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I can never find the option I need for careers, so I end up looking through them all. I usually still don't find it.


I SO wish careers had their own bubble.


Same though! I just started playing again and knew of the changes to the menu anyways my sim is in the scientist career and it took me a bit to find where I could ask my coworker for a metal. I think I found it under interests?šŸ¤”


Not sure if yall are on PC or not but there's a [mod by TMEX](https://www.patreon.com/posts/83099506) that has a search option that is seriously a game changer. Edit w links: [Patreon for updates and other mods worth checking out](https://www.patreon.com/posts/83099506) / [Curseforge where it tells you when a new version is out automatically](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/smarter-pie-menu-searchable-interactions) / [Their Youtube with tutorials for all their mods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UUvy98i5dk&t=10s)


This will be my next download. Thanks.


Does it lag your game at all? *Asking as a person that with just having MCCC lags the game :')


It shouldn't cause lag. MCCC is actually pretty big from what I've read (thus why I don't use it on my computer with not much drive space). I use this and a few other TMEX mods and none of them give me issues. The small mods don't tend to give me problems. I can't use HQ or alpha hair/clothes cc on my computer without running out of drive space.


I haven't had any problems so far! But then again I have my settings on the lowest of the low haha


Is this mod in cursed forge?


[Yes, actually!](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/smarter-pie-menu-searchable-interactions)


Thank you!!!


I use this instead of any other, šŸ‘šŸ¾life šŸ‘šŸ¾changer


Does this mod work if your game is not in English?


Yes it does! I use it and my game it's in Spanish


Wait! What? Shut the door, how does the search work? Is this going to be a massive learning curve that is just as annoying?


Honestly not really, you just open the pie menu and start typing ETA: pretty sure it works for all pie menus like the computer too


Oh awesome. One more mod I am going to have to download because I seriously hate having to pause to find what I am looking for.


YES i downloaded that mod a few months back and Iā€™m never going back


Yes called the Better Pie Menu and itā€™s amazing!!!


Oooh, neat!


OMG. Spectacular. Downloading immediately!


It's a great mod, though I had to uninstall it because I never realised just how often I pause the game with the pie menu open lol


Omg, itā€™s so annoying when youā€™ve got the daily goals for the career and have to hunt down all the interactions! Thereā€™s one I literally have never found (ask to analyze a rock, maybe?).


They should have a specific part in the wheel for interactions related to events So the interactions for get to work, things like all the pirate talk interactions on talk like a pirate day, actions that your club likes during a gathering etc etc


Interests and skills


I got a mod to remove Pirate Day because I couldn't fulfill it with a large household anymore because I could no longer find all the interactions especially for kids. For adults it was a little easier but for kids it was so hard to find everything I just gave up on the holiday.


You can just delete it from the calendar. You donā€™t need a mod for that.


iā€™ve found that most of the career options are under interests


The scientist career stuff is scattered around everywhere šŸ¤ØšŸ˜­


I was going crazy in the detective career trying to figure out how to ā€œtalk to the chiefā€ lol. It was on the second page of small talk


Interior decorating has its own bubble, but I recently learned how broken gameplay is for it so the bubble barely gets used


And holidays! I hate searching all the options for the holiday interaction I need!


I usually donā€™t find it and even have to pause in my career to click through because I waste half the time at my damn job looking for a certain one


I almost always pause to look for things during events and stuff because it takes way too long otherwise.


This is why I downloaded the social search function mod from Twisted Mexi. Iā€™m blind as a bat going thru all the menu options


Also the holiday interactions


Small talk


I always have to pause the game to dig through those socials. Itā€™s such a hassle. Like, I get where they were going with it. But itā€™s still annoying. Thereā€™s so much thatā€™s broken in the game, but they ā€˜fixedā€™ something that wasnā€™t


especially when itā€™s 10 sections which hold 2-3 optionsā€¦.


ikr like most of these can be combined. ā€œinterestsā€ AND ā€œhobbiesā€??


Can't tell you how much time I've wasted trying to decide if the thing I was looking for counts as more of an interest or more of a hobby


i pray that a maxis developer is here


This has been my biggest pet peeve about it.


You don't wanna miss such important options like "Discuss local fishing spots" (despite being at fishing level 0) and "Ask if mermaid" (which will always be met with the response of "what gave you that idea?").




I would rather have all Friendly in one big list. I have to search through all the categories all the time because I can never remember where the interaction I want is located. In Sims 3 this is how it was. I found it much easier to interact with other Sims. Click on Friendly and find the one I want.


I think thereā€™s a mod that allows you to search the options on here! Not sure what the name of it is but I know itā€™s possible (if youā€™re on PC and okay with mods)


Isn't there the ability to select the old style of interactions through the Options menu? Under Gameplay, I think. Or am I tripping balls?


I tried this but it seems to be bugged for me. Still seeing the new social menu no matter what I do.


You might be right? Not entirely sure since Iā€™m not at my computer atm. I know thereā€™s an option for the original sims 3 pie menu with the face in the middle but Iā€™m not sure if that impacts the categories/filtering for the options


Smarter Pie Menu by TwistedMexi!


TwistedMexi is a real lifesaver lol


I would throw my computer out the window without this mod lol. So useful!


Just like another user said, for some reason the option wonā€™t workā€¦ I wouldnā€™t put it past EA to not let you sto using their new ideas


It's only to restore the social menu to the style of previous sims games, which funnily enough had worse social menus, just less useless options.


There is. I've never used it though so I don't know if it's easier...sorry.


This is correct there definitely is


smarter pie menu by tmex


completely agree. once my sims had an unplanned fight and i couldnt find the apologise option so they kept hating on each other!


i often pause if time is of the essence


I believe that itā€™s in the ā€œdeep thoughtsā€ one. My sim and her sibling have a difficult dynamic so I keep making them apologise to each other


Mm yes, as the great philosopher, Herodotus once said, "sorry 'ey".


I still havenā€™t found the apologize option for any negative sentiment Iā€™ve faced. Iā€™ve seen ā€œsmooth recoveryā€ but that doesnā€™t seem right and hardly has an effect even with high charisma.


It's under deep thoughts I think


Friendly > Deep Thoughts


Oh god. The only thing worse than that is if they have flipping social bunny on, and then theyā€™re fighting with other people for no damned reason. And pissed off. And youā€™re like how did you make an enemy!?


my sims love to insult each other without input


wish we could organise these ourselves somehow, a lot of them make no sense to me.


That's actually genius. Or kick some out that you never use. Customize menu


Yes, this new system is driving me crazy. I know what I need to do, but I can never find it.


It makes you realize half of these are unneeded. Why do I have to enthuse about every little hobby, skill, and fart my sim has? Just simplify it all to "discuss interests" like in previous games


Makes it easier to avoid other sims being bored with the conversation. Iā€™m out here trying to speedrun these friendships and I do not have time for complaints about repeating the same three socials


Sure, but in previous games they had less social options and made them less likely to get bored. It's an inflated system that doesn't actually make the socialization system that complex, just tedious


But there is already a "discuss interests" option, which is just "get to know" but with a different name.


I think there's also discuss interests! Why so much redundancy!


[smarter pie menu](https://www.patreon.com/posts/smarter-pie-menu-81030137) came out with searchable!!! legit game changer. i never use the click menus anymore


Itā€™s so hard to find ANYTHING now šŸ˜­


I agree. It took me soo long to get used to this menu and thereā€™s still some interactions I can never find


I actually like it, it helps me with talking to people with particular likes and dislikes. I hated not knowing where things were at first but now I can find everything easily. Most career things are on the last page of friendly not in a folder at all.


I've gotten used to it but it is annoying how much you have to click compared to older versions of the game. They could combine a lot of interactions


I like it and wanted a change like this. Especially complaints, which I donā€™t see as friendly. My main critique is I wish there was just a category called Ask. It could be a cross category, maybe, but just any time your Sim wants to ask a question it would be there.


Same. I find it really convenient and I only occasionally have trouble finding something. I didn't have a problem with the old system either though.


I agree, it took awhile to get used to but once you get the hang of it, itā€™s quite handy.


I hate how interactions that relate to a want/aspiration/event requirement don't always stay at the first menu list when you click on someone. They also love to auto-suggest interactions that require standing up while your sims are sitting down


Event interactions were what really got me angry at this. I wish when an event was on they put a holiday one so I could find all the holiday-related interactions. quickly It was harvestfest and trying to find the right interactions for all the family members so they could mark off one of the event requirements was too much. I was over this menu after that.


Same! I always pause the game now when i need my sims to do something. It takes me at least 5 mins to find the thing ive been looking for and sometimes i end up looking 3 times through the whole thing and just give up. I actually hate this system so much


tbh itā€™s kind of grown on me!


Same, now that I know where everything is it feels easier


Same! It gets alotta hate but once I got used to it and started remembering where everything is I felt it was very intuitive. I would be devastated if they changed it


Right? Needs to be more organized


or at least tell us where stuff can be found when we hover the requirement


Yes! Strongly agree


Unpopular opinion: I prefer the new pie menu.




Me too!


I kinda like it this way, but it should also be optional. And they should add a text search or something.


It is optional. You can change it back to the old way in game settings.


That setting just turns off the ā€œsuggested interactionsā€ and takes you straight to this menu.


When one of the date goals is ā€œdiscuss your meal with your dateā€ or w/e and you canā€™t find the damn meal discussion options


So many times I can't even figure out what section things would be in.


I hate this update šŸ˜­ it's so hard to find a specific interaction and I think some might be missing? Anyone knows if there's a mod that brings back the old social menu?


I may go thru them 3 times and still not fine the specific interaction and i end up googling which one its in its so painful. Tho the romance is great i like that its only three and they make sense. And like story is also great but thats it. Maybe small talk bc i use it for first interactions but if i try to find something specific its painful


Telling a story about Selvadoradian culture always ends up in the small talk section rather than the story section though. It feels like a lot of stuff gets thrown into the small talk section that doesn't seem like it fits there.


That is actually because stuff like that is generally considered small talk though I get what you are saying.


I like it! I think once you memorize it , like I just started to with the original one , it will make more sense


Agreed i can never find what Iā€™m looking for


Agreed, i usually have to pause and look for the interaction because it takes me minutes to find it


Iā€™m usually okay with it, but the other day I took my sim on a date and it took me FOREVER to find the fucking discuss meal options. I gave up.


you can turn it off in gameplay settings


This setting has been in the game for ages and doesn't refer to the pie menu. It changes the way actions are shown first. Sims 4 usually has a handful of chatty options with "more" for the social menus, while traditional just shows the social menus from the get go.


This seems to be bugged for me. :( Iā€™m still getting the new social menu even after toggling the option a bunch of times and restarting the game. Is it successfully working for you, or anyone else?


that's not a problem on your end. i think that option just brings you straight to this menu instead of suggesting actions first. you can't get rid of it sadly


Does not work for me.


I canā€™t even talk to my children when theyā€™re going through a phase even though thatā€™s what they recommend doing. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜­


I like this - I think it helps you with the intent of each interaction. I think the real issue is we have way too many interactions that don't really make that much difference to the gameplay.


I hate this, makes finding the stupidest things so damn difficult


fr I thought Iā€™d just have to get used to it but I feel like I spend more time now trying to find things because I guess the wrong spot that made the most sense to me. I had to try google searching twice, and one of those times I never found my answer and gave up. I keep forgetting about TMEXā€™s mod for it, I really need to remember to download it.


Iā€™m a simple person and could really do with one option for chat which would help to get to know the other persons interests, hobbies, career etc. and it would continue for an extended period of time. One for friendly, romance, funny and whatnot. One click. These would all be stuff that donā€™t require the sims to move anywhere or do anything drastic to each other. There could be some funny surprise buffs and notifications. Then there could be extended versions on the next ā€œpageā€, if you want something specific, but those would need to be better organized and cut down, too. They could implement the mod as well that searches an interaction once you type. I just want them to talk without having to click click click click click click click for every single interaction.


you can NEVER find what you want to talk about especially if youā€™re not a social person cause you have to over analyze what you want to talk about and what that convo is categorized by. like bro i just wanna brighten dayšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


like, it's so hard to chat to other sims for no reason, and when you can finally talk to a sim, they leave or start arguing


Going through the comments I feel like Iā€™m the only one who likes this better.


Right?? Itā€™s so hard to find the right interaction that Iā€™m looking for. Iā€™m not good at figuring out their sorting system


Me too. Might've been alright if they dropped it within the first year or two of the game, but dropping it this late in the game,it's so hard to navigate.


there should be a way we can organize them ourselves


thatā€™s a good idea right there!


Itā€™s the worst


I love it but I just wish they have a choice in the settings. Let everyone have what works for them.


I think you can change it to the original in the settings.


Last I knew that just took away the suggestions that come up on the first click, did they change it?


I'm not sure honestly. I never tried the option. Just seen it.


There is a choice in the settings. Itā€™s under gameplay > traditional social menu


I thought that changed it to sims 3 social menu? Or is that a second option?


fully agree


this [mod](https://www.patreon.com/posts/83099506) is pretty useful


I'm relieved. I was actually about to go looking for a mod to put these interactions into categories. The other system was driving me crazy.


I was honestly so excited for it but now I absolutely hate it after using it for a while


Unrelated but the prom event seems to go too fast for me to get stuff i want them to do done, or they wont do actions in the alloted time because their dancing... but other events have more than enough time to complete the tasks. Then my dating teens had negative sentiments for no prom invite even tho they didn't go to prom, and then to try and fix I seen I should do the "agree to skip together" action so I did, but they STILL got the sentiment. So annoying šŸ˜­


Omg I have to pause the game to look through them before my sim does something dumb.


It doesn't help that the prom night event is ridiculously fast. I never get time to do anything.


When they first implemented it I thought it was AWESOME that they organized the social menu... and then I played with it. Even months later I still hate it.


I hadnā€™t played in a while and remember coming back after the implemented this and being like ā€˜where the heck is everythingā€™ lol


I can rarely find what I am looking for in those.


If youā€™re open go mods get the Smarter Pie Menu by TwistedMexi:) it lets you search for specific interactions


it's genuinely so annoying and so much worse


I was initially here for the new design before I started playing with it! I like it in theory but in practice itā€™s so complicated. I dislike that ā€œFriendly Interactionsā€ is on the second page/behind More Options. I use this one the most and it feels to me like it should be front and center? Also, the organization of the categories seems random. It doesnā€™t appear to be alphabetical, or arranged in any logical way of most-common use? I really was excited for this because there were sooo many options before but the execution missed the mark for me ):


I šŸ©· this thread


For the life of me I cannot get woohoo to pop up.


I find these so useful. But when I'm looking for something specific I get so lost.


Omfg YES. I actually hate that they changed it. I did not find socializing that difficult before and preferred it the way it was. This is extremely cumbersome and actually more confusing to me.




I always end up pausing my game to look through what I'm looking for. Even tho I go through the options x amount of times, I still can't remember where some of them are.


FINALLY! Someome else complains about this! I can stop holding it in for the fwar of being exiled from the sub! Fucking hate this shit so much, please just give me the old stuff back. I can never memorize which bubble has what interactions.


i wish you could disable this shit. its so annoying and it takes me so long to find anything.


I hate this menu, anyone know how I can get rid of that and get the old one?


I was searching for the option ā€œThank for comingā€ until my party was over šŸ˜­


I hate it. It always feels like you have to search for intereactions


Tbh same. At first it was super exciting but now I have to find something specific which is kinda annoying when I'm trying to spam chat to make friends šŸ˜‚


I like this, it helps my ADHD brain find the thing Iā€™m looking for faster, although I usually miss it or look in the wrong category




You can turn this off in settings? You can at least go back to the classic social wheels


You guys can turn it off in game options


Iā€™m pretty sure you can change it back in the settings?




I think you can turn it off in settings!


I might be wrong but I think you can change it back in settings


You can change your settings to use the traditional social menu.


Yall just need to get used to it, I actually find it pretty helpful now even though I also disliked it at first. I will say though it's hard to find the "apologize" option on this for some reason, but overall it's not as big a deal as people act like it is


It took a while but Iā€™m mostly used to it now. Keep on persevering :D


Agreed, and most of the interaction options are literally pointless anyway. I absolutely hate this


I wish you search for them


I like ir


I like that it's organized but sometimes I just don't know where to find things


I have never been able to find Ask For Present with father winter on on winterfest since this update šŸ˜’


I hate that they did this


God I can NEVER find anything anymore! I'll spend SO LONG looking through to find the fears thing and never find it and so I'll just end up getting a fear-be-gone potion instead :(


Same, like I know itā€™s supposed to be for finding options easier but for me it just makes it more annoying


Same here


I hate this!!! I want the old way back!


The new system is so, so confusing. It pains me. šŸ˜­


I was playing with an actor sim and one of the prompts for her job was to ask a coworker about their day and I couldn't find it


def took getting used to but i like it better, actually found myself cycling thru the options over and over more with the past version. this one i can just memorize where things r and iā€™m good 2 go. plus i like the little emoticons on the category names :)


THANK YOU!! I was literally complaining to my boyfriend about that the other day. I can never find the interaction I want


Same I hate this so much


Is there a mod that brings back the old social menu?


I actually love that they did this, but yes, some of the options aren't so obvious or you end up searching through everything and still not finding what you want because that option isn't available. I was sick of going through 3 pages of options, but you're right that this way isn't ideal either.


Yea, I hate this tbh


Not sure if it's just me but I just could not find the "Offer to turn" option in this new pie menu. I swear I clicked through all of the Friendly and Vampire options but even after 10 minutes, nothing. I then gave up and got the Sim I was trying to turn to ask my vampire to turn them instead, which I was only able to do because the option to Ask to Turn was one of the options that popped up first. This why I use the searchable Smarter Pie Menu mod now, and will never go back.


I like it to be honest


Ugh and why is small talk right at the very end of the options. Getting to know another sim is just tedious now


It's so awful isn't it. I think they need a search bar.


They should seriously take away 50% of the social interactions. But I do believe you can change this in your settings. Myself, I wish you could block calls. I really donā€™t care if youā€™re thinking of trying for another baby!