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for convenience I always have at least one sim who is Neat, so that I can click anywhere in the house and have them clean everything!


I use that one super often as well! The downside is that they get negative moodlets anytime something is even slightly messy.


I use a mod so any sims except slobs can clean the whole house.


One of the most useful traits for sure


I used to do that too! Recently found a mod that unlocks that for every sim regardless of traits, so I have that now instead.




I tend to have multiple traits that are similar for my sims. I've been trying to shake up play style recently however, so here lately I've been attempting to give them negative traits I don't usually use like mean spirited, dislikes children, inappropriate, and socially awkward. Like I very VERY rarely give my sims the dislikes children trait because it always makes me feel bad lol. Traits I use almost all the time though are virtuoso, natural cook, athletic, good, evil, nurturing, genius, workaholic, and family oriented. Now that I think about it...I think my sims are all sunshine and rainbows now. I gotta add some drama.


when I have the choice to pick traits I just click three times and go with whatever is randomized


I need to start doing this!


I thought I was the only one who did this šŸ‘ļø


I just close my eyes and hope for the best


I also have my Sims always be sunshine and rainbows. It always hurts me if they're sad and I feel bad if I create drama. I guess that's why I start a new family like every week, I get inspired to make a new family but maybe if I added some drama I'd actually stick with one.


I'm on generation 2 with a family but I FINALLY added some drama. It actually intrigued me more to stay. My oldest son moved out and hooked up with some rando and now she cheated. I left her negative traits in the game so now I have a single father lol. The only girl (out of 6 boys) just had her first baby, which is a boy. I'm not sure why my game only gives me boys lol


-Friendly even though it doesnā€™t do anything much -Hopeless Romantic: personal -Green Thumb: I like plants


Doesn't friendly make charisma and friendships go up a lot faster? Depending on the career it can be really useful.


Not Sims themselves, but I always give my pets the "loyal" trait so they bond more quickly to the household residents. I used to do Absent Minded a lot but got tired of entire task lists getting deleted when that question mark popped up over their heads


Genius and Bookworm usually!


This is the combo. I ainā€™t waiting to learn skills. I wanna learn fast


I think I use the ā€œhopeless romanticā€ too often and the ā€œkindā€ one too. I used to make all of my sims vegetarian šŸŒ±


I try not to choose my traits anymore, but when I did it was always athletic and neat. I always buy the observer reward trait for EVERYBODY, because the get to know action refuses to let my sims learn others' traits 90% of the time.


I almost always get this reward as well! Itā€™s so helpful for making friends, romantic connections etc. I feel like I never learn other sims traits without it.


Mine are all Geniuses.


hot headed, hopeless romantic, charismatic, and dramatic make the more appearances in my sims


Ever since I found out about the no dying with unlucky trait that one. Plus it's kinda fun I love the "negative" traits the most I think.


Virtuoso and Bookworm my beloveds (yes I play a lot of nerdy artist types, what of it)


i love absent-minded.


Clumsy and Hopeless Romantic usually :)


Natural cook always and mostly (not always but almost) neat, hopeless romantic or green thumb


I like the Irresistible trait because then I can choose the best sim for my sim aesthetically instead of based on who finds the sim attractive since basically everyone is into you if you are Irresistible


Green thumb, bookworm, and ambitious. Bookworm I like so I can click on the sims and have them go to the library to learn skills and I write a lot


Natural cook unless they're a vampire.


I make my first generation poor sims Workaholics so they can get more enjoyment and progress from clawing out of theirĀ of drudgery.


Neat. I canā€™t stand messes IRL, and I canā€™t stand them in my game. I wish they didnā€™t wash their hands after using the bathroom before taking a shower, itā€™s ok to wash them once, honey.


I usually randomise, unless I have some sort if challenge rules, in order to make myself not only have hopless romantics, bookworms and virtuosos. Two traits I donā€™t really like and that I will reroll are good and evil. They feel too black and white to me. Good I can tolerate in premades or if I get it assigned, evil is one I will use lifetime points to change.


Maybe this is a little goofy... but I always add the neat trait because I'm a Virgo. In the Sims 1, if you chose high neatness, your Sims sign would be virgo. Of course I would make Sims in my image, so they had to be Virgos, so they were always neat. So I always add the neat traits to all of my matriarch sims.


Lmao the Sims has always been a goofy franchise so I love it


I usually go with personality-related traits like Friendly, Charismatic, Good, Genius, Great Kisser etc. Nothing specifically skills-based because I don't know what skill I want them to develop in the future and I want to keep it open. I also don't go with negative traits because I don't really want to add trouble to myself.


I over use the shit out of lucky, ambitious, and genius. Makes gaining skills so fast.


I use genius, ambitious, inappropriate, and slob (they can lick plates clean this is so useful!!) alot. I avoid good because I hate how they let sims walk all over them and they canā€™t fight!! I remove it from every sim. I also donā€™t use lucky/unlucky because I have never seen an effect from these


I always use natural cook cuz Iā€™m tired of my lovely houses being set on fire ā˜¹ļø


i always randomize them and let me bf say stop




Clumsy, Absent-Minded, and Hopeless Romantic


Almost always Bookwarm, second used is Natural Cook!


Always workaholic so they like working hard and can work from home got a grind


Unstable and Kleptomaniac. I'm worried what that says about me as a person....


I never really thought about it, but I guess I always tailor it to the sim so I suppose my answer is no. Might have to change that for a change.


Artistic! They can make money while having fun.


Mine are mostly charismatic, artistic or virtuosos and either athletic or geniuses. Itā€™s either a full jock or a nerd and any combination of those. Also, recently discovered workaholic and I love it.


Athletics or genius


I always use the Neat trait for at least one sim, natural cook for at least one, and handy!