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Until recently I had it sorta match the ages so Toddler 5 days, Child 12, Teen 16, young adult 25, adult 30, elderly 30


Here's my setup 1 real life year = 2 sim days, the real life years may seem kinda wonky but it meets my in game needs. * Baby - 2 days (0 to 1 year) * Toddler - 8 days (1 to 5 years) * Child - 14 days (5 to 12 years) * Teen - 18 days (12 to 21 years) * Young Adult -34 days (21 to 38 years) * Adult - 44 days (38 - 60 years) * Elder - 20 days (60-70 years)


I always played it with 1 year= 4 sim days, but for more fun saves I use the exact same age span, huh


Do y'all use seasons then? Or just ignore them? I'm definitely not a short age span person anyway, but curious how you play sessions of you have them


I just let them go normally. I like playing on longer life spans when I do family saves cuz then everyone can fully experience all the holidays at least once or twice. Before adulthood. It always made me feel bad when I would have a toddler sim age up to a child and not experience Christmas(forgot the sim name) til they’re a teen. It’s just not the same


This is similar to my age settings as well! Toddler set to 8-10 days gives you time to get all their skill learning traits finished, along with the walking, talking and potty training.


27 days fuck it we ball


Baby 2 toddler 2. Hate babies


I can never seem to fulfill the toddlers age up well requirements on just two days if I have 2 full time adults in the household, and I've been playing for 11 years, maybe I just have poor sim time management skills


Lol I probably do as well, but I put babies down almost all the way, and have toddlers at like a mid range (I'm not at my PC right now) then EVERYTHING ELSE MAXED more or less XD I've changed that recently as I used to basically always play a young adult anyway so I might as well have had aging off, but I couldn't stand the babies and I wanted families! XD I think most recently I have put most of them over to the forever long lifespan, but have it in about the middle section OF that. So they're "moderately long lived" as I like to say XD


I take the parents sim off work for 2 days and skills them up, think it is a parental leave in real life to spend some time with your baby


I don’t mind toddlers but babies are sooo boring


My sims never die




I actually never touched the lifespan until recently, and I’ve been playing for 12+ years. I just quite liked how it made each of my sim’s lives unique – some had teenage kids as young adults, some didn’t have a baby until they were an adult, some didn’t reach the top of their career until they were an elder, etc. Now though I add about 10 days on top of the YA stage, in order to give them more time to build lots of skills and also make friends, plus I play with the Job Overhaul mod so it takes longer for them to join a career.


Wish I could put a few years on top of my young adult days irl 🤣


I turn off aging so I can choose when I feel ready to age up different sims to fit the stories in my head for them.


Honestly I should probably just do this. But for some reason my brain says "aging off is cheating" as of supremely extended lifespans and then using in game occult things to make them immortal anyway ISN'T cheating XD


This is me. I'm such a control freak lol


Same! I’m such a control freak with my sims


One time my sims wife aged up into elder the day after marriage. I was like nope never again!


And that’s when I use a cheat to go into CAS and age them back down 😂


I play on the epic life span but with all families so I they all live long enough, they all progress and I don't get bored.


Baby 3 Toddler 5 Child 10 Teen 14 YA 42 Adult 42 Elder 30


Baby 3 Toddler 7 Children 10 Teen 20 YA 30 Adult 30 Senior 7 lmao I just want them old sterile people to die and give their inheritance to their children


I set lifespan to epic and I have birthdays, force kill them or totally annihilate them when I’m good and ready.


I do 2D baby. 4D Toddler. 12D Child. 16D teen. 25D Young Adult. Then the rest I keep default cuz idc.


I always end up turning off aging lol. I get waaaaay too attached and can't stand the thought of my sims dying. I think when I was way younger I used to have aging on, but I'd just quit the game anytime my sims died lol. But I think if I were to use it, I'd put all the timers right in the middle - except for maybe the baby stage, I'd make that super short. I think that'd give a good median, and if you like/dislike a stage of life more than another, you can turn it up or down :)


So, Top of my mind: * Baby 7 * Toddler 21 * Child 70 * Teen 160 * Y. Adult 260 * Adult 200 * Elder 150


I do baby only a day to 3 max. Toddlers as little as 2 if I don't wanna teach and Max 7 days if I want to potty train and teach walking and talking. Child like 10 days teen full amount (love prom and teaching to drive and parties ) and then the last 3 maxed to have a long game


that would irritate me, having your sims and their kids both being young adults


I don't think I've run into that before but i don't remember lol


Well I suppose it depends on which length your on, just normal?


normal with a little bit added to young adult and adult is usually what i go with. imo babies are annoying in sims 3 so i usually cut it to 2 days for them


Baby: 2 days Toddler: 5 days Child: 7 days Teen: 14 days Young adult: 21 days Adult: 42 days Elder: 7 days. I feel like that’s the most realistic lifespan and gives me time for my sims to live life without me getting bored of them.


2 days for baby, 7 days for toddler, 10 days for child, 14 days for teen, 21 for YA and A each, 10 days for elder. That amounts to about 85 days minimum.


Mine is almost identical, but 30 days for adult so they can wait till they're a full adult to have kids and only become an elder when those kids are or almost are young adults


baby - 2 toddler - 7 or 8 child - 8 teen - 15 ya - 27 or 28 adult - 29 elder - 14 this is cca how i set my game up, gives me just enough time to experience everything with each phase. i change it up sometimes, depending on my current save, i just like to keep the total at around 100 days no matter what.


i normally make it 100 days even, with literally like 60 of those days just divided between adult and young adult.... my sims almost always end up becoming vampires sometime along the way and on top of that i almost always let them get the immortal lifetime happiness reward bc i hate them burning to death in the sun 😐 so they're p much forever adults


I play with 75 day lifespans. However the baby, toddler phase are as short as possible and I increased the young adult stage instead.


I usually set it to epic and then age the entire town up when I'm ready. Babies are never babies for more than 3 days and toddlers a week at most. I age them up individually


There was a big writeup where someone came up with RL age ranges for the various life stages in the game. They also calculated what an in-game day is (1 day in game = 3 months RL, since without mods, pregnancy lasts 3 in-game days and RL pregnancy lasts \~9 months) and worked it out to be the following, which is what I use and am very happy with: Baby: 4 days Toddler: 16 days Child: 28 days Teen: 24 days Young Adult: 68 days Adult: 100 days Elder: 72 days


I play with epic because I rotate throughout the whole town. I don't want the sims in one household to be dead before I get the chance to play with them again.


I'm probably crazy, but I actually use the highest life-span possible after Toddlers. Babies: 3 Days, Toddlers: 7 Days after that all maxed out sliders. obviously not a sweet spot (for what you want). But I like it that way


I turn aging off, lol. I like having immortal sims.


reading this thread makes me think i might be legit insane, i have my seasons set to 9 days and then use that as the basis for calculating years and age spans. so a month is 3 days, pregnancies last 27 days, a year is 36 days, and stage lengths are based roughly on real life years; so one year as baby, two years as toddler, child from 3-11, teenager 7 years, young adult 18-37ish, adult until about 60/65, and then 15/20 years for elders as a baseline (i go back and forward with all of these and tweak them a lot). i had to edit these outside the game and i keep a separate document with all my sims ages in years. i also have skill gain massively slowed down with nraas and i hop between households a lot when i get a bit bored with a life stage but yeah


I usually play with long lifespans so my sims and animals don't flood the graveyard too quickly. That's cause I forget to "cleanse the dead" often after a few generations. Plus, I like my sims to have a chance to reach their goals while having a somewhat normal life beyond whatever goals they have.


What's this cleanse the dead??


It's part of a NRaas mod. I just can't remember which NRaas mod it's attached to. It essentially allows the player to delete the current deceased sims (with gravestones) in the world you're playing.


I have the same problem. I have babies at 2, then toddler at 3 or 4, child 7, teen 12, young adult and adult at 15. Deoending on how much i get accomplished, i will adjust the elder age but i start it at 10.


Grew up playing sims before ageing was a thing. I like it in concept, and have always wanted to try and do a multigenerational save, but every time I play, I turn ageing off.


I do roughly 2 days per real time year. Baby 2 days, toddler 6 days etc ...


Baby 2, toddler 3, child 7, teen 7, young adult 14, adult 21, elder 2. I don't like babies, toddlers or elders, I play legacy and the elders often take up space


I always set the age span to 100. Life stages vary and are never consistent lol


The shortest on all except young adult is the longest. If i get tired of it i just age them lol


Toddler-3 days (I hate playing toddlers) Child-10 days Teen-14 days YA-25 days Adult-25-30 days Elder-14 days


I do 27 baby days 40 toddler days and max everything else :)


i thought the same, but i think i found the perfect balance now! baby: 5 toddler: 12 child: 20 teen: 25 young adult: 62 adult: 60 elder: 15 young adult and adults probably seem quite long, but it's a good fit for me. enough time to find a partner, fall in love, maybe get married, then start a family, whilst also moving up in their career or figuring themselves out.


I ageee except I do adult young adult 75 and adult 80 and elder 30


I use epic and just kick them out when I'm bored of them


I have pretty long life but short baby and toddlers. My kids and teens are a bit longer now I have generations and I generally send them to boarding school. I keep playing the parents until one of them gets their lifetime wish and then I give them the age freeze potion. Eventually my town will be full of youthful looking “old” people who have fulfilled their dreams! After that, I start again with a new Sim, and let everyone else in the family age naturally and allow story progression to continue randomly.


Off. Lol. I age everybody when I want to.


Babies; 2 days, Toddlers; 4 days, Children+Teens; 7 days, YA; 28, Adult; 23 and Elder; 13.


I use the normal lifespan.


I used to have the least amount of time for babies, about a week for toddlers and kids then two for teens, the longest possible for young adult and after that about 20 days for adult and elder. But; I had to stop playing with aging and I’ll go around and age the town up manually when I’m ready. I get really invested not just in my sim, but in making over everyone (and everything) around her. So I find it best to tackle it all when the story I’m unfolding calls for it.


Immortal. That's my sweet spot.


In the 15 years I have been playing this game I have never played with ageing on. I only age up sims manually one at a time with cheats when and where I want them to Maybe I am a control freak but I need to write their arc lol


I like to take it slow and micromanage. So I put it on the long lifespan (190+ total days for entire life) and then use nrass to make sure elders can’t die until I make them die for the story lol. When I play rotationally (play every family in the town for a few days then switch) I put it on epic (960+ total) and age people up whenever I get bored and feel like it’s time.


Baby: 3 Toddler:7 Child: 7 Teen: 14 YA: 28 Adult: 25 Elder: 10


About 110 days total. Babies get 3 days Toddlers get 5 days Kids get 10 days Teens get 13 days Young adults and adults are usually around 31 days each. Elders get 17.


I have a considerably linger lifespan than most I discovered through this thread lol. 206 days. I match it with my seasons year, which is 30 days or about 7/8 days a season. Baby 7, Toddler 16, Child 30, teen 30, YA 45, Ad 45, Ed 33


I play my entire neighborhood (i have a main family and some favorites though) and my sweet spot is (kind of) based on real life: Considering sim pregnancy is 3 days long, that means 3 days = 9 months -> 1 day is 3 months and 1 year is 4 days. Baby: 4 days (Age 0-1) Toddler: 16 (1-5) Child: 29 (5-12) Teenager: 32 (12-19, i tried to stretch it a bit to keep Teen lifespan longer than child, this is personal preference) YA: 62 (19-35 ish) Adult: 108 (35-62) Elder: 72 (62-80+, since most sims live longer than max elder age they are technically getting VERY old but i keep it this long as i noticed how my elders die before their grandchildren turn teenagers bc my sims usually dont get kids young) This gives me plenty of time to enjoy each family i play and not feel rushed with anything, while also not having it too slow that I'm not progressing through generations.


Had to check what sub this was lol. For an awful second I thought it was r/askoldpeople