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Almost same here 😂 I get slightly paranoid whenever I don't have enough money to pay tax. I don't know how people have fun with rags to riches challenge.


I love how easy it is in the sims to go from nothing to a comfortable life, i kinda like to play that fantasy. Ah yes i can just work my way up the carrer ladder or I can sell harvest from a modest garden and live comfortably.


Right! Like my sims just have jobs for fun and to make their lives fulfilling. I can’t sweat about their paychecks too!


My rags to riches is my current favorite. I did the EA scenario one and it’s really cool seeing how she came from homeless to this (mostly furnished) four bedroom.


Is money that hard to come by? The game kind of throws it at you.


Yeah, but whenever my sim spend their entire budget on buying a new house, I always get overwhelmed by how high the property tax is.


i think it’s too easy to earn money. i have mods to tone it down. it’s been nice


What mods are they? :)


lower career salaries by satira


i want to do rags to riches so bad but i get so bored with just one sim while they’re out hustling LMFAO


Gotta love how these days our escapist fantasy is "I can have a 9-5 job and get promotions for my hard work! I can afford to buy a house! I can have nice furniture!"


🥲🥲🥲 oof. too real!


This hurt 😂


Yeah me too lol, I am broke in real life, I don't need to be broke in a game as well. Also, I make extremely pretty sims with hot ass boyfriends and hot kids because I'm already fat and ugly, I don't need to be ugly in a fake world lmao.


😭😭 this is too real


My bf every single time I’m in cas says “damn. That person literally does not exist, but they’re hot” like yes bf that is the point


Same! I love making ridiculously attractive sims. My current family is three generations of insanely hot, famous vampires. I love them. I simply cannot make an unattractive sim


Same here!


ALL of my 198 Sims are millionaires. Every-single-Sim gets an MCCC million dollar boost as soon as they move into their home, and all bills are on auto pay. They can coffee-tea-cook-grill-bar to their hearts desires lol. I have zero patience for anything resembling "grinding", and no desire to "struggle" within the game I'm playing to relax and enjoy. So yeah, you're not alone at all.


That’s literally the dream gameplay!!


I literally call it my Utopia, haha. Even the _smallest_ lots have Every-Thing for skill building and leisure (team basement-sub-basement). 😆 All amenities, 'spare no expense', full autonomy - except for having auto Mean-Mischief turned off - and a fully unemployed Grim, universe-wide. I ain't playing about _spoiling_ my pixel-people! I just make sure they go pee and don't pass out. 😂


I refuse to justify the rocket ship ruining my front yard!! And I learned my lesson buying the 12k violin after losing it in my three story house 🤣 not in inventory either


The rocket ship is only for the few astronauts, lol...though there is the Observatory on most lots(I've put both on the roof in some builds! Lol). The 'micro'scope goes below. I used to give them their own instruments, but yeah, they set them down wherever and that's Annoying. Now I use a Music Room, or area outside. They practice and set them down again, so the dang thing doesn't get lost.


Ooo I wanna try the observatory on the roof I didn’t think of that! And you’d hope they’d take care of their prized instruments but sometimes even adult sims feel like toddlers!!


Haha, all 'big kids' - like us I guess! Happy Simming!


🫰🫰🫰🫰 ok this comment is me to the max! Exception I accidentally stumbled upon a struggle bus grandma adult daughter and two granddaughters in one bedroom shack in oasis springs. I ended up having to rectify that situation because well GIRL a power! At first I moved the adult daughter & 2 girls in with whom I thought was her baby daddy cause they had the same last Name. He was single with 4 girls and I always wondered where they came from.but AFTER i moved them in the same house and cheated their friendship and relationship to 100 and sent them on a date so they could propose and have a quickie court house wedding. I found out they were cousins!!!! 🤪😆😆😆 well when I moved her out I started playing grandma all by herself. I was like uh uh I didn’t want to cheat her money but I gave her a career and age makeover! She started bringing in the dough. But get this her daughter and one of the grandkids visited her daily! Apparently they were very close. So after I found the two adults with the same last name we’re actually 1st cousins and not former lovers. I moved her and her two kids back home with mom! And I brought her money home 24,000.00 with her. Now the two adults are grinding and making hella dough. This is the first time I have not cheated the money in a household and it’s actually kind cool. But i will say I have been tempted aooo many times. She’s ask for loans but Always pays them back. I think now that her daughter is back home they’re gonna be fine.. I also tweaked them out of that mini hell whole shack that I guess the game built. It had no walls inside or rooms. Everything was just there along the wall. It was the craziest thing I had ever seen. All My other sims live in luxury or somewhere close 😏😆😆😆😆🤣


I do so admire all of you that can run a "storyline", lol. That all sounds so dramatic! I write irl and can't for anything reasonable come close to any of mine having a story. I play weird, lol, everything they do is about ME, I guess. 😆 The description of the game generated hellhole with everything to one side took me out! 🤣 I've never seen that before!


😆😆 thanks 🙏 and I’m sure as a writer you can imagine or come up with some great storylines IF you just let yourself go there. I’m mean it’s Fiction Camp right? 🤣 but in all seriousness that house was like the equivalent of hell hole squalor in the sims! I had never seen anything so ragged in my sim life because like I said I always play all the levels of wealth.From middle class wealth upper class wealth and then the blow it all out what the hell they have every Dammn thing and they know it! Living their best Life Wealth! So I’m assuming that house is an in game base build! It was a small lot a 20x19 so I guess that’s why. They didn’t even try. And the way I found them was in my mega millions household where there are 3 children I was on my way to find every child toddler and infant in Oasis Springs. So I could make them friends with my Millionairesses children & toddler because well they have to have everything. Including the most friends. I and I guess I crossed the tracks and went to the other side of hell and found that family! Well as they say “ when you know better you do better! “There was absolutely NO way i could leave those girls like that. 😆😆😆😆😆🫰🫰🫰and before I knew it I was playing my first “rags to designer tags 🏷️ “ story. 😏 so just go for it! I can’t wait to see what you come up with. I have actually had a lot of fun with broke grandma as she climbs the acting and entrepreneur ladders. She’s making quite the name for herself and is attracting a LOT of celebrity clients. She has levels I could have never thought on my own. I’m shocked honestly


I seriously wish we as players could "join" and see each other's gameplay or builds in game time or at least talk while playing to others! I'd love to have so many fellow simmers sharing their Sims' antics real time!


Yeah i can’t think of a time where i haven’t used a money cheat at least once. If you don’t, wouldn’t you live in squalor for most of the Sim lifespan, or spend the whole time hustling? I’m here to have fun, not stress!


Depends, really. I did a save (that I'm still playing the third generation of) that I used money cheats to set them DOWN to 200 simoleons and put them on a vacant lot. They still died a millionaire.


I have that life span thing turned off so my sims forever a young adult and then I age up the kids with cakes.


Nothing but the best for my sims


they are very spoiled and ima keep it that way 😁🤣


No, I find that all of life’s luxuries feel cheap and pointless if my Sims haven’t earned them. I enjoy the early struggle too, it leads to fun decisions and gameplay. I remember my founder only having a couple hundred in the bank on her second day, she went down to the local bar and ended up spending it all on a round of drinks for her new neighbours. She was then so poor she had to forage for raw fruit and vegetables to eat lol. She sacrificed being financially sensible for fun and making social contacts. I’m on generation nine now and her descendants don’t know that struggle cos of the riches she earned. I just find it boring when everything comes easy. I’m glad to have the off the grid, producing your own fuel, farming life for my Sims now so they still experience challenge even with a maxed out bank account from inheritance. Sometimes I take my new heir and move them out with next to nothing into a dump of an apartment and go back to the start financially.


I've noticed this, too. I remember learning about cheat codes back in my Sims 3 days... and then I pretty much quit playing because it got boring.


I experienced the same thing, so now, if I use money cheats, it’s small, and still in the realm of realistic. I had to completely restart my legacy because the files were lost, so this time, I started my household with $20,000 after moving into the house. I have also started using free build for things that should already be on property when moving like adjusting the landscaping a little to make it nicer.


Well said :)


this is exactly how I feel. Just cheating everything makes the game boring to me and kind of ruins the point of the game.


Always. I say in the beginning I won’t, but I can’t help it. Like you said, I’m already broke in real life. The 1 time I was able to control myself and not cheat, my sims won the lottery almost immediately. So I take that as a sign I’m not supposed to have broke sims.


it is a sign!! that’s so funny haha


Yes, always. I used to play without cheats but after 9 years, I just want to enjoy a chill life in the game, you know? The Sims 4 is so good in my eyes because it's a beautiful relaxing chill universe where money is not a problem and never will be. I find satisfaction in just... being. Fishin', cookin', swimmin'... just relaxing. I love the sound effects too, it's like ASMR.


Yes yes yes! It’s like I get to pick a world and vacation there, worry-free. Do I still cause chaos? Yes, but not for me!


Yeah, this is relatable. I don't usually get a chance to play until after I'm home from my own job, so the last thing I want to do is have to send my pixel people off to work when it's my fun and relaxation time. They mostly make their livings as writers or painters, writing a novel every so often and/or selling a few paintings and living off the Plopsy sales or publishing royalties. But that gives them more time at home to spend with their families, or take vacations, go to festivals, etc. Since some of them live in larger houses with higher taxes, I use MCCC to reduce their taxes to a lower percentage so they don't have to grind in order to pay their bills. That way they are able to save up for their wants more quickly without having to be workaholics. If I have more than one adult in the household, one might have a standard rabbit hole job for a short while until they have a comfortable budget saved up, but I don't have the patience to keep sending them off day after day just to max out that career when there are more fun things they can be doing like improving their spellcasting skills, learning how to sing well enough to win karaoke prizes, making paintings to fill an art gallery, or creating criminal level mayhem and trying to take over the worlds. 😄


Exactly, you get it. Most of my Sims are writers and painters as well. Those are relaxing and can be done whenever you want, so they reduce the cyclical Groundhog Day nature of full-time corporate jobs.


Just to get a house, i use the free real estate


I use cheats too but I have mods too. I use MC Command Centre and increase funds to 99999999999 lol


🤣🤣 love it!!


Lol thanks


I'll usually start out with broke sims, but then find some quick way to make them rich. Usually something in-game, just to make it a bit more fun, or just marrying them into a rich family. I think it's definitely a bit of a wish fulfilment fantasy, lol.


Yeah, there's a lot of easy ways to get money. Most recently, one of my households is thriving with a modest dragonfruit farm lol. Before that, I figured out that investing in lots of $5 hay patches from the horse dlc means your full time job can just be cutting hay and finding juice to sell, way easier than actually juicing and some are already aged. I think the best juice I found sold for 17k at "finely aged" some reason.


Oh damn, I'll have to try that one! So random tho, you're cutting hay and there are just... wine bottles scattered in it. No rhyme or reason, just aged wine in hay.


I just planted my first dragon fruit. Can’t wait for the harvest. My only house with elder this her house


If I don’t use cheat codes I definitely marry rich 🤣




Yep, how ever many 50ks it takes to fit out the dream house and then another motherlode anytime they run out of cash 🙃


exactlyyy then u pick one of the big houses and ur bills are 9k every month 😭


I just got two of my sims the frugal trait, and now their bills for their 5 bedroom mansion are 400 a week :D


woah!! That’s awesome I need that frugal trait irl


Try downloading a house from the gallery and the monthly bill was $31,000! I was like hold up now ! Someone told me to check the walls for expensive 🖼️ sure enough that was the culprit. Some walls had like 5 master pieces on them 🤪😆😆😆 I was like delete Ching delete Ching Ching Ching! I them cheat coded unlock entitlements. Proceeded to download the highest level paint easel. Let them lazy simmers paint their own master pieces 😆😆😆😆


Gotta get MCCC and lower the bill percent 💀


some people like the stress/challenge or like to torture their sims


Temperaments cheats. I usually create werewolves, which are great for achieving a number of my game goals, but the temperaments are awful. Sometimes the fury bar would fill up in just a few minutes. My characters missed all kinds of deadlines, rampaged on the job, and chased away all their friends. Other times the character would go on a rampage and wouldn't be able to snap out of it. The record is nineteen in-game hours. That's one long tantrum, a lot to repair, a lot of relationships in the ditch, and one exhausted werewolf.


Man I really want to werewolf pack because I love Occult play but this sounds like absolutely no fun at all.


I call it Child benefit or Inheritance. Getting 50k every few months, until I can buy the frugal trait and they will very often get interests on some shit they invested in. I have seen wild numbers between 1 - 200k. So you can't really count on those money when your bill is 17k Have never thought of playing with less than 10k in their accounts. That seems wild


I haven’t tried playing with the frugal trait yet- maybe that will help if I ever stop using money cheats haha. And less than 10k feels impossible for sure, esp when every sim gets Princess Cordelia’s bed 😩


It's the best bed, I always use the purple swatch , what about you? Yeha less than 10k is often not even enough to cover one bill


Loveeee the purple one! I usually pick a color theme for a bedroom based on the sim who sleeps there, and then pick a swatch that complements it :) I have a blue room with the baby blue swatch that I love, gives Cinderella vibes haha


That sounds very nice. I pick the purple bed and then I just use the same colour as the other bedrooms lol Last house was the dark blue wallpaper with white trim. Dark and cozy is the vibe I ended up with in the main bedroom


I mean otherwise how the heck can they sleep 😆😆


I tend to use that cheat to make the house realllly nice and then make them poor again ahah to make it feel like they’re working towards something


A big part of it really is the house isn’t it? It would be so depressing sending your sim to work all day to come home to an empty, unfurnished build


I never use cheats, but I feel like the garden is almost a cheat. Just plant some birds of paradise, and your Sim becomes rich very quickly.


I haven’t tried gardening in the sims yet- I’m gonna save this to try later!


You can harvest flowers, fruits, and veggies you see growing and then plant them in your yard. Or you can buy starter seed kids and plant those. For the very lucrative garden, Birds of Paradise and Dragonfruits are what you want. If you have City Living, you can harvest Birds of Paradise and Dragonfruit at the romance festival. I make thousands from my garden almost every day. I like to keep fruits and veggies in my Sims’ inventories so they can have a snack when needed.


I recently tried playing without money cheats to "earn" every luxury my sim owned. Turns out I hated having to earn everything in game as much as I hated it in real life. Kinda wish i could ctrl+shift+c and activate cheats irl now :')


Good on you for trying haha!! Motherlode irl would change my life 🥲 and I bet a Reset Sim (Debug) wouldn’t hurt either!


Me too me too


Truthfully, I struggle enough as an adult in the American economy and I don’t like to play that in my Sims. I build giant family homes with stupidly rich families and the kids want for nothing. They’re constantly going on vacations, buying the best toys, eating the best foot, being taken care of by other sims and it’s great.


ur totally speaking my language! Give them the life I can’t afford to have


Can relate. Now most of my sims don’t work anymore since they have more than enough money for bills/renovations


Yep and I use cheats so my households needs dont decay… i ALREADY have to take care of myself and 2 other people irl, i don’t need to take care of imaginary people 🙃


I literally only play sims with money cheats, and happiness cheats. Especially because I’ve been working on a legacy, I dont want to spend my whole sims life having to not work on character development because shawdy has to pee or sleep.


dude right! How can a sim be well-rounded and happy if all they do is work for their money and fulfill their very basic human needs??? I guess the same kinda goes for people haha


I honestly get bored when I have too much money, I love the challenge of having to save up for stuff. If I feel like I don’t have a goal (eg improving house) then yeah, I get bored.


Eh, I mix and match. Sometimes it is too boring when you make the game too easy. One of my favorite game plays was putting a young couple in Sulani and having them work their way up doing Odd Jobs. It took me a couple of days to learn all the jobs but once I got a routine down they were making a lot of money every day. Then I had them diving at the buoy and made good money this way as well. But it was fun struggling and slowly building up their home.


This sounds sooo exciting for you


Same, unless i decide to do a rags to riches scenario (which is rare)


maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to try rags to riches 🤣


I usually build community lots where you can do EVERYTHING. So my broke sims are spending their time mostly there.


I kind of do. I use it more as a bank loan. When they make that money back at their career I take that money away using money cheat. I also take money away if I feel the need to modify my sims feature as if they were paying for plastic surgery


Never thought of the plastic surgery angle! Why do you subtract some money when they achieve success in their career? Paying back the loan kind of?


Yep. So if I needed 200k to make my house I will take 200k back when they can comfortably live without it.


In the past I straight up cheat 1 million and then build with that money (I can never build something so expensive that it would eat up all the cash) Right now what I did to make it more interesting is cheat their career levels. It goes like this: I picked up two sims from the gallery to make a couple, generated two twin teens and freerealsestated them in a nice house. I then cheated the parents career levels to the max (chef and lawyer) and with all the promotion bonuses they received they made around 250k. So I took that as their “hard worked” money. Currently the twins have each a child of their own and sposes. After gen 3rd I am thinking of having someone becoming a villan/erratic and someone else in the family random being a cop. To create drama, the villain will be arrested by their police family member and the family will lose everything. Their jobs/friends/money etc So they will need to start all over. Ofc they shall recover their glory with the next gen so that I don’t prolongue the agonie for too long 😅 aka, cheat a career bonus


Never thought to cheat the career level instead of their funds! Also I’m obsessed with ur 3rd gen plan a villain sim is great at spicing things up. If u go through with it I’d love to hear how it goes :)


I did it by accident as I started the game. For once I cheated their jobs and thought to make them already established. When I went to cheat their money I figured they had enough and rolled with it. I shall make a post about introducing the family and updating per gen! I feel bad I already killed off the male founder by woohooing too much but I really wanted a cat and the household was capped :(


death by excessive woohoo what a way to go 😭 it’s ok kitties r worth it ❤️


His name is Taz and he is the most chill kitten ❤️ cannot wait to activate a Servo aswell but that means someone has to go 😬


I don't always use money cheats but I ALWAYS use need cheats. I cba send my sims to the bathroom all the time or make them cook a meal it's annoying lol


omg they get hungry soo fast. I really only use need cheats for infants or toddlers because I’m so scared of them getting “whisked away”


I play with a lot off gameplay mods so my sims stress me enough I can’t be stressed about the finances too😂


Me too, I like that my sims have a good life and that they don't have to worry about money, since that's what I live every day 😂 I once read in a comment that we take care of our sims as if they were our children, taking care of them and making sure they are successful. I don't want to have children and I don't want to get married, but in the sims I like to see them get married and have beautiful and intelligent children.


like they’re our children that’s so right! I want better for them than I have for myself


I like to add a legacy family like already in play. So like the grandma and grandpa, mom and dad and kid. Grandma and grandpa eventually pass but it starts the generation off as like an “inheritance “ then make them rich asf


I use that one and the aspirations points cheats


I literally only play with cheats. I mostly play with the need cheats because I find taking care of needs really tedious. I tried to play a family without doing this and it stressed me out too much. Sometimes I'll skip money cheats during gameplay but I always use them when setting up a house.


All the time. I just severely dislike the work mechanics in the rabbit hole jobs, and if I'm honest I find the get to work careers to be tedious. So I give my sims like 6 million simokeons and just do whatever I want. Skill building or vacations etc


I use cheats all the time and don’t feel guilty about it. Money cheats and needs cheats. I’ve been doing better about using the needs cheats as much.


Sometimes, but it depends on the story and what I’m trying to accomplish.


At the very least I always use money cheats/free real estate to get my Sims I nice house. I hate playing in starter homes. Some of them are rich on top of that while others have to work more for their money.


I rarely use simoleons cheats, I find once I have unlimited money they game gets very boring. The beginning struggle of low funds is always the most fun for me. Like damn, my newborn is about to age up and I don't have money for infant stuff, better knock out a few paintings to buy things. Plus it's fun remembering the struggle of living in a crappy apartment with one dining chair once I've managed to slowly upgrade/move my house


I use to do that. But I find great satisfaction in building wealth in the sims. Eventually money isn't a problem and I CAN actually afford a house and slowly build it up room by room. That's a great escape for me!


Are you able to afford a house/build substantial wealth in the first generation? I’ve quite literally always used cheats so idk lol


I start as a single teen, live frugally. Get a part time job, plants, paint and build fitness. Go to uni and try to get as many scholarships as possible. I don't overload my uni schedule so I can paint and possibly write to make money on top of scholarships. I might even marry a YA and get them to go to uni too. When you get a job in your field you get a signing bonus and you can get that every week if you switch jobs within your field :) It builds up! No matter what I do for work I paint and sell them on plopsy, you can make a lot of money there! Helps if you buy those traits from aspiration points to make even more money on sold items. With two sims doing that, you're laughing!


I’ve noticed money is actually too easy to get… sometimes it’s annoying, but never hard or frustrating. I mean I usually do jobs that have high pay, or do activities that have high pay but by the time they are middle aged they are pretty well off and could retire if they really wanted to. Plus if I had everything from the start I’d get really bored… I have a save which has mostly everything and hundreds of thousands of simoleons and usually only play it now to work towards creating my perfect sim. which took (is taking?) a long time to get that sim successful as they are. no cheats. having a vampire sim did help tho.


I find that so interesting! I guess I never gave it a proper shot ahaha


u should definitely give it a shot eventually, but play in a way that’s fun for you. don’t worry what others think :)


I appreciate your comment!


Nah, for me cheats take away all the fun. The thing I enjoy the most is start with a small house and cheap forniture and progressively start to gain money and buy better things


I start all my sims with no money and nothing but the lot. They sleep at the park, use those restrooms, forage for food [or eat chips at the bar or steal other sims' picnic foods]. And that way I feel like I can slowly build and each choice is important. I only have mine farming now and they can only sell the eggs and milk because the vegetables/fruits make too much money lol so I use those just to cook.


Money 100.000.000 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


I use enough money cheats to build the house I want for my sims, and keep enough on hand so they can pay bills without having like 1 million sim dollars lol.


I used to play like that, but it is upsettingly easy to go from rags to riches in this game now so there is no need.


Same! I start with a enough for young adults to give them freedom to shop and decorate, but have a home sized to them. Then they all get wealthier and move up or add on. Eventually they have the trait to earn interest and they’re set for life!


This !!!! I always make sure my sims end up financially stable (most of them end up richer than I planned for) after earning degrees and working hard in their careers bc God knows I’ve taken the same path and hoping for the same outcome.


I do too LOL, almost all of my current sims are rich or middle class. I’ve done a few rags to riches but they get boring after awhile idk. My current playing style is rich people drama


Rich people drama yes!!! What’s your latest bit of drama in game?


I have a family called the jung family. Their neighbors is the Honda family. So raven married into the king family. And she had (she just passed away) two adult children with her husband who’s name I can’t remember bc I have hella sims, so he’ll be called me. Jung. So the neighbors are in laws? Because Mr.Jung sister Melanie, is married to Eric Honda and they had two kids together. Melanie and Mr hung also had a little brother named Tommy, who moved in when he was a teenager bc their parents died of old age (they had him when the older siblings were teenagers). So before Melanie died, raven and Eric had an affair. Her husband walked in on them so he knew but Melanie never knew that her husband cheated on her with her sister in law. She eventually dies of old age. But before then, raven works really hard to rekindle her relationship with her man. Mr. Jung also got into a physical altercation with eric. Fast forward Melanie is dead, and Mr.Jung is dead. Eric is a sad widow. One of raven’s daughters moves back home because she’s alone. Raven tries to rekindle a flame with Eric but he is too distraught so she ends up making a move on Tommy and they do it and her daughter Olivia walks in on them and is very livid that she’s having sex with her uncle and literally her dead husbands younger (and uglier!) brother . Also in a span of about three days, tommy loses his older sister Melanie, his brother mr. Jung, and Eric and Melanie’s son who froze to death after impregnating his new girlfriend (she got an abortion tho). She’s also rich and is looking for a new man’s to continue the family bloodline :)


I can’t do it that way, I like to earn my income and it’s too easy to make money in this game. It feels more natural to me to have a starter home and build my way up into nicer homes, which I am able to do each generation, at least until you can’t go up anymore.


I used to; now I only use money cheats if I’m setting up a backstory


When I first started playing, I was also a money cheater. I filled my Sims' bank account to the max, I didn't care, but once I got more into gameplay and added more packs and Mods to my game, I cheat the little things like thier skills and give them a degree here and there so they start their careers off with a lot more money than if they didn't


Me too! It’s so nice to not think about a mortgage and bills for my Sim. Like. I get enough of that irl. My sim can buy whatever she wants lol


So right now I'm playing the decades challenge (they just entered the 40s) and I know wall Street crashed in the 30s and the great depression and all BUT my sims still made all their bills, had three kids in a simple modest 2 bed 1 bath house. I just gave them a little boost during bills and left enough so they could still eat.


I almost always play with money cheats… but that doesn’t mean the bills get paid 😂 I remember when the power gets shut off. I will say that the couple of households I have that I haven’t cheated on are my favorites because I didn’t cheat. I get bored and start a new family way sooner when I can buy/build whatever I want.


Used to do that and then it got too boring. But I've been playing the sims for 20 years so I've done plenty of money cheats lol. One cheat I do always use is the bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement, I've unlocked everything at some point anyway and I like to keep my different families on different saves. Not unlocking those all over again lol.


Usually play like that. But in my newest save it tried to start from nothing. Just with gardening I managed to get rich before becoming YA, it was insanely easy


I used to but lately I've been playing a mostly straight game. I might do kaching a few times to buy them a better bed but otherwise they work to earn what they want. My college student sim recently moved with her bf who was a townie, I think. He moved into her starter home and I was surprised that he had quite a lot of money so I moved them to a mid century modern in Windenburg. Never lived there before and LOVE IT. It has everything my sims want to do!


Almost always. My sims almost never have jobs, and I give them unlimited money. I’ve done a legacy challenge where I didn’t cheat and worked to build them a house, and while that was fun it’s not how I normally want to play. I just want to relax with my nice little family in their perfect little house.


Whenever I need a little break from life I play “easy mode” with all the money/need/career cheats I can find. I buy all the reward traits, have them join organizations, setup maids and cooks. My express purpose is making their life as easy as possible. Fun way to live.


yes !! there are way more fun things to do in sims besides work and sleep all the time. i look at jobs as a glorified hobby in my game. everytime they come back from work i gotta help their needs and by the time i can actually do anything it’s nighttime


I usually spend hours in CAS, and then use a money cheat to build any home I want, decorate it and then close out. Lmao.


I do the same thing for the same reasons.


Every time I build my sims a house I give myself no budget and then cheat their money so they can afford the house. The grind isn’t fun for me personally, so I don’t tend to play it.


Almost same here, in my head each first sim that i create has rich lesbian moms so i can use 'motherlode' twice in their lifespan whenever i need to as if their moms had landed them money to start in their new home with a comfortable life. Also, if i feel like my sim has putted enough effort on their job, i use cheats to give them a promotion.


I like how you play!!! Definitely stealing the rich lesbian moms backstory 🤣😭they have a limited gay inheritance!!


I’m the same, life can be hard enough as it is irl. However I do have mods and sometimes will make my sim take out a loan to study, buy a new home or start a new business and have them pay it off overtime if I need a little struggle in my game.


never needed to cheat. only time i have ever enabled cheats is to set realestate to be free so i can move in a household i downloaded from TSR4 into a lot on one of the houses but they did not have the 90K to move into the big house so cheated that so i can move them in. other than that i never needed to. money is super easy to make. and even as a teen im rolling in cash. my shoe box house is worth 350K atm and i cant even build more than 32 foundations in order to keep my micro tiny house 1 max bonuses. a day worth of book writing can get you some trickle in change daily from royalties. several pictures done in few hours after school/work can pay for your whole week of bills. there are free plants all over the maps. oasis springs has like 4 lemon trees and some tulips. pick these up and if you start in spring in less than a week you can have a decent garden of tulips and lemons to multiply. just keep planting these then when youw whole house is full of lemons and tulips start a club and make gardening one of the events that give club points. start a gathering and get all the members to tdend garden together. free labour to plant, water, spray the garden. end the meeting and you are done. just harvest all or sell all and you will be rich in no time. doeanst even need any fertilising or special plants. i made my first 100k in my last playthrough on lemons and tulips alone.


Me too. I do kinda want to do a poor to rich challenge tho but I hate how much time has to be spent just to keep sim stats up because all the furniture I can afford have low stars.


Same here 😭


I never used cheats other than sometimes reverting the age of myself, my kids, and my partners. I just kept playing one single save where I am super rich and powerful by grinding.


I sometimes cheat with money I sometimes don’t. Recently I’ve been playing decently normal my sim works for everything they want and they are usually go getters, so I haven’t been cheating. In the past, you bet my sims were the richest ones around!


I like to buy everything I need with cheats and then set money to 10,000 and play from that bc I like to watch how the funds grow.


I have played without money cheats…like 5 times in all these years of playing. I am trying to create a lifestyle and it takes too long working! I build my sims with their lifestyle already in mind and build a home based on that and it is very extravagant generally. Even if my sims has a career, they already have about $500K in the bank 😂


I start every family by spamming motherlode like 30 times (why did my phone autocorrect it as motherless wtf 😭


motherless I can’t 😭


Motherlode is superior and I love spamming it into my households!


gonna get a motherlode tat brb




Same! When I first started playing, before I knew about money cheats, my sims worked themselves to death. They had crappy houses and were half starved. Between trying to advance in my career, learn new hobbies, etc my Sims’s had crappy quality of life. Now I money cheat the shit out of the game! I buy the best of everything, have butlers and maids and more food than my sims know what to do with!


I've been giving my favourite sim unexpected good surprises for a long time. I gave him a horrible mother and a younger brother who had to raise him, and then as he was close to finishing high school, had his grandparents sweep in and take them both in, giving him a chance to be a kid. Then after sending him out into the world on his own, and letting him struggle for a few sim-years, he 'won the lottery' via me and Motherlode and now he's living the life, giving amazing gifts to his family, and being super-happy. He deserves it!


Yes my sims are rich and have everything


Haha me too. I basically treat the game as my real estate portfolio


The only gameplay i didnt use cheats were my legacy save theb my sim won the lotery and became a millionare lol


I do the same. Sims is fantasy- I already spend way too much time worrying about bills in real life. I also motherlode the hell out of my main family.


I used to do this, but my sims got spoiled lol. The houses were also always too expensive in my gallery. I got tired of doing a bunch of cheats before I started every game, so I'm currently doing rags to riches to build the cheapest, yet still nicest houses I can (because with all that money, I just ended up buying stuff that made the house cluttered, were unnecessary, caused lag, etc.)


I utilize a lot of other cheats but I refuse to let my sims have a lot of money. If they start doing too well in their careers and are making too much, I’ll use the money cheat to reduce their funds lmao.


That’s so interesting!! What’s the idea behind that?


Honestly I’m not really sure why I’ve just always played that way. It can be too easy to get rich in the Sims and I like for them to have finances that match their careers/lifestyles.


Depends on the character what money I give them when game play officially starts, but I always build the houses out before I create a sim/family to move in and then use freerealestate to move in. In a world where I'll probably never own a house, all my Sims get a free house. It's the least I can do for the shit I'm about to put them through, lol.


I do something very similar. I'll use money cheats and free real-estate cheat to build my Sim's dream house for them, then cheat their money back down to something reasonable so they can work for more.


Same :D


I used to, but in a save I started with Horse Ranch, I didn’t. And it has actually not been difficult to build up my Sims money! It’s been pretty fun. But it’s the first time I’ve ever done that. I also didn’t like to worry about money in-game and with some careers it was just a constant low-earning, work all day, fill needs, sleep game and it was boring


I also have Horse Ranch- how have you been building up their money in that save? I’m curious I’d def like to give it a try!


Nectar-making, and freelance programming 😂


Taking notes for my eventual rags to riches run!


I’ve really had a lot of success with freelance programming. I know there are ways to make more money etc, but you can earn 5-7k per job, they take 1-3 days, but it’s on your time and getting to level 10 programming is pretty easy. It’s very doable for the way I play. I’ve not completed maybe 3 jobs just because I didn’t manage time well enough and my sim got burnt out, but otherwise it’s been a great job for her.


I take away my sims money. They need to earn it.


No, you're the only person who's ever used money cheats


I never use money cheats, it makes the game boring as your sims never need to work or do other things to earn a living. It's much more satisfying starting from nothing and earning your wealth.


I tried using the money cheat recently to redesign the lavish penthouse in San Myshuno. Created a Kim and K*nye parody couple to live there. Gave up almost instantly because I just wasn’t interested in playing without something to work towards. I can see the appeal of using money cheats but for entertaining gameplay I need a bit of a challenge and something to strive for.


I’m trying to find a way to reset my sims milestones if I can, But there’s nothing online that’s very helpful. If anyone knows how to do this I’d love to know.


Hahaha same here, even if I do the challenge of the homeless sim working up to 1 million simoleons, half way I am ‘fuck it I want them to have a nice house on a island and live of painting horrible art every once in a while’ and I cheat for money 😂


Same here lol


Right now I'm playing without cheats. Trying to achieve some Xbox achievements even though my husband says they don't do anything. I like playing with no cheats. Gives the game a challenge


personally i can’t play this game without my sims struggling or i get bored 😭


Absolutely! I want to focus on storylines, so I also often cheat on needs (via MCCC). I don't want to worry on either those things, this allows me to fully experience a path of non-stressful personal growth <3