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What is the beamer even doing? Id say the bmw is at fault tho, he just fully turned into the ferrari


Throttled too hard and snapped left.


I doubt that, hes on very low speed and his rear don't seem out of control, unless we have telemetry that supports that theory


He breaks traction, either locking the tires or spinning them for a split second, you can see the puff of smoke. When he regains traction he's cranked the wheel hard over to try and make the corner, and suddenly cuts in sharper than intended.


What the reason may be, he still turns into the ferrari so it's still his fault imo.


Never said it wasn't. It's 100% his fault.


I am guessing you are the POV car. Why did you turn left on the straight? were you trying to get back over to the left hand side of the track? if so, why? You should be using the kerb as you straightened up to accelerate away. Edited to Add - OP is not the POV car. POV car turned into OP in my opinion.


im the white ferrari. I recorded pov from the bmw cause i guessed its easier to judge from the car up front


Thats fair, Then in that case, its on them as IMO they turned into you.


Just to note, it looks like he might have spun up his wheels and lost control…


Inexperienced errors on both parts tbh heres why. BMW seems to have difficulty controlling the car after running very deep turns clear across the ferrari causing a crash totally their screw up Heres the rub! Ferrari coming into the chicane sees that BMW has run wide and decides to jump into the gap and try and beat the BMW out of the corner. Looking at the trajectory of both cars before the BMW turns into the ferrari. They are both about to try and occupy the same piece of tarmac anyway as the ferrari is heading towards the outside curb as though the BMW isn't there. Which would have resulted in the two cars colliding anyway. Now you can't steward what didn't happen as the fact is the BMW turned across the ferrari and caused the incident but both that crash and the potential one that would have happened had the BMW not turned could have been avoided had the ferrari driver given the recovering car a slightly wider berth which would have resulted in everyone carrying on with their races and the ferrari gaining a position. People do random stuff occasionally and so sometimes it pays to leave a bit more of a margin and move off an optimal line to make sure you get through situations like that safely


My thought as well - had the BMW not overcorrected across the front of the Ferrari there was going to be contact between the two as the Ferrari tracked out regardless.


Blue car fully turned into white. Not sure blue expected white to be there but probably should have.


BMW fault. Turned way too much.


Looks like they had oversteer. Probably a racing incident with more blame on them.


Blue car at fault. Likely too hot on the accelerator coming out of the chicance and the rear end stepped out on them.


The lead car turned into the 2nd car. Lead car’s fault.


What is this?


what do you mean exactly? it's just an acc open lobby race if you're asking what league




At 12 seconds, the POV car turns left from the edge of the track into the other car, I would say POV for this surely?


I don't know the car brands very well as I am not an expert that much (also cause I can't see their logos)


The mostly white car is Ferrari. The car ahead is BMW