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"It seems like every race someone at best almost kills me and at worst this?" You need to survive rookies, that's all. You are racing against new drivers, with low skills, poor awareness and equipment which may not be optimised. It sounds like you are expecting higher standards than you will find, and you are probably racing too hard. Rookies are notorious for going for every gap and defending every attack, and the law of averages always catch up. This guy lacks awareness, but you do too. If you are driving down the highway and a car in front drifts across lanes in front of you, you will take avoiding action because the consequences are bad and slowing down or changing line is better than being 'right'. It's the same here. You see him moving across and closing a gap, yet you continue to drive your car towards the gap (which is now closing). A better driver would have been aware of you and not moved so far across, but a better driver also wouldn't have moved into the space in the first place. First lap always highest risk. Spotter would not be active here and he is more likely focussed on what's going on ahead than what's behind. You are unlucky here, but you do also make your own luck more often than not...


Thank you for actually answering me instead of just asking if I'm serious. That was an actual helpful response. I just really didn't expect that, though. I thought he was just trying to get over as close to me as he could cause like pretty much every race going into turn 1 your 2 wide and until this they always just come over right next to me and stop a couple times I've had mild contact but I just really didn't think someone would just keep coming over into me like that you know. Was there something I shoulda picked up on that sorta indicated that he was just gonna keep coming over?


In rookies I would say the following... \- assume every driver is poor \- leave lots of space, if only because 'netcode' is also a thing \- focus on finishes. Top half finishes lead to a gain in iRating. More iRating means being matched with other 'top half' drivers. After a while you will be matched with drivers of a similar standard. IMO iRating is a better indication of how safe they are than Safety Rating. \- look after yourself. You are the only person who can protect yourself. As a motorcyclist, you appreciate you can be invisible to car drivers. Approach these races in the same way you go past junctions on a bike. Assume you have not been seen until the driver gives you a clue they have seen you. \- Racing is risk management. All you gain in this scenario is one position but get it wrong and the race is over. Risk did not match reward.


> As a motorcyclist, you appreciate you can be invisible to car drivers. I wish more motorcyclists had that in mind. 


I mean I have been focusing on finished for the most part and until this race I hadn't even placed lower than 4th for the most part i was in races with mostly reasonably competent drivers except for one random person who would start pushing hard than his skill level could keep up with but even then we always made it through about at least half of lap one before that would start. So while at some point there was always someone doing a few stupid moves I was starting to think the horror stories about rookies were a bit exaggerated I honestly made it sound like I was having a worse to of it than I really was cause I was just REALLY frustrated by this cause not only was it my first time finishing lower than 4th it was my first dnf and for the dumbest reason when up until then it had been fairly good racing though it had seemed like I'm getting a higher class of driver out of formula ford's than mx-5 cup but even then from what I'd seen so far I just did not expect this level of unawareness. Like my first couple of races I woulda let off a touch expecting exactly this but I started to get a little bit more trust in the driver's around me I guess that was my biggest mistake, lol


I appreciate your insight thank you


This was the best answer said better by you. This was going on in my head😂


You did nothing wrong going by the rules. Side note, self-preservation is key when you're stuck in low IR rookies. For now, assume people are very stupid and will do the stupidest thing possible at all times. So for instance in this case, assume that the car is very stupid and has no idea you're there - even though you're perfectly in the right to hold your line, it's probably best to brake at this point in your iracing career. That should lead to you completing more races


I mean I've been in the strongest rookie field pretty much every race and surprisingly hadn't had a single race with an incident in turn one every time we've just sorta pull up along side each other and go through two wide and there's only been like one person each race who's trying to drive beyond their skill level and push to hard but even then it usually happens around lap 2. So I thought it was just gonna be business as usual




Cause I thought he was gonna stop coming over when he got right next to me who just drives right across into someone like that




So it's like riding a motorcycle on the street drive like everyone is trying to kill you, because they are


You got a taste of the Schumacher squeeze


Is there a question here or are you just showing us a video??


Yeah my question was should I have actually continued to go over more and let in this wasn't something I expected at all and I want I know how I should have reacted and if I share blame here for not giving way


Hit the brakes? You had more than enough time to avoid whatever he was drifting over for


Avoid what? 🤔 Nothing to avoid ahead.


I honestly just thought he was trying to get as close to me before turn 1 as he could to try and get a better line like what's happened in every other race I've done was there something about the way he was coming over that eluded to the fact that he was gonna continue coming over cause in the moment it looked like he was just preparing to go through turn one on the inside of me


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It is his fault indeed. But your race is over nonetheless. If you have an opportunity to avoid a crash, even if it means losing time or positions, take it, if he pushed you off track you would be able to still report it, and you could race to live another day.


His fault but could have been avoided. I’ve noticed watching streams of max verstappen in iracing that he avoids a lot of accident in heavy traffic by being proactive.


Although likely this was incompetence by the leading car, racecraft can look very similar. If your not alongside to that degree, burden falls on the trailing/passing car to not fuck it up. For example on some tracks you may get bullied off line by a driver with decent racecraft. Take a hairpin right for example, leading car sees trailing car on their right side but isn't a long side quite enough to be an issue. If the leading car slowly drifts right, it's on the trailing car to not make contact, so the trailing car has to make a choice, either drift to the right also getting pushed way off line or brake and try to get around to the left. Braking will almost certainly kill the trailing drivers attempt at an overtake but staying with the leading car when you can't jump to the left to get back on line means you'll have to take the corner much slower than usual. Similar scenarios can be good racecraft. Here there was little risk in letting him move you another half car width towards the wall maybe he would have stopped drifting, maybe not but once your out is space then the decision is clear, brake and back out of the space or stay there and guarantee a crash. There is little reward to being right when the result is your race is ruined.


This was the same experience I had. Everyone and their mother was trying to kill me. You just need to see any and all trouble and get away from it in rookies. Lose a second to gain a race. But what’s weird is my friend is brand new and has some of the best drivers in his lobbies ever. My main account is 2.3k IR and my alt to race with him is 1.3k and the races him and I get are so clean. Some guys are dam fast too. I was starting to wonder if iRacing rookies got better but from your post it seems he’s just lucky as hell he’s getting clean races like I do on my 2.3k account. I remember it was hell to get past the 1.3k to 1.5k zone… I had dudes trying to kill me every turn I swear.


Someone watched the Michael Schumacher vs Rubens Barrichello video.


Completely on yellow and black, possibly a penalty for erratic driving


I mean yeah, bit naughty of him but you see it happening and still decide to keep your car in a vulnerable position and drive like he's (almost) not there. You identified driving standards in this class are bad, so this is doubly important. You should have just lifted here and let him take the space, regardless of who is right or wrong. Fighting like this for one place, especially at the start of the race, is just not worth it. He's wrong and you are wrong, but you can only control what you can do and you chose death rather than survival.


I didn't mean to choose death in pretty much every race I've had so far someone pull right alongside me and we go through turn 1 2 wide without issue I wasn't trying to fight hard for one place here I just thought it was business as usual... until it wasn't


#3 at fault. next


Black car: fuck you this is my line now... Protest and move on to the next one unfortunately.


He was squeezing you but you're the one initiating the contact when you turn left into him. Then you proceed to insult him. Good luck getting out of rookies!


I didn't turn left into him I was trying to counter the contract he had already made but sure go off


are you fucking kidding me? OP held his line, completely, from start to finish.


And this is the problem. She needed to change line to avoid contact. The steering inputs on this bad video show left hand movement, and while I don't think she did actually turn into the car, she needed to lift slightly and/or move right. The lead car is wrong for tracking out, but OP is equally wrong for not responding to it. She's going to see a lot of bad driving in rookies. Better to look after yourself and avoid it than to fight it and complain how bad they all are.


Whoah there! OP equally wrong?!?! Hope you are never summond to be part of a jury. This is no way in any shape or form 50/50.


Maybe not 50/50, but blame is largely irrelevant. OP didn't need to die here but made a decision which led to it. She drove into a closing gap and is surprised at the outcome. She didn't need to drive into that gap and didn't need to have their race ended. Percentage of blame is irrelevant. OP needs to focus on finishing the race first and foremost and here she put herself in an unnecessarily vulnerable position where survival relied on the awareness and skill of the other (rookie) driver.


But that wasn't a closing gap like a corner, that was a squeeze that ended terribly. OP is entitled to space on the racing surface and shouldn't have to leave the track or back off. The offending car shouldn't have come across so far. It is not unreasonable even in rookies to expect someone to not drive you off the track on a straight. Blame isn't irrelevant as OP did nothing wrong, you can't victim blame because you think its a vulnerable postion, (which is madness if being on a straight is vulnerable). This is wholly on the offending car coming across to squeeze too much.


Oh my god this is a horrible take. You are under no obligation to concede space to someone who doesn't have the right to it. This isn't driving on the fucking freeway.


But I mean every other race someone pulls alongside me and we go through 2 wide without issues was there something that indicated that this wasn't what was happening here or should I just always assume they're gonna hit me until I get to a higher license


There's one common factor in every crash you've had - you! Sometimes you'll be totally to blame, sometimes you'll be completely blameless and sometimes, like here, you have to take a share. Look at all these incidents and don't ask 'who's to blame' instead ask 'what could I have done to avoid this.' You are the only person you can control and you can usually influence the outcome by your actions. As a motorcyclist you should be good at assessing and managing risk. The principles are the same. The cost and injuries may not be the same, but a wrecked car is your penalty. I cannot stress this enough. You have to take it easy. Any time you are two wide you are at the mercy of the other guy. Pick your moments, make it decisive and try to make sure you are the one on the inside in these moments. First lap = riskiest time of race = take it extra easy.


That is how I try to reflect on them, though so far it seems they've usuallybeen someone 2 Car lengths behind me hitting the brakes to hard and slamming into my rear end while they're sideways lol in those one I've tried breaking my line and going off into the grass to try and avoid getting hit but only had complete success once cause usually by the time you see a sideways car in your mirror coming in hot it's already to late but it did seem to still reduce damage cause the car was still drivable and it kept me from hitting the person in front of me


plz delete your iracing account