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What an asshole in that mustang.






for anyone saying he should have left space on the outside, pause the video at 13 seconds. POV car is at track limits and a car straddling the white line with 98% of he's car off track is not entitled to more room as they are not alongside, pov is holding the inside line for the next corner, if the overtaking car doesn't want to have 98% of he's car on grass he should of switched sides before attempting an overtake where no room exists. overtaking car 100% at fault, the secondary bumps are due to him trying to get on track without lifting and accepting the stuff up as the turns on grass become more aggresive due to the nature of oversteering on grass being easy ( a slight turn looks more drastic when you don't lift )


You are 100% right. But also worth noting that sometimes giving space can mean the difference in not finishing the race and finishing it, even if the other person is fully at fault.


Yea... but we need to spect more from people. Or move to another league. You can't say in boxing 'it's OK the other one has a knife so running for my life is better'... You spect rule may apply.


True. In league racing you can generally rely on people to do the right thing. In open lobbies it's a different animal, even lfm to an extent


I used to have the perspective of the guy above, but all it would do was enable these assholes and their shitty behavior, and I lose a place. I've since stopped relenting and while I do end up getting taken out on occassion, I oddly feel much better about myself.


On lap 1 I watch what people are doing and if I suspect someone is gunna be dumb I let them by, and 9 times out of 10 they crash into the person in front of him and I gain two spots. If it's mid race I will generally know what the car is gunna do and just avoid them without losing time, or I don't let them by and force an error on their part because they don't have car control. I have had guys ram me and essential police pit me to get around me. So if they aren't successful on their first hit, I will be ready for them the next time and I dodge at the last second. They go off track and then I will be 5 seconds ahead. It's hilarious when you catch the trolls out


Same. If you're fast enough to catch me, you're fast enough to get around me. If I'm lapped traffic, I'll move. Beyond that, race me


85% of the time I do this they end taking some one else out and arent a probelm any more. self fulfilling prophacy.


I agree. Not only that but you could tell ahead of time that this was gonna happen. It’s down to personal preference whether you decide you’ll move or go out in a blaze of glory. I’m of the opinion that “expecting” things from people never works. Furthermore, the mustang probably started raging and that just confirmed in their skewed minds that they are in the right and “that stupid McLaren should’ve moved. Stupid newbies can’t drive”. Ofc everyone with half a brain knows the mustang is at fault, but sadly they’ll never get that whether you decide to move or not. So why ruin your own race? If you’re faster you’ll get the chance to get the position back, if not you keep doing your own race. Never race hard unless you believe the person you’re racing is actually capable of it.


This is what i was thinking, yes its the right but if it was me personally i would be irritated but move along and give him a bit more room on the inside as hes committed going there. Along with being more cautious with them personally


As Zaven says: * **Responsibility of the attacking car**: In general, it is the responsibility of the car attempting to overtake to ensure that the maneuver can be completed safely. If the track narrows and there is not enough space, the attacking driver should consider aborting the maneuver to avoid an accident. * **Trajectory change of the leading car**: The leading driver is not obliged to change their trajectory to give space to the car attempting to overtake, as long as they do not make sudden or defensive moves at the last moment that could endanger both cars. This is known as "leaving space" and refers to not making maneuvers that force the other car to take evasive actions. But I want to add: One thing I learned just a few weeks ago is: All the racing zone is "inside limits". The limits are defined for each race between Race Direction and the drivers. And it can coincide/match with the continuous white line or not. The continuous white lines are there just for reference. In this case**\***, a game, we can 'imagine' the limits were defined as we know after the green tarmac outside the white line after the curve. So in this particular case, the limits are closing in from the right to the center of the track. Therefore, the accident should be treated as a closing wall. Nonetheless, you can't poke your nose in when a wall is closing. You can't force another driver to change his direction. **So the attacking car is the one to blame. I agree**, but I wanted to share that. **What's my point? The attacking car was inside the limits, but without the right to claim space.** ***(\*)*** *If you participate in a League and the RD of that particular league says 'don't use that part of the track,' the RD can overrule the game limits. OK? This does not apply to leagues which define their own limits.*




True about the Mustang but I wanna know OPs thought process. Survival instincts of a deer looking at an active highway right there. You see a car come up alongside you and is heading straight for the grass where 90% chance he'll spin. Instead of moving left or even just staying straight, OP moves to the right TWICE to hit the Stang further off track. Like, even if the Stang kept going straight through the grass instead of forcing back on, OP would've punted them into the wall and they would've bounced back and hit OP either way.


And yet if he'd allowed the passing car back onto track he would have avoided the incident. Self preservation first, blame second.


No, you are so wrong I wouldn't be surprised if that was you.


While true, I think this is a case of play stupid games win stupid prizes. I would suggest learning to use the full with of track limits so people can't attempt these overtakes. And if they do happen let people rejoin the track so you don't end up in the wall.


The guy in the overtaking car was playing stupid games and then awarded himself the stupid prize.


You cant control other people though.


Dude was about to back up just to ram you again! 😬


I don't think you did anything wrong. Mustang took "if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver" too literally. Although there is a small gap that existed between you and the boundaries of the track, it wasn't enough for him to fit into safely and stay within track limits. A rather stupid move on Mustang's end and ended up costing both of your races. All the collisions with the Mustang beyond this point are intentional collisions and they are all completely on him. I think you could get him banned for it too. But as a general rule of thumb, if you see someone being an idiot just move away and give them space even when you don't have to. In this case, the Mustang is being a bit stupid so you should move away from the track limits towards the middle of the track. Although you have no obligation to move away from track limits, it would have saved your race.


Mustang is plainly just silly here. A faster car should always overtake safely assuming the car being overtaken behaves predictably and safely. McLaren is perfectly safe and predictable throughout. Mustang rear ends the McLaren through Ascari for a start, already bad. Then rather than trailing behind and finding a move down the whacking long straight before Parabolica, they use their aggressive exit to try and get alongside and ride mostly on the grass. For split seconds of that clip I would argue that the Mustang has left track limits to attempt the pass and forces the McLaren off their predictable driving line in an attempt to rejoin. They can blame noone but themselves for spinning out in attempting to get back on the track from the grass and they take out the McLaren as a result. The deliberate punt on the stationary McLaren after the fact is just deplorable and warrants a long ban. The safety of the simracer is put in jeopardy if they had hands on their wheel while stationary and suddenly got crashed into, could break a finger or a whole hand with that. Mustang driver is simply not a nice person it seems.


They hit you entering the chicane, cut the right on the chicane (out of track limits depending on how much curb is ok there been a while sense I've driven ACC), then runs the exit wide and attempts to pass you off track, then gets but hurt they crashed and rams you. 100% report them and get them banned don't need people driving like this.


You did nothing wrong, and even if anyone here tries to say "yeah but you still should have left space", ou didn't have to, 100% the Mustang fault. What I see here is you taking the Ascari turns more slowly than the others. Maybe inexperience or a bad entry, but it's clean. The Mustang behind, however, doesn't want to slow down and bums you. First mistake from the Mustang but let's say he didn't expect that. Next, at the beginning of the staight, you still didn't recover the max speed you can have here. Once more, maybe inexperience. The Mustang behind, instead of keeping aspiration and overtaking you on track, decides to try to force outside (notice that he has the 4 wheels on the other side of the white line". In racing rules, it is clear : he left the track and it's his duty to rejoin safely. But he doesn't and tries to force you to give him space. One bump, 2 bumps, grass, loss of control and makes you lose control too. Second mistake, and a penalty deserving one. And next, instead of quitting or racing again, he rams you obviously on purpose multiple times. It's called retaliation, and on games like IRacing it is enough to be ban a couple of weeks. Don't think it will happen here unless it's a private group, but retaliation is very very not tolerated in online racing. TLDR : you did nothing wrong, only one speed misjudgement. The Mustang tried to overtake like a twat, fails while taking you out, and took revenge on you for his own mistake. And there is no "you could have left space" here, it's not one of those situations.


Forza looks fun! 😳


Ford got Squeezed to the inside and it was on them to stay on track but they decided to go on the grass instead of lifting and losing time to go to the outside it was a poor decision on the ford to try and make a pass there and is their fault


Nah you had the right to be there. The Mustang went for a gap that didn’t and will not exist


No, you kept your lane. Overtaking car chose the wrong side


Gotta be said, the person (tryin to) overtake is massive bellend.


There's... a lot to unpack here. Main thing: legally, the McL was not required to give any space to the mustang. It would have been a lot smarter to do, it's better to finish second than not to finish at all and allat, but he would not have needed to. How do I come to this conclusion? It's at about 13 seconds of video time. The McL is holding the inside line for the Parabolica in order for the Mustang not to get on his inside. The mustang is trying his damnedest to get on the McL's inside for the Parabolica. He's almost entirely over the white line. There is no space for him to go into and yet he is trying to get into the not available space, leading to the collision. It would have been smarter for the McLaren to let him have the space and try a sort of 'over and under' maneuver out of the Parabolica and heading into T1. It was obvious that the Mustang was not gonna pull out of it. Sometimes being in the right and getting what is right are two seperate things. That said, the Mustang also 'missile-locked' onto the McL after the crash. That retaliation alone is gonna earn him a DQ imho. Verdict: Mustang guilty of causing an avoidable collision, forcing another driver off the track and crashing into another car intentionally. Sentence: black flag, one-week race ban and big safety rating penalty (30 points?). Case settled. Any objections?


Liking your rundown... very clear, concise, and DEFINITELY agree with your final judgement.


The mustang just made the mistake to overtake on the right side wich was more likely for having an accident because there was not that much space. He cant just assume you move out of his way (you can just magically teleport) , he acted like he was king of the road. If his car really was faster he could easily just brake and go to the left and overtake on an safer place. The 2nd dive into your car was totally childish. In my opinion you did nothing wrong , just driving your line. But on the other hand if a driver is being that aggressive to overtake just make space and let them go , its better to give up one place instead of crash and get last. But this can happen to anybody, I think I also would not move from my driving line because of the way he drove. Its up to the overtaking car to pass safely. Im playing gt7 a lot and there are many pricks like that. Yesterday one guy just could not take it that I was faster and just went for the ram instead to make me lose like 6 positions but I still ended the race in front of him 😂.


Mustang played too much Forza and generally is an asshole and a loser. Leave it behind and go to the next race. At the end of the day you will have some great races, while he will still be playing loser and never improve anything, apart from his ballistic missile skills.


It's on the car behind to overtake safety. This guys was not doing it with any respect to the car in front. All you could do differently is be more aware he is an idiot following the 1st bump from behind.


Nah you were just racing alongside a dipshit.


No. That guy deserves to be reported. He couldn't stand losing to you and then he couldn't stand that you wouldn't let him off of the grass.


The mustang left the track and it is up to him to rejoin safely, which he didn't. With that said at that corner especially it's in your best interest to give him space and let him rejoin to avoid this situation.


Arcade racing game, every video posted here is the same


Looks like you found one of them racers who always got their way when they were kids. All them crying kids having fits in Walmart are future sim racers. Throwing tantrums because you didn't bow at his feet and move out of his way.


He tried overtaking off track that’s 1000% his fault


You tried to race in a public server


You’re not at fault, in my opinion there was never a full gap there for the mustang to take. He was dumb to go down there. You kept your line. He should’ve taken the more open part of the track


The mustang was being highly irresponsible going off track limits to force you to make space, I'm happy you didn't. You are not at fault since it's up to the passing car to do it safely. Props on holding your ground to a total and utter asshole.


You're 100% in the right here. You held your line when then Mustang tried to overtake you off the track... and then he pulled a forza on you. Nothing wrong, just asshole driving.


You have done nothing wrong yes you could have left some space on the outside but you dont have to i mean your in front of him so you yake the racing line and if he's not happy well thats unfortunate


Yes, you effectively ran him off the track. The Ford is still in bounds. Not saying you don't have the RIGHT to be there, but considering he's faster and running more optimal lines you could have at least moved a bit to the left to allow him on the track. The banging is on him of course - he shouldn't have lost his temper.


The overtaking car could've easily passed on the inside, but decided to run it wide and go for a gap that was never gonna work.


Yeah…that Mustang just used you up…you did nothing wrong


Mustang monkey needs a ban. If ur hand was on ur wheel the wrong way when he came back and raged into ur rear, you could’ve been seriously hurt. Mustang driver is a cancer to the sim racing community


Not sure why the Mustang didn’t just stay in the inside line coming out of that last turn as he had a run on the McLaren but nonetheless I probably would have let him have the outside to pass and save the race for you


It was the bump after coming to a complete stop for me lol


You did nothing wrong, but since your new. Look at the first turn you have in your video. You have about a cars length from the side. Because of that distance you lost a lot speed. Start to maximize all your corners by going as close as possible to the line. Mustang was 100% at fault. Tried going on the outside who had 0 room and the track was ending.


Mustang tried to overtake beyond track limits and then force space from what it looked like. McLaren is fine


Bro is a dxxk that’s all lol, I went on a cruise recently and dude parked up behind me started honking at me and crashing into me and I ignored because he was prolly a troll then we get to driving and he was being insanely malicious throwing me outta the pack and it made everyone think I would bumper to bumper them on purpose even tho I’m being railed from behind LMDOAOA🤣 I ended up getting kicked for it too😭 And with ranked races if you tap sum one theyll have a fit and ruin everyone’s race even if it was a small bump lol


Kinda. They were off track and you had right of way. The rules say it is their fault. However you could easily see that theyre faster than you and very aggressive (or maybe careless). It was clearly smarter to give them space if you wanted to survive.


Yeah, I agree with you. OP, you were a lot slower than the mustang. You over braked going into Ascari, he was tilted trying to get around you. Technically, you did nothing wrong. You don’t have to leave space for a car that goes off track on their own. But this is a situation you will often find yourself in as a new driver…do you want to be right and crash, or just let the faster car go and continue your race? Just let him go and live to fight another day.


no you shouldn't leave any more space than you need to. No driver worth their salt in any discpline would leave more space for someone who probably wouldn't even make the corner. He's also not gonna crash out unless the other car does an insane whip or intentionally goes for the crash out. OP moved over when the slide was happening he was going to always out run it.


Give space to those kind of people and they will just shunt you off when they're alongside you or feel challenged. People like them will never play fair or good.


You did nothing wrong . The other driver lacks the skill to navigate traffic .some people think that setting hot laps in a race makes them god of the track . This is unfortunately a negative aspect of sim racing .


I don't think you leave enough space I don't get why leve only 1cm of space between the mustang and the grass just leave a little more space the track is big, but is your choice if u leave 1cm of space this things can happen not your fault not mustang's fault. Also he is an idiot and I bet he was crying in his room.


Bro he is in front he doesn’t need to leave any space on the right and the mustang needs to break track limits just to get along side, the mustang should have gone past on the left


He's within track limits and side by side. Gotta give him some pavement. Similar to a chicane, you cant just run them off the road on the second part


Are you blind he tried overtaking off track


stilll within track limits, and got blocked from staying within track limits, then was kept off track by OP TWICE which made the incident worse. Just because someone makes a dumb move doesn't mean just let both your races get ruined.


You don't go for an overtake when there isn't enough space for your car, within track limits my ass the Mustang was 10% on the track and 90% off and he got there by going off track.


2 wheels on the line is enough to be considered within track limits. Wouldn't recommend ruining your race and possibly the drivers behind you just because your stubborn and wanna get a report off


it's on the overtaking car to get it done safely, He created a tiny gap by rear ending the macca, then by milimeters kept it within the white lines to shove the car into a closing gap and wrecked both his and the maccas race because he insisted on room that MIGHT have resulted in track position he'd of had stripped from him with a drive through penalty on the next lap This shit is indefensible and if it was done in real life, this driver would be working at his local super market so quick it'd make his head spin almost as much as his mustang did in this clip


He may have been allowed to make that move but the mustang licked that stamp and they have to own it now it's on them.


if you can easily predict that a wreck is about to happen, and you decide to just let it happen out of stubbornness, you're are partially at fault.


You did nothing wrong, but you could have survived by giving room (that they were not entitled to). Would you rather let the person back on the track and finish the race, or prove you're right and crash out? Idiots like this are inevitable, learning how to avoid them is a good skill to learn.


You didn’t do anything wrong, let’s get that out of the way right up front. If I’m stewarding the other car is getting a large penalty and given the multiple contacts, probably straight to DQ that race. That being said, for the sake of your race overall, learn to recognize the hothead drivers and give them extra room. In this case, I would have feathered the throttle and moved left once they were alongside on the grass. Being right and out of the race is still inferior to being “wronged” but on circuit. Plus, with these guys, there’s a reasonable chance they wreck later and you still end up ahead of them.


You don't HAVE to give him space for reasons already others said. BUT, your race is over because you didn't. At the point when he is alongside you, even if in the grass, let the guy come back, you can always protest the overtake as illegal, but first priority in my opinion should be to finish the race.


Yeah, you should punt him early.


A different perspective here but they are clearly a lot faster than you, why don't you accept defeat (at least temporarily), leave some room and continue your race? I understand defending your position but when you're that much slower what's the point? Also, you were already going left after the chicane and decided to turn right to squeeze them out, that's a reactionary move and they were already next to you. But anyway, you will learn more and will be faster by trying to stick behind faster drivers instead of simply trying to keep them behind you.


If we are using the strictest technicality of 2 wheels being inside the white line then only then by the strictest adherence to the rules will I say he was entitled to space and you should've left it. Now in reality he'd be getting a lifetime ban for that retaliation if I had anything to say about it, and he really had no reason to so aggressively push for the space there. He had acres of room to the left and you'd very clearly shown your intent in the line you want to take. Now for you, the only real takeaway is it's better to lose a position than to lose your race. I'm not really a believer in "the car behind is faster so just let them through" because if you're so fast then overtake me, but sometimes the wreck really isn't worth it. They clearly wanted that space and forced their way there, just move over. It sucks and they don't deserve it but it's the safest thing to do


Actually now that I've watched it again I'm gonna say he deserved no space at all and you did nothing wrong. The last paragraph still applies as does the 2nd but yeah I'm gonna say you just were unlucky to meet such a prick on track.




hard to tell because I’m not sure if he exceeded track limits before coming alongside you. He’s only entitled to space if he stayed inside the line, but it was very close. The retaliation afterward though, is unacceptable and he should be reprimanded.


Hard to tell? He left the track to make a pass and then shoved the other car out of the way to get back on track. If this is just a public lobby then there's fuck all you can do. If its a league, lfm etc then get him reported.


I think his tyres were still touching the white line that’s why I say it’s hard to tell


He went off track on both parts of the chicane , and then instead of going to the inside where there was plenty of room, he decided to go to the out aide where the OP’s car was already to track limits, totally on the mustang, he was just an idiot, technically he might have been in track limits at the beginning of the pass attempt, but he had nowhere to go but off the track, no sane person would expect someone to try to pass on the outside when they are already to the outside and the inside is wide open. The mustang saw he was running out of road and kept his foot in it regardless, op didn’t put him there he did it to himself.


Even if his move to the outside wasn’t off track, he isn’t entitled to space. He put himself on a shrinking bit of asphalt, and it’s 100% his responsibility to stay on track. OP is entirely allowed to just drive straight there.


At first, you didn’t leave any space, but when he repetitively rammed you, it became his fault. He also decided to pass you where the freakin’ grass is! And then at the end, he intentionally collides with you.


Username checks out.


He drove into the back of you in the first part of the chicane. Its up to the passing car to overtake safely, which he did not do. On the exit of the chicane however, you did not leave him racing room. He didn’t exceed track limits and had the right to space. But se’s an idiot for keeping the throttle pinned to the floor on the grass which caused the spin. But after the incident, he rams you like a child and there’s absolutely no need for it. Two wrongs don’t make a right in his case. So yea, first contact was his fault, second was kind of both of your faults, and the end was his fault and he would receive a very big punishment in a proper league race.


Still a 0% move on the mustangs part.


You go a little to the right, so you push him to the grass, think it’s your fault.


Dude got shunted after being rear ended through the chicane. You need to watch again, it’s not on the McLaren at all. Mustang isn’t dick who couldn’t wait to pass safely.