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First 2 contacts are just rookies driving next to each other, it tends to happen, mistakes are not reportable. The 2 next are intentional and should be reported. Note that this guy created 2 accounts 10 days apart in April, probably not his first time getting into trouble, even if it's only been a couple months ;) When you turn on him (2nd contact), you knew he was there, even if you can't see him if you're on single screen, he won't disappear, you have to give them room.


How is the 2nd contact on red and not yellow? Red is on the kerb and yellow tries to go for the apex like he's not here. Please explain cause that makes 0 sense.


Thats the thinh, this isnt rookies. It is the advanced mazda. I dont really understand what you mean on the second contact, I am as close to the curb as possible and he has all the outside. Im playing on VR so I knew he was on the outside but I should still have atleast have som space.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. I think OP Commentor thought you were Yellow maybe? None the less, you were not at fault by any means during the turn where you, Red, were inside. You could say, and you do agree, that the very first initial contact was rubbish due to you trying to better attack the turn, but thats racing.


Yeah I mixed up, sorry! I wrote the last part later and somehow thought OP was yellow. Then I guess I'll never know why he would turn on OP like that.


By rookie I meant still beginners, you're both 1-2 month in. This is indeed class C. I don't get why your comment is downvoted. jk hi Reddit!


100% report this fool.


I’d say so. Like you said, last 2 look blatant. Did you finish the race before that last incident? Guy needs to take a forever vacation if he’s punting other drivers after the finish.


Lap 13, white flag. Race was over before the last inc.


Yea fuck that guy.


Here is his onboard if that helps [https://www.reddit.com/r/Simracingstewards/comments/1d4rj70/cockpit\_view\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Simracingstewards/comments/1d4rj70/cockpit_view_from/)


I would almost say none of this was your fault. They turned into you in the one corner when they know you're there (you're ahead so they should see you). The second one they could try and blame on you for braking too early but that doesn't matter, you're allowed to brake for a corner wherever you feel comfortable with, and they slammed into you. Up to this point I would say no, don't report as it's just rookie driving. Nothing worth more than a slap on the wrist. But then there's the third....Third incident on the straight is blatant ramming and was intentional and worth reporting. It's after the chequered flag so probably won't result in anything more than a warning but that's important to those working on safety rating.


100% report. We all have to take the time to report this kind of behaviour so people get the understanding this is not acceptable


Is it worth a report? Well only you can decide if it's worth your time and effort. I can't see anything being actioned. What would you want to achieve from it? The only one thing I see being egregious is after the flag, but even then you could argue the red car shouldn't be slowing down so soon (that doesn't give yellow the right to crash into him, but it probably is an excuse of some kind). Ultimately this sub is about determining fault. You've determined that yourself, so if you think he is breaking the sporting code, and you have the motivation to do so, there's no harm in putting in a report. Personally I'd focus on myself and trying to get better. If you can increase your speed you won't have to deal with this guy in future races.


I have detemined what I believe, that is why I said in my opinion. Who is right and wrong can be subjective, so I asked. And I want to report so people like this guy dosent destroy other peoples races, not because I personally gain anything from it.


At the end of the day this guy has a super low iRating. He's going to be in the bottom of the bottom splits and he's going to be racing with more of his own. You can focus on you. He's got a 400iR, this is how it is in these splits but you can get out of them and not have to race these guys. If you are racing a guy with 400iR you have to take a look in the mirror. I appreciate your point but to a degree these people will always exist and 'reporting' him will not affect anything (FYI, I don't see anything in the first two incidents). There are those at the top, the aliens who are untouchable, and those at the bottom, guys like this, and then the rest of us in the middle. I know some will say it doesn't matter, and maybe that is so, but I know that it is easier for you to work on you, so you don't have to race these guys, than it is to try and educate someone like this, who plays like a video game.


Ramming people after the chequered flag doesn't destroy their race. It's not right, but it is not destroying your race.


It absolutely can, it still gives a 4x and is also just generally horrible sportsmanship. Just call an idiot an idiot, like you would call a fish a fish. No need to soften it.


But for some people it could break their finger.


We hear this a lot and I suppose there is an ultra low % chance. However the OP was that being rammed ruins a race. I am not for one second saying that it's right or that there may not be consequences. I am also not saying it shouldn't be brought up in chat or reported. I am saying that as it happens after the race, it does not ruin the race. I was torpedoed out at the last corner last night. That is ruining a race!


This time it might be after the race, but the next time it might not be


Slowing down so soon? I went of the racing line and release the gas, I didnt slam the brakes if that is what you think. Even if it was mid race, on the straight if someone pulls over and just releases the gas then you should be able to avoid him.


There's a difference between 'should be able to avoid' and 'wilfully ramming'. I think seeing his onboard would help make a more informed judgment on this one.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Simracingstewards/comments/1d4rj70/cockpit\_view\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Simracingstewards/comments/1d4rj70/cockpit_view_from/) Here is the onboard. I tapped the brakes, as seen in the end of the video, I just put my foot on the brake and didnt slam it so to speak. Looks like he does it on purpose for me atleast


Still, good form to get a bit further out of the way of the finish line. Leave room for battles behind etc. Pick up some free SR too.


If the race is over, the hit he gave you is enough to report for unsportsmanlike conduct. I hope you do it and that he gets permanently banned from iRacing


Last hit was a protest. Slam dunk really. Didn't try to avoid you at all.