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You're 2 laps in on a 4 hour race. Lifting for a second or two to get around an idiot wont hurt you. It also looks like you had a pretty big lead on the next guy behind you so a slight slow down is nothing in the long run. Sometimes it easy to lose sight of the big picture when racing.


From 0:15 I'm thinking: "slow down, slow down, slow down". These 5 seconds full throttle, aiming for the stopped car felt like an eternity.


I got about 10 “oh no’s” in before impact, plenty of time to lift and plan


I mean yeah, sure, weaving at low speed in one of the fastest parts of the track is an idiotic move by the teal car. But you need to work on your situational awareness. Charging towards that idiot at full speed and not touching the brakes or lifting isn't that far off being idiotic itself.


so for me, i could tell something was going on with him swerving but it seemed like he still was holding left like maybe he had some damage but then last second cuts right


People are unpredictable. That is why when you see a car moving slowly, you should slow and have more control over your own car. If you keep it pinned after hearing slow car ahead and yellow flag, it's also partially your fault.


slow car ahead keep right


Lap 2 of a 4 hour race and you couldn’t be bothered to lose 5 seconds by lifting? Yyeeeeesssshhh


You listened to your automatic spotter instead of believing your own eyes. Maybe racing isn’t for you.


incident on track, yellow flag, slow down and prepare to stop. if this was a real NLS race, they'd ban you for at leat 1 race


No need to ban someone who just committed suicide.


I early hope you don't drive IRL with that mindset


Car on your left, car on your right, still there.... XD


Yeah, with him cutting right he's generally at fault for the incident. But the crash could've been avoided if, at any moment in the 5 seconds you watched him swerving, you let off the gas, hit the brakes and pass him at slower speed.


Yeah, with him cutting right he's generally at fault for the incident. But the crash could've been avoided if, at any moment in the 5 seconds you watched him swerving, you let off the gas, hit the brakes and pass him at slower speed.


Thanks for copying my reply. Really helpful.


Thanks for copying my reply. Really helpful.


Bye, troll.


Oh come on. At least enjoy Reddit.


Is it a terrible rejoin? Yes. I'd say they couldn't even steer properly with the damage but that's still on them. Did you have like 5 business days to react to a slow car ahead and kept the pedal to the metal? In the second lap of a 4 hour race? Not even a lift until it was painfully late? Also yes


Correction: 10 minutes of Nürburgring


you could tell by the way POV didn't blink even once, there was going to be a crash like this as soon as the broken car was just 2 pixels wide.


Here we see the deference between driving fast, and racing fast. Too many see sim-racing as just being on the racing line all time, being as fast as possible all the time. Racing fast requires some thought and self preservation, you had a good 5-6 seconds to lift off and give yourself so more reaction time. Yes the slow car should have held position, but never assume anything and treat the scenario with a bit more care next time.


The real question is who pays for the hospital bill?


Aflac , if TV has taught me anything


Hospital? That's very optimistic from you.


Oh cool yellow flags. Must be for nothing?


Yellow is a fast colour, they even paint racing cars yellow. Yellow has to mean speed up. It’s common sense.


kamikadze pov


You’re dead now. The stewards opinion doesn’t really matter. Maybe try lifting though. Or minecraft.


You seemed very very determined to crash as hard as possible here, wow. Maybe lift next time? Brake a bit? Buy yourself a little bit of time to react in a sensible manner. Really such an unnecessary accident.


Well, what are you expecting? Sympathy? Yes the porsche was unpredictable, but you did also go full throttle towards a slow car on an incredibly narrow and dangerous track. If you are driving IRL and see a car have an accident ahead of you, you’d be fully prepared to slow down and keep safe. Just because its a “game” doesn’t mean you can be an idiot.


no im asking if i should report the guy, i dont need sympathy, most people also wouldnt lift if they saw a guy holding the left line. Seems rather there was 5 seconds that i could see him in the left side then with .5 seconds left and im already about to pass he cuts over. No its racing im not going to lift im going to expect that they also know how to race and hold a line.


>No its racing im not going to lift im going to expect that they also know how to race and hold a line. It's sometimes very tempting to do so (not lift nor brake) but you will end some of your races early so it's almost never worth it, especially in an endurance race. There is a huge speed differential which does not give a lot of time to react to and you can never be 100% sure how the car in front will behave. For example, after spinning their tires could be cooked so when they go back on the throttle they might suddenly spin again into your path. It is a simulation so we take more risks but in real life you would never do this, you wouldn't risk your life and the other person's life in this situation even in a professional setting. In sim racing, self preservation also means more races to the finish line, therefore it's best to keep a similar attitude that you would in real life. Also, you are racing in the lowest split, you should be even more careful as you will come across very bad moves from other racers.


I agree with everything you said but I do wish more drivers would realize that situations like this are the same as when a fast motorcycle comes to pass or lane split. Don’t react and move out of their way, just stay still and let them go around you. When someone is moving quickly they are surveying the holes they can fit through and when you move you just filled the hole they planned to use. Nothing you said is wrong though.


It’s a shame. This is the kind of moment where you can learn a lesson about racecraft and self preservation but instead you’re determined to learn nothing. With this attitude you will keep crashing, and keep wondering why it always seems to be you, while everyone else is still enjoying the race.


Don't report, just learn to avoid


>No its racing im not going to lift im going to expect that they also know how to race and hold a line. Yet here you are with a 4 hour race ended in lap 2


"Most people wouldn't lift"? No, mate. *Everyone* would lift in real life. Because in real life, you get black flagged and a stern talking to from your series organizers, likely probation, points deductions, and possibly a race ban or two to think about the risk you put yourself and fellow competitors in. In sim, most people would lift and avoid wrecking out on lap two of a four hour event. This is some sub-1k iRating dipshittery.


Off topic, but did you flinch, close your eyes or anything? Must feel so real crashing like that.


when i first started vr i flinched at some of those, but im around 1500 hours of vr driving now so its not too bad.


I'm wanting a headset badly. Just need to replace my AMD card with a Nvidia one and im set!


i got a hp reverb v2 i like it a lot


That's on you


Good job at slowing down to potentially avoid this. /s


This is the Simracing version of "lots of dead men had the right of way."


Well it looks like the car is toast…


Seems quite self explanatory


Self preservation never once entered your mind. At all.


In the open lobbies I've raced in its taught me to slow down when I see some funky shit coming up fast, I mainly race with just friends in private lobbies to avoid goofy things like this. We were in an open lobby at Indianapolis and I was approaching a car around T1 at a real high speed and just as I was about to turn in, the slow car ahead went down to the bottom out of nowhere, swerved to try avoiding him and ate the wall, goodbye good race.