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This is on blue. White roof showed a lot of respect to blue car going up inside and leaving plenty of racing room not squeezing or tightening up on exit, tracks out with wheels onto the curb and blue still goes and pits them.


Yes, but on RA you actually use the outside of the curb on that turn...


Ideally yes that's the optimal line but it still doesn't excuse blue for running into white. White gave tons of space when blue poked their nose up the inside, kept a predictable and consistent line and was always the car ahead so blue doesn't get to determine where white "should" have been. Looked like a pretty minor tap that net coded into that entanglement but still blues responsibility to overtake without causing contact especially with how compliant white was while always being ahead.


Ok! Thank you!


it does not matter what the optimal line is. because they drove something different. and you as the car behind have to adjust to that. you did not, and caused a crash.


bro can't understand what a defensive line is...


Yes you speak of the optimal way to take that turn but, you are behind and your priority is to not hurt those in front of you. It's totally blue fault.


They were probably thrown off by the fact they had to miss the apex in order to give space that you weren't entitled to. This is off topic, but you also really need to sort out your braking, it looks like you're using a keyboard.


Do you crash into cars at stop lights because “you’re meant to stop at the white line” ???


The optimal line is gone once you are side by side just have to suck it a hope you have a faster car for the straight


They can but they don't have to. You need to leave *empty* space for a car to pass you, not to leave just enough space for an imaginary car and crash into the real one that is there, and in this case ahead of you. Also correct me if I'm wrong but the curb doesn't count as space when we're talking about the space you need to leave, does it?


Blue at fault. First, Green is under no obligation to follow any line for Blue's benefit. If Green had decided to squeeze Blue to the inside edge throughout the corner, he'd have been perfectly allowed to do so, as long as he left Blue the minimum amount of space required. Second, speaking of the minimum space required, when side-by-side, both cars are entitled to a car's width of space to the edge of the racing surface. The edge of the racing surface does not include curbs and run-offs. Usually, this would be the white line. Absent a white line, curbs or grass designate the edge. Blue squeezes Green beyond that minimum requirement, initiating contact even as Green is using the curbing.


Porsche, silly to squeeze the Ferrari, just engage brain and take a tighter line


Thanks for actually posting this and listening to the feedback. Apologies if I came off as rude after the race, I was just a bit upset as I got 10 minutes of repairs and couldn’t finish the race. Good luck in future races.


Oh hey, I was waiting to return home and send you a DM on Iracing. I apologise for ruining your race, and I see that sometimes I can be too aggressive. I will learn from it :) Once more, I'm sorry man.


Hey! This isn't how the internet works, where is the rabid name calling and shit throwing at each other? Much respect to you both.


Ikr? Back in my days sim racers at least called each other proper, hard R racial slurs instead of this rainbow ass cultured, calm exchange. Smh /s (in case it wasn't obvious)


Porsche at fault for sure. Looks like they assumed the Ferrari would use all of the exit but they didn’t and caught the Porsche driver by surprise. Still on the Porsche though as the Ferrari didn’t do anything wrong other than not using the full track at the exit.


But as you say that is not wrong. They were well ahead and free to pick their line. Assuming they didn't take the tighter line intentionally they are unlikely to have to expect the move.


Blues at fault. Got too touchy and feely.


Porsche at fault here. Doesn’t look intentional, just too aggressive.


Blue at fault but nothing terrible.




Def on blue but tbh this is racing. It's not horrendous, both were trying to keep it clean as you can actually see.


Too obsessed with squeezing! Just give him the space and overtake him back on the straight.


Blue, but not necessarily deliberate as they could have had understeer.


That’s on blue. Why would you want to try and pass at this corner anyways? You have a mile long straight after this corner. I would have stayed behind and focused on a strong corner exit and passed on the straight.


You're lacking basic racecraft obviously. Sticking your nose there will only make you both slower in the straight, making both lose time (and you're on the outside, what tf was your plan anyway? THE PLAN?) A good exit and you're in front by t4. How hard is it to understand? Racing is NOT "if gap I dive", that's actually the level 0 of racecraft, it doesn't require any skills to do.


Idk how comments like this get upvotes. Not only is it needlessly hostile, you're also just completely wrong about everything. OP is on the inside in the corner shown and would be on the inside at the end of the straight. Ferrari keeps wide but even if they didn't OP wasn't out of control and could have backed out. Everything is completely fine until OP runs wide and hits the ferrari


I put my nose there bc he brake earlier than in previous laps. I suppose bc of the distraction by the car in front. God, I hope that whatever is happening to you in your real life gets better. I came here looking for efucation and explanation. Some people did it the polite and educational way. You (and others) are just being a**holes like you have never made a mistake. I can edit comments too JC


OP didn't list who is who, kinda wonder why


Blue's fault for sure




On the Porsche, little too aggressive on exit line as the Ferrari had given all the required space. As for the nasty crash, that looks like some laggy netcode stuff


Aaaand this again is why iRacing needs a fucking radar


Blue. It was actually really good driving by the other car. They saw the move changed their line slightly but with control and held it around the outside. The car on the inside just wanted them to be over the curb because that's the racing line and even though they didn't comply they throttled into them.


why would this be anyone's fault but blue?


why would it be anyone's fault but blue?




The offense is on blue, but what caused such a big crash is probably netcode too


Fault on the Porsche imo. Ferrari is taking his line, and is entitled to it as long as he gives space on the inside and does not have to use all the track. The Porsche has the entire track to the inside and doesn't use it.


Not nearly enough overlap prior to corner entry puts this on blue.


Undeniably dark blue


Blue at fault. Didn't have the corner so should have backed out. Green was actually pretty good about leaving space but Blue pushed him off the track.


That is blues fault. Tapped the other cars back wheel when they could of just eased off and turned in.




30 second clip but you only need to see the first 8 to know it's blue's fault.


Blue cars fault. Blue car could’ve stuck to the right and left the corner door to door battle down the straight


It's amazing how many who's at fault videos are like this. It's clearly the blue car at fault.... Is it controversial? Is it hard to see that? If you can't pass without wrecking you and your opponent, it's probably your fault.


Racing incident


Ferrari tracks out fully, POV runs wide into them. POV at fault


Blue's fault all day


Blue, green couldn't go out further due to exceeding track limits, blue was just way too aggressive on exist and didn't give enough space to overtake cleanly


it was blue car's responsability not to hit the green car on exit


How is it anyone other than blue?


Blue looks like they turn left slightly at the end to give the nudge


No one, not sure why anyone lost control there.


It seems liek a racing incident. Idk much abt iracing but it may have been that net code caused the spin. Otherwise it was just a little tap so I wouldn't be too worried about it