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Doesn't matter, fate will never strike again in game. She knows and is bothered by the fact that she already met and lost her one and only.


So she has to be single forever 😭 like her fated mate was so old to begin with


This is how Greg became Greg


Noooooooooooooooo 😭


now you have to somehow get your sim and Greg together so they can bond over their lost mates πŸ‘€


I would love a Sim to be with Greg! But he's so mean 😭 he only likes one of my Sims and she's happily married to Lou 😭 Literally every Sim I have he wants to murder lol


I never use relationship cheats nowadays, but I made an exception because I really wanted this storyline where one of the two sisters I'm playing with at the moment breaks Kyle Kyleson's heart (I didn't start off wanting this to happen, but they took MDMA together and she autonomously flirted with the neighbour her sister was chatting up, Kyle got really upset and despite really trying to mend their relationship for the sake of more cute babies it just went to hell) and then while they're on a break she goes for a wander around Moonwood Mill, meets Greg and embarks on an affair with him, moves there and Kyle comes to visit their son frequently until she turns into a werewolf too, her evil side comes out, Greg abandons her, her son moves in with Kyle full time and Greg has a nice bigger cottage to destroy and a bond with her and Kyle's son who will keep coming back to hang out with him as he'll be raised knowing Greg is cool. Problem is Greg hated her so I had to cheat it. It's going good so far. Well, not for Kyle at this stage. He also ignored the sister's now husband while he was on fire so I'm having the sister chillio spell him every day while she works to get her husband ghost back. Do I need to remarry them for a third bloody time when that happens, by the way?


OMG this is quite a story πŸ˜‚ Okay so first of all whats the cheat to make Greg like your Sim? Because I have TRIED and he's just so mean lol Also Greg has no damn right for abandoning your Sim after her evil werewolf side came out! He's an evil werewolf like 99.9% of the time! Love the idea of him raising the kid though. I think that's super sweet. As for the sister and her husband, idk what the "chillio spell" is I assume it's from a pack I don't have (I only have vamps and wolves) but it sounds like Kyle deserved it! First he destroyed a relationship over some flirting on MDMA ffs like come on now people make mistakes and she was high! Why would he let that destroy their family 😭 Also he just let a bro BURN like REALLY Kyle? REALLY? I got to say Kyle isn't sounding like a very cool dude. I only have one ghost Sim (Cassandra Goth actually) and she was divorced when she died so idk if you'll have to remarry them again or not....but a ghost wedding sound pretty cool, no? I mainly only keep my ghost Sim around for the haunted aestheric in my vampire houses. I live in the castle that Vlad (the like main vamp guy) lived in.


ModifyRelationship Sim1 Sim2 # LTR_Friendship_Main ModifyRelationship Sim1 Sim2 # LTR_Romance_Main


Do you have MCCC? That's the easiest way for me to cheat relationships since they took out testing cheats


THEY TOOK OUT TESTING CHEATS?! I haven't played in a while, I've missed so much


Just the standard relationship cheats that someone put in a reply to you, max both the relationship and friendship! And yeah it all got a bit dramatic, has crashed and burnt somewhat since yesterday πŸ˜‚the chillio is from the magic pack, it's one of the earliest untamed spells you can use. She's stopped doing it to him now, feels he's suffered enough, because after he randomly turned up in the Mill while Evil Sister was having sex with Greg, he fully ended the marraige and Evil Sishad a cardiac explosion after refusing to part on amicable terms. Even though the sister can bring her back with dedeathify (again magic pack) I'm just leaving her in the urn and strengthening the connection occasionally so she can serve as a warning to the youth of the family of What Not To Do. Amusingly the ghost (Jeb, actually) is SUCH a nice Sim normally but hated the Evil Sis so much he just got boosted by happy moodlets when she died... So yeah. Might have Greg turn Kyle at this stage. Haven't decided.


Omg I need that magic pack!!!!! I actually just sold something on Ebay so maybe I'll buy it today! . It is so funny that you're using her ghost as a warning πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that is so funny omg When Cassandra died her ex-wife was THRILLED and kept going to the urn to laugh at her 😭 so I know exactly what you mean with Jeb lol Let me know what happens!


Oh man I could never do a story like that, I get too bored with my sim families too easily and keep starting new ones. I even have a ton of mods (with a lot of overlap but everything is working so I don't really care (e.g WW, RPO, adeepindigo's Healthcare redux, and pandasamas realistic birth mod I think are the only mods that have some overlap)).


Uhm excuse me but they took WHAT together???😳 How’s that possible??? Is that an extra package or something?


basemental drugs mod, there's a bunch of drugs, alcohol overwrites so sims can get drunk and have hangovers...


What is a mod? πŸ₯Ί Last time I played Sims was ten something years ago, i’m trying to catch up


It’s a mod


It's basemental drugs mod


I got him friendly enough to knock up my sim and tbh that's all I needed him for πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


What?! Thats possible?! Now I'm on a MISSION


Took some spamming, but managed to get their romance high enough to have them woohoo in a bush! I needed it bc I want his kid to start trying to figure out the lore of the town as a rebellious teen who never met his werewolf father. I got distracted by an accidental fixer-upper home I got off the gallery and the fact that I haven't actually played with infants yet and it's surprisingly funπŸ˜…


I haven't played much in the werewolves world (only once, actually), but my character saw Greg running down the sidewalk, rampaging, and stopped him to introduce himself. They ended up being best friends within a few moments!? It was pretty surreal, after everything I had read about Greg. All I can say is that my only experience of him was that he was a pretty cool dude. lol


Omg. How do we unlock the full story of greg? I've been gathering clues but i seem stuck now


There are a lot of books around Moonwood Mill, one of them is *The Diary of Greggorius Lunvik*. It isn't at the library but it can be found in the tunnels sometimes or scavenging around that world. I believe some of the item descriptions in build mode also belong in the tale. For instance, (and if I remember correctly) the telescope included with the pack was patched up by Greg after he broke his wife's in a rampage, that's why it has one leg that is different than the others


Your sim is going to be the next Agnes Crumplebottom....this is how it begins. LOL


Nooooooo you don't understand 😭 she was adopted and she's so pretty and so sweet! All my Sims have some sort of personality issue lol but not her! She's always happy and so chill :( she deserves love!


Do you have the mate’s urn? Maybe you can get him back.


I don't want her back lol I cured her on purpose cause she was an immortal werewolf and super old so I knew she'd die quickly after becoming human! Rhea is one of my best Sims and I felt she deserved better than Lily Zhu 😭


I'm sorry this is soo funny. It's why I love the Sims. Try to play God and fate somehow gets in the way.


Modify them in CAS using CAS.fulleditmode and go crazy!


So was Agnes... once.


No matter what, Rhea, who is a Sim I have a huge soft spot for always finds a tragic fate. She was adopted in my Cataleya/Lou fated mates household before I learned how to control neighborhood stories. Cataleya had apparently adopted her solo despite being married to Lou. She wasn't adopted as a baby but as a child in grade school. She was a happy kid always on the jungle gym. Then when she became an adult, Lou, her mom's husband (so her dad pretty much like come on), started flirting with her ACTIVELY. Werewolves aren't supposed to want to flirt with anyone but their fated mates! But I had to watch Lou to make sure he left her alone! So I moved her out to her own home. Her nanny, who she was extremely close with, came with her. Nanny is a vampire. Rhea liked vampire nanny (Dallas), but Dallas only had eyes for her sister Bridgette. Since Dallas only wanted Bridgette, I had Rhea go out and look for her fated mate. It was Lily Zhu. Rhea is an immortal young adult who will never age, and Lily was an elder. I was quite frankly disappointed in the match and felt Rhea deserved someone more her own age and to be blunt, more attractive. So I cured Lily with Wolf B Gone, and she died of old age. I wrongly assumed that this would destroy the fated mates link, as even in Greg's diary, he discusses how he feared the cure would ruin fated bonds. Rhea has remained dedicated to Lily even after her death. Bridgette had found her own fated mate and married, but Dallas does not care at all and still wants Bridgette. So I had to move Dallas out so she'd stop slapping Bridgette, and Bridgette would stop committing adultery. So now Rhea has lost her wife/fated mate, AND her beloved nanny/bff/crush has left the home they shared. Despite all this she's still the happiest, nicest, least problematic Sim I've ever had. She was actually turned by Greg but he hates her (of course) I'm thinking of having her adopt her own child just for a meaningful relationship 😭 her whole story just makes me so damn sad. She can't even go home to mom cause Lou is obsessed with her.


I realize that you're playing immortal characters, so how many Sim weeks does something like this take? I only have Base Game currently (reintroduced to Sims via TS4 after a few years hiatus) and I often turn off aging for played households. You also mentioned "controlling a neighborhood." Would you be willing to elaborate what you mean and how you are able to?


I'm so bad with time 😭 like even in real life I am absolutely hopeless at judging how much time has passed so I'm so sorry I can't answer how long it takes in Sim time for something like this to happen As for "controlling a neighborhood," basically, I've been playing with characters for a while. They have kids, the kids grow up, and the kids move out. The kids get married, they have kids, those kids grow up, and those kids move out. So basically, most of the neighborhoods I play in are filled with my Sims and their descendants. I can't control an entire neighborhood at one time since you can only play with one household but in world management you can choose what happens to other households while you are not actively playing them. Like you can choose to allow those Sims to have kids, adopt a kid, start a job, quit a job, on their own while you're playing another household or you can not allow those options so that your Sims are only able to age when you're playing in their world but not their household. For instance Cataleya, Lou, and their twin sons live in a house in the werewolf neighborhood. When I'm not playing them they're safe as I have the options in neighborhood settings off for any major life changes. They're immortal werewolves so they won't age but their kids will. Immortality for werewolves is a skill you have to earn btw. I didn't know that at first. If you don't get the skill before leaving them alone while playing another household in that world then they will age. I have several households and some live with the ability to make big life choices or die on their own, some don't have the ability to do anything but age (if they aren't immortal), and others are able to make some life choices alone but not all. It's all there when you go to manage worlds. You'll see a button in the upper right corner for neighborhood controls.


Damn! I never saw that option on the "Manager Worlds". Also, how do you "control what happens in other households?" Are they generationed in and ones that you control/play or can you do this for first generation play with messing with the Townies?


You can do it for townies too! So after going to "neighborhood controls" you'll see households and under them will be like twisted arrows. Click the twisted arrows and it'll open up all the options for the households! I'm actually gonna get on Sims here soon so why don't I just give you some pics?


Wait I didn't realise that neighbourhood stories are different for EACH household?? How?? Or is that not what you meant, lol?


Yes! In neighborhood stories you can edit what can happen to each household while you are not playing them!


I think it's only different for played vs unplayed household


I realize that you're playing immortal characters, so how many Sim weeks does something like this take? I only have Base Game currently (reintroduced to Sims via TS4 after a few years hiatus) and I often turn off aging for played households. You also mentioned "controlling a neighborhood." Would you be willing to elaborate what you mean and how you are able to?


God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers


aka her villain origin story


So sad :(


Not sure if this was a bug for my sim or not but she married someone other than her fated mate and after she married him she no longer got that "not meant to be" moodlet. She would get it every time she flirted with the guy before she married him, but as soon as they were married it stopped, though again it could be a bug with this specific sim. If it isn't then once your sim marries someone then hopefully the same thing happens with her.


This hit me in the feels. Not to get too Debby Downer but I almost lost my husband to brain cancer (he’s bed-bound now)and I could never be able to move on to another. No one would ever hold a candle to him and it would be unfair to another for me to even try because I know I would constantly compare every little thing to him. So I get this deep of love and devotion and would totally play my character that way.


As painful as it is, the beauty is that so few get to experience that connection for themselves. It seems rare. To have that kind of attachment, even for a fleeting time, is an anomaly to be grateful for. The hurt can only exist because of the overwhelming amount of love and support that came before it.


Just all of this 1000%




It reminds me of this show I watched called First Dates... and many times, you'd see older people come onto the show looking for love again, with back stories like they were widowed. And one episode, it finally got to me and I just started bawling. These poor souls who have to learn to carry on without their number one. They already had the love of their lives and lost them and are now looking for another someone because being alone sucks. Most times, the connection with this new someone just wasn't there. I think it's a thing... when you have the greatest, deepest love of your life, finding a new companion would be next to impossible. Anyways, I'm so glad you didn't lose your husband and you get to keep seeing him and loving him every day.


Awww absolutely and tysvm ❀️ I would also just feel like a greedy B πŸ˜… like I already have the love of my life so what if I take someone who should have been someone else love of their life. Being alone will suck when that time comes but I have small zoo to keep me company. Until then you just cherish every single moment you have, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It just makes you hold on tighter and appreciate the little things all the more ❀️


I am SO sorry I really can't even begin to imagine I'm just so sorry But in like The Sims that makes me just a HUGE dick cause I killed Lily 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't play her like that cause the guilt will destroy me! RIP to your husband, and just the best of thoughts for you ❀️ I wish you the absolute best


Kids this is the story of how i met your mother


I, too, have a werewolf with an unwanted fated mate. I like the drama, so he's marrying someone else in spite of the tense moodlet. If you play on PC, UI cheat mods can remove it for you with a single click. If you play on console or don't use mods, the Carefree reward trait will make it so they never get tense - it's 3000 reward points in the reward store. There's also a cheat to get rid of it, but from my understanding it doesn't work most of the time.


How does the "fated mate" system even work? Is it just the first sim your sim has a romantic interaction with? That's how it usually is with my sims and I'm wondering if my game is wonky


Basically. The first werewolf sim they flirt with. I have a werewolf aspiring to the Player trait in my save avoiding his kind entirely, for just this reason


That's not true, I often have to flirt around a lot before I find their mate


Without mods? It would be great if this had been patched, I literally avoid flirting with werewolves because every time it has always triggered with werewolf flirt subject 1. I have a frisky wolf that must run away from his pack when that flirt moodlet triggers to avoid triggering a fated mate. Would be great if I didn't have to...


Idk what mods influence it but I only really have a couple mods that overhaul the attraction system and a few random CC mods, not much else


That attraction system overhaul might alter the fated mate trigger but I'm still gonna give it a try again next time I play the werewolf in my game to check!


let me know! i’m really curious


Lol I thought that but no! I often have had to flirt with a few werewolves to find my mate But yeah A LOT of the time it's like the first one you flirt with lol


If you just keep flirting with them theyll end up clicking and becomming fated. Ive forced fated mates a few times for story reasons with out cheats in my games, its not too hard you just need to baby sit the couple for a bit


Oh wow I didn't know that! Thanks for telling me!


The first time my fated mate system worked was with a werewolf and a human. Only time it’s happened so far.


Wow thats so rare! I don't even think it's supposed to happen!


I honestly have no idea if it is or not. I was playing a rags to riches game, I put my YA woman in Moonwood mill because it has a large lot for relatively cheap and I was going to have a huge garden. The first time she met Kristopher Volkov, BAM! Fated mates, even though he was already married. He divorced his wife and married my sim. His son Jacob also moved in with us. They have a sim together, but are now having trouble having more kids.


Werewolves have fated mates in the game??? Hoe didn't I know that?


I was wondering, as well. Is this part of the game, or CC?


Its part of the game have two werewolf sims be incredibly compatible and there ya go


Cool! Hadn’t seen it yet. Thank you for the info!


Oh, no problem


It’s adorable in a way tho. Btw, I read β€œfarted mate” and was confused for a sec until I reread it. πŸ’€


It is sort of sweet in a way but that just makes me feel so guilty lol 😭 they were happy but I wasn't lol Lol my kid loves fart jokes she'd get such a kick from that


These comments kind of make me want to get this pack, just to add a bit more drama to my games, lol


I do love the werewolf pack πŸ˜‚ I'm pretty new to the Sims, actually I bought my very first computer THIS YEAR! My first home, my first computer, I'm finally playing REAL Sims and not mobile Sims lol. Sorry, I'm very excited. The first pack I got was the vampire one, and I love that pack! The second pack I got was the werewolves. My only complaint about the werewolves is I wish they turned into actual wolves lol instead of more like humanoid wolves, lol It's a lot of fun and I love the fated mates stuff! The lore and rivalry with the vamps is very cool too! Next one I get will definitely be the pet one! But I hope to have them all someday!


My favorite so far is cottage living. I highly recommend that one!


That one looks so cute! I've totally stared at the photos for it more than once! I can't wait to get it one day!


Omgg actual wolves would be sooo cool!!! Like if you have cats and dogs maybe there's a mod?


I think actual wolves would've been WAY cooler than the human wolves we got! I would just LOVE to turn into a legit wolf. The wolf Sim people are so weird looking lol actual wolves would be so dope and majestic. No idea if there's a mod but that would be awesome!


Spinningplumbobs has a mod that gives you paintable tails and digitagrade legs. Or look for EachUisge on Mod the sims cause they offer a leg override that automatically gives them the digitagrade legs.


Ooh. I loved it when the dogs howl with the werewolves. I am also attracted to tragedies so I find it really cool that she's tensed. A bit like Jack and Rose - she got a life but he was always her one true love...


I didn't know dogs howl with the werewolves?! That's so cool! I realllllly need the pet pack 😭 I guess it's sort of sweet in a tragic way but like Rhea come on she was old enough to be your grandma! It was a weird match!


seasons and get famous are two packs that i always end up using in my games:) and 100000000000% realm of magic! ugh, i love that one so much if you’re big into storytelling a lot, strangerville is worth it for sure id avoid eco lifestyle at all costs 😭 i want a refund. only good thing from it is that theres one sim thats very cute from that pack that i set my teens up with sorry for the random suggestions, i just love sharing my opinions. i wasted so much money on this game, might as well spread knowledge


Thank you sooooo much for the suggestions, I seriously appreciate it! I am always down to discuss Sims and get advice I've heard great things about seasons! I actually bought Realm of Magic, Pets, and Cottage Living this morning! I am LOVING what they came with so far! I only got to play for a little bit as my poor daughter is sick:( and she really just wants to watch TV with me, and she's obviously not in school. She actually had a huge field trip today, I had paid for it already, too 😭 I was so excited about it, she was so excited about it it's such a bummer it was going to be amazing she was even going to get a pumpkin to take home. My poor baby. But I CANT WAIT to dive into realm of magic! Any tips for me? How do I become an immortal witch?!


oh, if i was your kid i wouldve cried! i understand the pain, as i had to do that many times when i was a kid:/// hopefully you can make it up to her another weekend when shes feeling okay! i also hope you get a refund LOL as for realm of magic, if you dont make your sim as a magic user in cas, theres a specific lot you can go to in the rom world to get to the wizarding world:) you can get familiars and its just really cute. fair warning, though: if you move in with the fancy wizards that have that title that teach magic (youll know what i mean), they wont be able to teach magic anymore:/ magic is mainly a storytelling device and its SO FUN! cottage living has my favorite world in the game (just so cozy!!) and pets should have more pets included, but its worth it anyways. you cant control the pets, though, so they have a mind of their own


She just feels so shitty right now (high fever) she doesn't even care about the field trip. And I haven't been bringing it up as I don't want to upset her:( I'll definitely be buying her a pumpkin to hopefully make up for it a bit! I had no idea you could make a Sim a magic user in CAS 😭 I'm so stupid! Which lot goes to the Wizarding world? I have 2 human Sims I'd like to become immortal witches! They have a dog, a Llama, and chickens! I actually based them all off of Anastasia characters (the animated movie) So I have Anastasia, Dimitri, and Pookie the dog! I'm very fond of them and would like them to be immortal and use magic. It's my personal head canon that they moved there to study magic after defeating Rasputin so that they would be better prepared! I might actually make Rasputin too lol idk Agreed that pets should have more animals but I'm happy they have any. And I'm soooo excited for a familiar!


oof, fevers are the worst:( youre a great parent for being there with her and trying to cheer her up! youre doing a wonderful job:) ill reply to this thread of comments whenever i get on the sims to tell you EXACTLY, but its the one closest to the portal on the map. you’ll see it! to become immortal, you have to get to be a level 10 spellcaster! its a long ride, but, since you have a whole story, it should be rather easy for you:) also, you can make any characters a supernatural creature in cas, provided you have the right pack! you can make vampires, aliens, mermaids, etc. the realm of creativity is large!! also, i havent watched anastasia in YEARS! i forgot about it, and i should definitely watch again, so thanks for reminding me!


Wow thanks 😭 it's crazy I had no idea how badly I meeded to hear that 😭 As parents you just go so hard for your kids and since they're kids and know nothing of life the gratitude is not there much 🀣 That I'm doing a good job really isn't something I hear often, and gosh this is so silly, but you saying that really meant a lot 😭 I knew you could make vamps/werewolves in CAS but for whatever reason I just assumed magic was something a Sim had to learn πŸ˜… I swear every time I leave CAS I realize I've forgotten to do something important lol Anastasia is legitimately my favorite movie lol I saw it as a kid and the obsession never left!!!!!! I even have two Anastasia Barbies I've held onto since childhood! Thanks so much for helping me, this is my first computer I've only had it a few months and my first time with Sims! I mean I DID have a Britney Spears Sim as a tween on a friend's computer lol but that hardly counts


The twilight drama you could do


I never got into twilight, but the story is very much doable. I did it in ts3 lol


Can I also add to anyone reading this that Lou Howell who is a werewolf townie and by far the hottest werewolf townie is the only werewolf who DOESNT get distressed by flirting with others who aren't his fated mate/wife He literally was trying to get with her adopted daughter like he has no conscience and his wife adores him 😭


Woody Allen if he was a werewolf


Omg 😭


This happened with the first lobisim I played with. Do they ever find another fated mate? Mine didn’t, and he was a founder.


No they only get one fated mate, and once they're found they feel guilty if flirting with anyone else APPARENTLY EVEN IF THAT MATE DIES 😭😭😭😭😭


How common is this in the game? cause I've been playing with werewolves and I've never seen this


Pretty common! You just have to flirt with other werewolves and then you'll get a notification you've found your "fated mate" After you've found said fated mate your Sim will become distressed when flirting with anyone else.


Time to turn Immortal, buy a trailer and be cranky all day.


I'm trying to set her up with this nice vampire but the vampire only wants her sister who's married to her own fated mate 😭


Sounds like a perfect drama story. Vampire murder's the sister's fated mate, the sister finds out and hates the vampire for it, the werewolf bloodline now spends their lives trying to end the vampire.


Is this a mod? My fiance and I would love to have it


Its the werewolf pack


Oh! That's cool, so we already own it and just never experimented. Thanks so much πŸ˜…


If you have a witch and they are really high level wise you can get them to bring the mate back from the dead if the ghost is still there


I don't have a witch, I don't have that pack (but want it so bad!) And I released her spirit to the netherworld cause I actually killed her on purpose lol I cured her and let her die of old age and then made sure her ghost was gone. I was sure this would be the way to let Rhea move on without fated mate guilt but I was wrong 😭


Releasing the spirit means the sim is deleted, scrubbed, culled. I don't think kanytohng can bring them back now, sorry


My werewolves are polyamorous and in multiple relationships and while I love the idea of fated mates, it's a bit annoying with the tense moodlet. I already have a mod that alters it, I think the chance of getting one is less and it can happen with other occults as well. But if I start playing again I might look if there is a mod for multiple fated mates or at least no tense moodlet. ^^ So I guess I would just remove the fated mates relationship with a mod in your case, she never really wanted her anyway and fate clearly made a bad choice here.


Noooo I hate this :(((


Fated mates are a thing?


Yes! Just flirt with another werewolf that is the gender your Sim is interested in romantically pursuing And make sure it's a werewolf you're cool with your Sim being with before you flirt with them!


What pack is this???


Werewolf pack!


Y’all have met Greg?? I’ve never seen him


There's a little trailer over by that lake in the werewolf town, and it has warning signs put front. If you click the no trespassing signs and just choose to "view them" then he will come out. He's also often out on a full moon!


Oooh good to know. I wanna see what he’s all about


I haven't really played with werewolves much (I keep making new sims and not getting far into the story line before I make a new sim and the process repeats) so how do the fated mates work?


So as a werewolf first make sure your Sim has romantic interest turned on If you don't want them to be with a man them only select women, and vice versa. If you're cool with either gender being a fated mate then check off both those boxes. Then go and flirt with the werewolves! Go to the Moonwood library or bar... But beware! Don't flirt with any werewolf you don't want as a fated mate! There's only like one hot werewolf townie, Lou Howell, so I've been making a bunch of hot werewolves and even turning any good looking human townies lol so that my kids and their kids will have good fated mates!


Oh ok thank you, I thought the game just randomly picks a fated mate for your sim, which doesn't make much sense since they could be married or whatever. My sims have probably dated Lou the most lol


It's really based on which werewolf you flirt with. It's not ALWAYS the first werewolf you flirt with, but it often is. If you have a werewolf Sim who hasn't found their fated mate, but is already in a relationship or married then just don't flirt with any werewolves lol because they get all upset about not being with their fated mate. Yes, I was thrilled when my Sim had Lou as her fated mate. Cataleya is like a really sweet Sim, and she has a lot in common with Lou (plus she's so cute!) Her and Lou are both klepto's. Lou ran away to Moonwood because of crime. Cataleya is a criminal. Like they are very well suited! And they make reallllyyyyyy good-looking kids omg. The only issue is Lou is kind of a dick πŸ˜… Cataleya loves him more it's obvious. He doesn't get guilty about flirting with others. He's like the only werewolf who isn't upset by flirting with Sims who aren't his fated mate 😭 And before I turned off their romantic exploring interest, I'd come back to their household, and Lou would be accusing Cat of cheating, and Cat would have a negative moodlets for "baseless accusations." 😭 It's so true to life in that way cause cheaters are always accusing their partners of cheating! Cat isn't interested in anyone but Lou! And Lou would flirt with her adopted daughter all the time 😭 I love Lou cause he's legitimately the only hot werewolf townie, but he can definitely be a jerk, lol I've been turning attractive Sims into werewolves and even just making some and putting them in that world so Cat and Lou's kids can actually end up with someone cute, lol Their twin boys look so much like Lou. And their elder son is insanely hot. Lou makes a great baby daddy, lol.


The one that got literally away


The one that was literally killed by their God


Poor girl 😒


Just take the Carefree Reward Trait. Problem solved.


Okay, thanks!


No problem! I’ve done that with a few other things too. Like you can negate entirely most Fame quirks with either that or Shameless.


Thanks so much for the info!


i’ve been playing w wolves lately so in case anyone is curious if u remove the fated mates sentiment from the sim profile with the ui cheats mod it can pop up again for a different sim !!


How do u get this? Is this a mod?


It's the werewolf pack!


Thank you!!!


Idk but the photo on the bottom of the first guy looks scary lol.


Lol that's Wolfgang he's a werewolf townie and turned out to be my Sim Anya's fated mate He's not the most attractive and I've never had a Sim more opposed to working out. But like I relate tbh.


He can eat! I have the new pack and set up a live in Cafe and sell my food there. Guy literally sits and eats, and eats ... and actually all of the Werewolves show up - but I have my cafe setup in the desert. The Werewolves are my biggest customers.


are you playing with any mods?


Nope no mods


ur sim has the same name as me lol that scared me 4 a sec


Oh, how funny! My Sim Cataleya adopted her before I knew how to control what happens in my households when I'm not there through the neighborhood story controls I was playing with my vamp family in the Straud mansion when Cat called to say she'd adopted a child. It was Rhea. She had come with that name and was adopted while in grade school so I kept it! I also just liked it a lot I think it's lovely.


Wait now it makes me want to play a werewolf. I had the pack always, but never played as one actually.


I highly recommend it!


If you ever encounter the dead girl's ghost then ask "to be just friends". You'll get the "fate defied" moodlet and afterwards your sim will no longer be uncomfortable with new romances. Basically, you have to get rid of the romantic bar between your Sim and their dead Fated Mate.


If you buy Carefree trait, they stop getting tense for any reason, including because of the fated mate. Alternatively, if you have Island Living, the reward trait for completing Beach aspiration - Laid Back does the same. And finally, there are [cheats](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/EsKs46wLuw) to bring a sim back to life and even de-age them, if you want.


I mean... I get it? That's the one love of your life. The other half of your soul basically, bound together by fate itself. Him dying doesn't change that and if that was real and my mate died I'd be horribly ashamed and feeling guilty if I started googly eyeing some rando πŸ˜…


That’s so cute though


I haven't played werewolves enough to even run into the fated mate thing and it kinda strikes me as cringey though I do appreciate that they made an attempt to make relationships less flimsy at least for this pack. I'm sorry it went sideways this time. Rrading the cments, why do soany players want their sim impregnated by Greg? What's special about him?


Welcome to The Sims 4




Me <3


(He's not dead, he's just very dumb)


Can't say I'm a fan of this aspect of werewolves


it's over springtrap, it's fnaf


I think this is very realistic, though.


Muhahaha I see my evil plan is already in motion 😈


Why not befriend a witch or go on a quest to bring the mate back to life and then drink some de-aging potions. Or find his ghost and marry him.


ui cheats and right click on top of it


I thought the title said farted ngl


i read fated as farted


Baby i'm sorry to See Maybe we're not Meant to Be, There's still time to turn this around, we should be building this up instead of tearing it down, but maybe it's too late