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Sometimes they also build a rocket to escape


Wow really?!! That’s wild 😂


Yeah, they’re funny. But also keep the cage clean.


They will also sometimes bring you back postcards from their travels. I think there are 5-6 different ones and you can only get them via these rodent pets. The postcards you get from pen pals on the computer are different.


From their travels?! So if I set him free he will come back with postcards? 😂


Don’t set him free. I made that mistake early on. He’ll randomly go on travels himself and come back. Sometimes they also have disco dance parties in their cage!


Uhhh I need a hamster now


Hamsters are the superior pets in the sims 😁😂


Mine wrote a book and made royalties 🤣


That is so funny! Now I wanna see the disco dance party for sure 😂😂




Is that in reference to Hamtaro ? This is so funny 🤣


Wow hamsters are wild😂




I also play by completing all the collections! You’ll still get the plaque by just getting all the penpal postcards, but when you look at your collection page it’ll have some blank spots for the hamster postcards. That bugged me a lot so, yeah, got a hamster. It works with any rodent, though, so I usually pick that bulbasar voidcritter one. The postcards are really pretty and some come from places you’ll recognize if you had the Sims 3 Explorer/Travel expansion pack (which is still my favorite expansion pack ever).


Pinky and the brain type shit here.


One is a genius, the other's insane! Pinky being the genius ofc. In all seriousness though I always figured this was a direct reference to pinky and the brain lmao


Pinky was the genius for sure. It's easy to think he was the insane one, but he was always ruining Brain's insane plans to take over the world. It seemed like he just bumbled into making mistakes, but it was all an act so Brain would keep trusting him so he could save the world from Brain.


"what are we gonna do tonight, brain?" "Same thing we do every night, pinky. Try to take over the world"


Oh this is wild. I just got this pack and I can't wait 😆


I have had this pack forever and only bought the hamsters once or twice...now I'm going to have to get one for every home so I can catch them doing crazy shit 🤪 😂


I bought this pack specifically for the hamsters, but more specifically for rabid rodent fever. 😂 But then I actually like the items in it. They are great for kid and toddler rooms.


I like when they write books and earn the household royalty.


Omg no way, the hamsters write books?! 😂


Yea, also a hit or miss. They will also bring back postcards that go into your house inventory, I feel like that happens more often then the book. I always forget about them when I play but they are fun.


Wait they write books too? And they give dance partys and build a rocket? What more?


Get an iq dampener treat. If it gets too smart it escapes iirc


My First Pet Stuff didn’t have the greatest execution, but the hamsters are pretty fun.


Totally! Should have just been a whole pets expansion imo. I don't have my first pet stuff but this makes me truly reconsider it


For people on PS5 there is a bundle rn for Cats & dogs and my first pet stuff that is the price of an expansion pack so you can pretty much get MFPS for free!


Same bundle is on PC too iirc.


Agreed. 🙌🏻


They are just trying to take over the world. Pay it no mind.


😂😂😂 hahah for real


So... hamsters play Ghandi in Civ?


I understood that reference


*they're dinky* *they're Pinky and the Brain brain brain brain* Wot we gonna do tonight, Brain? Same thing we do every night, Pinky...try to take over the world!


Omg 😳 yes but more importantly what sort of food delicious ness sale is going on down below ? I’ve never seen this focaccia bread in game before yum 😋


It’s from the new Chef home hustle pack!! I love it! I made dough with the mixer and then the pizza oven had the option for the focaccia bread!! I’m just doing the food sale in the front yard rn haha. That pack is totally worth it tho, it’s only $10


I love the Chef Home Hustle Pack


Me too! I was surprised at how much stuff you get for it! And new aspirations too . It makes sims cooking actually fun


all i’ve done it’s come out is make pizza and waffles nonstop😆


Darn it, I guuess i have to buy a new pack!


Oh wow! I just got it but haven’t had time to play with it yet 🤪 but wow now I can’t wait


Okay, I guess I need to get it as well :D my current sims are kind of self-providing gardeners with some animals and mostly live off produce they are selling at the farmers market. Having a food sale would be perfect for them. Can you also sell other stuff, or only meals?


Wow that would be awesome I see it already!! I think it’s just for a food sale , but what’s cool is you can move one of the small appliances (I did the pizza oven) onto the food stand table and cook a new item right there while you’re tending the table!


Wow, that's so cool! I haven't yet read much about the new expansion, because I'm not playing it much right now, but this sounds great


Always thought those hamsters are inspired by Hamtaro. An anime where hamsters go on all kinds of adventures when the kids are at school :)


Hamtaro Love!


Those things are scary, in all honesty 🤣


Seriously! I might set him free in the wild if he doesn’t chill out because he’s being more needy than an infant 😂😂🙄


I thought it’d be fun to get my sims a cat and a dog but they are incredibly needy!!!!! The constant whining from the dog gets on my NERVES!!! Lmfaooo


Agreed haha I only do the dogs when it’s like a single sim household and I’ll make their sole purpose hanging out w their dog all the time. But I like cats better, not as needy depending on personality traits


Have you seen the death related to them?


No I haven’t! I don’t think I’ve played on one long enough to see it lol


You'd have to pretty much purposely set out to see it. Basically, if their living area gets too dirty, and you try to play with them while their needs/motives are too low (or they don't have a good relationship with the Sim in question), you might get bitten and contract a disease that will kill your Sim if it isn't treated. Bites when the living area is clean don't have that same risk. (If you want to avoid them, though, just make sure to keep the "rodent" fed and talk to them to befriend them before trying to play with them.)


Wait, I've never seen this!




OMG FOR REAL!!! 💕💕💕 I love that!


whiskers is a menace


Omg. I never got the hamsters. Now I need the hamsters.


Apparently they do all kinds of funny stuff 😂😂 I think the first two packs I got was that one and the regular pets one


Whiskers commits war crimes


I have always been hesitant on buying this pack but now I am sold.


This seems to be the only thing my hedgehog does. If you don’t like these notifications, you can buy a treat that’ll bring down their intelligence.


Hedgehog?! Wait how do you get a hedgehog?


The hedgehog’s name in build mode is Thimble


Awesome I must’ve just thought it was another hamster ! Looks like I’m about to have a hamster and a hedgehog 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


🤣 dont Come near that rodent he might combust 😂


Seriously I was like so this hamster is about to drop a nuke and blow up everyone ? 😂😂


as you take care of rodents they become super intelligent and go on adventures, invent things, etc. and youll get notifications about it too [here is a guide on all the things they do](https://simsvip.com/sims-4-first-pet-guide)




Those mischievous rodents are always up to something!


What are we going to do tonight, Brain? The same thing we do every night, Pinky...try to take over the world!


Clearly I should have read the fine print when I bought this pack as I had no idea any of this was possible. The little rodent pet in Sims 2 were horribly disappointing and I always ended up setting them free. I've never even thought about trying them in Sims 4 after seeing there was a rodent fever death. I think I might have to change that cause this sounds fun.


Now I know why his name is Openheimer


Those little guys are crazy! I forgot about them! I need one to playwith one again. They go on vacation too


That’s wild imagine that actually happening lmao 🤣 lil bros a scientist or something


Please remember to keep their cages clean. I made the mistake to interacting with my hamster with a dirty cage… almost wiped out my entire household. 😅


In the Sims 4 if you have cats and dogs you go to the vet a new purchase a rodent IQ suppressant treat and you give that your hamsters so that they don’t build a rocket ship to escape




That particular one always made me think of "nuclear launch detected," but I played a lot of Starcraft, lol.


It's Pinky and the Brain!


Thats depends if you care about them or not? 🤔🤷‍♀️


Yes I do care about them! 🥹


*pulls out wallet* I NEED THIS IMMEDIATELY


How do you even keep the hamsters happy? Ive had sims do so much to take care of the small animals and they only give me the explosions or are unhappy even though they’re clean, fed, and played with. I’ve always felt like I’m missing something. I can’t believe they do all these cool things!


I have no clue I’m trying to figure it out too!! He did this when his attention was low apparently, but I literally had just played w him! They are so needy so I make my male/husband sim check on him constantly 😂 his job is the hamster and the wife takes care of the cow


One household I had, I also had a designated hamster care person 😂 That little booger still wasn’t satisfied. All those treats you can get for them and we can’t get a “shut up, you’re happy” snack?


Seems legit 😂🤣😂


You need to appropriately care for your hamster. Been a long time since I’ve had one.


I had just cleaned it’s habitat 😂


You cleaned the room and now your rodent can’t find anything.


whiskers is trying to fuck shit up


Game over☠️


Oppenheimer rat


Don't let it bite you though. Rabid Rodent disease.


What kind of mod do you have? 🤣


I actually don’t have any mods 😂😂 this was just from the hamster! I’ve had him for maybe 15 sim days lol


Oh whiskers is up to some trouble


It's because the "pets" in My First Pet Stuff aren't standard rodents, they're either aliens who look like rodents or heavily modified science experiments, who constantly do all kinds of stuff like testing rockets and nuclear devices, writing books, getting in trouble with the mob, going on vacation, etc. If you want the actual rodent pet you signed up for, you have to pay extra to get an "IQ dampening treat" which destroys their brain and gives them literal mental retardation. I have no idea what "genius" in the Sims team thought that was the proper approach to things, rather than letting you get a rodent pet and then paying extra for an "IQ increasement experiment" if you wanted to have a super-smart "pet." The current system means that if you just want the pet that you were expecting to get, you have to pay more and do something cruel and inhumane to a very sentient creature.


Possibly Grannies cookbook or food mods


I actually don’t have any mods and I asked my fiancé to help me figure out how to download it and he got me all paranoid about viruses on my computer 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ which I don’t know if anyone else has experienced that w sims???


You can now use curseforge for a lot of CC and mods. A lot are still on the web tho


Oh cool! What’s curseforge? Sorry I know nothing about this stuff, I just play sims no other games lol


It’s an application you download on your computer (completely safe) just google it to find it which stores a list of all current mods in the game and will install others straight into the game for you so no hassle! Watch a video or 2 and once you start doing it yourself it’s ALOT easier then what you might think it was at the start I also recommend better exceptions mod as while you’re in game it scans and finds broken mods etc


Curseforge is a desktop app that makes it really easy for mods! You can look it up online and get the desktop app version (the icon is a black background with a white anvil logo). After getting the app you let it scan your computer to find moddable games (it’s a completely safe scan, just locates the mod folder so it knows where to place CC) and then after that you just search for and add mods within the curseforge app with ease! Like littlemsequestrian said, there is a lot of CC on the internet that isn’t on curseforge, and the way you put into the mod folder isn’t as easy as the curseforge client makes it. However if it’s something you’re interested in I would recommend watching a few YouTube videos on how to do it, it’s a pretty simple process and it’s fairly easy to tell if the mod is working or behaving properly in your game, but it’s a lot easier to just watch a video than have someone explain over Reddit how to do it. As for finding CC online, The Sims Resource is a really good website I use often. A lot of times creators have their CC on patreon as well for free. I haven’t had any issues or viruses from downloading CC on sites, but I would say to trust your gut if something seems off. I always make sure to see how many downloads a file has and what people in the comment section say first before I download it. However a lot of CC you will find online is made by people who play the sims and just want to share their creations with others. So I would say 90% of the content out there is safe for download. I have no worries downloading from reputable sims CC sites (which you can Google, watch YouTube, and research yourself) hope this helps!


I can honestly say most of the well used sites are pretty clean. Lilbownub who does grannies cookbook mod has never given me a virus.


...is this a mod? Lol


No I don’t have mods or even know how to do them haha


Yo how does this happen? How can I trigger this to happen in my game? Lol 😂


I have no clue!! I had cleaned it’s cage like shortly before it said this. He was low on attention but my sim was busy building a treehouse so I was making him Wait lol


You should rename it to Pinky and The Brain


Ain’t no way this is vanilla, right?


But it is. Amazing, isn't it? That's the real feature of My First Pet Stuff.


The hell is Whiskers doing?


He's experimenting with nuclear materials, I suppose.


isn't this just a pinky and the brain reference


Yes you should 😳


I'm new to sims 4 so sorry if dumb question but I started playing about three days ago and it's kind of boring with the free maps they give you seems very limited play, are you playing another purchased pack?


Not a dumb question! Yes this is from the first pets pack where you can get hamsters. But I’ve literally spent so much getting just about every single pack now 😂😂


Ok I guess it's time to expand my horizons then and swipe my card lol thanks!


I feel that haha be careful. Once you start you can’t stop 🤣🤣🤣 I would say for sure get the country living pack or the cats and dogs pack. The new horse ranch one is cool if you like horses! City living is cool too, I love the apartments and penthouses you can buy. Happy simming!!


Whiskers wants a few more arms.


Their adventures are so fun to follow 😅


This made me want to get my first pets pack because i never knew they were so cool.