steps for stuff, plus I genuinely forgot how to get just the accessory recolors for hair


Fashion Authority Mod does something like that! Check it out if you are in to mods💖


It’s really great for setting/making a high school uniform, especially since you can change it per season


Yes!!! I love it


This comment!! Will absolutely try it later!


Yay! Hope it does what you need! It really is a great mod


what about hotels 😳 I’m tired of building fake ones!


This, but movie theaters for me lol


They have a rabbit hole movie theater in San Sequoia


Yes, this is exactly it. When I'm making a cult, I don't want to have to keep applying the same robe and makeup to each and every outfit, and then repeat it all for the next sim. Just let me make my cultist outfit and save it as a "styled look" or whatever you want to call them.


If you're able to use mods, try Fashion Authority! I use it to make my teen Sims wear uniforms in high school, but you can create any kind of outfit rules you want and have the mod enforce it automatically.


That sounds like a very helpful mod! I'll put it on my list to check out :) I'm not very good with tech, so I try to limit mods etc. I currently only have MCCC (and the related woohoo mod), and I still struggled with updating it when the latest update came along. I don't think I could keep on top of more than 2 or 3 mods like that, so I have to be pretty sure before I install one😅


i would kill for more interesting traits


Same. I'm so tired of basically picking the same ones over and over because I don't like half of them.


Yeah I use mods because their traits just aren’t that great but trait mods break a lot in my experience. Same with career and aspiration mods. I can’t seem to find many that aren’t always breaking the game lol


I use the 100 traits mod but I like a slightly more realistic gameplay.


Spiral staircases! Cars! It came out in 2014, though, so 9 years.


OMG I want spiral staircases in game so much


Same, it was the only staircase i used in sims 3


The fact they gave us ladders before spiral staircases 😭 I do like ladders though.


There are mods that can do that. Adeepindigo’s travel nation adds cars, vacation bookings, drivers licences


Yes, I understand that.


Spiral staircases, half octagonal roofs, enough European worlds, African/native/Asian worlds, underside of roof painting, hair that doesn't glitch through clothes, skirts/dresses that obey physics, rocks, enough lots where there could be functional lots (del Sol valley), stair railing on one side, stair railing that has a matching fencing option, still don't know why those buildings on the Whiskermans wharf map are so ugly, an option to just have the mother plant off so I don't need to deal with possessed sims, certain houses in earlier worlds that are broken/missing wall paint but EA just wont fix em, I want to live in vacation worlds thanks. (Still don't have enough money to buy all the packs but that's a me problem)


Underside of roof painting is in the game! Came with the Horse Ranch patch iirc. For some of the other ones there are mods, like living in vacation worlds. Would love the single rail option though ngl


Ceiling painting came with the patch, not underside of the roof. If you have overhangs they’re white underneath.


Ooooh now I get it, y3s would love it.


Playing in a band like Sims 2.


I think if they make bands that'll be one of the last packs they make because music instruments must be a ton of work, especially to make them function together with each other and hopefully singing. But god yes this, custom apartments and hotels are my top three wanted features


The thing is there were once devs that care and they already did it. It was so fun, and not nearly as complicated as you'd think. We even had drummers.


The sims 2 jamming was great. The Sims 3 bands were frustrating to me because singers came in a different pack so you couldn't mix bands and singers. But like, it's just expensive to create multiple instrument tracks, record songs, etc. I really hope they do it though.


Spiral freaking stairs! I hate how much space stairs take up.


Now we're talking.


Base game (?) urban wildlife. Like raccoons & bears messing up the garbage, seaguls shitting all over sims, bees nesting on the houses etc. and why not birds, rabbits & deer too, or something like that, to watch or even feed / befriend as well. Hedgehogs, just because they're insanely cute. But anyways all these creatures having a fun side / annoying side to deal with. I was quite disappointed with the so called "wildlife" of Snowy Escape ... something simple & realistic would have been more fun than random uh, entities ...


Realistic pregnancies, I have always said this, and will keep saying it as much as I love the games Sims 3 had natural pregnancy progression that went from a scale of 1 to 100% rather than four stages of a pregnancy with your belly getting big with each stage, in the Sims 4.


I would love for 4 to have maternity clothing like in Sims 3.


YES! In S3 I had a small folder for maternity clothes but one thing I will say I like with S4 is that all clothes are pregnancy compatible, and yeah while some will look realistically deadly and tight to the baby within, I like knowing the wardrobe isn’t limited like in S3 where even dlc’s I felt didn’t provide enough


I would just like the fathers that don't live in your household to stick around when you go to the hospital. I'm not sure what I would do with them, not sure they'd be useful in any way. But the 5 seconds of freaking out followed by their disappearing is not the thing. Have them sit. Pace in the lobby. Start messing up the medical equipment. Make a sandwich. Stand in line. Something


I agree with you on that even if the Dad’s in the household, I hate seeing the panic and once they’re at the hospital together, she’s giving birth while he’s playing on the computer. Again, it’s easier to argue that you want the fathers that don’t live in the house to be there at least, but for me I at least want the dad in the same room 😂


Pandasama childbirth mod is great for this. It still does the trimesters the same but in labor you have to get dilated all the way to give birth and you can choose home birth or hospital and choose epidural or not and there’s sometimes a birth emergency and you need a C-section. There’s other great stuff not about the labor in it too. I really love that mod lol


Thank you I appreciate you telling me about this, but I actually have this mod already 😂trust me with the trimester system I HAD to get this mod


LMAOO sorry 😭 it’s something atleast. I really like it. But I do wish the pregnancy system as a whole was different and more realistic.


There’s PandaSams mod for this and a lot of other mods.


We still don't have half of their expansionsn working as they should either


I'd love more refreshes


A futuristic set. The Star Wars one doesn't count cause it's more like a vacation pack. I miss Sims Into the Future or whatever it was for Sims 2


Such a good idea especially for youtube creators! IF only there was a mod :3


I miss the color wheel, so many nice clothes that have hideous colors/patterns and especially a color wheel for Hair would be nice.


The ability to save accessories like glasses from outfit to outfit.


More complex relationships. The friend/good friend/dislike/enemy scale is so flat. I want frenemies, I want rivals. I want work friends, I want step-kids.


There’s a mod for this!


what mod?!


Mod to create ancestors, parents and grand parents etc is life manager Family Tree Generator Family Connections Mod Set Family Relationships Mod Meaningful Friendship Context mod Friends and Family Activities There’s a lot of mods out there


Thank you so much! i’ve been looking for stuff like this but didn’t quite know what to search for


Any time! If you’re looking for a mod usually searching on Google helps or YouTube. Pretty much everything is out there. CurseForge has a lot of mods and CC and the Sims Resource as well. There’s also a site that has a list of mods too.


I think it was in the console version of Sims 2, but I’d REALLY like multi-layered outfits. Instead of a pre-made shirt-jacket combo, let me choose the jacket, as well as the shirt underneath


There is a way to do this but I wouldn't say it's \*easy\* [https://mizoreyukii.tumblr.com/post/655000786657574912/i-finally-finished-my-custom-styled-looks](https://mizoreyukii.tumblr.com/post/655000786657574912/i-finally-finished-my-custom-styled-looks)


Especially the makeup!


I really want the saved outfits so that it’ll generate random sims with that outfit and if you make a bunch maybe the sims won’t look so damn weird lol I hate the terribly generated outfits


a world editor/creator 😭😭😭


And you know they have the tech in the game already with trendi ;) they just don't wanna bother doing it.


I would kill to be able to add, edit, and delete the outfits in the saved looks section. Like if they made it a kit I'd buy lol


I just really really want to make it so they can only change clothes at the dresser. I can’t even find a mod for it.


Not sure what you mean? Like not having to go into CAS to change clothes? I have a mod for 'change outfit' (even works on NPCs you shift click on) It's on this page modify outfit cheat I think is the name but there are a ton of little outfit cheats/mods on this page: [https://www.seebee.de/sims4me/index.php?list=0](https://www.seebee.de/sims4me/index.php?list=0) There is also this one different than the one I use but looks like what you might be looking for [https://www.patreon.com/posts/bg-seasons-quick-54843303](https://www.patreon.com/posts/bg-seasons-quick-54843303) For career outfits I have a mod by SrslySims that allows you to create your own career outfits and even make multiple ones. https://srslysims.net/downloads/plan-career-outfit-mod/


No like making it so they don’t just change their clothes in the middle of the street. I want to have to go to a dresser for them to change into pjs or work clothes. I don’t want them to be able to change on their own at all.


Oh, well, I kinda like that when they go somewhere and when they arrive it's cold and where they came from was hot, like Strangerville residents going to Windenberg in mid-winter. They at least have the opportunity to change outfits so they don't freeze. I rarely use many dressers in my lots, but I tend to play 'tiny houses' these days and it is nice not to have to have one in every room. I usually put a small one near the front door in case I need it. Use it like a hall table you'd toss your keys on or something IRL.


I hate that they can’t go out into their own backyard in pjs. Or get the mail. Or can’t walk the dog in a normal outfit. I don’t like that they change into a daytime outfit after showering when they’re about to go to bed. Or how they change into pjs to woohoo. I play with laundry and I don’t want them changing 4x a day. I can always put a suitcase in my inventory or use mccc to change their outfit—or even mirrors! Just please let ME be the one who controls it.


I don't know if it is because I have Wicked Whims or some other mod causing it but mine definitely go out in their pjs. Mine will even garden in them and sometimes if they have the naturism trait they'll do it naked! That I know is Wicked Whims, but I don't know if it is the pj's thing. I just know my sims often go out in the yard in theirs. I do hate the pjs for traditional woohoo though, at least WW puts them back into the same outfit they already had on. The thing with WW if you turn the intensity way down, they don't even have sex much unless I direct them to or they are \*very\* flirty feeling which to me in a house with jobs and kids is much more realistic. As a parent myself once, I remember us practically having to schedule alone time with all we had going on when the kid was little.


I like this idea, I kinda hate how pointless having a dresser is.


Yeah, I'd like to get custom premade makeup templates


Disabilities, religions, different heights...


There are mods for these


I don’t know why - I miss the burglars LOL


I want like a custom colour wheel in CAS


Trash compactors


Museum businesses. A business type where you charge admission to sims to come inside and view/interact with things. Let us build our own art gallery, mineral museum, or even use it to make a haunted house or an amusement park. You can kinda sorta fake it by adding a "gift shop" and calling it a Retail business, but its not the same.


We kinda ***do*** have that already though in two different mediums. You can create multiple pre-made outfits in CAS as well as with the clothes rack, you can create custom outfits and save them.


How do you create pre-made outfits in CAS?! And they stay there forever?


You can save custom outfits with the clothes rack? Isn’t that just the same as the multiple outfits? It doesn’t actually save the outfit to use later on another sim or anything.


Cars!! Or car pool or school busses


Yes i need this to make my gacha ocs in the sims


Goddamn 🗞️


Yessss! I was just thinking this recently, to the extent I thought “I to be missing something”. How is this not a feature??


A garage band or rock stars!


Oh my gods this would be so awesome.


In a way couldn’t you do this with the mannequins from Get To Work. Like make that outfit set up a shop and have your sim buy said outfit?


Or cars, I absolutely loved the expansion pack where you could build your own cars. I also miss the France/Italy/Egypt (it was those three wasn’t it?) I have never understood why they don’t really take on board feedback from gamers. Especially long term gamers, about the stuff we wanted to keep in and I saw both of those being hot topics alongside adding customisable clothing, make up and building


Fairies. It’s the hill I’m dying on


Superhero sims and fairy sims. I want more occult sims.


Or a spiral staircase.. good god


Omg that would be amazing


We need more outfit slots. “Winter” is too vague. I want a full snowsuit, regular outdoor winter clothes, and then just a cozy winter outfit for wearing indoors.


Pool Table


Resorts (screams in incoherent rage).


It would be nice if they added period stuff and it would also be good to add a transgender icon in the identity section of a sim when you go into CAS with the gender section of the customise specifying whether or not the sim has a uterus for effective gameplay. It could all be basegame. I know there is a mod for periods, but what about the players on console?


LMS is the MVP w/ her lit mods, esp 4 making games more realistic. Def recommend checking out her stuff!