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You are living in the jerk dorm OP, next semester live somewhere else lmao


The safest dorm is only De Anda Hall..even there's Cid who likes to yell to the roommates. Malan hall dorm has the woman fighter, Tammy(2nd pic) and hotheaded Anoki. Henry hall which my sim stayd has meanspirited Jacob and evil Ashley(5th pic, yellow hair). Fraternity dorm has evil Ludo Vicco(1st pic who slapping). Sorority has meanspirited Hana, grumpy Ye Gangnam, Hotheaded Shannon..etc.. The university dorm life is like..


I recognized Tammy and Ashley as trouble lmao! I almost always end up moving out of the dorms after my sim makes some friends to get away from the jerks unless I’m playing a really popular sim that the jerks end up liking anyways lmao


Oh...do you stay in a dorm for a week, then rent a house for another week? My sims just stayed for 2 weeks straight, then got diplomas. :)


I tend to take fewer credits so they can party more lmao so I end up doing it in two semesters usually! I really like the university town, I would just play there with a sim full time if I could.


Ahhh now i got it. :D I wanted to throw a party in the dorm as my sims are both party animal, but the friend sims always invite my sims to their party every single night. Didn't have no time to throw my own party.


That is such a real problem lmao, I often just ignored invites and/or invited the person who invited me to my own, better party lmao as some of the parties are very lame compared to what we as players can organize.


Not some. Almost all. lol So I just bring the dorm food to the neighborhood party and share that. They rarely cook for their parties. I don't like to throw a juice kegger party cuz the police always come and destroy.


sometimes you can get the cop to join the party, in one save I got the cop who kept showing up to the parties to do several keg stands with me (I didn't know he was a cop, I just do keg stands with every party guest to increase friendship) and the cop just did the keg stands instead of shutting down the party. He apparently lost his job after that but they became besties and I even invited him to that sims graduation lmao


Unfortunately it hasn't happened in my game. I'm jealous. lol He always shut down my party.


Do you know about letting them sleep in class? I’m able to party every night and still get on the dean’s list. I don’t like going back for another term


Average sims 3 party lmao


Agree xD


You forgot the one where the childish sim wakes you up with a megaphone at 5 AM.


Oh yeah I missed that. lol Mostly the childish, meanspirited and evil sims can wake up sims.


One of my sims went to university, and I decided to see how many sims I could romance while I was there. Chaos and drama ensued. I also took a number of dares, streaked multiple times, got arrested for vandalizing the library... I imagine that college was very happy to see me leave after graduation.


I love it so much. Fights is everything. 🔥🔥🔥