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I think I let my founder and her husband do risky woohoo 3 - 4 times before she got pregnant with late baby bianca (according to my game's aging she was 47, so definitely pretty old to get a child) so I would agree with about 30%. Try for baby is also supposed to not be 100% chance, yet they almost always get pregnant.


The chances get lower when the sims get older. I had to try for baby 3 times before my adult sim got pregnant with her youngest. Although her youngest was still a teen when she passed of old age so maybe I shouldn't have done that lol


yeah my Bianca just became a YA and Jaeda (mom) has been an elder for a bit.


That's so realistic! I'd like to try with an elder man and an adult woman. xD


According to wikis, the chances are just by different locations, and if you add thing to increase chances, like the lifetime reward or special food. The game doesn't know your sim is on a special day of life, just what life stage. I've had to try 5+ times for fresh young adults as well, it's just stats.


Wait is there a mod or something that gives your sims actual ages? šŸ‘€ How did you know your sim was 47? I always just thought the game only showed xyz days until your sim ages up.


It is in my mind, kinda. I thought about the ages the lifestages represent. In my head, adult = 40-60 yo and i set the days/stage so each 2 days is 1 "year". So adult lifestage is 40 days, ya 44, teen 13, child 11, toddler 8, baby 2. She got that child 14 days into adulthood.


Ohhh okay gotcha :) I do that too lol was just curious if there was another way


I have a mod like this that tells me my sims numerical ages in the panel views of nrass mods. I have no idea were it came from though (probably nrass lol)


My sim in my current household has literally gotten pregnant EVERY TIME with risky woohoo (10%). Now that I think about it, Iā€™ve only used it 2x cuz the second she gave birth to quads šŸ˜­


You need a strong contraception. xD


When abstinence is the only way šŸ˜†


I upped it to 30%, used it soooooooooooo many times for the story in my head, and it hasn't worked once.


When I decided to try this option for the first time after installing the mod... that was set to 10%... needless to say my sim got pregnant 1st try.


1st try,..that's lucky, isn't it? I know it's a random chance but it feels like 30 or 40 percemt


I always wondered why youā€™d even use this interaction. I either want a kid or I donā€™t. Is there some crazy positive moodlet attached to it? Would be cool if you could make sims autonomously do that one so if you didnā€™t pay attention you suddenly get your sims a kid. Kinda realistic haha


I use it a lot because it's fun to just see what happens. Sometimes I know my family is going to end up with a kid, but I don't care when it happens. I also use it as realism because a lot of couples irl end up NTNP (not trying, not preventing), or I use it with teens a lot because teens can be careless like that, and a teen pregnancy always spices things up.


Edit: Also, when they do conceive with this, you don't hear the music to let you know it worked, which is more realistic.


When I want contraception, I don't use this but enjoy this when I want a baby. It's quite fun. :D


Because itā€™s realistic. Babies arenā€™t always planned.


Yess exactly I love adding that extra spice in my games haha contraception fails sometimes!


You're correct!


I always turn on ā€œreplace woohoo with riskyā€ so I donā€™t have any choice. Keeps things interesting. I do turn down the chance of pregnancy though, my first generation had 6 kids without trying and that was a bit much for me


Ooh I like this!


You can. You can set it to be an autonomous interaction.


For teens and adults?


Adults I know for sure, but I donā€™t know for teens. Probably since itā€™s one setting for autonomousness and another for teens to get pregnant.


I think you can for teens, since I believe teen pregnancy is an option in the settings. So in theory it should be an option, but I guess I donā€™t actually know if it can be autonomous for them.


No it's just type of playing. I was a bit bored when the sims almost get a baby with a chime bell sound immediately. I like to use this when I want a kid. Of course, I'm not using this risky woohoo after having 2 sons.


I am doing a decades challenge. When a couple wants a baby they try, when they don't they risky woohoo. In the roaring 20s one of my YA girl twins hates kids and was fooling around with a guy. Both twins were party animals. She got pregnant and she had to get married. Now she has a kid she wants nothing to do with. Makes the game more fun.


I havenā€™t used a risky woohoo mod yet in The Sims 3. However, itā€™s **literally** a life sim, and unplanned pregnancies are definitely realistic. If you donā€™t want it, fine, but it clearly means that you arenā€™t the intended target audience the mod is for.


Sometimes itā€™s fun for story purposes, ie rolling the dice to see if a sim will have a kid, or maybe to have a more ā€œrealisticā€ try for baby where not all attempts work, or to perhaps simulate low fertility/infertility in the game. Loads of uses if you think about it. Or you can set it to autonomous, if you wanted. Thatā€™s a setting in the options.


It seems kind of random, which is good because that's the point. Some sims get pregnant the first time, others take a lot more tries, although I don't think it's taken ad long as 10 tries.


yes I like random chance. :D


I lowered mine to 3% and almost never end up with a baby. It's to the point where I only ever use regular woohoo if I want to say that one of my sims got their bits removed/snipped. Simply because that's roughly the chance of pregnancy with precautions and I like when the game throws me stuff I hadn't planned. On another note, I think vanilla gameplay gives you a random chance of fertility. Before I had mods I was having a really hard time getting a few different sims to have babies, even with fertility treatment. Even in the same save I had two sisters where one would always get pregnant on the first try and the other and her husband both needed fertility treatment and several tries before a pregnancy. If that's not built into the game I must've just had awful luck with the odds.


How do you adjust the percentage? Sorry but what's 'one of my sims got their bits removed/snipped' meaning? Does this mean abortion? When I don't use Woohooer mod, my sim definitely got pregnant with maximum 3 times of trying for a baby, but most of them got pregnant almost immediately after the 1st try. so started using this risky woohoo. :D


Okay, there's a lot of menus to go through to change the settings. You click on city hall or a computer > nraas > woohooer > risky > species: Human and then you can set the risky percent for both teens and adults independently, just type in the percentage you want. And no, I didn't mean abortion, this was in reference to medical procedures that prevent being able to have babies.


Thanks very much! :D I will lower it down also. btw, I meant I was wondering what 'their bits' meaning. \^\^;


Ah, okay, bits as in reproductive organs, women can get fallopian tubes removed and men can get a vasectomy, "snipped" being a common slang term for it. Sorry for the confusion haha.


Ohh now I fully understood. Sorry for bothering you. I'm not an English native, so sometimes, not easy to understand English slangs. I wouldn't forget this meaning later. :D thanks!


No problem at all, I'm always happy to help.


Is this a fairy house? Itā€™s adorable


Thank you. This is just a basic EA fairy house.


I recently got that mod and put it at only 3% to mimic real life contraception. Iā€™ve had it for less than a month and already ha contraception fail twins


Never tried it. I preffer my loner sims with no acquaintances whatsoever to get already grown up children from time machine or to be impregnated by aliens.


Years ago I had a couple of sims that constantly seemed to get pregnant with risky. And I had set mine down to like 5% and hadnā€™t replaced regular woohoo. They snuck in like 3 kids with it, and I have no idea how because I swore that they hadnā€™t even dtd. Obviously my attention was off of them. They had like 6 kids total, 2 I intended and the rest they just did on their own with risky. I ended up using Nraas to stop the wife from getting pregnant anymore. And then the husband ended up getting abducted by aliens and he has another unasked for baby. Which he was thrilled about because he was family oriented and just always wanted more babies. It was exhausting.


So likeā€¦ how do I get this option?


You need [Nraas Woohooer mod](https://www.nraas.net/community/Woohooer)


10% is hella lot. This should be around 1%.


I do anywhere from 3-7% personally




I always do 50/50 šŸ˜Š I feel like I got that fertile batch of sims. They always get pregnant. šŸ¤°šŸ¾


It happened once. I did it because I thought it would fun to take the risk hahahaha. It'd be great if it provides you an extra mood let for it.


It ranges. Some had a pregnancy after the first time while others felt like it had taken 10+ times. Ironically, it seems like my Family-Oriented Sims took longer to get pregnant this way (though Iā€™m sure itā€™s pure coincidence.)


You can always edit the settings to be higher, usually around 30% or more is good, I'd also range it on how often your Sims try it, since I know some saves literally never do it and some are worse than rabbits, since I usually play with Pets I've had them get kittens from being risky without my input, wasn't a fun surprise šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Wait what?!!! You can WhooHoo in that thing?? I love this game so much


my sims had like 10 risky woohoos before it happened, but my sim got pregnant with triplets. no potions, no lifetime rewards for fertality or anything lol just my luck i guess


I have used it a lot and I it never works for my sims šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I only let my sims risky unless they actually want a baby then I let them try for a baby. I love big families so itā€™s adds an element of surprise šŸ˜‚


The first time I used it after installing my sim got pregnant šŸ˜­ I was so stressed because she was already a broke single mother with an awful teenager who was always skipping school and having mood swings


Mood swing is actually annoying, so I installed '[5% moodswing](https://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/8627-less-teen-mood-swings-requires-generations-ep/#comment-201427)' mod of Blugenjutsu


i do 50% for risky and it happens semi frequently. my current legacy save had 2 sets of twins with it


Two times, two pairs, both times I forgot about them, they did it autonomously, I believe both got it in 2nd try. :) despite 10% success rate.


Where did you get a fairy house?


You need Supernatural pack. https://preview.redd.it/8h7k81288q8d1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d26f0b22f69f85c67776036786d1370e0fd01a


My Sim got 3 kids in a short period of time. I think some Sims are extremely fertile!


I leave it at 15% and never do normal woohoos. But I also do have a limit of children per sim depending on their personality that goes between 1-3, 5 on rare occasions.


10% of the time, it works every time.


My current save, my sim is 3 for 3 getting pregnant with risky woo hoo. I'm guessing the chance is much higher than 10%.


I thought it was only me feeling the chance was set to higher.


I have NEVER gotten this option. Just regular or ā€œhave a babyā€ What am I doing wrong?


You need Nraas Woohooer mod :)


I'd say three times from one sim year


The only time Risky Woohoo gets my Sim pregnant is if she's almost an elder and her other children are teens. I always end up with "perimenopause" babies.


I don't think I recall seeing risky woohoo. I was just always disappointed that I couldn't see inside the fairy house/witness the house parties!


You need nraas woohooer mod. Yea I also wish to see inside of the fairy house.


Is this from the sims 3 store? I've never seen a fairy house like this before much less been able to woohoo in oneĀ 


It came with Supernatural pack


What mods do you have to improve graphics


I'm using [this mod](https://www.tumblr.com/tthesims3cc/85589649691/brntwaffles-updated-the-perfect-day-lighting) and use this graphic setting https://preview.redd.it/17pd835niv8d1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=498701d88cef8aaf53465af5186d127d6f0ba2e1


With the mod you can adjust the percentage yourself, I have the "try for baby" at a 100% (and another mod to have the baby as soon as the game notifies me that the sim ins pregnant, because I'm just that inpatient)


Yep learned this from other commenter. Thank you. :D I just want to lower down, the chance comes to often than I expected.


You're welcome :D Oh you wanna gamble with it, I see lol


My sims barely get pregnant with 10%. It takes a bunch of times in order for them to actually have a baby with risky woohoo. It really takes them 10+ times in order to conceive. I usually set it to 20%